“Street” not “Cindy” Blocks

20 SSH
15 Cherry Picker
10 Merkin
5 Burpees
Mosey to the “Blocks”

(See photo)

Pain stations at the corners.
Loop back and stack exercises.

5 Burpees – West Leroy
10 Lunge each leg – West Hill
15 Imperial Walker – West Oak
20 Merkins – West Gregg
25 Plank Jacks – West Close
30 Squats – West Lockman

Made it to 25 Plank Jack’s before heading back to COT

Captain Thor Jack Webb
1 BBS : 4 American Hammer

Summer of CSAUP series
State of the Nation

Show To Know

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Coffee anyone?

Kingsley Spring Blvd to Wamsutta Mills Dr, into and around the Sunbelt Rental parking lot, back out to Textile Way, up the hill, through the parking lot on the back side of Starbucks and Panera. Repeat if you want more.
Most took Kingsley Park Drive back to COT
MARY: None

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WARMUP: SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, moroccan nightclub, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, mosey
THE THANG: Wall sits with bear crawls a few times throughout, triangle stations (3 stations) doing pushups (10, 20, 30), squats (10, 20, 30) and flutter kicks (10, 20, 30). Mosey to “oil fields” to do a version of a dora – step ups, dips, inclined merkins. Finished with some stretching. Lots of moseying and sweating.
COT: Prayers and praises

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Throwing Bags Around

WARMUP: Walked our sandbags from COT to the starting point at one end of the parking lot at the front of the school. Moseyed around the parking lot back to the starting point without bags. PAX then stood in front of their bags for the following: 10xSSHinCadence, 1 ManMaker, 10xCPinCadence, 2 ManMakers, 10xHWinCadence, 3 ManMakers, 10xLSSinCadence, 4 ManMakers, 10xMNCinCadence, 5 ManMakers. We were warm.

THE THANG: We would have been on the field in front of the school, but it was being watered when I arrived. So, designated a starting line, then set-up 4 cones about 15 yards apart in the parking lot.

All partner work

1st Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the last cone Partner#1 starts the trip with LT Dans while Partner#2 racks the bag and jogs to the last cone and then back to meet his partner. When the band is back together each PAX completes 5 ManMakers. Switch and continue the journey until you reach the last cone.

2nd Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the next cone Partner#1 Front Press throws his bag while Partner#2 walks along side him Rifle Carrying their bag. When the team reaches the cone each PAX performs 25 BentOverRows & 20 Curls. Then switch and head to the next cone. Continue in this manner until your team reaches the last cone.

3rd Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the next cone Partner#1 Backwards Overhead throws his bag while Partner#2 walks along side him Rifle Carrying their bag. When the team reaches the cone each PAX performs 25 Chest Presses with bag while fluttering & 20 Alt. Plyo Merkins. Then switch and head to the next cone. Continue in this manner until your team reaches the last cone.

4th Routine: Traveling from the starting line to the last cone Partner#1 starts the trip with 2 Rotating Side Throws ( 1 from each side ) while Partner#2 completes 2 Burpees. Partner#2 jogs to the bag and then performs his 2 throws while Partner#1 completes 2 Burpees. Keep switching until you reach the last cone.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel serve on July 4th, Convergence on July 4th, CSAUP Summer Trifecta
COT: Everyone shared a praise and a prayer. Show to Know!

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Full-body Beatdown at Block Party

One dozen took a tour of Fort Mill with a full-body beatdown at Block Party. Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 20 SSH (IC)
– 20 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 20 Mountain Climbers (IC)
– 20 Plank Jacks (IC)
Mosey to Founders
– 20 Squats, Lap
– 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, Lap
– 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Burpees, Lap
Mosey to Kimbrell’s
– 20 Forward Arm Circles (IC), hold
– 20 Backwards Arm Circles (IC), hold
– 20 Seal Claps (IC), hold
– 20 Overhead Claps (IC)
Run to FBC
– Four Corners: 20 American Hammers, 20 LBCs, 20 Flutters at the four corners
Mosey to Kimbrell’s
– 20 Wall sits (IC)
– 20 Dirty Hookups w/ feet (IC)
– 20 count BTTW
– 20 Dirty Hookups (IC)
Mosey to Fort Mill Dentistry
– Four Corners: 20 Bomb Jacks, 20 Calf Raises, 20 Werkins, Lunge Walk, 20 Ab Mat Sit-ups
Mosey to Pike parking walls
– 10 Muscle-ups
Mosey back to COT

2.14 miles total

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is that discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” John Rohn

Each day we have the option to take the daily red pill in an effort to get better. So many men live in regret wishing they would have taken care of their body in their younger years. So many men wish they would have found balance with their work and relationships. We are living the lives they wish they would have. We have the opportunity every day to build the legacy for our children. We can either be their example to follow or the motivating factor to break the cycle.

Keep pushing. Your kids are watching.


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14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight

WARMUP: Mozy followed by windmills, flutters, Moroccan nightclubs, shoulder taps
THE THANG: Mozy to back of the school for brief discussion that it is the Summer solstice. In Charlotte there are 14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight today and that we should do something for/with our 2.0s or Ms.
At the “horseshoe” (looked like a sunrise to sunset) we did 14 reps of one exercise then ran the sunrise-sunset to do 32 reps. Run sunset-sunrise and repeat until all reps completed. Exercise pairings were burpees/squats, merkins/mountain climbers, big boy sit ups/Carolina dry docks, Superman’s/plank jacks, Plank jacks (oops)/LBCs, Diamond merkins/SSH, American hammers/curb dips, Windmill merkins/shoulder taps.
Mozy to picnic tables for 14/32s of step ups/dips, dips/stepups, derkins/irkins, irkins/derkins.
Mozy to field by the light tower for full field sprints. Don’t recall how many but likely about 8. 10 count between sprints then rinse and repeat.
MARY: Full body destroyer at 5:59
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming events
COT: Marriages, health

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Clydesdales Sutton Rd Loop

THE THANG: 4.5 mi loop…North on 160, left on Sutton, left into the Sutton Place neighborhood at the New Grey Rock Rd light, right turns at each cross street (3 total) got us to Sam Smith Rd, left on Sam Smith, left on Harris, left on Munn, right on 160 and back to COT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for FM Care Center yard work.
COT: Prayers for healing and safe travels.

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D-day at the Coaches Box

Today’s workout was about perspective. History provides the best perspective and on 6/6 we were reflecting on D-Day.

Started with a mosey towards the entrance of the high-school.

Stopped and did

10 Windmills IC

Mosey to the bottom of the hill right at the entrance.

To celebrate, honor, and remember the 80th anniversary of D-Day we executed the following:

80 seconds work
2:40 minutes recovery

80 HR Merkins
80 Squats
80 4ct Flutters
80Diamond Merkins
80 Calf Raises
80 LBCs

So the idea was all Pax do as many reps as possible in the 80 seconds then the “recovery” run was back to the top of the hill where we each did 6 burpees and then get back to the bottom. Any excess time left of the 2:40 is your “rest”.

The Pax loved this and looking at time we got through 7 rounds of this before breaking back towards COT.

On the way we stopped by the band lot and did a 80 yard bear crawl followed by 44 SSH to close us out.

One last note on perspective…. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the day to day but take a step back, reflect on how we all got here and the opportunities each day brings because of the sacrifices of others.

Thanks to Warning Track for the opportunity!

:punch: :punch: :pray:

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A REAL BEAR ? of a workout

We saw a real black bear, 7 dear, a dead possum and an inch warm

WARMUP: mosey the warm up exercises
THE THANG: hill Dora, then back to runde park for a four corners of pain.
A variety of weights were in each corner.
Corners were chest press,
Lat pull over, curls, triceps
25reps of each
Mode of transportation for each round were :bear: BEAR crawl, lunge walk, high knees
MARY: one round of flutters.


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