Belly Dance

WARMUP: warmup jog, Side straddle hops, Imperial walkers, Windmill
Round 1 – 100 – Earl Fonda (right side)
Round 1 – 100 – Earl Fonda (Left Side)
Round 2 – 150 – Flutter Kicks
Round 4 – 200 – Freddie Mercury
Round 5 – 250 – LBC
Second set
Bear Crawl
Round 1 – 20 – Lunges
Round 1 – 20 – Squat

Great Work y’all

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Churches chained together

WARMUP: grab a heavy chain & Ruck
During marching portions, swap every ~5 min on who (partner) was Ruck+2-chainz vs. just Ruck

THE THANG: March to St. Paul Episcopal
In parking lot: all with ruck & Chain
Chainkins, LS-SquatCH, Pickle-Chain-Pounders, Side-Plank-Pulses, other stuff

March along Unity, Group selfie @ Band Camp’s Abode, get to 1st Baptist across 160

Their P-Lot: partner— 1 PAX w/ 2-chainz, 1 using non-mosey MOT of their choice up &back to swap. 2-chainz pax walking w/ OH-press or Hold, curls, etc

MARY: no time for her, but Slow Jams did rub his Tummy with the Chain

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter

COT: held; WNC victims & workers mostly on our minds

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Chainz Return to Alcatraz

Django: SSH, Ch-Pickers, Windmill, MNC, (all IC)
W/Chain: ChainKins, V-sits, Side-Plank-Pulses, Pickle-chain-pounders, Low Slow SquatCH,

Partner Chain Lateral Raises, Partner Chain Front Raises

Laps around Lot (Catch me if you can): Each lap, chained-pax different exercise: OH-Press/hold, Curls

Up & down hill: Django picks MOT (other than mosey), Chained-Pax shuffles

MARY: American CHammers, Flutter-press, Chained-Supermans
Django: CH-LBCs, Vowels & John Hancock, Some boat-flutter thing from Nestel (IDK…)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Aide for WNC victims, read newsletter
COT: WNC / H-Helene

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One arm at a time

WARMUP: mosey, 5 reps each arm of swings, row, clean, press and snatch
Each partner does all of the reps each round if the bell is set down the punishment is one burpee first round, two second round and so on.

15 man maker buy in

Rd one: 60 single arm swings
Rd two: 50 single arm rows
Rd three: 40 single arm cleans
Rd four: 30 single arm press
Rd five: 20 single arm snatch

Between rounds one partner plank while other farmer carry and rotate.

MARY: no
COT: yes

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No Rules Just Right

Each person loaded up with a ruck and a sandbag. Short walk, uploaded weight. Partnered up, took turns carrying two rucks, two sandbags while other partner ran.
Rugby sprints – exercises then run fast
Short mosey to school. exercises performed while other partner ran the hill.
Finish strong: partner 1 carried all weight up the hill while partner 2 ran up the hill. Flapjack.
Ruck back to COT

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Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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What’s The Significance Of The Number 19?

WARMUP: SSH and Halo’s

Headed over to the hill by the practice football field.
At the top of the hill
Holding bell in one hand 19 reps of
Overhead press, Racked Squats, Bent over rows
Farmer carry bell to bottom of the hill and repeat using other hand. Farmer carry back up the hill.
That’s 1 round

Repeat 4x

If you let go of the bell before the end of a round, the round needed by started over and reps did not count.

Flutters, LBCs, John Hancocks


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Hurrcane Coaches Box

Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
– L/R toe touch, middle
– Pretzel
– Quad

arm workout with cindies – AmRAP
45 sec on, 15 rest
Circuit x2
– pull ups
– Curls
– Tris
– OH press
– Cactus squats

Burpee decelerator starting with 10 at the first, lunge walk to next, 9 burpees, etc…..

Airborne’s hip flexors

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