AMRAP for Autism WOD (ruck version)

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, windmills, low slow squats
Using the ruck:
10 over head presses
10 high pulls
10 curls
10 bend over rows
10 squats
4 man makers
54 yard over head carry
400 meter ruck

Rinse and repeat… we were able to do 4 rounds and had just enough time for Mary
MARY: broga led by @CrabCakes

Welcome FNG Puzzle Piece 🧩 (John Little HN)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence
COT: prayers for healing and recovery for family members and friends.

Tinsel, out!

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AKA at the Sink: Mobility-HIIT-Broga

WARMUP: dynamic warm-up—-knee to chest; heel to butt, heel to hip, side lunge walk, lunge and overhead reach, inch worms
mobility warm up— seated internal/external hip rotations; back rolls to reach forwards; 1/2 kneel spinal rotations against wall
plank warm up— upward<>downward dog, peter parker x6, upward<>downward dog, parker peter x6, upward<>downward dog, plank jacks x6, upward<>downward dog, shoulder taps x6, upward<>downward dog, merkins x6, upward<>downward dog
THE THANG: recommended sandbag weight of 40-60lbs
thruster x30″, row x30″, Lunge x30″, curls x30″, manmakers x30″, big boys x30″, REST 90″ — REPEAT x4
Partner up: partner 1 sandbag overshoulder toss x30″, partner 2 SSH x30″— rinse and repeat x2
MARY: BROGA!upward<>downward dog, warriors 1, 2, & 3 and some other wonderful poses that we all need more of
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: Marriages, Walker, Drop Thrill, Vuvu’s Son- Luka

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Fab 4

Ruck a warm up lap around field stopping to do some Imperial Walkers, Squats, Merkins, and Mountain Climbers. Ruck over to side of school. 4 rounds of the following: 10 man-makers, 10 OH press, 10 merkins w/ruck, and 10 bent over rows.

Ruck to other end of school. Partner up. 200 swings, 200 big boys, 200 curls, and 200 squats. P1 OH carries the sandbag to the stop sign, then front carry jog back and switch. We made it to the curls before time was up. Carry everything back to COT.

Small group this morning but good conversation. Until next time.

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Manion WOD in torrential rain

WARMUP: start moving before the rain
THE THANG: 29 back squats with rucks and sandbags, 400 meter ruck
Repeat 7 times

By the time we started the first 400 meter ruck and monsoon hit us and we could see rivers running by our side on the hill.

We finished strong right before 6am

MARY: one last 400 meter ruck

ANNOUNCEMENTS: amrap for autism is happening at Chupacabra next Friday feo this that missed it on 4/22

COT: prayers for healing and love

Tinsel, out

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Currahee is the hardest AO in The Fort and we’re going to prove it!

Low slow squat

Partner up – 1 sandbag per group
20 manmakers
20 thrusters with sandbag

March to the hill
At “Basecamp”
10 manmakers
10 thrusters

If you have a sandbag, ATTACK the hill
If not:
20 merkins
20 squats
RUN up the hill

Take a breather at the top, return to bottom, switch and repeat

Return to COT
We were a few minutes behind getting to COT. Taking the hill twice can be done in under an hour, just skip the pre-manmakers/thrusters

We were already 8 minutes late to COT


Prayers for Luka

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BBWW (Bells, balls, webs and whine)

WARMUP: small mosey, windmills, Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, windmills
The theme for today was core and Abs, details:

Kettlebell Jack Webb #1
1 high pull – 4 around the world
2 high pulls – 8 around the world
Progressive to 10 HP and 40 ATW

Medium amount of chatting and whining

Pax were divided into 3 groups, for time (10 minutes) one pax tosses the 60-80lbs med ball over the shoulder 5 times while the rest of the group does LBCS, average 25 tosses and 200 lbcs per pax.

Kettlebell Jack Webb # 2
1 swing – 4 side bends (alternate sides OYO)
2 swings – 8 side bends
Progressive to 10 swings and 40 SB

YHC bell got switched to a 50lbs one by the site Q at the beginning of last Webb.

A laaaaaaarge amount of whining on this from pax with medium KB.

medium mosey around the parking lot.

MARY: small session of broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Manion on Friday
COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel, out…

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No one left behind… alive

1 burpee
Ain’t got time to sit around and flail our arms around. Time to GO!

With coupons: 2x10lb dumbbells, one 25lb dumbbell, one 20lb ruck
yog to The Hill.

Pain stations along the way
Legs: 20ea
Bomb jacks
Monkey humpers

Shoulders 20ea
Overhead press with coupons

Gut 20ea
Plank jacks
Grave diggers
Peter Parker’s
Big boys – facing up hill

Summit the hill without coupons – alternating between run and bear crawl.
Return to COT the way we came. Arrived at 6:01AM

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4/20 workout
COT: yes

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one PAX’s Manion recovery is another PAX’s Tuckfest prep

some PAX were recovering from Manion, some PAX heading to Jax for GrowRuck this morning, some PAX heading to Tuckfest for the weekend so a moderate workout was on the docket.

THE THANG: 2x kingsley park loops, stop every 5 minutes to do about 10-15 merkins and squats in different variations. a little over 2 miles total.

MARY: broga type stuff for about a minute

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Party of two for webs and chatter

mosey around parking lot, windmills, Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, Peter Parker
Web # 1
1 squat/4 calf raises, move to next parking spot line,
2 squats/8 calf raises, move to next parking spot line,
Progressive to 10 squats/40 calf raises

Mosey around parking lot

Web # 2

1 merkin/4 shoulder taps, move to next parking spot line,
2 merkins/8 shoulder taps, move to next parking spot line,
Progressive to 10 merkins/40 shoulder taps

Slow mosey/walk around parking lot

It was a great opportunity to chat and share some experiences learn more about other pax.


COT: 5th core principle

Tinsel out

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AKA with a ruck

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: Maintain 16 min per mile pace. Stop after 1/2 mile to do upper body workout. Stop after another 1/2 mile for lower body. Rinse and repeat until 5 min left.
MARY: 5 min of Airborne’s hip exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter

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