3.5mi-4mi of leg sweeping

WARMUP: Walk 20ft, circle up and do some SSH followed by 5 Burpees. That’s all you get.
THE THANG: Run the Earth Fare lot then 20 Merkins.
Run to the bottom of the hill before the GHES entrance. 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins.
Grab a partner and push each other until the finish.
Run to the first light pole heading up the back road. NUR to the next light pole, run 2 light poles, NUR 1, run 2, etc all the way up to the top. Recovery run with your partner back to the start.
Do a set of American Hammers.
Repeat the round heading up and down the hill then Grave Diggers and other Mary exercises.
Run the lap around the basketball lot, burpees, then grab the 6.
Final instructions: Run back to the bottom of the hill in front of the school, do the CDD, W.A.M. and Diamonds.
Run back to the stop sign for 20 Merkins, run the parking lot and do more Merkins.
MARY: Scattered throughout the workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: You know what to do.

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Just go.

WARMUP: SSH 20, low slow squats 10, 5 burpees…go time
THE THANG: Being DR all last week and no working out, aside from eating and drinking, made this a bit more sucky than it needed to be but the only way to jump in is with both feet. So running with push-ups got the call.

Here’s what we got: every .25 miles = 25 merkins. After mile 1 and mile 1.75 (which is top of the hill in the back of the school), we waited for the six doing flutters.

Simple but effective. Total mileage was between 3-3.5. Some of us (🙋‍♂️) owe a few more merkins as form started to suffer or time to get back was creeping up.
MARY: More flutters and American hammers.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Final countdown CSAUP, QSource on Tuesday Baxter SBUX, be there!
COT: Change Order and his family, kids going off to camps, travel

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Leg Day Loop

It was a hot humid morning in The Fort at Sweep The Leg. We had 6 pax post to start the week right.

Disclaimer was given.

Today is about realizing you can’t do it all on your own. To often we fail to realize that we can’t bear the burden all on our own, thankfully we have our tribe, our pax our shield locks to help us through the hard times. Together we are stronger. Today our pain stations are about showing that

Pax divided into pairs of similar paced runners. Today the number to remember is 200 all pain stations

Run to Colosseum (Gold Hill Middle School)

Pain Station 1


Run through Middle school down the back driveway towards fields. Stop at first street light

Pain 2: Flutters

Right on Dam rd, right on 160 Left into Brayden, run towards Brayden clubhouse

Stop at Brayden pool

Pain 3: American Hammers

Loop Brayden back to pool,

Pain 4: American Hammers

Back to COT with the VA Pax

Prayers for Pushers 2.0 and her surgery, shields 2.0 traveling and other things on our heart

Olaf took out us out with the 6 ruckers

-Yard Sale

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Running with Burpees

WARMUP: PAX were disclaimed.  That is all.
THE THANG: 3.5 Mile route with 10 burpees every 1/4 mile. X marked the burpee spots. Speedy PAX got 4 miles and change. Us mere mortals did not.
MARY: 4 minutes of stretching with Stang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Were announced
COT: Prayers and praises were offered

YHC is grateful for a tremendous group of HIM to help in acceleration and staying on the right path. The cooler temps and lower humidity was a blessing to start the week. Thanks to Badlands for the Q spot. It is always a privilege to lead.


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Mr. Hugh Midity

I recently asked Badlands for a Q At Sweep The Leg. He gave me June 13th and I accepted the assignment forgetting that was the Monday after a week at the beach. Vacation is rough on the body. But all in all it turned out fairly well. Ran one of my fastest miles 7:42 pace that morning and it all went quickly  downhill from there. Noticed a fairly large gathering for my Q which was obvious since I’m a celebrity in F3. Noticeably missing was Bobber.

The Thang

Told everyone what the plan was at 5:14. Which was, run to Berkshire Heights meet at the stop sign. Go clockwise around Berkshire stopping at every stop sign and doing 5 Hand-release Merkins, 5 X and O, 5 Jump Squats. There are 6 stop signs all the way around and one big hill the last 1/4 mile. The next loop add 5 more reps to same exercises for 10 of each. Everyone got over 2 loops some pushed for 3. Finished with 3.35 miles the others got 4. Thanks Badlands for the Q I enjoyed hearing the complaining  from the Pax.
Last thing men. Let’s show the world what a real man looks like. Be kind to strangers even if they think differently than you. Hold the door for a lady as she exits the store. Open the car door for your wife. Go buy her womanly things without bitching about it. Say your kids prayers at night while tucking them in. Push the buggy back inside the grocery store. Love you guys more than you will ever know.


Prayers for Decibel son Noah and his recovery



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Field trip day

THE THANG: 3.5 fast miles with a spoke style workout consisting of burpees, merkins, bomb jacks, and jump squats
MARY: 6 1/2 minutes of Mary with flutters, Freddy Mercury’s, heels to heaven, shoulder taps, hello dolly’s, big boy’s, and American hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dads on tap at Amor Artis 6/7, @poppins is looking for help on 6/9 at Bethel mens shelter,

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STL 2022 – Murph Lite

Humid and warm this morning. 4 PAX showed up for this memorial day workout inspired by “The Murph” but modified to meet the 3 mile minimum for STL and to allow finishing within 45 min.

Straight Up stayed back to do a time trial and some solo work, the rest of us headed out.

1.5 mile run to Allison Park
100 dips
200 shoulder taps
300 SSH
1.5 mile run back to COT

Made a couple stops during the run for some merkins and made it back right at 0600

CoT – then Fishstix and YHC headed straight over to NaFo for the official Murph

As always, an honor to lead the group, especially on a holiday such as today.

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Brayden neighborhood warmup lap w/ stretch
NUR uphill with 10-10-10 pain stations
Mosey back to COT
Island 11s – Merkins and LBCs (parking lot)
2 laps around earth fare
Abs at COT
Back to COT

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Stay Focused – Q-school edition

11 Pax this morning with more seasoned vets and less newer members than expected. A good thing for me as a newer F3 PAX, I knew I could delegate some of the portions of the Q school lessons for the day!

Fishstix brought two left shoes so decided he would just do this workout without any shoes…. I think we finally found a way to slow this HIM down!

WARMUP: Slapshot started us off with a brief intro for Q school, emphasizing how the workout Q is essential to the F3 mission. The importance of the disclaimer was discussed reminding PAX that an FNG likely doesn’t know what an FNG is, so good idea to ask if there are any new guys instead.

Slapshot finished his portion of the Q with an impeccable example of how to take control of the workout and lead the PAX by altering and dictating pace of SSH cadence calling.

YHC took over and led the PAX down to Dave Gibson to the IvyBrook Academy parking lot. There we planked and performed some shoulder taps while discussing warmups (or lack thereof at most running AOs)

Continued on down Dave Gibson to the entrance of the schools where we performed SSH and then Al Gored while discussing some important components of successful workout designs – Overpreparing, Writing down Weinke, Having quick hitters in your back pocket in case finish early (tabata, EMOM, etc)

THE THANG: Mickey Mouse Burpee Sandwiches

station 1 (near end of school drive): Wide-arm Merkins
station 2 (far end of school drive): Diamond Merkins
Mid-point: Burpees (always 5)

Progressive circuit – start with 3 reps of merkins on each end with 5 burpees in the middle. next round 6 merkins each side with 5 burpees in middle. continue adding 3 merkins to each side.

We SSH for the 6 at station 1 after each round and discussed various components of successful workout designs (pearls on a string, 3S2T, time-boxing, etc)

Made through 4 rounds and headed back to Earthfare lot.

With about 4 minutes to spare we did a little running around the parking lot with 5k pace on the shorter parking lot sides and jog pace on the longer sides.

Finished at 0600

COT: Announcements – Bourbon Tasting fundraiser Saturday – see Cyclops posts on Slack

……..oh yeah, if you haven’t heard….. I may have forgot the shovel flag this morning after the workout. This should be fun….

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Keep Grindin’

Warmup: Mosey down Dave Gibson to first school parking lot (Station 1)

Thang: Start at station 1, perform 10 shoulder taps and 10 boat/canoes, run to station 2 (cul-de-sac on Patricia Ln) and perform 5 Kraaken Merkins and 20 dips, run to station 3 (cul-de-sac on Ben Casey Dr) and perform 25 merkins and 25 monkey humpers

rinse and repeat until about 0556 and run back to CoT

some PAX got in 4 rounds and over 4miles

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