Uphill NURing and lots of webs

We had 11 Bootcampers and 2 runners, quick disclaimer before getting into the warm up.

Mosey to fire station
10 Windmills IC

Mosey to pull-up bars and plank. Waterfall of 5 pull-ups, and then back down the waterfall.

Mosey to bottom of Tara Tea and partner up.
NUR uphill and run back while partner completes
50 – merkins
100- overhead claps
150 – LBCs
200 – flutters

Back to the baseball field for some core, legs and upper body webs:

Captain Thor, 1 big boy sit-up – 4 American hammers, run 10 yards; 2 BBSU – 8 AH, run 10 yards; 3 BBSU – 12 AH, run 10 yards… repeat until completion of 10 BBSU – 40 AH
Total: 55 BBSU and 220 AH

Take a lap around the field.

1 squat – 4 calf raises, run 20 yards; 2 squats – 8 calf raises, run 20 yards; 3 squats – 12 calf raises, run 20 yards… repeat until completion of 10 squats – 40 calf raises.
Total: 55 squats – 220 calf raises

Take a lap around the field.

Lots of mumble chatter while explaining this one, no running in between series this time
1 merkin – 4 shoulder taps; 2 merkins – 8 shoulder taps; 3 merkins – 12 ST; took a brake after 5-20, then another brake after 7-28 and YHC had already lost count and whining came into the game so as a crowd pleaser we repeated 7-28… finished up with 10 merkins – 40 shoulder taps.
Total: 62 merkins – 248 shoulder taps

We had a couple of minutes to go back to COT with smoked shoulders and Badlands thought it was a good idea to keep doing merkins, add 10 IC to the count. 9 for YHC, apparently my watch was out of whack and alerted me it was 0730.

Great work by everyone.

9/11 WOD at NaFo on 9/5 starting at 0600, bring sandbags and rucks.

10 year anniversary festivities start officially on Wednesday with someone named Zima at the PAINtheon games.

Final countdown happening on 9/10

Prayers and praises were lifted.

Tinsel and Kermit out…

TClap |


Thanks Slapshot for letting me Q the morning after Penn State season opener that didn’t end till after midnight…at least we WON! So seeing that football season is here, incorporated some of my son’s HS football training into the weinke.

COP: SSH (Bonasi was shocked this was the first exercise), windmills, IW, LSS. Counts were in touchdown points.

Still in COP, crowd favorite: Up / Downs

Mossy to HT side wall, wall sits while PAX sprint to O’Reilys building and complete 1 burpee.

Mossy to back of Express Oli for 10 steps up per leg

Mossy to bottom of road to Evolve Apartments. Run the hill to Tega Cay Drive 6 times (points for a touchdown), and for extra point, ran the grass hill.

Round of Flutters and leg raises

Another round of Up / Downs

Score was tied with 2 minutes left, ran the hill 3xs.

Round of Merkins

Mossy to back of O’Reilys for 10 more step ups, 14 irkins, 7 derkins

Mossy to wall for repeat wall sit/burpees

Mossy to COT for last round of Up / Downs and abs lead by Bonsai and Skipper (I think)

Thanks for oportunity!

TClap |

Week 0 Iron PAX challenge


15 Michael Phelps IC (DH gave us an abridged Michael Phelps bio during this exercise)
5 Windmills IC
15 Mountain Climbers IC


The COE Sandwich.

5 rounds
20 Thrusters with Coupon
20 Standard Merkins

3 Rounds
100ft Bear Crawl
100FT Burpee Bear Crawl back (3 burpees for every 5 broad jumps)

5 more Rounds of Coe.

Modified version offered Goblet Squats and Incline or Decline Merkins for Coe and a 100 FT mosey/Lungewalk for Brenton with 10 HR merkins at the halfway point

We decided to make it harder than the recommended 3 merkins.

Please remember to submit those times.

As always it was a tough workout but we all better for it. Today’s workout was a combination of 2 hero WOD’s I encourage you all to take the time and read up on it at F3 greenwood.

Until Next time………

Announcements…. Read the newsletter!

TClap |


WARMUP: ruck to Olafs house carrying a sandbag and ruck. Skipper gets extra credit for distance and Lutefisk gets gold star for bear hug a bag of sand
5 rounds of 3 exercises 10 reps each. All with ruck on
Sandbag cleans
Sandbag pull through with merkin
Lunges with weighted laptop bag

Then we did 3 rounds of Cinderblock curls, sandbag deadlift, squats.
COT: thanks guys for being flexible and meeting on home turf with M traveling.

TClap |

Another “Yinzer” Q @ Stockade

WARMUP: Mosey to Walgreens
20 ea. SSH (in cadence)
10 Windmill (in cadence)
Thang #1 (aka warmup)
100 ea. – Merkins
200 ea. – Squats
300 ea. – LBC’s
– lap around Walgreens

Thang #2
Round #1
2:00 Minutes total to complete run + AMRAP
1. (.17 mi lap around parking lot) – Burpies AMRAP
2. (.17 mi lap around parking lot) – Lunges AMRAP
3. (.17 mi lap around parking lot) – Monkey Humpers AMRAP
4. (.17 mi lap around parking lot) – Mountain Climbers AMRAP
Round #2
Rinse and Repeat………….goal is to beat your reps from round #1
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your news letter

TClap |

Loops n’ Lunges

THE THANG: Short disclaimer then a 1/3 Mile Mosey to Brayden Clubhouse for some simple instructions.
– 20 yard lunge walk
– Nur back (not sure of spelling??)
Run to corner of Brayden Parkway & Emory Lane
10 Merkins
15 Sealjacks
Run to corner of 160 & Emory Lane
10 Merkins
15 Selajacks
.9 Mile Loop (Rinse and Repeat)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prayers for Shower Curtain and patience with children

TClap |

Yep…that is a lot of merkins


THE THANG: In preparation for IronPax 2022, we completed an IPC throwback WO from week 3 of 2020.

– Run 400m (which is conveniently 1 loop around the Harris Teater parking lot)
– 100 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 90 Squats
– Run 400m
– 80 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 70 Squats
– Run 400m
– 60 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 50 Squats
– Run 400m
– 40 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 30 Squats
– Run 400m
– 20 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 10 Squats
– Run 800m

Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins and 250 squats

MARY: Nope

ANNOUNCEMENTS: A terribly off key version of happy birthday was sung for Long Duck (60) and White Hot (41), followed by 8 minutes of discussion around items that are in the newsletter.

COT: If you were there, you know.

TClap |

Bak too Skool

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Windmills, merkins, mountain climbers
Around the park with various pain stations along the way. Next, infamous Uber hill. 2minutes to carry brick up and down hill. 4 periods simulated carrying books from class to class. We had a chance to discuss Site Q opportunities 😀

TClap |