“Jaeger Recovery” LOL

WARMUP: pre-run the 1.1 mile loop with 3 stops with 3 burpees each.
THE THANG: 1.1 miles loop with 4 stations
Station 1: 25 mountain goats (3 mt climbers + 1 goat kick = 1)
Station 2: 25 AH
Station 3: 25 Mike Tysons
Station 4: 25 V-Abs
Rinse and repeat but this time 20 reps at each station. Rinse and repeat but this time 15 reps at each station.

MARY: 30 J-Loves and 30 Flotters
Total of 3.6 to 4 miles from every PAX.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash pick up, Bettle men’s shelter, start training for Jeager 2023
COT: families, work, banks, and others.

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Baxter Loops pick up the 6 style

WARMUP: No warmup
THE THANG: Headed to Baxter for a big loop with PT at each Stop Sign- Alternate 10 Merkins 10 Squats and 5 Burpees 15 LBC. Change direction when you get back to the start, pick up the 6 and they all follow.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jager!! Read your Newsletter
COT: Finished with The Lords Prayer

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46 Years on the Big Ball

WARMUP: Mosey to bottom of Kingsley hill. (a few things to get loose)
THE THANG: Run the “big loop” through neighborhood and return to bottom of hill.
Run to first road….back down. Run to second road….back down. Run to top…..back to swimming pool. Run to COT. We did do exercises at each stop including Burpees. ( In truth, was my birthday so didn’t write the backblast until 3/1…so forgot)

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Punishment for missing free throws

WARMUP: the 0445 pre-run

Shuttle runs
Using the rows in the parking lot (~20m apart) numbered 0-5, starting at 0, shuttle run to 1, return to 0. Run to 2, back to 0, etc until Pax got to 5, then start over from 1.

First 3 rounds (1 round being shuttle run through 1-5)
Burpees everytime you came back to 0. The number of burpees were equal to the number of the row you ran to.

Second 3 rounds were jump squats following the same rules as the burpees but by a factor of 4.

Last 3 rounds were 4 SC mountain climbers x the number of the row you ran to.
Those that finished before 6, did shuttle runs with no exercises.

Every 3 rounds was just over 1 mile.


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The Dillinger Run

THE THANG: PAX joined YHC in hitting each Bank from the AO to Tega Cay (South State, TD Bank, First Horizon & First National) ~ 2 mi away and hit ‘em again on the way back. PT withdraw at ea: 3-burpees, 6-squats, 9–merkins, 12-4 Ct flutters). Jailbreak back!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thanks Flounder for reminder that Valentines Day is tomorrow
COT: Prayers spoken and unspoken, marriages, health and safe travel for the PAX.

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Hill repeat Monday

At 0515, YHC told the PAX there is no warm up we were ready to roll and headed out toward Gold Hill Middle. It was supposed to be a mosey, but was more running.

At the first parking lot we counted off and gave a very bastardized disclaimer- basically modify as necessary and you should read the disclaimer on the website.
From there I explained what the workout was,;
25 merkins at the school, then head up the hill to the bank, do 25 Freddy Mercurys (4 count- like in cadence), then back to school and rinse/repeat until 0600.

Most got in 4-5 rounds and all got in at least 3.5 miles.

COT: lots of announcements and prayers – I was oxygen deprived so I don’t recall them at this point 🤦🏼‍♂️

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Pain but No Rain

Disclaimer was given.

Mosey to Brayden for loops with 10 Merkins and 10 Squats at the pool.

Total Milage 4-4.5

Prayers for : Karen(Sugar Daddy relative) and her battle with Cancer, marriages, health of 2.0s and clarity of Gods plan.

Great work was done by all

-Yard Sale

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Door Dash Monday

WARMUP: Run behind Earth Fare out past bank into Brayden around back to parking lot by the pool and muster.

THE THANG: 10 Hand release merkins OYO + 10 Shouldwr taps IC

Then we sprinted up to Inizios and onto several other establishments along 160, stopping each time for 10 merkins of varying flavors and some abs. last sprint was to HT lot. pax moseyed back home with some extra running and Mary to wrap up. Great push by all!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB slated for Sat and will have outstanding 2nd F so be there!
COT: Words on Whetstone from Olaf + prayers.

Life is full of sprints, some long and some short and some of unknown duration or finish lines. We do this crazy stuff in the Gloom to prepare ourselves. Now you know you’re prepared when the next sprint arrives in your life.

Thanks to Badlands for the invite!

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Comfy and Cozy

WARMUP: This is Sweep the Leg. We don’t really do that.

– Head out – cross over to Brayden
– Down the main entrance hill and back up – at each break in the
median, 5 burpees, including at top and at bottom
– When back at top, turn left down 160
– At Storage Center on left, bear crawl to next driveway at
– Partner up, man carry around the building, switching as
– Keep heading down 160
– At Enterprise RAC – 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 LBC in lot
– At Sam’s driveway, bear crawl to the roundabout
– Partner carry to the end of the road in front of Morningstar
– Go around Chipotle back to 160, go left
– At Wendy’s – 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 LBC
– Around Truist, back to 160 go left
– In front of CVS, 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 LBC
– Return route, repeat as much as possible

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: 5th Core Principle

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Fun at Model A Brewery

Total Miles: 3.5 for YHC, I think @badlands had more but I’m not quite sure.

Jog to First Horizons Bank.
15 burpees
Jog to Model A
15 Big Boy Situps
Rinse and repeat
Most got in 3 circuits
Job back for COT
I ended with a prayer from my pastor, slightly modified for F3.

I am thankful for…..
…the Gospel that defines me
…the Son who rescued me
…the Father who pursues me
…the Spirit who inhabits me
…the F3 PAX that surrounds me
…the Scripture that shapes me
…the future that awaits me
…the obstacles that mature me

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