Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

WARMUP: Valentine’s Day themed warmup

Diamond Merkins x 10 – for all the diamond rings being given away today
Lunges x 10 – in preparation for getting down on one knee
Pickle Pounder x 10 – if you know you know, you know?
Monkey Humpers x 10 – reference above


1) Lunges for Lovers

Partner Up
Down and back in front of school
Partner #1 carries sandbag rotating between sang bag toss and overhead carry. Partner #2 stays at home base working on series of exercises. Rotate until exercises are complete.

50 lunges
50 squat and jumps
50 over the shoulder toss

2) Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

PAX take turns pulling cards with exercises from “box of chocolates”, never knowing (but having a general idea) of what they’re going to get.

Front Squats x 10
Front Squats x 10
Back Squats x 10
Back Squats x 10
Overhead Press x 10
Overhead Press x 10
Bent Row x 10
Bent Row x 10
Curls x 15
Curls x 10
Curls x 5
Deadlift x 10
Deadlift x 10
Bench Press x 10
Bench Press x 10
Manmaker x 10
Manmaker x 5
Firemans Carry
Overhead Carry
Bearhug Carry
Merkins with sandbag pull thru x 10
Merkins with sand bag pull thru x 10
20 LBC’s
20 Big Boys

MARY: Negative. Finished with a bit of Broga.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q versus Q in March. 3/1 Q School and Stockade. 3/2 Print Shop to present Bethel check @ 1pm. 3/9 Springtime Invergence. Get on a Rooster Team with @StraightUp. Maximus is hosting a Christmas Party.
COT: Don’t carry your weight alone. Prayers for healing of cancer/illness. Prayers for the men at Bethel and those that support. Travel.

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Welcome to my TED Talk

Disclaimer disclaimed
Valentine’s Day Eve – Accelerating the M requires both Skill and Love. Just like our fitness, relationships are either Accelerating or Decelerating, Aye?
If you think you are “Maintaining” your relationship, you are actually Decelerating.

Mosey to WEP Stage
The Culture is a Jester
• Our culture likes to present marriage as easy, but a HIM knows virtue takes work, and thus marriage will take work.
Warm Up
10 Windmills IC
Al Gore w/ 10 MNC IC
11 Hill Billy Walkers IC

There is NO 50 Yard Line
• Halfway is not good enough when it comes to the M. An Accelerating HIM will go the length of the field for his M.

The Thang – Pearls on a String became chase Maximus (and Clickbait and Poppins, with Band Camp on form patrol) around the WEP loop, at each swing, do the following:
10 Merkins
10 Squats
10 Flying Squirrels

Your Wife is NOT Your Best Friend
• She is made for a much higher purpose, put her on the pedestal alone.

Mosey to Pike Entrance
7s of Derkins and Bomb Jax
7s of Step Ups and Dips
Mosey to Pike Wall
Wall Sits and Burpee Waterfall

Joy Trumps Happiness
• Happiness is a transitory positive feeling
• Joy is a permanent state of hopeful satisfaction
• A healthy and vital M is a lifetime pursuit

Mary – Flutters until 0600

Marriage requires Proximity and Purpose. It transforms a man from a selfish Happiness-junkie into a selfless Joy-seeker. The HIM knows if he fails at his M, nothing else he does will matter.

Announcements: Q-Source after this. D2D celebration on 3/2
COT: stays in COT

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Looongest shuttle run ever

WARMUP: yes, we did some after a quick mosey
THE THANG: ran suicides across the ENTIRE parking lot, over 1 mile

Ran over to cindies and lined up in a straight line where we did 25 reps of a particular exercise then ran across to halfway point of parking lot and back. We got through 9 or 10 sets
MARY: yes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel shelter, gremlin 2/17, eggstravaganza
COT: yes

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Tellier WOD + Some Extra

WARMUP: Mosey around a large parking lot loop with bear crawls, crawl bears, NURs and side shuffles.
THE THANG: It was the Tellier, dedicated to Army Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier of Charlotte, NC.
The WOD:
10 Burpees

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)
100 Sit-Ups (Big Boys)

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)
100 Sit-Ups (Big Boys)
150 Air Squats

Upon completion of the Tellier WOD, we did a little stretching. Then, we made our way to the pull-up bars for:
3 Burpees
6 Pull-Ups
9 Merkins
Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds

Out to the road. Flutters then run down to the stop sign then NUR back.
Freddie’s & Heels to Heaven then run down and NUR back.

MARY: Instead of 6MoM, we did 10 hand-release merkins.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murder Bunnies tonight at the Whitewater Center 9pm.
COT: Indeed…Principled.

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Tellier WOD + Some

WARMUP: Mosey around a large parking lot loop with bear crawls, crawl bears, NURs and side shuffles.
THE THANG: It was the Tellier, dedicated to Army Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier of Charlotte, NC.
The WOD:
10 Burpees

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)
100 Sit-Ups (Big Boys)

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)
100 Sit-Ups (Big Boys)
150 Air Squats

Upon completion of the Tellier WOD, we did a little stretching. Then, we made our way to the pull-up bars for:
3 Burpees
6 Pull-Ups
9 Merkins
Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds

Out to the road. Flutters then run down to the stop sign then NUR back.
Freddie’s & Heels to Heaven then run down and NUR back.

MARY: Instead of 6MoM, we did 10 hand-release merkins.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murder Bunnies tonight at the Whitewater Center 9pm.
COT: Indeed…Principled.

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Tellier WOD + Some

WARMUP: Mosey around a large parking lot loop with bear crawls, crawl bears, NURs and side shuffles.
THE THANG: It was the Tellier, dedicated to Army Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier of Charlotte, NC.
The WOD:
10 Burpees

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)
100 Sit-Ups (Big Boys)

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges (25ea leg)
100 Sit-Ups (Big Boys)
150 Air Squats

Upon completion of the Tellier WOD, we did a little stretching. Then, we made our way to the pull-up bars for:
3 Burpees
6 Pull-Ups
9 Merkins
Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds

Out to the road. Flutters then run down to the stop sign then NUR back.
Freddie’s & Heels to Heaven then run down and NUR back.

MARY: Instead of 6MoM, we did 10 hand-release merkins.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murder Bunnies tonight at the Whitewater Center 9pm.
COT: Indeed…Principled.

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Upper body spa day.

WARMUP: 15 side straddle hops, 10 Hill Billy Walkers, 15 Windmills

15 – Under The Wires 3x
100 Yard Sprint

30 – Bicycle Crunches 3x
100-Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Walk-Out Push-Ups 3x
100 – Yard Sprint

30 – Jacknifes 3x
100 – Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Diamond Push-Ups 3x
100 – Yard Sprint

30 – Chair Crunches 3x
100 – Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Clapper Push-Ups 3x
100 – Yard Sprint

30 – Swipers 3x
100 – Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Explosive Negatives 3x
100 – Yard Sprint

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter

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Keep those old wienkes kids

WARMUP: lap around the parking lot, windmills, low slow squats and merkins, couple stretches…go.
THE THANG: went to the small parking lot by COT and had one piece of paper on one end and another on the opposite end – maybe 30-40 yards. Start at the first exercise, complete it, run to the other side, complete the first exercise, and back and forth working down the list.
Side 1:
5 Burpee broad jumps
10 Diamond merkins
20 Merkins
30 Mountain climbers
40 Seal jacks
50 American Hammer
60 SSH
60 Moroccan night club
50 Shoulder presses
40 Crab cakes
30 Flutters
20 Big boy situps
10 Flying squirrel
5 Dive bombers

Side 2:
5 Hand release merkin
10 Durkin (get partner to put feet on back)
20 Knee to chest jumps
30 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Plank Jacks
50 LBC
60 Ski jumps
60 Squats
50 Calf raises
40 Dips
30 Monkey humpers
20 Lunges (10 each leg)
10 Apolo Ohno (10 each leg)
5 Plank alternating shoulder taps (5 each)

After the first 60 milestone was hit, we stopped running back and forth and mode of transportation moved to bear crawls to and running back…just to mix things up.

And we had music which was nice.

MARY: yes, check.
COT: yep, done

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On the X

WARMUP: Side straddle hops in cadence to 20, Imperial Walker in cadence to 20, Abe Vigota (slow old man windmill in cadence to 20.
THE THANG: On the X :

Each line 12,3,6,9 o’clock gets 5 hand release merkins at the end of each rotation you go all the way around on hands to next quadrant line once you are there get on your feet and jog in place until all PAX done

Q1: Shoulders : All exercises to 15 in cadence
Baby arm circles front
Baby arm circles back
Moracan night club
Overhead arm clap
Carolina dry docks 15 OYO then do Merkin circle 12, 3,6, 9 o’clock position hand walking to each jog in place when done.

Lap around the parking lot Indian Run last the whole way
Q2: Legs : All exercises to 15 in cadence

Alternating side squats
Blart: riding your motorcycle hands on handle bars sway forward left right then back
Cracker jacks= side straddle hops in squat position
Single leg RDL 15 per leg
Bolt 45’s half way down from standing, all the way down from halfway then 15 full squats

Q3: Abs
Plank 30 seconds
Side plank 30 seconds
Knalp 30 seconds
American Hammer 15  4 count
Box cutter 15
Gas pumper 15 OYO

Mosey back to COT

MARY:Two minutes all the way up 30 seconds halfway 30 seconds all the way without touching ground 10 then all the way up 10 repeat until time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D final push, Mint Hill CSAUP @Goose will post details
COT: Shout out to all the Men of F3 who have kept coming out into the gloom and have not only kept this thing up for over a decade but have grown F3 through there witnessing in there spheres of influence. It has been more than a blessing to so many!!

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