The DaVinci Cones® Redux

Forecast called for a warmish start for December, but a high chance of rain, so I wasn’t sure if we’d have a crowd or just a few. Very glad to see a bunch of cars when I pulled up. We ended up with 14 including YHC.

The Thang

Ran around the parking lot to warm up the legs, with a little side shuffle then circled up for some COP:

SSH x 15
Low, slow squats x 15
Slow, old-man windmills (just 10, since I was reminded it’s just a 45 minute workout
Merkins x 10
A little downward dog and honeymooner to stretch out
Mountain Climbers x 15

Then a short mosey to the traffic circle in front of school. I spoke briefly about our theme of the month, which is “Gifts.” At other workouts, the Qs have spoken about Gifts, be they tangible, material things that we give and receive, or intangible, like the gifts of time and support and love.

My message was about the holiday phenomenon of the REGIFT.

Today, I decided to reuse a workout I led earlier this year at the Abyss. It worked pretty good then, and worked well today, too.

Here’s what we did:

Partner 1 acts as a timer, going halfway around circle drive to the Cone using the prescribed means of conveyance (bear crawl, crab walk, etc), then runs the second half while Partner 2 does the prescribed exercise (squat jumps, merkins, etc); then switch

1. Bear Crawl | Squat Jumps
2. Lunge Walk | Merkins
3. Crab Walk | LBCs
4. Lt. Dangers | Plank Punches

Then a mosey around to the side of the school for some Wall Sits.

Have a seat, won’t you? A PAX from either end of the row runs out to the center stripe in the driveway, does 3 burpees, then runs back to the wall.

Finally, a mosey around to the track behind the school.

This is one of the set-it-and-forget-it workouts I like to uses. It’s self-paced and allows for some cardio as well as a variety of body-weight exercises. Plus, if someone finishes and there’s still time on the clock, we can always rinse and repeat.

Start at Cone #1 at one end of the track, do the exercise and prescribed reps, run to the other end of the track, do #1 on Cone 2 at  that end, and so on.

Cone #1
1. Slow Squats (20)
2. Curb Dips (20)
3. Mtn. Climbers (20 d.c.)
4. Curb Derkins (20)
5. CDD’s (20)

Cone #2
1. Imperial Wlkrs (20 d.c.)
2. Jump Lunges (10/leg)
3. Freddy Mercurys (20 d.c.)
4. Flying Squirrels (10)
5. Peter Parkers (10 d.c.)


All jokes aside about gifts and regifts, at COT I shared my feelings about what a gift F3 is to me. I was able to thank DarkHelmet again for EH-ing me for weeks, finally convincing me to post at the Deep on a warm Saturday in April of 2016.

I was hooked from the very first workout.

Mind you: it nearly killed me (curse you, Jack Webb!), but the remarkable thing to me was how I felt welcomed from the moment I got out of my car. I was supported and encouraged during that first workout, and that encouragement and support has continued to this day.

I challenge each of us to continue offering support and encouragement to FNGs and long-time PAX alike.

The world may beat us down. This group can help build us back up.

So during this time of giving, I want to thank all of my brothers for their gift of friendship and support and encouragement.

I feel blessed to be a part of this group.


TClap |

Poking the Q leads to sprinting at The Deep

7 showed up, including one Rock Region PAX for my VQ at the Deep

Proper full disclaimer was given – and a note that while you can modify if you feel like it… I am trying to push you to new limits.

Long mosey around the baseball field to the front entrance for …

The Warm-Up in cadence

  • Abe Vigoda x20
  • Mumble Chatter included poking the Q about my HATE age so further warm ups were doubled
  • SSH x40
  • Moroccan Nightclub x25
  • Sumo Squat x30
  • Hillbilly Walker x30
  • Got some good stretching in Right over Left for a 10 count and switch Left over Right for 10
  • On the 6
  • LBC x20
  • Flutter x20
  • Chopsticks x20
  • Stretching 10 counts, right leg flat left knee to chest, switch left leg flat right knee to chest

Mosey across the street to the football field and partnered up to have someone push us through the next exercises

The Thang

Cones were preset about 20 paces to the first cone then 10 to each cone to total 5 cones

Suicides along the cones ending at the final cone with an exercise incrementing 5 each time, so the final step would be a 25 single count

  • Round 1: Overhead claps
  • Round 2: Calf Raises
  • Round 3: SSH
  • Round 4: Plank Jacks – tested how cold the grass was in case I had to Omaha the upcoming bear crawl


Al Gore circle

Tangible gifts certainly give people a sense of belonging and friendship throughout this holiday season, but what intangible gifts do we have as HIMs that we can share with others, PAX or not, at any time in the year?

I love to pack trucks, maybe even thrive on the experience. To date I have packed 96 homes into trucks for families moving or student camp for hundreds of kids and have enjoyed every minute of it. Primarily because it seems to be such a stressful time and a dread for families and friends, that my experience with it becomes a huge relief for them.

We switched between honeymooner and downward dog while the other PAX shared their intangible, practical gifts that they gift to others.

More Thangs

Stayed partnered up for Doras, bear crawl to first cone, cumulative partner single count exercises

  • 50 merkins
  • 100 LBCs
  • 150 squats
  • 200 seal jacks

A few 10 counts were needed to save the poor calf muscles of those involved

Then we took a mosey back towards CoT and took the long route down the main road. Stopped for some hills by the baseball field.

3 sets of 5 hills with an exercise each time you get back to the top

  • Set 1: 20 dips
  • Set 2: 20 calf raises/dips on the curb
  • Set 3: 10 merkins

Long sprint around the parking lot for some people’s choice AbLab


Announcements READ YOUR NEWSLETTER!!!!


Coffeteria at Bagel Boat (better than Dunkin Donuts, you guys are crazy)

TClap |

#14DaysTillChristmas Quagmire Style

12 Men showed up in sub-freezing temperatures at Quagmire just to prove that cold weather means absolutely nothing.  Especially when you get moving.  5:15 came and we took a nice mosey over to the Home Depot parking lot while doing some side steps, high knees, and butt kickers.

Warm Up-

Windmill x 10

Imperial Walker x 10

Hillbilly Walker x 10

SSH x 20

Seal Jack x 20

Plank/Honeymooner/Downward Dog


The Thang-

A Dirty McDeuce (or as DaVinci said, McFourteens?) of sorts.  3 excercises, constant movement, supersets, in all its glory to keep us warm.

Home Depot- Squats x 14, Merkins x 14, LBCs x 14… x 2

Run to Target parking lot through back delivery entrance

Target – Jump Lunges x 14, Carolina Dry Docks x 14, Freddie Mercury x 14…. x 2

Run to around Target parking lot to BAM

BAM- Jump Squats x 14, Wide Arm Merkins x 14, American Hammers x 14…. x 2

Run to Just Fresh parking lot

Just Fresh- People’s Chair (hold for… a long time?), into Donkey Kicks x 14, into BTTW (hold for… a long time… again?)…. x 2.  On last BTTW, PAX held through all 12 taking turns at 5 Merkins.

Mosey around the corner to the Fountain

Fountain- Find a bench… Box Jumps/Step Ups x 14, Tricep Dips x 14, Derkins x 14… x 3 (added an extra set for fun)

Indian Run Back to COT for many (10 minutes) of Mary (Q altered schedule thinking that time would run short… too much overthinking).  Completed 3 Mary exercises, into Diamond Merkins, 3 more Mary exercises, into Diver Bombers, and 3 more Mary exercises with time running out.

Name-O-Rama, Announcements, Prayers

Significance of 14….

All exercises were completed with 14 reps.  Monday, December 11.  14 Days until Christmas.  14 Days until the greatest gift the world has received.  With the focus on Gifts this month, I used the exercise to countdown to my favorite day of the year.  Christmas has meant a lot to me, not just through the greatest gift of all time, but through the significance to my family.  I am excited to continue my family’s Christmas traditions with my children as they start to understand the significance of this time of year.


Until next time,

Shakespeare. Out.

TClap |

Pick a card at Quagmire

It was a non-winter Monday morning and a great group of PAX showed up to get the week started. No FNGs but disclaimer was given and off we went.

  • Mosey to Home Depot lot with high-knees, butt-kickers, & karaoke’s along the way. Circle up for normal stretchy things, grunting, and other pleasantries.
  • Mosey to alley behind Home Depot. PAX line up on one side and start with flutters. PAX run to wall and do BTW walk down the wall, crab walk to end of next wall, run to end of alley, 20 squats, run back to PAX. When PAX ahead of you is 1/4 way down wall next PAX start. Large group so it took a while to cycle through everyone.
  • Mosey over to fountain and break into 2 groups. Each group had a cone at down at round-about with 8 cards. Each card had an exercise for the group to do together and then another exercise for group to do while next PAX ran to get next card. Each group had same cards but order was random.
    • Run full lap outside round-abouts / LBCs
    • 20 jump squats / plank punches
    • 10 Lt Dans (lunge-lunge-squat) / plank jacks
    • 20 dips / flutters
    • Run full lap outside round-abouts / Freddie mercs
    • 15 diamond merkins / SSHs
    • 20 derkins / step-ups
    • 10 burpees / MNCs
  • Mosey back to COT for a few minutes of Mary

I’ve been doing my normal routine of running on Mondays so it was good to shake things up and get back out to Quagmire. Always a great group of PAX with lots of mumble-chatter (DH was there). Thanks DaVinci for the opportunity!


TClap |

Modify “only” if Necessary

11 men converged on the Abyss to experience an opportunity to push their limits (and legs).  After the initial “surprise” that there was a Q change due to sickness the mumble chatter began on why staying bed that morning may have been a better option.

A short disclaimer and “sermon” was given about why we get up at 4:30 to exercise and how it is our choice how we leave the workout.  Better than when we arrived…. or the same.  I reminded the men that they always had the choice to modify but that to use it “only” when necessary not just because it is an option.

Warm up (typical stretches and shenanigans)

Pavement Hill Work

  • Lunges to top (mosey down)
  • Basketball shuffle
  • One direction halfway- Switch other half
  • High knees and butt kickers on way down
  • Reverse lunges halfway- sprint second half
  • High knees and Butt Kickers on way down
  • Sprint to top and do 3 Burpees
  • Mosey down

Move over to Parking lot

Bear Crawls to each goal (4)

  • 1st goal- 20 squats
  • 2nd goal- 20 LBCs
  • 3rd goal- 5 Burpees

Broad Jump to each goal (3)

  • 1st goal- 10 merkins
  • 2nd goal- 10 wide merkins
  • 3rd goal- 10 diamond merkins

Over to benches

  • 30 dips
  • 10 steps ups each leg

Grassy Hill


  • Jump lunges/merkins
  • Go up hill (backwards)
  • Finish with 50 Merkins and final accent up hill to COT.

Every man pushed themselves and  finished strong.  May struggle with stairs and sitting on the throne for a couple of days but left stronger than they arrived.

Shared announcements and Prayers.

TClap |

Mini Board of Pain at The Abyss

I hate being cold. BUT…..thankfully F3 makes sure the chill does not last long. The cold makes for good running and workout weather.

There’s always a good solid number of folks who show up at the Abyss, and today did not disappoint. No FNGs , disclaimer was said and off we went.

Moseyed around the entrance area parking lot. Nothing fancy, just a nice light run for a few minutes or so. Gathered up along the side of the school near the grassy hillside we ALL love (saving that for another Q) for the COP:

  • SSH x 25
  • WM x 15
  • IW x 20
  • MNC x 20
  • STRAWBERRY pickers x 15

Didn’t want to take too much time away from the main event. No talking (a first for a NASA Q), we just moseyed on over to the back of the school, where there is a nice oval track. Here I had the main event set up.

The MINI Board Of Pain

The real Board of Pain has become somewhat of a legend in The Fort region. It has been around for quite some time challenging people to complete it, and it is pretty much THE most challenging thing to try and complete in a 45min workout. I figured we need to keep our eye on the prize and came up with the mini version, lest people forget what the real one can do to the unprepared. There are 18 exercises, 100+ reps each, on the real BoP. With runs between exercises. This one is a scaled down, slightly rearranged version. Three groups of 5 exercises, 25 reps each OYO (unless otherwise noted), nonstop, with runs after every 5th exercise:

  1. Burpees
  2. Calf raises (50)
  3. Ski Abs
  4. Merkins
  5. Long, slow squats >>> Run a lap
  6. LBCs (50)
  7. CDDs
  8. American hammers
  9. Mac Tar Jai
  10. Jump squats >>> RUN FORREST, RUN!!
  11. Mountain climbers
  12. Shoulder raises (50)
  13. Mary Catherines
  14. Hello Dolly!
  15. Wide arm merkins >>> Run like the wind(ed)…
    (missing from the original BoP were squat jacks, nipplers – whatever the hell those are, and burpees)

Again, NO talking from the Q. A first for NASA (mark it down). I did provide some Pandora streaming music, albeit with a little minor technical difficulty pairing my speaker with my phone (folks were on exercise 4 by the time I got it figured out). The PAX really got after it! Alot of great support and mumblechatter. Most everyone completed 2 full circuits, a few started on their third. GREAT JOB BY ALL!!

We took it right up to ~ 5:57. Enough time for a slow Indian run back to the COT.

Announcements, Prayers, and Praises:

  • IF you have nasty, dirty, stained, smelly athletic clothing that desperately need to be cleaned – talk to DaVinci. A friend is starting up a company whose product will save those clothes and make them look/smell new. Send them in, they’ll clean them for FREE, and return them good as new.
  • Christmas party – SIGN UP AND GO!! You won’t regret it.
  • Joe Davis run for Hope in Jan 2018
  • Rock Hill’s Rooster CSAUP
  • York’s Ice Breaker CSAUP
  • Turkey drive for Paradise community
  • Prayers for Whopper’s Mom as she undergoes surgery and for quick recovery.
  • Prayers for Cha-Ching as he tries to find balance in his life (aren’t we all)
  • Prayers for Flea’s son in his continued amazing recovery from health issues at birth
  • Prayers for those unsaid
  • Praises for everyone continuing to push themselves every day to get better


I kept the conversations to the end of the COT. Yes, believe it! I just want to highlight how amazing this thing we call F3 is, how much of an impact it can have on yourself AND others. Each and every day PAX are coming out at o-dark-thirty, rain or shine, heat or cold. They’re there to work out, but are drawn out by the people, the fellowship, and mad stronger by the Faith. The more and more you are exposed to the 3 F’s, the more and more you submit yourself to them and what they can do, the more and more you change. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Each and every day PAX in F3 strive to get better in some aspect of their lives. And it has a contagious effect – you find yourself getting pulled along by those leading the way, or you may be pulling others along who need your leadership. It is amazing to watch people transform. I’ve seen many FNGs since I’ve started, and the ‘then vs now’ comparisons are inspiring to say the least. Those 3 F’s can have a profound impact on one’s life.

Almost 2 years ago before I started F3, I was a rather diffident person. I kept up a good facade, but if someone were to ask me to do 100+ burpees, do a handstand vertical against a wall, run a few trails in the middle of the night, run from Columbia to Charleston, ruck 20+ miles with 40lbs or so on my back doing exercises along the way, participate in a few completely stupid and utterly pointless events with alot of miles and alot of pain along the way, or run a marathon – I would just laugh and say “some day”. If someone were to ask me if I feel closer to God, even reading the Bible regularly and attending church again, I’d shrug it off and say “some day”. If someone were to ask me if I felt more in control of my own emotions, actions, and judgments, were the best husband and father a family could ask for, I’d roll my eyes and say “some day”. Well those “some day”s are now. I cannot believe some of the things I have done since the MANY amazing F3 PAX have entered my life, pushing and pulling me along to get better, push my limits. Their open-ness, inspiring stories, leadership, wisdom, and listening abilities have inspired me and helped me become a much better man in many ways. Their non-judgement has made me at ease when I do not feel as Christian as I should be in my ways, and with their help and leadership I am changing that. I am still a work in progress, but I am not afraid anymore to admit it nor am I afraid anymore to climb the proverbial mountain towards self improvement. I am eager and inspired to tackle it.

In the spirit of the month of Thanksgiving – each and every day I thank God for F3, and for the amazing people who really make it what it is.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!

TClap |


In the better late than never category was able to get out to lead my VQ.  Joined in the rainy gloom by 15 PAX.  After a quick disclaimer we moseyed over to the basketball court area for warmup (Squats, Cherry Pickers, Merkin, Windmill, SSH, and Moroccan Nightclub)

Prepping for this had the #3 stuck in my head for some reason so wanting to not overthink things and keep it simple for my VQ I had exercises written down at 3 stations w/3 exercises at each around the track.

  • Station 1 – 30 Squats, 50 SSH, 20 Lunges
  • Station 2 – 20 Big Boy Sit Ups, 50 LBC, 30 American Hammer
  • Station 3 – 20 CDD, 30 Dips, 15 Burpees

I never really have a great concept of time out in the gloom so planned on 2x through each and see where we’re at (thank you Royale & Bones for helping me keep time!)  Had some extra time after that so decided to mosey to the top of the track for partner up exercise of wind sprints and burpees (note to self, don’t ask for suggestions on partner exercises)

Recovered and had a few minutes left so wall chair was recommended.  Ran the wall chair with the pax at each end doing a bear crawl to the curb + 2 burpees.  Mosey back to COT for LBC, Flutters, and Freddie Mercuries.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  I found it to be a good and enjoyable challenge.  Was great to have encouragement from the group!  Till next time


TClap |

Q school 101 & 201

16 Pax for Q School

YHC arrived early and Dark Helmet Q101) rolled in let’s just say a little later than that

The first rule of Q school is arrive early!!!

Dark Helmet took the 101 beginner class and YHC took the advanced class (or at least we think we are advanced) split off and began to teach some good stuff

201 started out with 10 perfect Burpees and we mosied to the back of the school to the COP

Everyone lead 10 SSH each making sure we could all count

We then did merkins 2 ea all the way around the circle

We continued our warm up and talked through some things we all felt were important

Another rule to follow is don’t do stupid things….In other words don’t do partner carries on a wet hill in the dark, don’t cross a major highway with 30 PAX in the dark….Be smart about what you’re doing and try not to get anyone hurt, we are out here to get in better shape after all!

Although they say not to make the workout too hard I don’t believe that. Everyone will work at their own pace and make sure they know that’s ok! Modify as needed is not just something we say it’s also true

The 201 school did some bear crawls, then partner hand slap merkins.

Ran around the circle and did hand clap sit ups

Ran around the circle and did hand slap burpees

Ran around the circle and did hand slap squats

Finished with 15 Burpees then mosied to COP where Dark Helmet had us do an additional 10 Burpees

Not too hard of a workout but we did stay warm and learned at least a couple of things!

Not sure what Dark Helmet talked about during his schooling but I am certain the PAX learned at least one thing from him today……

TClap |

Q School at Abyss – 10-11-17

Welcome to Q school from Senator Tressel and Ginsu! 19 PAX posted to sharpen their leadership skills.

Senator Tressel started off with guidelines on safety:

  • Always start with a disclaimer as a reminder, especially to new guys, that this is a voluntary workout led by non-professional fitness leaders. F3, nor the Q for the day assume any reliability if you get sick or hurt.   Be aware of your physical limitations and modify the workout if you need to.
  • Workouts are rain or shine, but should be cancelled if the conditions are unsafe. Usually this will be due to lightning or ice, but can be for other reasons.  The Q should use good judgement and make the call to cancel if he feels the conditions are not safe.  It’s OK to cancel a workout.  There will be another one tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that.  BE SMART.    Spring’s Maltz Challenge at NAFO was sighted as an example of what not to do.  The Q should also determine what exercises are safe to do (i.e. – no partner carries up a wet hill)
  • Always start with a warm up. ‘Surprising’ the Pax with 30 burpees to get things start might be fun, but is ill-advised.    Today, we did the Tressel  standard warm up which includes lunge walks, knee and ankle pulls, toy soldiers, arm circles and pulls.  Jogging and stretching are always good to start off a workout.

After the warm up, we moseyed to the back of the school for COP. ST led off with 25 side straddle hops and 10 merkins and then invited some of the newer Pax to lead exercises and practice counting. Things we stressed today:

  • The proper way, official, F3 way to start exercises in cadence is:  THE NEXT EXERCISE IS……, STARTING POSITION…MOVE….IN CADENCE… . EXERCISE!  (this is commonly done incorrectly)
  • COUNT MORE SLOWLY. ST is of the opinion that guys, in general, count too fast.  Slower counting is more effective for conditioning and leads to better form.  Your count should match your body movement when counting.
  • PROJECT YOUR VOICE so everyone can hear.
  • If your AO has pull up bars use them as much as possible.  The Abyss does have pull up bars so we split into three groups and did pull ups, step ups, and one lap around the track (3 reps were planned, but we only had time for one).

After each group got through a round of pull ups, we all assumed the plank position in a a tight circle for today’s message. Working the monthly theme or other message into the workout is not required, but can be an effective addition to the workout.    This is something unique to the Fort region.

Senator Tressel normally does not do a message, but felt compelled after reading an article about the reasons that people commit acts like the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas.  The writer opined that loneliness, frustration, unhappiness, and lack of purpose can lead people to commit heinous crimes.  The mission of F3 addresses these issues.  ST shared that the greatest thing that F3 has done for him is make him a much happier,  ‘at peace’ man.

ST handed off to Ginsu for the 2nd half.

Mosey to the front parking lot.

For the second half of the workout, we focused on the following:

  • Simplicity – Keep the workouts simple! Creativity is encouraged, but not at the expense of a solid, well organized workout. Keeping your workout simple makes organization easy and is less confusing for the PAX. Repetition (e.g. DORA, Jacob’s Ladder, etc.) is a good way to keep workouts simple.
  • Simple does not mean EASY! Burpees, pull-ups, merkins, bear crawls, etc. are all SIMPLE exercise options. But they are not EASY. Challenge the PAX with good workouts, keep it simple, but not EASY.
  • If you can’t do it, don’t Q it! – Challenge your PAX, but don’t turn a 45 minute workout into a CSAUP event. Use good judgment and don’t ask your PAX to do something that you can’t do yourself.
  • Pick up the SIX! – F3 is not like other workout groups. Here, it is you vs you and we pick each other up. We also EH new PAX weekly that are often as out of shape as the rest of us were when we began. Pick them up, encourage them. Appoint one of the PAX to hang back with them, if necessary.
  • Write your BackBlasts! This is part of the responsibility of being a Q. The simpler your workout, the easier the BBs are to write. It takes 5-10 minutes to do this. Just get it done.

With all this talk, you would think we didn’t actually do any work…we did. We kept it simple.

  • 4 cones in the shape of a square 50 yds apart. Do the following exercises at each cone, run to the next:
    • 5 burpees
    • 10 merkins
    • 10 big boy sit ups
    • Vinnie’s choice – 10 Freddie Mercury’s (4 count)


  • Announcements
    • Fast 5 – November 4th
    • CAH – Saturday, October 14th
    • BBQ Competition in Waxhaw
    • October 21st – run in Tega Cay to benefit Community Cafe
  • Prayer Requests
    • Marriages
    • Vegas
    • ST’s sister
    • CakeBoss’s sister

Thanks for the invitation Lake Dub!


TClap |

Week 1 of Q School at the Abyss

This Wednesday started a month long opportunity for the PAX of Lake Wylie the hear more about the important responsibilities of a Q from veteran leaders around the Fort Region.  We’ll have Wednesdays in the month of October dedicated to teaching these valuable lessons.

This Wednesday started with the 1st Nantan of the Fort region, Double D!  It was a real pleasure having him share the history and some knowledge about F3 and important aspects of the Q.

Here’s what we did.

Mosey around the parking lot with some High knees, butt kickers, side shuffles and toy soldiers until we circled up.

I started the warmup  with the reason we count in cadence.  Cadence helps validate your authority to lead.  If you do an exercise that would normally be done in cadence WITHOUT counting  you are giving that authority to lead the group.  We broke down the three parts of counting in cadence.

ANNOUNCE the next exercise

MOVE the men into position

START the movement in cadence

After this instruction we went around the circle and had the men pick and exercise and count it out for the PAX

I handed it over to Double D and he shared more great tidbits about counting in cadence.  He asked the men who has not yet been a Q or only one time.  We had just a few guys that have not done so.  Double D had them come out and lead for an exercise.

Next we moseyed to the hill.

We discussed preparing for your Q.  Idea #1: Keep it simple.  If it takes you too long to explain, you can lose the men. If it’s too complicated to remember, the PAX will do their own thing.

With that in mind, we did 11s

Top of Hill 10 Merkins

Run down do 1 Big Boy Sit-up

Up the hill, reduce merkins by 1

Down the Hill add 1 to sit-ups

Easy to write, hard to do.  After this we moseyed to the circle by the front of the school.

Last words of wisdom for the group.  If you are not going to be with the PAX (you split the group up) make sure you pick exercises everyone knows.  I shared my experience leading just the weekend before at the Convergence.  Of the 20 exercieses I had that day, I picked a few exercises that the men didn’t know. Some of my favorites, the V-Up Twist and Squat Burpees (Thanks Witch Hunt).  Be careful not to make my same mistake.

We then bear crawled around the large circle…painful!

ran back to COT


Praises and Prayers

Double D led us out in prayer.  Great to be with all the men and to have him there!

An Honor to Lead,




TClap |