Bodily functions are real

WARMUP: started with a mosey around the parking lot. Stopped for some SSH, merkins, squats, mountain climbers, and a little back and hip stretching. Made our way over to grab some cindy’s.
THE THANG: Once we had our new toys, we went to the hill for 11s. Shoulder presses at the top with cindy and bottom of the hill hand release merkins. Pax that finished early did chest presses or picked up Pax and finished with them.

Next we took our cindy friend to the pull up bars for work. 7s was the game with 1 pull-up and 6 man makers…down to 6 pull ups and 1 man maker.
MARY: made our way to COT for Mary on steroids…1 hammer, 4 flutters; 2 hammers, 8 flutters…made our way to 5 hammers and 20 flutters before the crying started. Then it was 3 burpees and round the horn ab callouts.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots in the newsletter
COT: patience, schools, families in general.

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Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you

WARMUP: A Jog, SSH, WM, CP, MNC, Merkins
Eight exercises stations with a KB and non-KB exercise at each one. Mode of transportation to each station varies from bear crawl, crawl bear, power skip, broad jump. Once through all the stations, we ran a lap around the parking lot as started the process over again.
MARY: no time
COT: closed in prayer

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Trick or Treat at the Hive

WARMUP: Extremely brief and nearly devoid of cadence calling due to the Q having a mostly lost voice.
The AO was set up with different exercises posted on lampposts lableled as either Tricks or Treats. Workout consisted of 8 rounds. Each round began with a 1 minute AMRAP of a specified exercise. Based on the reps achieved by the group approximately half of the HIM were directed to receive a treat for a high effort number of reps, the other half were directed to select the Trick. The Tricks were consistently worse than the treats but all were KB exercises. In some cases high rep counts would not be conducive to good form and a more random tool was used to split the group such as age (odd/even) or Birth Month (odd even).

15 Snatches
15 Clean & Press
Turkish Get ups
Murder Bunnies to next “house”
2 minute plank

Goblet Squats
Calf Raises
OH Press
Side Leans
Tri Press

1min AMRAP exercises
Kettle Bell Swings (reps)
Man Makers (random)
Chest Press (reps)
Good Mornings (random)
Pullovers (random)
Deadlifts (random)
Hay-Balers (random)
Curls (reps)

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Kettle Bell Kards

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Little Baby Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers, Windmills
THE THANG: Dora The Explorer – 100-Merkins, 100-Big Boys, 100-Lunges – 100 yard mode of transport.
Deck of Pain – Kettle Bell Swings, KB Chest Press, KB Goblet Squats, KB Curls, Running on the 2.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BBQ social at Blues Monday, Bourbon Tasting, Poker.
COT: Prayers for Long Duck. Great to see the HIM. Prayers for 🇮🇱.

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Leg Day is the Best Day

Warm Up
Imperial Walker

Track time

10 squats
200 meters
10 lunges
200 meters
X 4
Bulgarian split squats waiting for 6
10 single leg squats
200 meters
10 reverse lunges
200 meters
Calf raises waiting on 6

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178 Year Anniversary of The Naval Academy

It was a cool crisp morning in the Fort but fear not, the mumble chatter kept us warm.

Quick warm up and we mosey 10 feet over to the field behind the AO.

Gave a quick history of the founding of the US Naval Academy by historian, educator, and secretary of The Navy George Bancroft. It was founded on 10/10/1845 in Annapolis Maryland to improve unsatisfactory methods of instructing midshipmen.

10 Burpees (October)/10 Flutter (10th Day)/18 Squats & 45 Monkey Humpers (year of pain). Mode of transportation was a Yog (Soft J).

We did:

– 80 Burpees
– 60 Flutters
– 72 Squats
– 90 Monkey Humpers

Moseyed across the street to the hill of pain for some 7’s with a bear crawl as the mode of transportation.

– 6 Kraken Burpees
– 1 V-Up

Back to COT for announcements, prayers, and praises.


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The Mogadishu Mile

THE THANG: 4 Rounds with coupon for time:
-19 Ground to Overhead
-19 Front Squats
-19 coupon push-ups (one hand on coupon left then right for a total of 38)
-400 m run with KB/DB (1600m total)
– Dora-style: 60 pull-ups/hill descent & climb
MARY: Misc.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, helo landing,
COT: Yes

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Let’s try to keep up non IronPax

YHC started with a mosey, that was long. PAX were wondering if they ended up in a running AO.

We stopped by the Pre-K, school for Warm-O-Rama. The usual that included,
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Then for the main course below routine to the opposite end of parking lot with a sprint back,
Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Bear Crawl

Next was some 11’s,
Burpees with Lunges
Merkins with Squats

Mountain Climbers (1 set of 13)

Run back to CoT for some Pax choice Marys,
Box cutter
Hello Dollys
Flutter Kicks
Freddie Mercury

Ended the workout with,
Prayers and Praises

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