3 leg tour

WARMUP: Ditch Witch led!

THE THANG: YHC had a plan pulled from previous Alcatraz backblasts, but it was a pretty morning. So, here’s a list of what we DID NOT do:
– 30 pull ups
– 45 burpees
– 90 squats
– 120 dips
– and laps (thanks Decibel)
and/or a ladder courtesy of Backdraft
– 10 burpees
– 20 jumping lunges
– 30 Carolina Dry Docks
– 40 jump squats
– 50 merkins
Instead we covered 3.5ish miles and stopped occasionally to regroup. We went to the end of Anchorage, Windward, and Point Clear. At the stops, we did some exercises in cadence, some yoga, or just considered the myriad of ways this workout siphoned and what a jerk YHC is.
MARY: led by the PAX in a circle
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 CSAUPS this summer – in the https://7tqd.short.gy/f3-thefort-newsletter
COT: a stirring word from Aquaman on the importance of all 3 Fs. Keep posting.

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Dawn Patrol

WARMUP: Mosey around the pond and back to the amphitheater for SSH, windmills, moroccan nightclubs, imperial, and hillbilly walkers.
THE THANG: 7 of Diamonds – 4 stations, 4 laps, same exercise at each station for each lap, increasing count and changing exercise for each lap… 7 merkins at each station then 14 flutter kicks at each station then 21 squats at each station and then 28 LBCs at each station. Mosey down the hill and alternate lunges and bear crawls between light poles back up the hill. A few dips, step ups, and inclined merkins at the amphitheater to finish up.
COT: Prayers for families, marriages, and health.

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A REAL BEAR ? of a workout

We saw a real black bear, 7 dear, a dead possum and an inch warm

WARMUP: mosey the warm up exercises
THE THANG: hill Dora, then back to runde park for a four corners of pain.
A variety of weights were in each corner.
Corners were chest press,
Lat pull over, curls, triceps
25reps of each
Mode of transportation for each round were :bear: BEAR crawl, lunge walk, high knees
MARY: one round of flutters.


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I don’t remember all the exercises, but it was a good thorough warmup. All exercises went to a count of 19.


Partner up
1 runs lap, the does squats until they get back
Once back, partner hand slap merkin. Start at one and add one up to 19.



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Ice Cream Cones

WARMUP/THANGmosey around perimeter of Harris Teeter to show PAX pain stations. Got some warmups in along way. Pain stations as follows. 15of SSH, Derkins, Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Hammers, Lunges. 3 loops approximately.

Mosey to Old Farm Hill for 11’s. Burpees and Big Boys

MARY: Nope
COT: everyone shared what there thankful for

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Pendulums and clocks at Golden Corral

WARMUP: Mozy to the corner of the HT parking lot then mountain climbers, merkins, CDD, Moroccan nightclubs, American hammers.
THE THANG: Mozy to the side of HT for wall sits. First person bearcrawls to the other side and does two burpees. Bearcrawls back. Each Pax goes once while others wall sit. Next round, everyone moves to plank position facing the wall. First person does 5 wall-tar-jai five then crawlbears to the other side for five merkins. Bearcrawls back. Rinse and repeat until all pax go once.
Mozy around back of HT and stop in front of the dumpster for three burpees. (Dumpster season not in full bloom yet, but it’s coming soon). Continue mozy through the neighborhood to the water fountain for pendulum 7s. Pax starts at top of the hill for big boy sit-ups and runs down (and back up) the hill to the fire department for Carolina dry docks. (6/1, 5/2, 4/3 etc.)
Once 7s completed, we 10-count walked to the fountain for clock merkins. Everyone starts at their own 6 o’clock and does 6 merkins. From plank position, side shuffle to 7 o’clock for 7 merkins. Rinse and repeat until we got to 12 o’clock. Due to limited time, we skipped 1 o’clock through 5 o’clock.
Mozy to COT.
MARY: not present. (Open to all men only)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming CSAUPs, blood drive, newsletter
COT: prayers for family health, end of school year

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Drop the Pull-ups take the Cannoli

WARMUP: Full 15 Min COP
THE THANG: 5 rounds of
17 dips
19 CCDs or9/Pullups
71 yardish maybe feet bear crawl

Jog neighborhood and 6 rounds of
5 burpees
15 squats

15min Broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for fishstix as he needs them :pray: :fire: :point_up_2:

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Alcatraz Awesomeness

Alcatraz Awesomeness

2 for Pre-Run

Straight to Mosey to Fire Station parking lot:

15 Windmill, 15 Imperial Walker, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Peter Parker, 10 Parker Peter, 15 Moroccan Nightclubs, 15 Big Arm Circles, 15 Reverse Big Arm Circles.

Mosey to Big Hill and Down Big HIll:  20 Squats and 20 Lunges

Mosey up Big Hill and 20 LBC

Mosey to Playground for Choose Your Own Adventure:

Complete all however you choose:

30 Pull Ups, 45 Burpees, 90 Squats, 120 Dips, 150 Abs and 3 laps

When complete head to shorter Hill

4 Rounds of Quadzilla:  2 groups one moving the other doing 1. Merkins 2. Abs 3. Calf Raises 4. 10 count

Mosey to parking lot for 1 set of Rosalita x20 and 30 seconds of body destroyers

Alcatraz has the finest group of men that you can ask for.  Thank you for letting me be a part of it.



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