Headlamps needed out of darkness comes light


Pulled up was amazed how many cars where already there and the pax kept rolling in. I guess my advertising worked. We had 2 kotters It was great to see MR. T and Baywatch back out

The Thing

I said the Disclaimer and we Mosey to warm
Followed by high knees to regular then to butt kickers, then regular. Last but not least toy soldiers then regular we  then circle up

Windmill 10 IC
Imperial walker 15 IC
Cherry picker 10 IC

Run the paved path at the bottom of the hill. We have never ventured into the woods in the 2 years we have been here, so what better time than now to explore this great path with a good sized hill would make a great work out for SeaLegs hmmmmmmm in the near future.

Circle up talk about how life is too short to not venture out and explore. Take control of your life be happy. YHC realized there is not enough room to do global warming as planed so I Omaha to the hill.

Mosey to the hill clock work merkins. YHC did short demo:
5 Merkins in 12 o’clock, 5 – in 3 o’clock 5 – in 6 o’clock 5 – in 9 o’clock and 5 – in 12 o’clock one more time. Run to the top of the hill for some –

– Global warming (10 merkins, 10 CCD, 10 burpees)

Mosey to the gaurd rail where I pulled out my board of  pain from behind the guard rail

Partner up

Partner 1 performs exercise till partner returns
Partner 2 runs around long median to the side walk and back.

Monkey humpers
Moroccan night clubs
Plank w/shoulder taps
Donkey kicks
Plank jacks
Squats on your toes
Nur up the hill
American hammers
Seal jacks

Some made it to donkey kicks a few made it to plank jacks. I felt we ran enough for the work out so we Lt Dan up hill toward COT .10 of a mile then we NUR the rest of the way COT ot .10 of a mile. I am a big fan of NURING but learned that Cha Ching can run backwards really fast.

Talked more about life being to short live it to the fullest tomorrow is never promised. The reason behind this was bout 2 1/2 years ago Emma my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. We have now come to a end with her treatment and she has surgery tomorrow to remove her port out of her chest. With that being said we found out last friday that my stepmother has stage IV lung cancer. So never take a day for granted.


Ruck brew, Hog & Coyote coming soon, P200
A group that has supported my family the last 2 years Hometown Heros has a Union county sheriff’s deputy running 40 miles to raise money for the kids battling cancer and other diseases this Saturday trying get some pax to join me with 5k 10k 15 mile 10 mile ect options to support him and his cause.

Prayers and praises:

Prayers for Luka, Vuvuzella son. Emma for finishing treatment up and for having port removed. For my stepmother journey with cancer. Praise for our 2 kotters that came back out.

Great work by the pax they did an awesome job and really pushed them selves. TCLAPS MEN.


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#Seeitbeit – Paradise Reading Center

I had the chance to listen live to David Chadwick (Senior Pastor, Forest Hill Church) talk about his recent interview with Charlotte Police Chief, Kerr Putney. In his final question, David asked the Police Chief: What can the church do to make Charlotte a better place to live? The Chief listed three items:

“We need three things,” the Chief said:

  1. Volunteers to hold babies
  2. Volunteers to read to kids
  3. Mentors for kids, Especially male mentors

In that moment, I wanted to say, “David, there is this group of guys that are already doing this!” #F3Nation. In that moment, I was especially proud to be one of the PAX! My mind went to the good work the PAX are doing with the Children’s Attention Home and The Paradise Reading Center (and more!).

My opportunity to be the change I want to see was with serving the underserved community of Paradise. My first time volunteering I was excited to see, how may kids showed up to this after school program for help with reading and homework. And also, how fun, energetic and smart they are (My first reading partner was Kelvin, a six year, who was easily a better reader than me when I was six. He didn’t laugh too hard when he had to correct me with the correct pronunciation of, “Galileo”)!

I also had the chance to watch CoPay give his story. What a story! And more importantly T-Claps for this HIM for showing our youth, if you can see it, you can be it! I simply followed Copay’s (and Deacon’s!) lead and made it known to them I wanted to share my story too.

Deacon sent me an outline with suggestions of what I should cover during my 10 minute talk (1. My personal background, 2. What I wanted to be when I was a kid, 3. My job, 4. School experience, 5. Advice I wanted to share with them) and I was ready.

I was pumped to share my story with the hope that if just one kid could #seeitbeit, then it was well worth the 60 minutes I spent with the kids that day.



F3 has made me physically stronger, put more PAX in my life that have given me great community, and have helped me to have a better walk with Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.  To give a little back to this community that has given me so much was a true pleasure.

Thank you to the PAX for all being HIMs in your own individual ways.


The Reading Center takes place every Monday and Wednesday from 4PM-5PM at Bethlehem Baptist Church 601 Joe Louis St. Fort Mill,SC 29715. The kids are doing homework and reading and we have the opportunity to assist or listen. This is  a great opportunity for us to mentor and encourage beyond the workout. Looking to get a schedule with 4-8 PAX each session starting 1/8/17 and going throughout the school year.

See link to sign up. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ak80g7L12X6hCDN1_h5cSUemDlqWzBdgMyJII1RHy4



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Rainy Monday at the Quagmire

10 Brave soles ventured to the rainy gloom of Quagmire for an opportunity to better themselves.  After getting the late night SOS from Davinci for a “last minute Q”….I put my thinking cap on for how to make it a memorable Monday (meaning you felt it for a couple of days).

After normal disclaimer…and a reminder that “modification” should only be used if needed, we began our mosey.

Warm up:

  • About a mile run (To Gander Mountain)….despite the “I thought this wasn’t a running AO” comments
  • Windmills
  • Hillbilly Walkers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Weed pickers
  • Slow Low Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Downward Dog
  • Honeymooner
  • Side plank
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Seal Jacks

The Fun Stuff

Moseyed to the Verizon parking lot

Lined up and performed exercises from one end to the other

  • 5 sets:  Bear Crawl…5 Merkins…Crawl Bear…5 Merkins
  • Set of 50 Merkins
  • 100 Dips
  • 5 Sets:  Lunge Walk…..Backward Run….10 Squats

Mosey back to Best Buy

  • 30 Burpees….10 every minute


Thanks for the opportunity to lead and great work by all the PAX there.


~ Bones

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Coop- clock from H&^%…

Valentines day 2018- To prep you for taking out your M this wonderful night we will take a trip around the clock.

Warm up with Mosey high knees, butt kickers, knee to chest, and ankle to chest.

circle up SShs, Imperial Walkers, windmills.

Mosey to pull up bars- 5-4-3-2-1

Mosey to band lot give disclaimer on the clock. start in center work  around the clock at each station always coming back to center in between. In middle 15 burpees stations consisted of squats, LBCs, Mtn. Climbers, CDDs, Apollo Onos, American Hammers, Merkins, Flutter Kicks. You do 50 of each.

great job by all who attended.

read your newsletter.

Prayers and Praises…



TClap |

Jacked-up Egyptian-Indian alligator walks?

Q, Nomad 1st 30 (Lower body) and Ginsu 2nd 30 (Upper Body)
Beautiful morning at The Fort. Conversations went from Dark Helmet’s Ruck to Dora’s backpack, to Diego’s survival pack, to WonderPets. At this point, YHC realized it was time to get started.
String of pearls Warmup around WEP
  • SSH 19
  • Windmill 11
  • LBC 15
  • Morracsan nightclub 25
  • Mountain climber 20
  • leg/calf R/L, L/R, lean L/R, R/L, (Jiffy called hamstring stretches)


Airborne and Rebel mosey’d by on the path wearing lights and reflective gear
Jacked up 11’s
    (on the statue hill)
  • Bombjacks at the bottom
  • Plankjacks at the top
  • (LBCs til 6)
This was awful. Dark Helmet even had to take his Ruck off. But PAX were encouraging to each other.
Mosey to center of field
  • (Single file line)  Lunge and hold 1 leg while PAX at back jailbrakes to front, then Switch legs (rotate core for extra credit). Walk distance from outer path to playground.
  • (Circle up)  – 4x (5 SSH + 2 jump lunge)
— Switch to Ginsu —
(Ginsu claimed to have tweaked his back. Glad he didn’t have a healthy back – he brought the pain)
– 5 burpees OYO
– Egyption-Indian Alligator Walk (by with Alligator Crawl, switching L/R which each PAX jailbreak)
– 5 burpees OYO
– Egyption-Indian Alligator Walk
– 20 4-count Freddy Mercurys
– 5 burpees OYO
Mosey to playground
– 20 4-count dips on the wall
– Take a lap around playground
– 20 4-count dips on the wall
– Take a lap around playground
– 10 4-count derkins on the wall
– Take a lap around playground
– 10 4-count derkins on the wall
– Take a lap around playground
Partner up
– Partner 1 – 10 pull ups
– Partner 2 – 20 LBCs
– flip flop
– rinse and repeat x3
Mosey to COT for Mary
– 20 4-count heals to heaven
– 10 4-count hand release merkins
– 20 4-count LBCs
– 10 4-count hand release merkins
– Captain Thor 5×20
Ginsu choose for Mary to be on asphalt vs. grass, which reminded YHC not to get comfortable in my comfortable grassy life.
– Reading help at Bethlehem Church
– Yeti
– Pancake breakfast
– Convergence on Tuesday
Prayers & Praise
– FM High Band Leader, John Pruitt (recovering stroke)
– Dark Helmet’s 2.0 Baptism
– Corruption family member recovering from foot surgery
– Jiffy, wife recovering from surgery
– Our children and youth, and those that INFLUENCE them
Thanks Bonzai for the chance
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Rain, pain and gain at the Fort

At 5 minutes to 6am with no PAX in sight, CableGuy and Bolt wondered if it was going to be a dual beatdown. With seconds to spare, 4 more PAX arrived in the high moisture content morning.

We welcomed back Comeback posting for only his second post, first last fall EH’d by VuVu. Disclaimer was given and we moseyed around the WEP trail.

Taken by CableGuy to the upper parking lot for warmups.  As per his style, cadence proceeded at a pace about 50% faster than most Q’s. We kept up the best we could with SSH’s, ParkerPeters, PeterParker’s, mountain climbers, merkins, squats, seal jacks, …

*** Q’s, always take note of who’s in attendance and that a demonstration/reminder of an exercise may be necessary. ***

Staying in the same lot, we were treated to a beatdown ladder of burpees countdown starting with 10 at one end (to 1), cross lot sprint, and the other end 10 squats each time.

Marylou nicely informed us  it was a total of 55 burpees.

The blood was pumping and the arms were hurting as the rain started to trickle about halfway through.

Before Bolt took the PAX to the field for 5 pain stations, he gave the PAX a few words about our responsibility as men to watch out for and protect the women and girls in our lives. We have been going through a steady stream of news on sexual abuse, assault and domestic abuse.

An easy walk down the hill to catch our breaths before the 5 pain stations which each had their own ‘lanes’ of varying length. 5 starting cones had workout instructions on them and a corresponding turn-around point cone.   A little improvisation with only 6 PAX (expecting 10 or more), we lined up at the cones. Top instruction for one PAX, bottom for other PAX staying at cone.

cone1: top instruction: Run up hill carrying 40# to cone and back/bottom for PAX staying: squats

cone 2: top: Broad jump to corresponding cone and back;  bottom: calf raises

cone3: Sprint to cone and back/ American Hammers w/ 20# or 30#

cone4: BearCrawl to cone and back/ bomb jacks using 2-10# bags

cone5: Lunges carrying 2 sand bags to cone and back/ merkins

We did a final run through of the stations as a group.

Back to COT lot for a few minutes of Mary.

A good push by all PAX.

*** Q’s: Remember to never leave the 6 behind. Remember that we are all at different fitness levels. Be encouraging and positive and supportive.

Bolt finished with his thoughts about it being our responsibility to look out for all the women in our lives: our wives, our daughters, our nieces, our friends, our neighbors. We are seeing bad men do bad things and a lot of men who downplay the problems or don’t speak out against the perpetrators. It is our responsibility to not only protect, but to speak out against the behavior when it occurs. Talk with your women, but especially your daughters. Let them know what good behavior of men should be.

Yeti in 2 weeks.   Reminder about our community involvement in Paradise with our workouts and mentoring/reading sessions.   P200 coming.   Prayers for PAX with sick children and relatives with health issues.

Thanks to Uncle Sam for volunteering to tutor in Paradise

2 for post workout breakfast at The Peach Stand.

*** Final Q tip: After using cones and/or coupons on a rainy day, be sure to not stack cones and leave in car for a few days and dry coupons asap. Stinky!


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The BeachBall

Neighbors and police were alerted of a suspicious shadow dropping off cones and a dangerous-looking gray mass onto dark, empty parking lot and then driving off to meet with CEO-looking PAX at Walter Elysha. YHC started giving the disclaimer but Site-Q Bonsai felt insecure about Latino accent and wrong use of words so he took over and messed it all up.  FNG was very confused and the rest, embarrased.


Mosey on running track swinging some Buttkickers (Site-Q alerted YHC that A**kickers is a curse word), high-knees and uphill Karaoke.

Once in COP: SSH – Windmills – MNC – Squats – Doggie paddles – plank and 6-inch keeping mississippi count.

The Thang

PAX were asked to perform Bearpees along ten trees.

-Nine???  Someone complained.  -How do you expect us to bearpee eight trees? There’s no way I’m gonna bearcrawl seven trees.

But in the end pax overcame and did all six trees as originally requested.

Mosey to parking lot next to lady who doesn’t like PAX screaming.  Backwards uphill climb.  At this point attempting to do the pain stations seemed pointless since most PAX were out of breath, so YHC simply introduced the BeachBall (see pic), which PAX bounced around like infants.  LBCs ensued while rotating BeachBall and then the ArmWrestlingRollingCarousel (patent pending) was introduced:  PAX lay flat on their bellies facing each other in two rows, and arm wrestle in manly tension while one reads theme verse (Isaiah 41:10). Then one row rolls over and faces next contendor while new PAX reads verse.  Rinse & repeat until all have read verse (arm switch when first row is done rolling).  Of course, Long Shanks arm-wrestled two at a time in an audacious display of arrogance.

Co-Q Cornhole took over at this point with what was left of PAX, but mercilessly had all bearcrawl downhill on reenactment of Civil War battle but with pinecones.  People’s Chair for all while two PAX graciously jumpjacked  with the sunrise behind, silhoueting the too much barBQ from the night before.  Deconstructed Burpees took everyone by surprise and there was a lotta groaning and destructive chatter.

Derkins, step-ups and dips brought joy back to brave PAX.

Then alternating pull-ups, step-ups and laps around kiddie park.


Ab-lap where Atticus over-underperformed, making Pusher blush, but he claimed him as Q-school disciple all the same.

FNG was interviewed an named Oz, but YHC missed out on all the cultural references.

PAX were encouraged to not be anxious and prayers were lifted up.

2nd F at Peach Stand in support of community business.  A joyful moment.

TClap |

Extra Heavy BEYOND – It’s more than a Workout

For those of you that know me and my workouts, there typically isn’t a whole lot of “messages” as I try to make it all about business.  However, this time around, I focused on delivering a message that meant a ton to me and my journey, but also hopefully sparking something in the hearts of the pax.  Let’s get w/ it:

Quick mosey over to the lit side of a building w/ plenty of heavy objects for the Pax to worry about while we did our warm-up.  It was short and sweet:

Wide Grip Merkins x10 (in cadence), followed by Diamond Merkins x10 (in cadence) followed by Merkins x10 (in cadence) – nothing like 60 push-ups to get us started.  From there it was all about sitting on our six and stretching so I could focus on the first part of the message.

I asked the Pax who had figured out their marriage and felt they are their spouses were 100% aligned – crickets.  Next question – Who has ever confused “being a provider” with being a good husband?  A few hands went up.  Well I can surely attest to that, and I’m a changed man because of it.  Without going into too many details, I let my priorities get so out of order that I lost my connection w/ my wife.  And it took an act of courage on her part and some serious gut checks to remind me of what matters.  In order, work took the most from me, got home, spent what little time I had w/ my kids (which was basically putting them down to bed), F3 probably got the next sliver (my mornings) and my wife got what was left.  That equated to nothing really, maybe some shallow conversations, tiredness from me, tiredness from her.  This went on for far too long until a late night conversation already past my bedtime lasted 3 hours.  It hit me like a ton of bricks  – our connection was nonexistent and it was time to get it back.

Next up – Heavy a$$ tabata stations.  6 stations, each had two different exercises, 2 pax per station.  40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest.

1a:  Coupon – 40 lb metal chain, Exercise – Jump Squats (wrap that chain around your shoulders / neck)
1b:  Coupon – 2 25 lb bags of metal pellets, Exercise – Curls

2a:  Coupon:  80 lb tree (I’m not kidding), Exercise – Man Makers (good luck)
2b:  Coupon:  30 lb tree or 40 lb stump, Exercise – Lunge Jumps (could swap any coupons for either exercise)

3a:  Coupon:  Cinderblock, Exercise – wood choppers
3b:  Coupon:  Cinderblock, Exercise – v sits (press cindy then touch toes pointed high w/ cindy)

4a:  Coupon:  50 lb bags of limestone, Exercise – shoulder press
4b:  Coupon:  50 lb bags of limestone, Exercise – flutters w/ push press

5a:  Coupon:  none, Exercise – vert wall w/ chalk (vertical jumps on brick wall – use chalk for first jump, mark your high mark and then spend the rest of the time trying to touch that line)
5b:  Coupon:  none, Exercise – bear crawl the perimeter

6a:  Balls to the Wall hold 40 seconds
6b:  Single Leg Wall Sit (20 sec each leg)

Mini break w/ continuation of the message – well the night of the “revelation” from my wife or what I call my re-awakening, I had a flashback so randomly of something CSPAN once said at a workout 2 years before.  It wasn’t random, because it was so fitting, but I honestly hadn’t thought about it in a long time.  It was the bullseye theory of prioritization that I clearly lost containment on.  My bud Witchhunt also helped me a few months back w/ some podcasts to listen to around time management.  Both pointed to the same tactical response – God gets your first.  That’s it.  So my wife and I got tactical – we committed to God and to each other to spend the first 45 minutes of every day together, reading God’s word.  Since that night, we have read together almost every morning (and the couple that we missed we text each other when we can catch up w/ reading and explain what we got out of it) independently the same reading plan, journal independently, but then share what God spoke to each of us.  When you share what spoke to you, you really hear what is going on with each other.  You hear each other’s real time emotions, real worries, real anxieties, what’s ahead, what’s behind us.  I can honestly say I feel closer and more aware of my wife’s true feelings that I ever did in the 13 years we’ve been dating / married.


We didn’t have a ton of time, so I ran the pax over to a wide open parking lot that had already been set up w/ cones.  An old fashioned football drill I remember doing from double session conditioning.  SNAKES.

One after the other –
Sprint 40 yards, side shuffle right 40 yards, back pedal your butt off 40 yards, side shuffle left 40 yards, sprint 40 yards, side shuffle left 40 yards, back pedal 40 yards, side shuffle right to starting point 40 yards.

I finished my message w/ something that was another a-ha moment w/ my wife about 6 months ago – a small group we did on a series called “Love & Respect”.  In a nut shell it taught us how God wired men and women differently.  Women need love; men need respect.  Not respect in a sexist, egotistical way, but our emotions are clearly influenced by when respect is given or clearly not.  Application – it’s all about how we talk to each other.  Always ask yourself if you’re the husband – did what I say come out in a loving way?  If not, you may want to apologize in advance and say exactly that (ie. I’m sorry honey – I clearly didn’t say that in the most loving way.  That’s not what I meant…).   Most times it’s not what we said, it’s how we said it.  Intent was harmless, the delivery was just not loving.  Same goes for the wife – instead of doing what most men do when they get angry and walk away, we should say, “I feel like what you said was not very respectful”.  More times than not, your wife will realize that was the case and apologize before anything gets out of hand.  Avoid the vicious cycles – husband gets mad, they walk away / internalize everything, they get distant, distance to the wife is clearly unloving, she gets more mad, results in her snapping at you and being disrespectful.  Repeat, repeat, repeat.  Avoid this and be loving men.  That’s all she wants.

RINSE AND REPEAT the SNAKES – only this time, double the distance for each direction.  Fun.

Made it back to COT 2 minutes late but the pax were cool w/ it.  Announcements, prayers for all the senseless violence the last couple days (peach stand, York county officers, kentucky school victims) and for vision / direction on those ideas / things that enter your life and you clearly know you need to do something w/ it.  Huge thanks to Maximus for asking me to lead this workout so early in it’s existence.  I really appreciate it man and I hope my experience can help some guys out there repriortiize and grow closer to their wives.


TClap |

4 non-rooster HIM’s got put to work

For the non-roosters, 4 HIM stepped up at WEP for a brisk hour-long tour of Fort Mill parking lots.

Parking Lot 1:
-15 American Hammers
-20 Flutter Kicks
-20 Hello Dolly

Parking Lot 2:
-15 Shoulder Taps
-15 Knee Taps from Crab Walk Position
-10 Peter Parker
-10 Parker Peter

Backwards Run up hill, sprint down

Parking Lot 3:
-Adult Duck Duck Goose (Lutefisk educated PAX that the game is actually called Duck Duck Grey Duck). Whilst all PAX jogging in place, in a circle, 1 HIM ran around the circle twice. Each passing by, the HIM passed does a squat, then back to jogging in place.

Parking Lot 4:
-The Merkin Wave x15

Mosey to grassy and “leafy” hill:
-3x Jump Merkins up the hill, Crawl Bear down
-3x Bunny Jump up the hill, Reverse Inchworm down

Then came the partner work:
-15 Merkin Hi-Fives
-15 Big Boy Situp Hi-Fives
-10 Box Cutters; one set of legs were in while other set of legs were out
-Partner 1 did situps while Partner 2 did Merkins or Derkins on the knees
-Partner 1 plank while Partner 2 did 20 dips using Partner 1’s back

Bonsai took over and brought us to the church stairs for 16 flights of “see if we can get to heaven.”  We didn’t make it, so we went on the trail for a staircase burpee from 5-1.

Mosey to COT

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Pantheon Tribute to Mr. Clean and His Bride

Warmup:  Indian Run with High Knees, Lunges, Karaoke, Side Shuffle

The Thang:

Split Soccer Field – one side = plyometric exercises and other side weight exercises for 9 reps each side to celebrate 2018:

Station 1:  Side Straddle hops to summersault to Station 2:  Pullups on Fence,

Station 3:  Bombjacks to Lunge to Station 4:  30lb kettlebell swing,

Station 5:  Burpees to Crabwalk to Station 6:  50lb Ruck Press,

Station 7:  High Knees to Bear Crawl to Station 8:  20 lb Sandbag American Hammer,

Station 9:  Squat Jumps to 1/2 Suicide to Station 10:  40lb Sandbag Slam,

Station 11:  Goofballs to Bear Crawl to Station 12:  20lb Ruck Upright Rows,

Station 13:  Roll Merkin to Gorilla Walkers to Station 14:  10lb KettleBell Mace

Men rotated to parking lot run when done to circle of power for superman pumps to merkins in Jack Webb Fashion.

Rinse and repeat.

Prayers:  For Mr. Cleans Family and his Bride Cindy for strenght and wisdom as they celebrate her life.  For Lutefisks mother to be cured of cancer.

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