VDay ladder of death

WARMUP: some exercises in Cadence. Wall sit with bearcrawl to the end of the line, first round things while bearcrawl things we were thankful for. Next round, things we need to improve upon.
THE THANG: parking spaces numbered 100-5 by 10s. Complete 100 run to the end, run back to 90, do exercise, run to end and back to 80, continued all the way to 5 burpees and then started back at 100 with 10 less.
MARY: no time
COT: hug your loved ones

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Lucky stars


Potato pickers
Hillbilly walkers
Imperial walkers
Honey mooners
Downward dog
Parker peters
Shoulder taps
30 ssh


Star routine with cones at 5 points and inbetween we rolled dice to see what exercise we had to do- it was mostly ssh x30, but a couple merkins, burpees and squats mixed in: 3 rounds, blue cones, green cones then both!

Blue cone round

25 plank jacks
20 merkins
20 Star sits
25 LBS
15 monkey humpers

Green cone round

5 burpees
5 jump squats
5 jumping lunges
5 bomb jacks
5 polo ohnos

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaegar

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Glorious Gloom at the GC

WARMUP: Mosey behind Red Bowl to stink central for a COP: SquatS, IWs, Mtn. Climbers, LBCs, SSHs. All IC and interrupted by a burpee ladder, 5 down to 1.
THE THANG: head to the hill behind Express Oil change. Count adds to 10, started with 1 Big Boyat the bottom & 9 Bombjacks at the top. Omaha after 5 rounds as traffic was getting heavy. Head behind the Oil Change garage for a partner Dora. Derkins, Dips & Step ups. Finish up with a crowd pleaser, “Tote The Rock”. 1 pax runs around O’Reilly’s carrying a Cindy while Pax do the exercise listed on the sheet. Round 1 was Kraken Burpees and it went downhill from there.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Another Blood Drive (god bless @3D, he’s a marketing genius), D2D fundraiser
COT:Prayers for various family members.

I’m off and amazed how nervous and sleepless I am the night before a Q. Must be because it’s an important role to play. We all wanna do a good job for the Pax that show up. Always an honor to lead.
“The” Shortest of All Sales.

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All of them

PAX we’re disclaimed and the five core principles were voiced.

WARMUP: Mosey to Grace Presby – Various exercises with burpees mixed in for fun.

THE THANG: Partner DORA behind Harris Teeter so PAX could experience the “Golden Corral fresh air” 100-200-300: Burpees, Squats & Flutter Kicks. Mosey off campus to office park and former Gold Hill Y property.

1-17-23 at each stop sign/corner – time for 3 rounds:
Stop 1 – 1 kraken burpee, 17 hand release merkins & 23 big boy sit ups

Stop 2 – 1 kraken burpee, 17 wide arm merkins, 23 sumo squats

Stop 3 – 1 kraken burpee, 17 diamond merkins, 23 flutter kicks

Mosey to gold hill Y driveway for 5 more burpees OYO then a jog to COT.

MARY: no time for it
ANNOUNCEMENTS: were announced

Thanks to Slow Jams for the opportunity. It’s always an honor to lead.

Cyclops 👁

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CVS Loop

It was a frigid morning in The Fort, but the high intensity of the PAX kept us warm. We warmed up the engines and we were off.

The Thang – 4 Corners Jack Webb with running as the mode of transportation.
Cone 1 Merkins 1 – 10
Cone 2 Overhead Claps 4 – 40
Cone 3 Flutters 4 – 40
Cone 4 Squats 1 – 10

We had some time for wall work with bear crawls and some Mary.


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Circle up for windmill x 15 and SSH x 20. Form a line and do toy soldiers and arm circles on the way to an area in front of HT. Circle up again.

After the disclaimer and a short warm up, we were greeted by two additional pax who joined the circle for a Tabata workout.

8 exercises, 8 reps each, 20 sec work, 10 sec rest.
The exercises we did today were:
1. CCD
2. Box cutters (tough)
3. Mountain climbers
4. Squats
5. Merkins (crowd pleaser)
6. Superman hold
7. Alternating lunges
8. Burpees
Finish with 90 sec body destroyer


I’ve done this workout several times and it’s very easy to plan, but a little tricky to execute. Keeping track of the exercises and the number of sets requires some concentration. With no cadence counting, it encourages a lot of mumble chatter and we had plenty of that today. Noteworthy was Slapshot, who welcomed our FNG with steady conversation for the entire workout. I tip my hat to him because while the rest of us were groaning on sets 7 and 8 of merkins, he kept the chatter going with little sign of fatigue or O2 deprivation. Well done!

Welcome Pongo who comes to us from North Charlotte (I believe). He brought along an FNG who we dubbed Gremlin. Welcome, gentlemen! Love getting FNG’s on the weekday workouts. It was a great morning with the fine gentlemen of the Fort and a pleasure to lead the group as always. Thanks for the Q nod, Slow Jams!

Dam2Dam race/fundraiser for Ft. Mill Schools in Feb. Read your newsletter.
Prayers: Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin, Pongo’s grandfather Warren, kids returning to school.

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After Christmas burn

WARMUP: Ran to The Learning Academy for sets of 12 for a warmup. maracas night club, Phelps, produce pickers, wind mill, down and up dog, mountain climbers.
THE THANG: Ran to Sonic for a DORA with 100 AH, 200 reverse lung and 300 lbc. Then Ran down to the fountain by the apartments for a curb shuffle. Stopped for some monkey humpers halfway. Ended with a message about reaching out to 1 person to check in with them. Ran up to the next circle for sets of 12 CDD, WAM, then offset CDD. Ran to the wall behind Teeter for a wall sit with burpees.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood Drive and D2D in January.
COT: prayers for family, patience, jobs and travel mercies.

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Deck of Cards with Lots of Running

I rarely stray from NaFo for a workout, so it was nice to travel to another site today. Since I was on unfamiliar ground, I asked the group if they wanted a Deck of Cards of a EMOM workout, they chose the deck of cards. Always come prepared 😉
WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, SSH, Moroccan NCs, Windmills and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Deck of Cards where Spades were sprints across the width of the parking lot (it was further than first expected). Diamonds where diamond merkins. Clubs where bear crawls the number of parking spaces. Hearts were American Hammers. Jokers were 20 burpees. After each PAX in the circle pulled a card, everyone ran a lap around the parking lot. We got through 4 rounds of everyone pulling a card. There were a lot of hearts and diamonds and thankfully not many spades but we did pull the King of Spades for 13 sprints back and forth across the parking lot right at the end. We ended up with about 2.3 mi during the session. Finished the last minute with SSH.
MARY: None as we had lots of American Hammers during The Thang.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Eve Convergence, 8 Blocks for Shield Locks.
COT: What happens in COT stays in COT.

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Cuomo made me do it

Delivered a Cuomo designed Wienke as a last second pinch hitter. It went something like this…..

warm up:

SSH x20

windmills x10

moroccan nightclubs x20

hillbilly walkers x10

burpees x10

The Thang

mosey to the hill and partner up for a Dora of burpees, CDDs, LBCs and squats. We made it through 1.25 rounds before heading back to COT for some Mary which included American Hammers and Big Boy Sit Ups

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Ken Walkers Ankle and other assorted topics.

3 of the Fort’s finest joined YHC for a rainy and cold morning at the Golden Corral

To keep the PAX dry I mosey’ ed us to the brand newish pavilion over by the Grace church. We performed the following:

15 SSH
15 MNC
15 Seal Jacks
5 Windmills
5 burpees (the only burpees we did today)
15 Mt. Climbers

The main workout was a Tabata style format with 35 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. We had 3 rounds of 16 with 4 different exercises executed each round.

Round 1

Round 2
Diamond Merkins
Freddy Mercury’s
Leg Lifts

Round 3
HR Merkins
Calf Raises (modified from jump squats since YHC’s knee was acting up)
Big Boy Sit-ups
American Hammers

Got back to COT about 40 seconds late which is on me.

While at COT we made the usual announcements (Read the newsletter!!!) but during the prayers and praises portion we were all able to share and discuss a common experience we have all had in our lives. It’s always a great reminder in these small groups just how special a community we have here in the Fort. We had 4 guys from 4 very different regions of the country with 4 different backgrounds who shared a common experience and could be open about that with other men. It’s moments like that that reinforces why F3 matters and why I still show up and still post after (almost) 4 years.

Thanks for the call Slow Jams! Until Next time!

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