31 Heroes

Short Mosey
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Cherry pckers (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog

Thang 1
Honoring the 31 Heroes of Chinook flight Extortion 17, shot down in Afghanistan in 2011.
Partner up
Partner 1 runs 400M loop
Partner 2 begins exercise routine:
31 LBCs (switches to heels to heaven about half way )
31 CCD’s (switches to Dips)
31 Squats (switches to Calf raises)
P1 picks up where P2 left off
Cycle through for 31 mins

Run to Pull up bars
Thang 2
Honoring Senior Chief Petty Officer Kraig Vickers (one of the 31 heroes aboard Extortion 17).  Kraig was a Hawaii native.
10 L pullups
10 toes-to-bar
10 chin ups
10 knees-to-elbow
10 Burpee pullups

Mosey back to COT area
Five minutes of Mary

Goruck went well and no injured PAX
Prayers for Stang and his family with the loss of his grandfather; prayers for those in medical care; praises for PL’s baby getting past eczema.

Welcome FNG Alchemy, who is Dirty Harry’s nephew in the CLT area for some weeks and will be posting with us.

TClap |

Start of May at the Coop…the Murph, partner style

15 men joined YHC to make 16 total at the Coop this morning. Simple weinkie…important concept.

Mosey to football field.


  • 20 side straddle hops
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 10 windmills
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 15 big arm circles
  • 5 burpees OYO

Kept it short…we would need the time.

The Thang

Simple…partner Murph. Straightforward exercise, but the key was to stick with your partner and encourage/push him along the way.

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pull ups
  • 200 push up
  • 300 air squats
  • 1 mile run


Announcements – Memorial Day CSAUP, Ruck Heavy this weekend.

Prayers for travelers, UNCC school shooting, teachers in general.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Punch List.


The partner theme was appropriate this morning. During the course of the morning with the PAX, I learned about a member of The Fort that has had marital troubles and subsequently split from his wife and another whose marriage is in a difficult patch as well.

It may or may not have been the case with these men in particular, but as sinners, we are incapable of living up to the standard that Christ set for us and as a result, we make poor decisions that often lead to terrible consequences. The funny thing is that often times, these decisions are made at times in our lives where we think we are at our best (pride comes before the fall). Our pride and self-righteousness blinds us to the efforts of the enemy that is constantly looking for ANY opportunity to tear down, separate, and destroy.

One of the best ways to fight this lifelong battle is to find a partner to do battle with. Someone that will push you, lift you up, and most importantly, hold you accountable (just like you will do for them). Someone that will recognize your pride and the small poor decisions that always lead to big poor decisions and check you before they tear you down. Someone that will constantly encourage you to put yourself 3rd, serving Christ first and your wife and family second. This is what we are called to do for each other.

If you don’t have a partner that believes in the same set of values and has similar goals as you do, do yourself and your family a favor and find one. We are not designed to go through our lives alone and unchecked.

– Ginsu




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Q2 2019 PFT @ The Coop!

2019 quarterly PFT at the Coop was on schedule for day 21 of Ass Kickin’ April!  17 PAX came out to see progress that has been made since Q1 of 2019.  We had 8 repeats and 9 new comers.

The Thang

Warm up – Lap, COP with SSH, Squats, IW, Moroccan Night Clubs,  6 count burpees. Mosey to Pull Up bars.

PFT – 1 minute: Pull Up, Big Boy Sit Ups, Merkins.  The 1 mile run.  We did this.  Here is the output.

2019-Q1 2019-Q2
Name Pull Ups Sit Ups Push Ups 1 Mile Run Pull Ups Sit Ups Push Ups 1 Mile Run
FunHouse 5 45 37 6:40 6 41 45 6:04
Sk8orDie 5 39 37 DNP
DarkHelmet 22 42 64 7:21 26 44 63 7:10
Kaiser 15 22 61 7:38
SugarBug 3 29 36 8:41
Esso 12 38 43 8:25 14 42 53 7:28
Sasquatch 24 54 64 DNP
ChickenHawk 25 43 60 7:37
Wegmans 1 26 24 8:54
Husky 13 45 52 7:34
PunchList 12 39 33 6:48 17 46 48 6:33
DirtyHarry 5 50 50 7:28 12 53 61 DNP
Youts 18 44 51 8:49 26 48 64 8:34
Slash 8 26 31 8:45 9 27 44 7:42
Xray 3 12 25 9:15
Chunck 2 32 20 8:32
Tinsel 22 38 36 8:43 25 43 45 DNP
DD 18 25 54 6:35
Nasa 14 42 41 7:12
Harry Carey 12 32 37 5:58
Geronimo 23 43 40 6:45
Shady 37 44 44 7:03
Hardwood 19 26 51 9:17
FishSticks 11 56 52 6:22
Barry Manilow Present

FunHouseNaked Moleskin:  Looking at the 8 repeat PAX, all got BETTER!  Imagine that.  Continue to take the DRP, you get better.  Either if is all running, Bootcamping, Rucking, etc.  Keep posting and you get better! I have data and a spreadsheet to prove it! #WesaelShakerDolphin?

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6 years, God only knows where I might have been….

6 years ago YHC rang the bell for the first time with a handful of rag tag HIM’s. There were 3 workouts, total, in The Fort. A lot has changed!  YHC was blessed enough to be able to come to Block Party and Q on a day that has changed my life.  32 other PAX joined YHC in the gloom for some fun for Day 20 for Ass Kickn’ April Y2!

The Thang:

Long loop around WEP


SSH X 50, Squats X 25, IW X 20, Mountain Climbers X 25, Plank Jacks X 25, Slow Sumo Squats X 25, 6 count Burpees w/ hand clap X 10, SSH X 10 – Mosey to playground

DORA 1-2-3

Partner up, 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs. Go.

Huddle Up

Got the PAX together to briefly talk about what F3 has done for me.  I had initially thought that F3 would always be a physical challenge, and it is, but I would never have guessed how much the 2nd and 3rd F’s would come into play.  Having 32 other men show up at 0515 to work out under my lead, shows exactly what F3 is all about.  Supporting your F3 brother celebrate a special, life changing day by doing burpees and dodging fire ants.  The 1st F is the magnet, always pulling you in.  The 2nd F is the glue, keeping you connected and active.  The 3rd F is the dynamite, serving others, putting yourself 3rd and sharing this crazy thing F3 to all men around you. Off to the hill for Jacob’s Ladder.

Jacob’s Ladder – 8’s – 1 Burpee at top and 7 Bomb Jacks at Bottom. Add, subtract, flippy flop, you know the drill.

Off to COT, but lets do some more while we count down to 0600.  30 seconds of Mountain Climbers, Plank, burpees….. Saved by the Bell. Done.

Great Tuesday morning.  So humbled and blessed with the HUGE turnout this morning.  I couldn’t be more excited about being a part of F3!


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US Army Staff Sgt / NYPD Police Officer James McNaughton

We had 23 PAX show up for my VQ this morning….the support was much appreciated.

The morning started with a quick jog around the NAFO parking lot and ended with a standard warm-up of  Imperial Walkers, Morrocan Nighclubs  and Hillbilly Walkers.

Today we Honored a Fallen Soldier and NYPD Police Officer and our workout consisted of :

10 Burpees and a 100 yard run

27 Merkins and a 100 yard run

10 Donkey Kicks and a 100 yard run

27 Big Boy situps and you guessed it a 100 yard run

10 Lunges and a 100 yard run

27 Squats and who would have thought another 100 yard run

We Rinsed and Repeated ….. Some rinsed and repeated more than others.

Thanks to Dirty Harry and Punchlist for pushing me to lead this great group of men and getting my VQ under my belt.






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The Longest DORA

This was my first time Qing The Coop. Ginsu was scheduled to Q, he had to be down range. So, Punch List asked me if i knew anyone who was free. I told him i would gladly take the Q slot. He was reluctant to commit. After a few tense minutes, he said I could have the job. I felt salty about it (not really). Punsh List and Wegmans are my shield locks, both are or have been site Q’s for The Coop (BADGER DEN) and yet niether had asked me to Q. With my (imaginary) Feelings hurt, I planned my weinke. I wanted it to be hard, I wanted to punish my friends and myself.  I’m always excited for kicks to the face.

The clock struck 0515 and looking around the circle of the men gathered, I noticed that Kiser had made his return from IR. Shield gave the disclaimer and we took off in a mosey. Shield is preparing for his VQ Monday at THE HONEY BADGER. After our mosey Shield led us in some windmills, monacan night clubs, mountain climbers, and maybe one more. Shield did a fine job and turned things over YHC.

I announced to the PAX that my imaginary feelings were hurt and I planned to take my pain out on them. We made our way over by the pull-up bars and  I briefed the PAX.  There woud be no pull-ups today. I had better plans.

The Thang 

Partner Up

DORA 1,2,3,4,5 + Quad-zilla

100 Carolina Dry Docks

200 Merkins

300 LBC

400 Mt. Climbers

500 Flutters

Partner 1 does the exercise while Partner 2 RUNS down the hill (toward elementary school) to stop sign. Then Partner 2 NURS (runs backwards) back up the hill to relieve Partner 1.  Quadzilla is always a crowd pleaser. Its the gift that keeps on giving. DORA took longer to complete than I anticipated. With 10 minutes left we moved over near COT. There we Prisoner ran (hands on top of head) up the hill towards the HIgh School. Stopped at a random sign, and performed a set of She Hate Me’s: 10 Prisoner squats (hands on head), 10 Burps, 10 merkins.  We ran back down the hill for a round of Mary followed by COT.

I had fun. Every morning is a great morning to wake up and push yourself beyond what you thought possible. This was the longest DORA I had ever experienced. And to think, I was thinking of making it an individual Dora, maybe next time.


Thanks Punch List for the opportunity to lead. Dont hesitate to ask me again.


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First Lieutenant Ashley White-Stumpf

YHC actually woke up for this Q!

10 Pax showed up at 0500 with 1 arriving a little late but joined after we finished the warm-up.


Moseyed to lower parking lot

Standard warm-up consisting of Morrocan night clubs, Al Gore Nightclubs, Windmill, Hillbilly Walker and Imperial Walkers.

The Thang:

Congregrate at the pull-up bars to learn about First Lieutenant Ashley White-Stumpf.

5 Rounds:

20 Pull-ups

10 Toes to Bar

21 Walking Lunges

400m Run

Once the 6 finished, we did a little Walk like an Egyptian, Ranger Merkins and some abs.


Thank you to Dirty Harry for the opportunity to lead!


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History at The Hive

Pulling into the HIVE early to set-up shop YHC was surprised to see 2 cars already there! Rebel was enjoying a few ‘Be Still’ minutes and Geronimo was getting after it in the parking lot with what appeared to be his Ruck. The rainy weather was holding off & it was a perfect 65 degrees-A great morning to be in the Gloom!

The cars kept rolling & rolling in….17 PAX in total

5:15am- No FNG’s so hit the disclaimer and off we went

COP: Mosey to band parking lot and return back.  Exercises in cadence-

  • SealJacks x 20
  • IW x 15
  • HW x 15
  • Windmill x 10
  • Cherry Picker x 10
  • Plank, Honey Mooner-Downward Dog, Plank
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers x 15

The Thang:

Today’s workout was built around the History of the Hive. All repetition #s, exercises & stories shared were specific to this AO.

4 stations here we go:

Station 1- History Lesson- What is the most famous saying @ The Hive? “5 @ The Hive”. The PAX passed the test with flying colors. In honor of “5 @ The Hive” we hit a 5 cone drill Jacobs ladder style:

  • Cone 1) Inch Worm Merkins & Goblet Squats
  •  Cone 2) Triceps Ext & Reverse Lunges
  • Cone 3) Bicep curl w/ Shoulder press & Burpees
  • Cone 4) BackRows & Swings
  • Cone 5) Upright Rows & Fwd Lunges

Kudos to the PAX as they just got after this station. Little time for mumble chatter with the exception of those as they finished Cone 3 with Burpees.

Station 2- History Lesson- How many years has the Hive been an AO? How many site Q’s have there been & who are they? The PAX again pulled together and we went with 3 years (almost 4 years) and 3 sites Q’s- Longshanks, Tesh & BandCamp!

In honor of this we went 3 rounds of the Site Q’s assigned exercises:

Longshanks-Thrusters, Tesh-The Standing Tesh or Bi/Tri, Bandcamp-Swings

  • Round 1: 9 Thrusters, 9 count Standing Tesh, 9 Swings
  • Round 2: 9 Thrusters, 18 Bi/Tri Superset, 9 Swings
  • Round 3: 9 Thrusters, 9 count Standing Tesh, 9 Swings

Station 3- History Lesson- Geronimo’s Gauntlet (This needs to be in The Exicon) 

We did our best rendition of the 2018 Hive version of Geronimo’s Gauntlet. A Pax favorite it was started by no other than Geronimo himself and it goes something like this- *Line up all the Kettlebells lightest to heaviest. One by one, Pax go down the line and perform bent over rows at each KBell. (3 rows each side for time today). The waiting Pax can plank up, Al Gore, etc… With 17 KBells lined up our lats got some serious work. The heavy 40-50lb KBells at the end of the line gave us all an example of how JWOWW, Geronimo & Tesh get after it. Strong work Men!

Station 4- 5:58am and we escaped the planned AMRAP station due to time. Better to be over prepared than not enough. YHC took a moment to read  from the theme of the month and take just a moment to “Be Still”.

COT- Announcements from Newsletter, upcoming events

Prayers/Praises: Rebels 28th Wedding Anniversary. Prayers for all families traveling for the upcoming Spring Break week.

It was an honor to be with the Pax this morning- Thanks BandCamp for the opportunity!





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The Hive: Kettlebells, rain, tabata. What could go wrong?

0505 show up to the hive for prep. Layout cones and other various gear needed.
0510 see cars and trucks and more cars and trucks pulling into parking lot.
0514 Disclaimer and see another truck pull in (its Stang, we start to mosey for warm ups.)
0515 Warmups of various types.
0522 Start a Tabata that has to called out by Q due to speaker not working. ended up being great. I love mumble chatter and it was rolling good this moist morning.
8 stations- 2-3 PAX per station they went as follows.
Goblet Squats
Figure 8s
Shoulder presses with rucksack
Jump Rope
Alternating bicep curls
American Hammers
1 arm KB swings
Alternating hand on KB merkins
0600- Mosey with gear back to COT. The rain really started to pour down.
Prayers and Praises.
AkA- if you don’t know you better ask somebody.
Q Source
prayers for marriages and kids.

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Pull up bars and Tinsel Utensils

Great chilly morning after a snowmaggedon yesterday, PAX were in for a treat as we needed to stay warm.

We moseyed around the parking lot, about 1/3 of  a mile and started the warm up: Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, al-gore night clubs, low slow merkin, mountain climbers.

we moseyed to the pull up bars area where we had some utensils to use and get better, a list of exercises was shown and off we went,

8 pull ups BAR

8 man makers w/cindy

8 toes to BAR

8 sledgehammer swing 4 each side

8 knee raises BAR

8 biceps curls w/cindy

8 chin ups BAR

8 overhead press w/cindy

4 tire flips

after one complete circuit we will run down the hill and NUR back up, rinse and repeat, after the second round we took a break to welcome Captain Thor and work on our abs. 1 Big Boy Sit Up-4 American Hammers progressive to 10 BBSU and 40 AH, lots of whining during this exercise as usual and even one PAX wondered why he was there if the Abyss was closer to his house. Then had a visit from superman to stretch out our lower back and we went back to our circuit:

8 pull ups BAR

8 man makers w/cindy

8 toes to BAR

8 sledgehammer swing 4 each side

8 knee raises BAR

8 biceps curls w/cindy

8 chin ups BAR

8 overhead press w/cindy

4 tire flips

on the last round of exercises some PAX where complaining about their arms being shuttered, so I decided to cut it short and end the beat down there, YOU ARE WELCOME!! with 3 minutes to spare we loaded the utensils back in the truck and went for some Mary, flutters, box cutters and rosalitas.

we circled up and went for head count and namearama, we had a few announcements and prayed for our families and kids.

Great morning and perfect weather for an out of the ordinary workout, thanks @PunchList for the opportunity to accelerate some happy campers’ day.

Tinsel out…

TClap |