Happy Independence Day India

Peter Parkers

Farmer’s carry to big parking lot

In celebration of India’s Independence 75 years ago today, we started things off with 75 kettlebell swings

Split into 2 groups:
Lighter bells – 30lb and under
heavier bells – over 30 lbs

1 minute each exercise
Heavy bells:
Chest Presses
Lawnmower pulls

Light bells:
Tricep Extensions
Shoulder presses
Clave Raises
High Pulls

Farmer’s carry around the parking lot. Drop your bell, and switch groups.

2 full rounds of this, then between rounds 2 and 3, we added 1 minute of LBCs and 5 man makers to each lineup.

Bonsai called for Merkins, then we held the bottom until time was up

Prayers for the first day of school today in the Fort. Prayers for teachers, parents, students.
Praise for DaVinci’s step father

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Webb-o-rama (moderate version?)

Imperial Squat Walkers
Mountain Climbers

– Bomb-Jack // 3 SSH (1-4)
– >> Bear crawl to next station
– Big boy sit up // 3 American Hammers
– >> Lunge to next station
– Jack Webb –
– >> Run to stop sign and back
Repeat for rounds 5-7
Repeat for rounds 8-10

People Chair while everyone tried an exercise Hurler learned at F3 Clemson – the Dancing Tiger.

– LBCs
– Flutters
– Box cutters

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WARMUP: Cousin Eddie took us through SSH, windmill, IW, Merkins. This guy is accelerating and will have a VQ next week.

THE THANG: We started with a DORA, 100 merkins, 200 Dips & 300 squats. Moved to back of building for 3 mins on and 30 sec rest. 3 exercises for 3 mins 10 reps each and continue for 3 mins.
First round – merkins, CDD, monkey humpers
2nd round – Flutter , big boy, hello dolly

Back up the hill and did Dips and Step – ups up to 7 count and then back down to 1. Mosey to COT

COT: prayers lifted and K-Cop took us out with prayer.

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Dust in the Wind? No!

WARMUP: SSH, Mtn climber, Peter Parker, Parker peter

Triple Bs day — bells, bricks and blocks

10 Swings (round 1)
10 Goblet squat (round 1)
10 Lawn mower pull each side (round 2)
20 Tricep extension (round 2)

Bricks (1 pair per pax):
20 Moroccan night clubs
20 Punches
20 Overhead claps
20 Bent over flies

Blocks (1 per pax):
20 Derkins
20 Irkins
20 Overhead press
10 Man makers (blockees)

Half of group runs to each pile, completes first exercise, runs back to bells and completes 2 exercises, runs to opposite pile, returns to bells to complete sa.e 2 exercises.

Group made it through almost two full rounds.

MARY: American Hammer, Flutter

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Final Countdown coming 9/10, 10 yr convergence 9/17 am, 10 yr party 9/17 pm, The Bubble 8/4, Pints & Padres Tue pm at Amor Artis.

COT: Battle Bot was missed today. Hopefully we moved enough heavy stuff and listened to enough UHaul ear candy and mumblechatter to meet our Site Q’s standards. Get well!

Reports of Barry Manilow posting proved to be false unfortunately.

Special guest visitor posted today — Uncle Sam, fresh back from Colombia on his way to Virginia for 12+ most of education and inspiration before returning back to Colombia to continue his life’s work in his home country. great to have you in the Gloom with us and to hear your stories of Picking up the Six. Keep up your HIM efforts and example! Praise and prayers for you!

Prior Site Q Shatner was back in the Gloom today after many weeks DR. welcome back!

DaVinci proved he can throw shade with the best of the pax, dropping some darkness with a smile on Cake Boss. Watch out DOAH, he’s coming for you next!

Thanks to Battle Bot for the Q invite, my first at a gear AO. Sometimes we all need the push toward something new and different. As I persevere through a long, hot, sometimes mundane summer that at times feels like Ecclesiastes and Kansas “Dust in the Wind” this morning’s experience with the pax including dialog before, during and after gave me a real jump start to the week. Thank you!

This thing we call The Fort is special. It’s impact is actually global, as we heard this am from Uncel Sam. And it only continues if you post tomorrow. #keep posting #noOYO

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The parking lot is always smoother in the other corner

WARMUP: Some side straddle hops, windmills, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, Moroccan nightclubs and cherry pickers to loosen things up


Used the ol’ Seconds Pro app to provide a TABATA workout with 50 seconds on 20 seconds rest ratio. After every 4th exercise we would rotate to the next corner of the parking lot. It should be noted that I used an Apple playlist and the app appeared to have undergone an update since last use… By the time I discovered the errors with both of these items we had come too far (I already pushed start) and the only option was to press forward for the next 40 minutes… We made it through a full cycle and 3/4.

Donkey Kick
Calf Raises
Mountain Climbers
Side Straddle Hops
Al Gore
Box Cutter
Plank Jacks
Dry Dock
Seal Jacks
High Knees
Monkey Humpers
Freddie Mercury
Rinse and Repeat

Things learned:
-the update changed the default voice from an Australian lady to a deep voiced male… not as fun to be told to do monkey humpers by a deep voiced male
-Apple includes U2’s One as a 90’s Rock/Alternative Essential, and while a great song, it is not terribly motivating… however it is very long…
-the update also messed up the volume of the coach voice anyway, so everyone just had to listen to me yelling over U2 anyway…

COT: It happened… we were all there…

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Board of Discomfort

WARMUP: A bit of light stretching

THE THANG: the pax moseyed over to the board of discomfort and proceeded to execute 1/2 of the board.  After every two exercises the pax ran down the hill to the weird blue hut behind the school OR walked around the parking lot with 20 SSH before returning to the board
MARY: two rounds of GAS PUMPERS

The Q talked about forgiveness and doing the harder thing


COT: We prayed for all prayer requests and all though TAPS unmentioned

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Tour of the Yard

If you saw the video, Bowzer is your guy if you need a face/voice for video intro.

After committing to a pre-run, I was then a fill in Q, my tail was dragging.

Dynamic warm up, back and forth across the lot, a couple exercises, the a motion across, couple more, motion across, you get it.

Finish with the bear crawl challenge. Often times when working out with PAX at my old and broken fitness level, a bear crawl means you take a half dozen “strides” and stand up, grunting and groaning and swinging your arms around like you are loosening up. Over the last couple Q’s I called this out and gave the PAX a distance to make. If you call it out, they (I) will do it.

over to the light poles for one round of suicides

back to the school wall where we did wall sits and tons of BURPEES

on our way to the hill in front of the school we weaved in and out of the perma-cones

At the hill we did some exercises at the top and some at the bottom, super high counts, 5-10-15, than 10-20-30 at the bottom

then over to the bench, where we did the typical dips and incline merkins

Wrapping the morning up, all PAX crushed a 10 count of BALLS TO THE WALLS (my ode to Accept)

Exercises throughout were typical old guy stuff, windmills, BURPEES, shoulder taps, BURPEES, mountain climbers, monkey humpers, squat jumps, BURPEES, multiple rounds of Makhtar N’Diayes, BURPEES, stuff like that

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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The Smokin 90s

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Merkins, Hillbilly Walkers, Overhead Claps, Calf Raises, Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: While hearing to 90s Hip-hop; Each exercise was for 1 minute and 30 second rest, Round 1: Swing, Single-Arm Overhead Press, Sumo Squat, Single-Arm Row, Chest Press, Round 2: Deadlift, Clean & Press, Halo, Reverse Lunge, Thruster, Round 3: Goblet Squats, Snatch, Tricep Extension, Burpees, Mountain Climbers; Ran a short mosey between rounds
MARY: Flutters, American Hammers, Bicep Curls, and SSH
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nd F Lunch Sites, T-Shirt Deadlines, 9-6-3 Relay Race
COT: Punchlist’s M, Uhaul’s nephew and sister in law, and Happy Hour’s friend Joe

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