Over The River And Around The Cones

WARMUP: merkins, squats, MNCs, stretches
THE THANG: 8 stations with running to the other end of parking lot and returning to each station until the routine was complete. Stations consisted of merkins, squats, calf raises, IC flutter kicks, and burpees. Afterwards, did a 7 routine with hand clap merkins (3 different options to choose from) and jump squats on the other end. Finished with 20 squats at COT.
MARY: 62 IC Freddie Mercuries, 100 IC flutter kicks during cone station routine.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rock Hill 10 year anniversary activities from 4/28 thru 5/4 with convergence on 5/4.
COT: Prayers were lifted for specific needs.

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No Legs for Cakeboss

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Windmills
THE THANG: Pick up Cindy. Carry Cindy to the band lot.
Round 1: 15 curls, then Murder Bunny 10 yards. Rinse and Repeat for the length of the field.
Round 2: 10 Overhead Press, Rifle Carry 10 yards. Rinse and Repeat the length of the field.
Round 3: Starting with 10 man-makers, walk 10 yards, and then decrease by 1 man-maker to the 50-yard line. Then, 10 Swings at every 10 yards to the end.
Take Cindy home and put her to bed.
MARY: Was done at the end of each round until the 6 was in.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you can’t find something to do over the next 8 weeks, you’re not trying.
COT: There is a lot going on in the PAX lives. Prays for strength all around.

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12 Corners

WARMUP: Yes, tried to gauge fitness level of FNGs. Leave no man behind, but (push them hard enough so we) leave no man where we found them

THE THANG: Mosey, stopping frequently to group back up for:
5 burpees
10 merkins
15 squats

Eventually with 15 minutes left in the workout. We “stumbled upon” 5 hidden sand bags. Partner up,: one partner works, one partner rests, then switch

– 5 clean and press
– 5 squats
– 5 presses
– 5 manmakers
– 5 over the shoulder

Carry the sandbags back. Trade with partner as needed

Stopped for some flexibility before arriving at COT.

Mary – keep flipping the bag alternating with your partner until 0600.
Welcome FNGS: Lucky Charms & Shoestring

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Block Burpee Blast @ Ring of Fire

WARMUP: The Usual
THE THANG: Block and burpees
MARY: Run the hill
COT: Cake Boss send off

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Luce-Jared at HB

F3 HoneyBadger 20240415
Luce p.146
Three rounds
1 km run (from pullup bars run back behind NaFo, run across the front of the school, run down the center aisle of the parking lot, then back to the pull up bars)
10 Manmakers with cindy
100 squats

Jared p.150
Four rounds [but only got one round in due to time]
800 meter run (from pullup bars run to the bottom of the hill, then back up and all the way to AO Jones road, then back to the pull up bars)
40 pull ups (modify 40 curls w/ cindy)
70 push ups

Prayers for CakeBoss on the Marathon.

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A Beatdown Unlike Any Other

Wanted to put together some fun as a tribute to Masters weekend. Pulled a few ideas from other regions in years past and put together a Masters themed weinke.


Per typical golf warmup routine….very minimal.

Divot Fixers (Cherry Pickers)
Back Rotations aka “This Thingy Right Here”
Touch Your Toes 3 or 4 Times
Let It Rip

Moseyed to football field to start “Round of 18”. Wind prohibited setting up “tee markers” beforehand, so carried them with us as we went along.

The Thang

18 Holes of Pain
Burpees each hole = 1 x hole par (Par 4 = 4 burpees)
Chance to shave a stroke (burpee) each hole by answering trivia question correctly
Exercise reps = Hole par x 10
Run distance of yardage to next tee (1st two numbers only. 430 yards = 43 yards)
72 burpees total
720 exercise reps total
.43 miles of yardage covered

1 – Par 4 – 455 Yards – Merkins
2 – Par 5 – 575 Yards – LBCs
3 – Par 4 – 350 Yards – Monkey Humpers
4 – Par 3 – 240 Yards – Squats
5 – Par 4 – 495 Yards – American Hammers
6 – Par 3 – 180 Yards – Diamond Merkins
7 – Par 4 – 450 Yards – Plank Jacks
8 – Par 5 – 570 Yards – Air Chair
9 – Par 4 – 460 Yards – Shoulder Taps

10 – Par 4 – 495 Yards – Mountain Climbers
11 – Par 4 – 505 Yards – Moroccan Night Clubs
12 – Par 3 – 155 Yards – Lunges
13 – Par 5 – 510 Yards – Flutters
14 – Par 4 – 440 Yards – Carolina Dry Docks
15 – Par 5 – 530 Yards – Calve Raises
16 – Par 3 – 170 Yards – Wide Arm Merkins
17 – Par 4 – 440 Yards – Good Mornings
18 – Par 4 – 465 Yards – Dollys

Timing worked out great. Had a chance to hit a few shots at the end to add a few more exercises. Great crowd and mumblechatter.

Mary: Yes

Announcements: AMRAP 4 Autism, 4/27 Burpees, Mike Doty Run at Winthrop

Prayers/Praises: Praises for PAX/fellowship

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Good Cop ,Bad Cop

WARMUP: Morrocan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills and Low Slow Squats
THE THANG: We did 5 rounds of :
40 SSH
All exercises completed is a round and after each round we ran the busloop in front of Springfield Middle School.

MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel shelter and read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and praises

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I love a rainy morning music 🎶

WARMUP: grab a block
Walk to gym entrance

Moroccan Night Clubs
Low Slow Squats
Imperial Walker
Sumo Squat

8 exercises, 6 rounds
Bent Rows
Man Makers
Tri Extension
Shoulder press
Upright row

Keep Posting….even in the rain 👏🏻👍🏻💪🏻

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Dora of Death

WARMUP: plank, down dog stretch claves, up dog, plank. Moroccan night club, cherry pickers
THE THANG: Partner Dora
100 4ct Imperial Walkers
200 4ct Side Straddle Hops
300 Squats
200 4ct LBC’s
100 4ct Merkins
Sasquatch kept the faster pace entertained and others helped finish
Mozy to picnic tables for dips, step ups, box jumps, incline merkins
MARY: 37 American hammers for a birthday celebration
ANNOUNCEMENTS: acceleration project, blood drive
COT: prayer and/or praise from everyone

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Tabata Wednesday

Disclaimer, plank while we wait for Sawdust and Toto

Slow mosey to the pullup bars, split into 2 groups. Group 1 does 10 pullups, while group 2 wall sits. Flapjack and rinse/repeat.
Mosey back to the start and circle up for Tabata:
8 exercises, 8 sets of each, 20s work, 10s rest. Today, we did the following exercieses:
1. Flutters
2. Carolina Dry Docks
3. Squats
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Hello Dollys
6. Merkins
7. Boat and Canoe
8. Burpees

Finish with 90s Body Destroyer

The Great Daffodil Field Hike (Sawdust coordinating this family friendly event – see your newsletter)

Prayers for Splinter’s mother with Cancer in Hospice and for Sawdust’s aunt Locy with cognitive decline.

The Tabata is a challenging workout and keeping track of the exercises and sets as the Q takes some concentration. I lost track of a few counts today, but the Pax kept me honest and put out a great effort. It was a perfect, cool, dry morning, and a pleasure to lead the group as always. Having Toto with us was icing on the cake. Well done, gentlemen!

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