Warm morning

Jog lap around lot with some high knees and butt kickers, then some windmills.
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
5 burpees, 10 plank Jack’s, & 10 LBCs.
Jog another lap then line up for some 11s between parking islands. 11s with bombjacks and merkins.
Jog over to bus loop and partner up. P1 does exercise while P2 waits, then flapjack.
First round was 20 partner burpees, run a lap.
20 partner jump squats, run a lap.
20 partner burpees, run a lap.
20 partner bombjacks, run a lap.
Migrate over to main lot. Bear crawl from parking spot number to island, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to number, 5 big boys. 5 rounds.
Just enough time for some mary: flutters and box cutters. Times up. COT.

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Only the best for the PAX of RoF

WARMUP: imperial walkers, Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats
Grab a Cindy
Mosey to Gym entrance
:fire:Dips In cadence
:fire: 10 step Ups
:fire:Derkins in cadence
Mosey to from main entrance with Cindy
:fire:Dips In cadence
:fire: 10 step Ups
:fire:Derkins in cadence

Band Lot with Cindy
Murder bunny 10 yards
Mosey to 50 yard line 20 squats
Mosey back to goal line 20 merkins
Lunge walk to block
Rinse and Repeat till block is at 50 yard line
Start again

Back to main entrance
:fire:Dips In cadence
:fire: 10 step Ups
:fire:Derkins in cadence
Back to Gym entrance
:fire:Dips In cadence
:fire: 10 step Ups
:fire:Derkins in cadence
Return Cindy
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Dam Bar Saturday
Prayers and Praises and be safe

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King of the Ring I

14 Kings at Ring of Fire this morning.
– <@U02JMD0EKS8> was the King of the Ring today. You may now bow to his magnificence.
– <@UGU3XR5RP> came in a not so close 2nd, but he did manage to outsprint me at the end and cause me to perform a couple extra exercises at the end. And by exercises, I mean dry heaves.
– <@U5EKTLC5C> prepared us all to be underwhelmed, but not by his mumblechatter.
– <@UMRNJ46AW> had some hazy recollections of a Slayer concert with <@UGYDCTRST> (not present), but with as many Monster Energy Drinks as he has before a concert his blood pressure increases to a level he’s doing good to be standing much less remembering who attended what.
– And speaking of what Anchorman called “Cookie Monster” metal, <@U076RS8F1DG> had his signature tunes playing for the duration.
– Don’t know if you’ve noticed lately, but <@U0603USPHAS> keeps trimming down and is looking strong out there.
– <@UST30T7FF> represented the Pre-spect crowd well, and even gave me a butt pat, so… you know… I may not have been the King today, but I still feel like a winner.
– <@U01JUGK82TY> and <@U5KHMNAG4> were disappointed but unsurprised at the lack of leg exercises in this workout.
– <@UN6PTD007> was gracious enough to hold back and let a couple of us feel good about our performance.
– <@U079NTF8AP8> is more of a 3 sets of 10 guy.
– <@U087GQFA2FJ> was the WarBaby today and held his own with a bunch of guys that are old enough to be his dad…

This is my report. You could dress it up like Baby Yoda and take it trick or treating in July, but it still wouldn’t get more strange looks than you would if you dispute the truth imbued herein.

subject to verification by <@U07EPGYK92L>’s mustache (see <@U063F72E8M9> comments from yesterday)

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Hang on tight

WARMUP: one dialed back round of the workout
THE THANG: Hero WOD for Danish Army Sgt. Rene Jakobsen. Called for 7 rounds of 400 m run, 21 walking lunges, 15 pull ups and 9 burpees.

We did 8 rounds and finished it with a 400m cinder block in each hand farmers carry.
MARY: Yes.
COT: yes.

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Q-School Jan 2025

WARMUP: Yes, and kept us close cause FTC showed up at 5:22am. This happens when there’s more ice on vehicles. If you’re gonna run off, do it knowing that a guy could show up late and you’d be leaving him.
THE THANG: Mosey with some work and some discussion. The 1st F is about Fitness not exercise. So, it matters less what exercise you call and more that you do it well with vigor.

YHC set up 4 corners, but had the PAX call an exercise and mode of transport. The point is, it doesn’t matter what we do, but the consistency and intensity with which we do it. Don’t get so caught up in Qing the hardest or craziest stuff (not that there’s anything wrong with that if you can dem oit), but that isn’t the most importnt thing.

We covered some more ground. Did some bulgarian split squat. Did some wall sitting and chatting with a burpee line.

Got to the band practice lot and had some PAX call cadence. Quite a few of the newer PAX here are ready to Q! The Pirate in particular called well in cadence, and he had a Q on the books for Friday at Stockade. However, I neglected to mention that you should SHOW UP to the AO you’ve agreed to Q. So, he of course fartsacked through that Q. Oh well, better luck next time.

NM:: Topics discussed included WHY:
– the early gloom
– cause if not then, it ain’t gonna happen
– starts the day up 1-0
– makes you intentional the night before
– workouts need to be hard
– increases vulnerability if you’ve been humbled
– intensity and consistency matter
– push don’t settle
– men don’t show up for easy
– lead in a rotating fashion
– This is a leadership development organization
– If the same guys lead ALL THE TIME, that doesn’t develop leaders
– we practice leadership like lawyers practice law. and we’re always getting better
– outside in the elements
– #1 helps keep it free
– we have to overcome the circumstances of our environment
– test of your resolve
– You committing and posting in the wet/cold tells the Q and other men that they matter more to you than temporary discomfort
– It’s Fitness over specific Exercises
– Do the work, don’t fret about everything being unique
– Consistency is more important that innovation
Encouragement was given to
– lean into COT
– if you’re not accelerating in your 2nd and 3rd, you’re missing the point. Make it habit of preparing to share something briefly at COT. Your sharing allows another man to break his own wall and be willing to share
– Share your failures. If you aren’t failing, are you really trying?

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Snow Date With Cindy

THE THANG: Choose a Cindy, short move to location 1 for 45 seconds on/15 seconds off of the following: curls, squats, plank, triceps;
Move (farmer carry) approximately 400m to location 2 for squats, plank, triceps, curls;
Move (farmer carry, other side) approximately 400m to location 3 for plank, triceps, curls, squats;
Move (shoulder carry) approximately 400m to location 4 for LBC, dips, plank, merkins;
Move (shoulder carry, other side) approximately 400m to location 5 for squats, leg lifts, plank, curls;
Move (rifle carry) to return Cindy and mosey to COT
MARY: brief plank for six
COT: prayers lifted for family and our neighbors in LA

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Black Diamonds in Cadence (Honey Badger)

25 Burpee in cadence + NUR hill
15 Merkins IC + NUR
25 squats IC + NUR
25 Bomb Jack Single ct IC + NUR
20 CDD’s IC + NUR
15 Monkey Humpers IC + NUR

5 pull ups/25 SSHs
10 pull ups/50 SSH


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SGT Zachary D. Tellier

WARMUP: Mission, 5 CORE Principles, Credo
Mosey with a few things mixed in then typical warm-up exercises.

Army Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier
Died September 29, 2007 Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom

31, of Charlotte, N.C.; assigned to the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.; died Sept. 29 at Firebase Wilderness, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using small-arms fire.
82nd Airborne paratrooper dies after being shot in Afghanistan
The Associated Press
FORT BRAGG, N.C. — An 82nd Airborne paratrooper who pulled two comrades from a burning vehicle in April has died of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan, military officials said Oct. 1.
Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte was a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, officials said.
In April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.
Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.
Spc. Larry Spray, who was one of the two paratroopers Tellier rescued, called Tellier “a good friend and a buddy.”
After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.
“Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”
Tellier is survived by his wife, Sara Tellier of Atlanta, Ga.; his father, David W. Tellier of Groton, Mass.; and his mother, Pamela Rodriguez, of Falmouth, Mass.
The Tellier WOD:
– 10 Burpees

– 10 Burpees
– 25 Push-Ups

– 10 Burpees
– 25 Push-Ups
– 50 Lunges

– 10 Burpees
– 25 Push-Ups
– 50 Lunges
– 100 Sit-Ups

– 10 Burpees
– 25 Push-Ups
– 50 Lunges
– 100 Sit-Ups
– 150 Air Squats
That is the completion of the Tellier WOD.

With the time remaining, grab a cinder block and post up at a pull-up bar.
3 rounds:
10 Pull-Ups (Slick, thankfully)
15 Thrusters
20 Curls
Slick, run down the hill to the loop around the playground and back.

NMM: It’s been some time since I’ve not only Q’d at The Honey Badger but also just posted at The Honey Badger. Why? All the excuses like, I can’t do pull-ups like I want to, it’s too far, it’s too early, I’ve got things to do, etc, etc, etc. We all know this is garbage.
The real reason, it’s supposed to be really hard and sometimes I just want easier.
I felt the honor (& pressure) to bring a proper remembrance and beatdown to the PAX this morning; more than I typically feel. Nothing was said by the former Site Q, Spiderman, or the current Site Q, Kaiser, that would illicit that pressure but that self-imposed pressure ain’t all that bad.
Reading through the various WOD’s on http://Wodwell.com, I came across several that would fit the bill, some I know we’ve even completed before. Then, I reread the Tellier and read the writeup of SGT. Zachary D. Tellier.
Imagine being on a patrol then having one of your vehicles run over and detonate a bomb. You then burn your own hands pulling 2 teammates from the fiery wreckage. You then jump up into the turret of a vehicle to return fire in an attempt to protect your team and eliminate the threat. Imagine that. It seems like a far off hypothetical but what if something really difficult is required of you and you don’t have time to weigh the options. What if you just have time to react.
I threw out the comment this morning that if I ever had the opportunity to respond as SGT Tellier did, I hope I would.
Truth is, we never know how we’ll respond to a situation until we’re in that situation. I can also tell you that me choosing to do something easier does no good in preparing me for the possibility.
As much as I like to push sometimes, don’t let me get complacent. Whether that is getting called out for my push-up form on the corner of 160 & 21 or asking me if I’m going to find the bottom of that squat, don’t stop. Or, if I’m going 50% when more is asked and even possible. Don’t stop challenging me. Don’t stop holding me to a standard you know I’m capable of and I’ll do the same for you. Don’t let me feel good about just getting out there in the morning.
Can you do that for me?

MARY: See all the dang sit-ups way up above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel, Christmas Eve Convergence
COT: 5th CORE Principle so YES!

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Sgt Tommy Mac

WARMUP: The warmup was SSH, windmills, mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly Wallers
THE THANG: Today we honored my good friend and mentor Retired Sgt Thomas McNamara. He served in the Army in Vietnam and when he returned he joined the NYCTP dept in 1973. He was the Pipe Major of the Transit Poloce Emerald Society, the band played at wedding. I was his driver on many occasions and we always ran into some interesting situations. Sgt Mac retired after 9/11 and we lost him on July 5th of this year. He was a great boss,great cop amd great friend. So today we did
5 Pullups
15 Big Boys
20 Curls with Cindy
25 OH Press with Cindy
30 Bent over rows
Ran down the hill to the stop sign
Rinse and Repeat
Most got 8 or more rounds

MARY: 2 ab exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party
COT: Prayers and praises

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