Electric Zipper

WARMUP: Explained the route
THE THANG: Run to Hardees together. Then run to the end of Spring Street. Take a right and work your way back. Every time you cross Spring, 5 burpees. Simple, elegant.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of things coming up. Get after it
COT: Talked about the F3 lexicon, got thankful for the day.

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Now for the Small Bermuda Triangle

WARMUP: Pledge, talk about death of an FNG in St. Louis
THE THANG: Small Bermuda Triangle – Start with 10 merkins at the corner, run to churches and 10 squats, up the hill to the lot 10 CCD, run to Print Shop 10 Pull ups – Rinse and Repeat
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Rock convergence on Saturday
COT: Travels for school trips and couples, health

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Big Bermuda Triangle

WARMUP: None – This is Minnow Pond
THE THANG: Big Bermuda Triangle – Run to Fort Mill Pharm, do 15 Dry Docks, run to Town Hall, 15 Merkins, run to lot on top of hill, 15 squats. Rinse and repeat.
MARY: Some stuff was done. But the fast guys.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: May 4th Rock Hill, Trash Pickup, Christmas Party
COT: Prayers for healing, jobs, marriages.

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Zipper Deconstructed Burpees

Run up to old Hardee’s parking lot. 10 SSH

Zipper. For every road we headed east on, we did 10 squats at the start, 10 merkins when we crossed Springs, and 10 bomb jacks at the end. For the west-bound trip we did burpees when we crossed Springs (1, then 2, then 3, then 4). We were movin’ this morning. 3 pax got in 4+ miles.

Got back to COT in time to make one sprint up Massey.

American Hammers
We ended just a shade after 6am, and LongDuck wanted a refund of the extra few seconds we went over. The check is in the mail.

Great work done by all. FunHouse, thanks for the opportunity to serve.

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The Springs Street Spine

Four at Minnow Pond.

Pledge and then run to Hardee’s lot where the thang is explained as follows:
Hardee’s lot is base camp. Do 10 burpees here.
Run up Springs st to its end (Summersby/Cone #1) and do 30 pushups
Run all the way back to base camp, 10 burpees
Run up Springs st to Close st (Cone #2) and do 30 pushups
Run all the way back to base camp, 10 burpees
Run up Springs st to Oak st (Cone #3) and do 30 pushups
Run all the way back to base camp, 10 burpees
Run up Springs st to Leroy st (Cone #4) and do 30 pushups
Run all the way back to base camp, 10 burpees

This is as far as we got. A jackrabbit pax would have been instructed to repeat, but start with cone #4 etc.

We all ran back to Veteran’s park, did some stretches and then COT.
Stats: 3.3 miles, 140 push ups, 40 burpees.

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35 reps for 35 years

WARMUP: Run up 160 around back of WEP on the north end, plank in parking lot
THE THANG: we ran hill repeats with 15 squats at top of stairway to heaven and 10 box cutters at stop sign in parking lot entrance plus 5 burpees in parking lot each time pax reach the middle between hills. After 2 rounds of hills, run a lap around WEP. Rinse and repeat. Run home.

COT: Solid effort by all pax. 6 pax who posted were met by 3 runners at COT.

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Lost in the Bermuda Triangle

Start at Mill Crossing
Run to print shop – 20 squats
Run to top of hill by parking lot – 16 shoulder taps
Run to bottom of hill by Church- 15 dips
Run back to Mill Crossing 10 merkins, 10 big boys.

Reverse course

All pax completed 6 laps totaling over 3 miles.

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Jack and Dan

We had 14 men show up at the Minnow Pond flag this morning. @funhouse carried the flag to the AO this morning from his house. @cakeboss launched early continuing his Boston marathon training. After the pledge, we began the journey around town.

1st stop, the pharmacy on 160: Exercise – Jack Webb – 10/40 count (merkins/ O/H Claps)
2nd stop, WEP: Exercise – Ltn Dan – 10/40 count (Squats/Lunges)
3rd stop, Naz Church : Exercise – Jack Webb – 11/44 count.
4th stop, Parking lot across from Little Caesars – Ltn Dan – 11/44 count.
5th stop, parking lot (Watson St): Exercise – Jack Webb – 12/48 count.
6th stop, Footloose: Exercise- Ltn Dan – 12/48 count.
7th stop, parking lot (Watson St): Exercise – Jack Webb – 13/52 count.
8th stop, Footloose: Exercise- Ltn Dan – 13/52 count.
9th stop, parking lot (Watson St): Exercise – Jack Webb – 14/56 count.
10th stop, Footloose: Exercise- Ltn Dan – 14/56 count.
11th stop, Main Street: Exercise – Jack Webb – 15/60 count.
12th stop, COT: Exercise- Ltn Dan – 15/60 count.

Full disclosure: I didn’t feel the workout was difficult enough. I thought I had a great idea to combine running with a Jack Webb and Ltn Dan exercise at each stop, but it just didn’t cut it. We came up short on mileage. We did stick together and figured out some of the more difficult grammatical challenges. If you are like me, I go back to the drawing board and try to do better next time.

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Jack and Dan

We had 14 men show up at the Minnow Pond flag this morning. @funhouse carried the flag to the AO this morning from his house. @cakeboss launched early continuing his Boston marathon training. After the pledge, we began the journey around town.

1st stop, the pharmacy on 160: Exercise – Jack Webb – 10/40 count (merkins/ O/H Claps)
2nd stop, WEP: Exercise – Ltn Dan – 10/40 count (Squats/Lunges)
3rd stop, Naz Church : Exercise – Jack Webb – 11/44 count.
4th stop, Parking lot across from Little Caesars – Ltn Dan – 11/44 count.
5th stop, parking lot (Watson St): Exercise – Jack Webb – 12/48 count.
6th stop, Footloose: Exercise- Ltn Dan – 12/48 count.
7th stop, parking lot (Watson St): Exercise – Jack Webb – 13/52 count.
8th stop, Footloose: Exercise- Ltn Dan – 13/52 count.
9th stop, parking lot (Watson St): Exercise – Jack Webb – 14/56 count.
10th stop, Footloose: Exercise- Ltn Dan – 14/56 count.
11th stop, Main Street: Exercise – Jack Webb – 15/60 count.
12th stop, COT: Exercise- Ltn Dan – 15/60 count.

Full disclosure: I didn’t feel the workout was difficult enough. I thought I had a great idea to combine running with a Jack Webb and Ltn Dan exercise at each stop, but it just didn’t cut it. We came up short on mileage. We did stick together and figured out some of the more difficult grammatical challenges. If you are like me, I go back to the drawing board and try to do better next time.

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Meat sleeve

WARMUP: pull-ups at print shop
THE THANG: 30 merkins of all sorts and 20 squats and 20 SSH at top of hill in crappy lot then run to top of hill on other side near 160 and repeat over and over and over.
MARY: there’s something about her
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence Saturday
COT:prayers up for all men traveling and praises for sobriety. Dueces!

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