You snooze, you lose

  • QIC: Double D, Cable Guy
  • When: 12/02/14
  • Pax: Change Order, White Lightnin', Aquaman, Spiderman, Trucker, Funhouse, Gekko, Sir Topham Hat, Cheddar, Lil E, Backdraft, Mr Clean, Corn Hole, Waldo, Dory, Gears, plus I can do w/o recorder
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

22 Fort faithful posted on a surprisingly balmy morning, choosing the familiar terrain of Golden Corral over the siren songs about a Black Diamond beat down at WEP.  Unfortunately, the scheduled Q could not overcome the sweet temptation of…who knows?  Cable Guy and YHC stepped in to fill the void.

The Thang (YHC with the baton)

Warm up run around bank parking lot

COP — SSHs, IWs, Mtn climbers, Merkins, Sumo squats

Run to the bottom of local hill (BTW, is that a driveway or a street?  Also, is it just my aging eyes, or is that the darkest section of any AO in The Fort?  My eyes never seem to adjust…with a big group like today, I think I get a sense of how salmon feel during spawning season…can’t see anything, so just stay between the guy on each side of you and move forward.)

Plank sequence — R/L arm high, six inches, Parker Peter, six inches, etc

Lunge walk to top of hill, Bomb jacks x10 at the top, run back down

Plank sequence — six inches, Peter Parker, Merkins, six inches, etc

Lunge walk to top of hill, Bomb jacks x15, run back down

Plank sequence — six inches, R/L leg high, Carolina Dry Docks, six inches, etc

Lunge walk to top of hill, Bomb jacks x20, run back down

Hand off to Cable Guy

Merkins x10

Run to top of hill, Burpees x10

Run to bottom of hill, Burpees x5

Run to top of hill, Burpees x15

Run to side wall of Harris Teeter

B-T-W for 2 ten counts

Mosey to back parking lot

Run to first island, Burpees x4

Run back, Burpees x1

Run to far end of lot, Burpees x8

Run back, Burpees x2

Seated dips x20

6MoM — Hello dollies, Freddie Mercurys, Rosalitas, LBCs, Protractor

Run home


Nakedman Moleskin

Great to be back with the GC pax today!  Special thanks to whoever fartsacked the Q today — it is always on honor to lead.

T-claps to Cable Guy for pitching in without hesitation to dole out his brand of pain.

White Lightnin’ and Sir Topham Hat among others enjoyed a little extra heat today thanks to wearing winter apparel on an almost Spring-like day.  Better too much gear than too little.  Better to not let Cantore get into your head…just rise, take the RedPill and hit the door.

Continued positive prayers and thoughts for the Pax (and others in the community) working through career angst, disruption or challenges.

TClap |

Me and My Gun and Winkie

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 11/11/14
  • Pax: Jeckyll, Dory, Chicken Wing, DD, Little E, Maximus, Smuggler, Wort, Sir Topam Hat, The Firm, Trucker, Repeat, Nirvana, Waldo (FNG), Change Order, Package, Funhouse, Hasselhoff, White Lighting
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

After a quick survey discovered we had no Veterans, or for that matter any military experience in the PAX.  Would have thought that with the closet juvenile delinquents would have had some takers.

Formation Run – They sure make this look easy on TV.
Pledge of Allegiance

Mossey to COT
Gather your weapons

Mosey to back lot – holding weapon above your head
COP – appreciate Package acknowledging my Winkie on my pole. Thats all I’m going to say.
Fore Ups

Diamond Merkins
Fore up Squats
Fore Ups behind the head
Hello Dollies
Parker Peters

Broken into 2 groups
Side Shuffle – Wall Sit
Karaoke – Wall Sit
Lunge walk – Wall Sit

Wide Arm Merkins
Monkey Humpers
Fore Ups – tricep extensions
Freddy Mercury
Peter Parkersburg

Bomb Jacks
Fore ups
Chop Sticks
Mtn Climbers

Mosey to COT – Holding weapon above head for half of it.

Was an honor to lead the PAX on such an important day. Thank You to all that serve and have served.

TClap |

F3 Dads – Never to old for a Parachute…

  • QIC: Rooney
  • When: 11/08/14
  • Pax: Homer, Hasselhoff, Icky Woods, Atticus, H, Bolt, Mega Bob, Dry Bones, Crab Cakes, Diddy Kong, Scrapper, Change Order, Lightning, Semi-Truck, Old Bay, Keeper, Picaso, Lioness, Acorn, Cyote, Deacon, Free Bird, Ranger, Sugar Cube, Sweet Sweet, Gears, Brick Master, Chicken Wing, Little Wing, Ralphy, Bayheim, Jeter, Picaso, Beacon, Early Bird, Solid State, Impala, Rooney, Jelly Fish, T-Rex
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, F3 Dads, Flight Plan, Golden Corral, Ring of Fire, Slow Burn, The Armory, The Fort

41 Dads and 2.0’s came out for a beautiful morning at WEP!  Although most Pax had been up early to post at there respective locations…they doubled down and came back for more (money back guarantee)!  In my case…my 2.0s are up before 6 A.M. every Saturday, so they were ready to roll when I posted in the #gloom.

While waiting to begin, the 2.0s made the most of the pre-workout mumble chatter by playing tag, running towards the playground and uniting with other 2.0s that were there!  I could not be more proud that two of the PAX were students at my school!  What an example they are for these younger 2.0s…#F3Counts.

-We began with a prayer and then moseyed out to an open field.  Of course my 2.1 and 2.2 were running around behind me while everyone else listened…but this is why we do it (and it did not surprise me)!

-Circled up with 2.0s in tow for our warm up in cadence:
-SSH – 10
-Merkins – 10
-Low, Slow, Squat – 10
-Windmill – 10

Tunnel of Love:
-Dads planked while kids crawled through the tunnel

Red Light, Green Light – 3 Rounds:
-Line up on a tree line
-2.0s run, Dads Bear Crawl

Races – 2.0s vs Dad:
-1st Race – 2.0 runs down to marker (cone) and back while dad starts with a burpee, runs to marker, does a burpee, runs back
-2nd Race – 2.0 runs down to marker and back while dad does 2 burpees, runs to marker, does 2 more burpees, runs back

Water Break (These are very popular among the 2.0s and many of the PAX (myself included)…not something common in an F3 post)

Mosey to Parachute:
-Make a mushroom
-Fist Bump – Fist bump your 2.0 partners and your father before getting caught by the parachute (8 rounds)
-Fruit basket mix up – Apples, Bananas, Oranges, and Pears (8 rounds)

Many of the 2.0s discovered that there was an opeing in the center of the parachute.  They enjoyed popping their heads through the middle while fellow 2.0s generated a parachute wave.  The conclusion of the parachute activity endend in a pig pile of 2.0s.  The pig pile was under the parachute…hilarious!

Mosey to Cones for Tag:
-Family Partner Tag
-Family vs. Family Partner Tag
-Blob Tag

Water Break

Mosey for some Mary in cadence:
-Flutter kicks
-Russian Twist
-Pull Rip Cord



I was inspired by the F3 workouts White Lightning Q’d this summer #ISI.  My 2.1 (Jellyfish),  was my inspiration for this Q.  Jellyfish continually asked me, “when can I come workout with you again?”  After repeatedly asking to post I decided there must be something significant that happened for him.  Who better to step up for than our 2.0s…right!

I don’t think that it was the workout that Jellyfish really wanted (although the parachute was pretty fun).  It is the same thing we get from the PAX…the fellowship and deepening of our faith.  It doesn’t really have anything to do with the workout, but the significance of our children’s time with us…their dads.

I don’t know what a good relationship with a father looks like.  I don’t know if my relationship was bad, mediocre or great. I do know that I wish it were more than it was and will be.  I am hard on myself as a professional and husband.  However, I am the hardest on myself as a father.  What a responsibility…not just to raise your children, but in my case…raise two little boys to be men!

As a man…sometimes you need to do burpees, sometimes you need to fellowship at lunch, but sometimes you need to pull out the parachute!



TClap |

Get comfortable with the wall

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 11/04/14
  • Pax: Stacker, Gears, Free Bird, White Lightning, Cornhole, Cake Boss, Decibel, Firm, Gecko, Dory, Trucker, Cerrano, McGruff, Change Order, Aquaman, Anchorman, Jeckyll, Hasselhoff
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

Remember the day when we had 10 show up for a tour of the local Harris Teeter? Well those days must be behind us as we consistently post with 15-25 and today, we had 19 strong. The former FNGs are now the regular Qs so when I had the opportunity to Q this morning, I couldn’t pass it up. With the extended wall sits, I hope I’m allowed back. If not, it was still a pretty good swan song. As we learn on election day, every vote counts but you may get out-numbered.

The Thang:
Mosey to Teeter’s backside and circle up
Burpees – Anchorman’s vote didn’t count this time.
Speed Skaters
Mountain climbers
3-Way Jumping Lunges

Mosey to the long brick wall
The PAX line up arms width apart in a wall sit and the man on the end bear crawls to the other end
The PAX line up shoulder width apart in a wall plank and the man on the end lunge walks to the other end
The PAX line up shoulder width apart in a wall sit and the man on the end reverse lunge walks to the other end

Ab Lab…WHAT? You don’t always do abs at the end? Who is this guy?
Peter Parker
Parker Peter
Mountain Climbers…again
Grave Diggers
Obscenely slow protractor
Chop Sticks…just cause Aquaman was getting bored

Mosey to the suicide station by the benches:
3-Tier Suicide with 20 Derkins on the bench or curb
Repeat with 20 CDD on the bench or curb
Repeat with 20 Dips on the bench or curb

Impromptu in the street:
Diamond Merkins
Maybe something else

I had my manhood challenged since I was wearing tights, had my Weinke temporarily stolen and told that Anchorman thinks of me when on the can. It was indeed a perfect morning and I have nobody to thank but the PAX themselves.

F3 Dads this Saturday at WEP 9:30-10:30, Joe Davis Run 1/10 (register as The Fort), Haywood speaking next Friday (11/14) at Chicken & Wisdom, Thanksgiving convergence 6am at The Ranch, continue the Bible Challenge, Jeckyl looking for Veterans to speak at the Pack meeting next Tuesday evening. Please read the weekly email and if you’re not on the distribution list, reach out to your most recent Q.

Prayer Requests:
Multiple job interviews in the PAX, Decible and his wife are scheduled to welcome their little girl to this world in 2wks. Praise for a safe delivery and welcoming of Audit’s little girl yesterday. Pray for Noah as more progress occurs on walking and eating development. Pray for the family of the student that took their life recently at NaFO. Be the leaders and providers of the words of encouragement that so many need and aren’t receiving.

TClap |

Beat down Part Deux

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 10/28/2014
  • Pax: Photobomb, Sarrano, Nirvana, Trucker, FNG: Pig Pen, FNG: Sir Topham Hatt, Corn hole, Gears, Stacker, and 10 others- I apologize. Phone was dead.
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Dusted off a very successful (sucktastic) beatdown from a couple months ago.  Second time around, it did not disappoint!

COP: Usual suspects SSH, Squat, IW

The Thang:

Start at Bank. Run to bottom of Hill.  5 X 3 Merkin Burpees.

Run up Hill. 5 Bombjacks.

Run to Wall- Lunges then 10 CDD

Run to Bank- Bear Crawl then 20 LBC

1 lap includes 1/2 mile run

Finish with 10 minute Ab Lab as the group joins.  Including but not limited to: LBC, Freddy, Hellooooooo Dolly, Heels to Heaven

Run back to COT


Great work and welcome FNGs Pig Pen and Sir Topham Hatt.  You did a great job on your first post!  I laid a challenge to the PAX:  Choose something to be better at for the day.  Choose something to do better by the end of the week.  Be specific.  Do it.  Be accountable- check in on your fellow PAX and be accountable to them.

TClap |

Little of this and that

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 10/21/14
  • Pax: Boeheim, Gecko, White Lightning, Stacker, McGruff, Cornhole, The Firm, Trucker, Repeat, Bubba Gump, Lug Nut, Aquaman, spiderman, Cerrano, Welcome FNG: Mathew Canfield (Wort)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

16 made it out this Tuesday morning.  A balmy 55 degrees.  Luckily no one was wearing tights.  (note: I am all about the tights- but its too soon.  Except for @The_package.  Too soon?)

Mosey to the back parking lot
COP: Usual suspects here: Incl but not limited to: SSH, IW, Merkin, Squat

Mosey to HT side wall- Sound off with a distance estimate here- 50 yards?

Partner Wheelbarrows down and back

Side ways basketball jumps.  (face the wall.  squat, touch ground, spring jump up.)  50 yards.  Should we call these “WOJO’s” (Wojciechowski)  Please tell me you get that reference..

Psycho bunny 50 yards

Mosey to the wall

3 sets of 10, 20, 30.  Last set to failure

Derkins, Dips, Squats.

Mosey to island

Gorilla  walk down and back (crowd pleaser).  Think bear crawl but worse. #grapeape #beaglybeagly

probably some sprints , etc, etc

Mosey to flag for 6MoM

Note- Q’s need to slow cadence on ABs.  get a better burn and work.



Started the workout with a TFTD: “Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value”  Don’t be driven by the glory.  Be driven by the process and doing it the right way.  What do you bring to the table?

I’m 2 days late posting BB.  Was unexpectedly sore in my legs and my core.  What the $#&% did we do?

Welcome Wort.  Another home brewer.  Good grief.  Glad I didn’t tell my profession when I was named.  Otherwise I’d have left with #spitbucket.  Name change?

Remember those that are struggling.  Help to lift them up.  Simple texts and tweets work for men.  It matters.  #accountability

See ya in the Gloom


TClap |

Pre-Blast: The Fort Thanksgiving Convergence @ The Ranch


All PAX,

The Ranch will be hosting Thanksgiving breakfast full of pain and discomfort.

I know it sounds appealing, however the best part will be you’ll be with your F3 brothers in fellowship expressing Thanks for all the encouragement and “sharpening” our brothers have done for us this year.

Join Santini and Pusher as they lead us around The Ranch AO with some side dishes of merkins, LBCs and of course burpees. There may even be a surprise or two for attendees, especially after the 6 week detox cleans ends. Hummmmm…….interesting!

Post time will be 6am

Location is The Ranch, Springfield Elementary parking lot (soccer fields in front)

Qs are Santini and Pusher

All AOs are converging this day at The Ranch.

Any questions, let Cake Boss or Pusher know.

Don’t forget the Shoe Donations for Charlotte Rescue Mission. Bring those to all workouts until 11/22.


TClap |

Trucker’s horn blasted

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 10/7/14
  • Pax: Trucker, Senator Tressel, McGrufe, Repeat, Slow pitch, Gears, Package, Serano, Spiderman, Bubba Gump, Change Order, Backhoe, Cornhole, Little E, Stacker, Smuggler, Pick 6, Jekyll, White Lightning, Aquaman, The Firm, Decible, Dori, Maximus
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

24 (new record for Golden Corral) PAX observed YHC tweet that today’s workout would double your money back guarantee, but they didn’t realize that YHC took his clock out of his tractor trailer for use of Tabata. For those who don’t know what Tabata is, it is a High-intensity interval training (HIIT) work out based on  a study from Professor Izumi Tabata that initially involved Olympic Speedskaters. Mumble chatter began as the PAX arrived about how Trucker enjoys Burpees, and they expected a full morning of them. YHC had other things in mind though…..

The Thang:

Mossy around the HT parking lot (continued hearing about Burpees)


10 Burpees OYO (Omaha since soo much chatter about needing to do these)

25 SSH

20 IW

20 Squats

15 Merkins

Tabata: 8 sets of 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest

1) Burpee curbs (burpee and hop up onto curb)

2) Merkins

3) Squats

4) Mak Tar Jai

5) Step ups

Mossy to hill:

PAX split into 2 groups: Group 1 runs hill with 10 squats at top of hill, repeat 5x’s, Group 2 10 merkins/10 LBCs as many rounds until Group 1 is done. Switch


Another fun morning with the PAX and as always, a treat to lead the PAX. Great showing and encourage PAX to continue to post as the weather turns. Strong bonds form as the weather hits below 30 degrees. Prayers to Santini and his family as they lost a family member to addiction. Praise to Gears brother and Change Order’s 10 year anniversary. Prayers to those unspoken.

Lots of events coming up, check the weekly email.

TClap |

Who is the Q this Week?

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 09/29/14
  • Pax: Trucker, Change Order, McGruff, Decibel, Nirvana, DD, Jekyll, Cornhole, Gears, Tan-line, Pick Six, Free Bird, Cable Guy, White Lightning, Aquaman, Bayheim FNG/The Firm, FNG/Spiderman, FNG/Cerano
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

It was a cool, but humid morning at the Golden Corral when 20 strong men met in the Harris Teeter lot to find out that, for the third week in a row, the Q was not there (or was he?).  After a little chatter, YHC decided to give it a go and here is what we did:

The Thang:

Easy two loops around the HT parking lot to the COP

SSH x 50, Merkin x 10, IW x 25, Windmill x 20, Diamond merkin x 10, Hello Dolly x 25, Wide arm merkin x 15

Mosey to the front of the Harris Teeter store and split into two groups

Round 1:  group 1: does suicide to 1st,  then 2nd shopping cart corral, while group 2 does LBC’s, flapjack

Round 2: g roup 1 does suicide to 1st, 2nd corral, and far end of parking lot, while group 2 does squats; flapjack

Round 3:  group 1 does suicide to 1st, 2nd corral, and far end of parking lot, while group 2 does merkins;  flapjack

Round 4:  group 1 does suicide to 1st, 2nd corral, while group 2 does SSH’s;  flapjack

Walk/recover to side of HT store, stay in groups:

Round 1, group 1 wall sits, while group 2 bear crawls to end of Pax line, flapjack

Round 2, group 1 wall sits, while group 2 crabwalkss to end of Pax line, flapjack

Round 3, group 1 wall sits, while group 2 lungewalks to end of Pax line, flapjack

Mosey to retaining wall for combination derkin/dips: 9 derkins, 1 dip;  8 derkins, 2 dips;  7 derkins, 3 dips, etc, etc.


Slow LBC x 25 in cadence, then extended Superman/parachute


Two weeks ago, the Q was a no show at GC.  Last week, DD went rogue and led an authorized workout at GC while the rest of the Pax were at Walter Elisha park for the only scheduled workout that day.  This week, everyone was looking forward to a return to normalcy at our beloved Tuesday workout  But, alas, it was not meant to be:  another morning and no Q.  Aye!  How could it happen?  No matter, though – if not YHC, anyone in this fine group of men would have stepped up to lead. The workout was nothing new or original today, but hopefully, it was tough enough  to keep heart rates up for 45 minutes, and produce some sore muscles tomorrow morning.   Welcome back, White Lightning!  Good to have you back with us, brother.

Announcements:  Mud Run this weekend!  The Fort well represented again.  Best of Luck, men!

Prayer request for Trucker’s mom to find the source of her illness.

Postscript:  Cornhole was our scheduled Q today, but unfortunately no one told him. He was left off of the email sent to the scheduled Q’s.  You can take mine next time, my friend.

TClap |

F3 The FORT Invergence Trivia

What a celebration for the Fort. Celebrating our 2nd year in F3. Lots of accomplishments and expansion occurred over the past year. The PAX enjoyed an evening of fellowship and faith through a pot luck dinner, special guest speakers, and recapping the year. In addition, the PAX were handed a trivia sheet, though we didn’t find enough time in the evening to go over the answers. So, here they are: Enjoy

  1. Who slept in on the morning of their Q? CSPAN
  2. What was the original F3 group called? CAMPOS
  3. What was the original name of the Coop? Abundance of Pain
  4. “If your _KNEES_ aren’t dirty, you are not doing it right”
  5. Who rarely wears shorts or a t-shirt to the gloom? Red Banjo
  6. Which member of the Fort broke ranks and Q’d an unauthorized workout at the Golden Corral? DD
  7. LIFO stands for: Last one in first one out
  8. What song and band translates into the premise of F3: Rush, Tom Sawyer
  9. Has anyone splashed merlot during a workout? Yes
  10. What Metro pax led the first workout at the Fort?  Swamp Fox and Boone
  11. How many times has Dredd Qd at The Fort? 1x
  12. What does CSPAN stand for? Can’t seem to pick a name
  13. What was CSPAN’s second F3 name? Apple Jacks
  14. Name the current active Fort Pax Who Were At The 1st Workout On 9.29.13?  Santini, DD, Senator Tressel, Peach, Red Banjo
  15. I2 stands for: Individual Initiative
  16. Who received the first “pom pom” trophy? Aquaman
  17. How many pax from Fort have completed a goruck?  6
  18. Who was the first Q to break the 100 ct mark for continuous SSH’s? Santini
  19. Who is known for dismantling his firepit so we can have bricks at Alcatraz? Funhouse
  20. Who were the Q’s at the very first Alcatraz workout? Senator and Funhouse
  21. What is the ‘superbelly’ (lay on your stomach, move arms/legs) also known as? The peppermill
  22. Part 2: Who is responsible for this exercise? Maximus
  23. Who coined the term “chicken and wisdom” Cake Boss
  24. Who was the first Q to take the Pax to the tennis courts at Alcatraz? White Lightning
  25. Who brought ‘Green Sally’ to the Fort and Alcatraz? Decibel
  26. Which member of the Fort Mill pax is lactose intolerant? Cable Guy
  27. Which Fort member Q’d his own workout of one? Crab Cakes
  28. Which two members of the Fort were the only two posts at an early Block Party (when it still had blocks) workout in the pouring rain, which prompted a scathling email to the Fort members who fartsacked?   DD and Santini
  29. Who were the first two Fort Mill pax to complete a Go Ruck? WWL and 10 Squared
  30. Who named Santini, Senator Tressel, Red Banjo, WWL, and Red Eye Dredd
  31. Who wrote the pre-blast for the very first Saturday workout at WEP? DD
  32. Who likes to do Mak Tar Jai with his legs? Trucker
  33. Where was the original location for Game Plan? Baxter Starbucks
  34. Who led the Alcatraz pax into the gloomy waters of Lake Wylie? Cornhole
  35. How many F3 workouts are there in the Fort Region? 16
  36. Who has the best hair? Still up in the air
TClap |