Convergence to Support Army 385th MCT Deployment


Mark your calendars for Tuesday September 13, for a special Convergence to support YHC brother-in-law, 1st Lt. Tyler J. Strom (Convoy). As many of you know, Lt. Strom and his Unit (385th MCT) will be deploying in the following months. The goal for this convergence is to support Lt. Strom and pay homage to all our men & women who have served / currently serving our Nation. Lt. Strom will be your guest Q so come prepared for some PT and be sure you have a clean shave or you will suffer the consequences (his words!).

To support his Unit, we’re asking PAX for donations towards care-package items (review the list of items below). If you’re not the shopping type, you can give a monetary donation as well. Bring all items to the convergence. If you’re unable to make it and still want to give, reach out to myself (504-813-2901 / and I can coordinate a pickup time with you.

When: Tuesday September 13
Location: Ballroom (875 Gold Hill Rd, Fort Mill, SC 29708)
Time: 0515-0600
2/3 F: 0600-0630 (Coffee & donuts will be provided / bring lawn chairs)

What to Bring:

  • Care-package donations
  • Monetary donations (going towards shipping & supplies)
  • Empty shoe box
  • Lawn Chair (for 2/3 F)
  • Red pill
  • FNG

Care-Package List (Do’s / Don’ts)

  • Foods
    • DO’S Rule of thumb – anything that can fit in their cargo pockets
      • Trail mix
      • Beef jerky
      • Crackers (peanut butter/cheese etc.)
      • Ground coffee
      • Chicken salad w/ crackers packets
      • Bars (protein/breakfast etc.)
      • etc.
    • DON’TS
      • Liquids
  • Candy
    • DO’S
      • Gum
      • Hard candy
    • DON’TS
      • Chocolate
      • NO SUGAR FREE CANDY. They don’t want any issues from the backside!
  • Hygiene
    • DO’S
      • Gold bond (Highly valued)
      • Tooth paste
      • Pads/tampons (they do have some females in his unit so ask the M to help out)
      • Deodorant
    • DON’TS
      • Mouth wash
  • Medicine
    • DO’S
      • Tylenol
      • Motrin/ibuprofen
      • Tums
      • Throat Lozenges
      • Moleskin (for blisters)
    • DONT’S
      • No liquid meds
      • Hard meds (Vicodin etc.)
  • Misc.
    • DO’S
      • Socks (athletic)
      • T-shirts
      • Magazines
      • Games (cards, soduko, crossword etc.)
      • Baby wipes / hand sanitizers
    • DONT’S
      • Adult Magazines

We thank everyone in advance for their support!

Bounty Hunter over and out!

TClap |

14 Started; 14 Finished

  • QIC: Kelvin
  • When: 07/28/16
  • Pax: Schrute, Slow Pitch, Stargate, Anker Bar, Bill Nye, Italian Job, Hot Sauce, Mr. Big Stuff, Van Wilder, Waterboy, Pusher, Jag, Pistol
  • Posted In: The Fort

This QIC was pumped and ready for his VQ.  With 13 other brave souls, we were primed for a nice Tavern beat down.


  • Side straddle hops
  • Imperial walkers
  • Merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Moroccan night club

The Thang:

After a quick mosey (and Frogger session across Celanese) the furious 14 got down to business in front of Goodyear.

  • 10 Burpees
  • Mosey around back, and up the baby quad burner
  • 10 diamond Merkins up top
  • Rinse & repeat for 3 total sets

Taking a few steps over to the big, empty (mostly) parking lot, the parking lot marathon was to begin.  As it sits, it’s not the largest parking lot in Rock Hill, so we did our best to lengthen it.

  • Suicides from the starting curb to each of 11 sectional lines
  • Luckily there were nice, relaxing breaks at each of the 4 light poles in the lot, where 15 merkins were to be completed

When the Six was in, the furious 14 headed over to the doctors’ office lot and grabbed a little wall.

  • Wall sit – everyone in a line
  • Hold the sit while taking turns coming out to drop for 3 Carolina dry docks, then back to the wall for the next man
  • Last 3-4 guys, everyone put their hands up

For the final showdown, a little game of 4-corners (twice):

  1. 10 Plank jacks
  2. 20 American hammers
  3. 10 Derkins
  4. 10 Boxcutters

Mosey back to the Tavern with another (more challenging) session of Frogger; fortunately, the furious 14 stayed at 14.





Special prayer requests for upcoming doctor appointments, safe travels on vacation, and patience and calmness during work transitions.

TClap |

Hills & Legs between the Booty Loop

  • QIC: Cornhole & Maximus
  • When: 07/30/16
  • Pax: Howitzer, Cable Guy, Bing, Gekko, Drummond, Reborn
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

I through out the challenge of trying to get a group greater than 10 but with Cornhole and YHC on Q, that proved to be less-than-likely. After he takes a few hours off from the 24 hours of Booty, Cornhole came down to the Rock to co-Q at Alcatraz with YHC yesterday. Not only did he double-down Saturday, he brought it. So after a detailed disclaimer, Cornhole opened with a few words to other 7 of us about how Cancer has affected nearly all of us and how we need to remember and be grateful for the opportunities we have.
So with Cornhole up first:
Jog around the big loop of the park
Warm Up: SSH, Squat, Moroccan Night Club, 12ct Merkins (4 count down to 6” followed by 4 count at 6” followed by 4 count back up to the start), 12ct Squats (same sequence as the Merkins)
Line Up on one end of the outfield with about 15ft between the PAX:
1. Man at the end bear crawls to the next man while the PAX does burpees. 2nd man bear crawls to 3rd and so one.
When you not bear crawling, your burpee’ing.
2. Same as above but with Crab Walks and LBC’s.
3. Same as above but with sideways bear crawls and squats.
4. Same as above but with inch worms and LBC’s then audibled to lunges.

Hand off to Maximus:
Maybe a little more warmup
Lunge walks then reverse lunge walks
Mosey to the infamous hill on the back side of the park for a repeat of several weeks ago. Evidently nobody was here this week and that Saturday back in June because they would’ve remembered this.
At the top of the hill, hold a squat for 20 seconds, jog to the bottom of the hill then give it all you got back up the hill to the starting position at the top. Next up, hold the squat for 40 seconds, jog down then sprint up. Finally, hold the squat for 60 seconds, jog down then sprint back to the top.
With a few needed 10 counts sprinkled in, there was a lot of bent over huffing and puffing after that round. Not gonna lie, it might’ve brought a tear to my eye or was it just the stinging of the insane amount of sweat rolling off my forehead? You decide.
Followed that up with 150 calf raises in true board of pain fashion; 50 toes out, 50 regular, 50 toes in.
Mosey back to the outfield grass for what was surely the finest part of my ½. Say hello to everybody’s favorite Serviceman, Lieutenant Dan. On a 1:4 ration, we did squats & jumping lunges. After completing the round of 7:28, I realized I had to take a detour for Mary.
Heels to Heavens
Take a learning from Cornhole’s 12ct Merkins, we did 12ct leg raises. Starting at 90 degrees, 4ct down to 6” then holding a 4ct at 6” followed by a 4ct as you raise it back up to 90 degrees.
I finally felt like I had what it took to finish the Lt. Dan’s so we did; on up to 10 squats : 40 Jumping Lunges.

We appreciate the opportunity to Q such a strong group and with a day like this, the soreness will definitely linger.

Announcements: This upcoming Friday, event at CAH. The Forge camping trip in November at Mt. Mitchell. RAGNAR relay in October.
Prayer Requests: Several relocations coming up with Bing & Howitzer. Managing the stress of the situations. Prayers for those battling cancer and the families involved. Whether it’s in memory of or celebrating the triumph, prayers are appreciated.

Much Appreciation
Cornhole & Maximus

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The Fort – Special Guest Appearance by Usher…aka The Program! “YEAH!”

  • QIC: Pusher / Cake Boss
  • When: 7/30/16
  • Pax: Sweeper, Quack Attack, Rebel, Deacon, Geronimo, Nacho Libre, What Did, Fire Marshal Bill, Tesh, Atlas, Iron Horse, Fall Guy, Co Pay, Kodiak, Drop Thrill, Peabody, Trucker, FNG The Program, Mary Lou, Bubba Gump, Pusher, Corruption, Flat Tire, Cake Boss
  • Posted In: The Fort

24 PAX came to the home court for The Fort at WEP for a Pusher & Cake Boss led downpainment. The Nantan and Weasel Shaker for The Fort co-leading at the first AO of the region. Today we have over 50 AOs and close to 800 PAX across the region because of the many men leading and continuing to lead their brothers. It is humbling to think we are approaching 4 year mark at The Fort and the amazing work all the PAX have done for each other, our communities and in our families. Keep it going and continue to give it away!!

The Thang:

Pusher took the Q and broke down the 5 core principles of F3 for the PAX, especially since we had an FNG…..Special Guest Usher! No not really, but our pal “The Program” looked just like him with headband and sunglasses! No joke!! Best looking PAX member out there. Don’t even think he had a drop of sweat….he’s so cool!!

Mosey down to Church on Harris Street

COP: Did Windmills, some ridiculous amount of Side Straddle Hops, and some merkins and other stuff. We were hot by now.

Find a partner for life! Size mattered

  1. 1st group did partner wheel barrows up the church steps….aka Sweet Baby Jesus. 3 rounds each
  2. 2nd group did 100 merkins and 200 LBCs as partner ran 80 yards and back

COP again for more Partner work

  1. Peekaboo Streets??? hopping over legs 15 times each
  2. Partner Derkins 15 each
  3. Partner full sit ups 15 each
  4. something else as I started to feel my heartbeat in my brain

Pusher talked about how without a partner we could not accomplish everything we did. No matter how hard we try. Our M’s should be our best friends and our brothers will hold us accountable to the goals and dreams we set out for. Rely on your trusted partners and get better!!

Cake Boss (YHC) on Q

Mosey down Massy….Massey or whatever that street is that takes us to the big parking lot by the Gun Shop

  1. Partner 1 runs down hill and back, partner 2 does flutters
  2. Partner 1 runs down hill and back, partner 2 does plank/supermans
  3. Partner 1 runs down hill and backward run up the hill, partner 2 does squats
  4. Partner 1 runs down hill and backward run up the hill, partner 2 does sumo squats

Mosey to Wall by Springs building

  1. Wall sits with 10 counts shoulder presses in cadence X2
  2. On the six for some more flutters and then round of protractor

Mosey home to COT

Quality day with the PAX. Strong crew today and excellent post for Drop Thrill and great seeing you out there with us brother. Corruption and Trucker got in some extra credit and being very manly about it! Whatever that means….good job!

YHC talked to the PAX about asking ourselves when faced with a decision or choice, “Is the Wise?” is this the right thing for me based on past circumstance, present circumstances and what we have planned for our future…..ask yourself…..Is this Wise? it is so easy to follow along with our culture and get sucked into the “Jet Stream” or current of culture. Be mindful of right and wrong and make wise decisions!!

Thanks Ginsu for having us out. Love The Fort! Keep it Strong!

Cake Boss


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You need us on that wall…sometimes

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 07/26/16
  • Pax: Dark Helmet (Rucker), Geronimo, Spider Man (Rucker), White Lightning (Rucker), Atticus, Gopher, Full House, Stang, Decibel, Boeheim, Cable Guy, Waldo, Zima (Rucker), Cerrano
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

After being booed out of my last Q like Ted Cruz at the RNC, I decided I still had a little left in the tank and it must be expelled at Golden Corral. This wasn’t my most creative but with it being as hot/humid as it was, you could walk in circles and feel wiped. It wasn’t repetitive circles but there was some repetition. As we say oh so many times, this did look a lot better on paper.

So with 15 pairs of headlights, 5 drivers split off to do the now-customary ruck while the remaining 11, feeling like our prom dates just ditched us, took off for a little stroll.

Warm Up: Jog over yonder, SSH, Squats, Imperial Walkers and Merkins followed a 15yd bear crawl then 15yd reverse bear crawl.
Well now that’s over and on to the real reason we’re here. The exercises were Derkins, Wall Step-Ups, Dips, Bomb Jacks:
Do all 4 exercises for 10 each, then 12 each, then 14, 16, 18, 20. At the beginning of this, I had every intention of going back down to 10 after we reached 20 but after looking around at the PAX, taking a real-feel humidity index feeling and frankly, doing a self-assessment, I came to the conclusion that was moronic. Rather, let’s do a 10 series then 12 series and put a bow on this Weinke.

We then mosey’d to the back parking lot, dodged Mr. Vinny’s bagel truck and lined up for some sprints (sort of). Sprint 30yds, back pedal 15, sprint 30yds, back pedal 15, sprint to the far road, turn around and sprint back to the start. I had on the Weinke that we were going to do this twice but after a morning of modifications and waiting 3 days to write this BB, I can’t remember if it was done once or twice…I think the former.

Circle up for some Mary:
Welcome to the Kardashian: Think Hello Dolly but crossing your legs as you bring them back together.
Box Cutter (regular and reverse)
Grave Diggers
Toe Touches

Announcements: PAX in the 24hrs of Booty (STH, Cerrano, Spider Man, Cornhole)
Prayer Requests: Kids at camp (great time), for those who lost a loved one to Cancer, dealing with 2.0 behavioral challenges and a lot of life changes that lead to things like this. Prayers for Stang in the direction of a new Whetstone partner.

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Main Engine Start at the BTC

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 7/27/16
  • Pax: Italian Job, Pistol, Blackhawk, Underwood, JAG, Roxanne, Pescadore, Pony Tail, Van Wilder, Mayflower, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

11 #HIM rolled out of the Fartsack to see what the newest AO in Rock Hill is all about. We reconned Boom Town Central (BTC) 4 times just to be able to see all of the pain this mega-AO has to offer. This launch only tapped into a fraction of what future Q’s and PAX have to look forward to.


Warm up

  • 10 –  SSH
  • 10 – WM
  • 10 – SQUATS
  • Touch Toes L over R & R over L


We hooked a right in the Tech Park loop to the trail head of the inner pond trail.

We stopped at the first bridge for:

  • 10 – Merkins
  • 10 Dirkins
  • 10 Irkins
  • 10 Dips

Mosey to the next bridge

  • Rinse and Repeat from first bridge
  • We got away without having to pay the bridge toll to the 100 year old Bull Frog. we didn’t wake him up or he is getting use to us.

LONG Mosey to the rocks behind the Social Secuirty building.

3 Rounds with a Cupon (Rock)

  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Arm Curls

Mosey to the trail entrance

  • SSH on the 6

Mosey to the dark trail towards the Civitas Statues at Dave LYle Blvd

  • SSH on the 6

Mosey to the Tech Park loop

  • SSH on the 6

Between Street Lights

  • High Knees
  • But Kickers
  • Lt. Dans

Long Mosey to the Hill in front of the Comporium Building

  • SSH on the 6

Long Mosey back to the BTC

  • Enough time for 10 Bear Crawl Merkins


We hope folks will come out to this great AO.

Thanks for allowing YHC to Q.  If you want to get on the Q list.  Contact Pistol


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Burpees for Breakfast – Slow Pitch VQ

  • QIC: Slow Pitch
  • When: 7/26/2016
  • Pax: Welcome FNG Starcave, Bogie, Blue Print, Skippy, Grasshopper, Fallout, Iron Sight, Hot Sauce, Mayflower, Italian Job, Burgundy, Water Boy, Pistol, Anchor Bar, Popeye, Bull, Pescador, Brotien Shake, Turbine
  • Posted In: The Fort

#whatwereyoudoingat515 ( stole from Popeye’s F3 video but love it), well we were having a Burp fest and It was a good Morning for it! 20 #HIMS that showed up this morning for my VQ. Welcome FNG Starcave! Woke up at 4:15 and couldn’t go back to sleep, nervous and excited all at the same time. I arrived at the Crazy 8 (Campus Green) around 4:50ish to set up the 8 stations and arrived at the AO around 5. Several #HIM’s were already there stretching.


Warm up

  • 20 Moroccan Nightclubs
  • 20 SSH burpee (5 SSH – 2 burpee’s x 5)
  • 15 wind Mills
  • 15 slow low squats

The Thang

  • Mosey to Winthrop Alumni Dr and 5 burpee’s in front of Rutledge Building
  • Mosey and 5 Burpee’s@ stop sign in front of Johnson hall
  • Mosey and 5 Burpee’s at entrance to Johnson Hall parking area
  • Mosey and 5 Burpee’s Heritage Ln,
  • Mosey and 5 Burpee’s at blue light and Water Tower
  • Mosey and 5 burpee’s at Central Energy building delivery entrance

Mosey down the Central Energy building delivery road to crazy 8 (Campus Green) for some Ring of Fire. We Split up into 8 teams for the 8 stations I had set up earlier ( see below). Each team spent 1 minute at the station doing as many as they could of the specified workout then rotated to the next station.

  1. Burpee’s
  2. LBC’s
  3. Flutter Kicks
  4. Dips
  5. Squats
  6. Run Hill @ Scholars Walk
  7. Merkin’s
  8. Floyd Mayweather Planks

We almost completed 2 full rounds before I was reminded that we were almost out of time – Thanks for the reminder 🙂

Moseyed back to the COT and made it just in time!

I spoke of me having high cholesterol for the last several years and in February this year after my physical my doctor wanting to put on medication. However I opted out and he recommended that I go on a diet and exercise 45 minutes a day. In April While attending a Seminar in Asheville I was eating Lunch with a #HIM ( which I didn’t even know what that was then) and he told me about F3. After lunch went back to my room and goggled it and called my brother in law (Honeypot) and told him about it. Didn’t think much more of and on June 1st Honeypot called me and told me he went to a workout. I asked what he thought and he said ” don’t do it, it hurts – but im going in the morning you want to go?”. Coincidence that my doctor tells me to work out 45 minutes a day and a short time later I cross paths with someone doing F3? I think not! The Lord is always working in our life’s and we have to trust that he will lead us down the right paths!

Popeye Spoke on the difficulties of praying family members and we all agreed that is easier to pray for them than over them – however we need to get over the awkwardness and do it!

Prayer  Requests

  • Pray for Popeye’s Mom
  • Pray for Fusion’s New Born Baby
  • Grasshopper wanted us to pray that we all have a great day


  • Last F3 dads this Saturday
  • Boom Town Central goes live Tomorrow – Pistol on Q


TClap |

Last Recon of the BTC

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 7/20/16
  • Pax: In Coming, Samurai, Apache, Dollywood, Gage, Pony Tail, Pescador, Honey Pot, Posh, Black hawk, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

The word is spreading about the mega AO of BTC aka Boom Town Central. This week YHC took the 10 #HIM on a mini tour of what this AO has to offer.

Extra Disclaimer before we started: The BTC is a Run/Boot AO. We have to run a good bit too get to most of the pain stations around the area. To future Q’s, those who can’t run at least 3 miles at an easy conversation pace, this AO may not be for you.


Warm up (Who needs a warm up)

Mosey hooking a left at the tech park intersection.

Stopped at the Refrigeration Company for a little warm up

  • 10X Wind Mill
  • 10X IW
  • 10 count Stretch

Mosey to the hill almost across from the Comporium Building

  • 5 Merkins
  • Nur Up the hill
  • 5 Merkins
  • Run down the hill
  • Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the entrance to the trail around the lake.

  • Stop at the first bridge – Paid the Bridge Toll to the Bull Frog for waking him up at 0500 with 10 Groiners

Mosey to the next bridge

  • 5 Irkins
  • 5 Dips
  • 5 Merkins
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey around the lake to the rocks

  • 10 Squats with the Rock
  • 10 Curls with the Rock
  • Rinse and Repeat

Long Mosey to the trail head entrance

  • SSH wait on the 6

Long Mosey to the Dave Lyle Entrance intersection –

  • SSH wait for the 6 (picked up the 6)

Long Mosey to the dark trail entrance (Note to future Q’s head lamps are needed if you use the wooded trail) Mosey down the trail taking the Anderson Road path (Right)

  • Stopping at the drain sewage pipes SSH & LBC’s waiting on the 6.

Jail Break to the COT

2.9 to 3 miles total depending on what app you use to track.



YHC told the folks about trying to stay positive about things and not judge a book by it’s cover. Reference the concerns I had about folks feelings about Law Enforcement.  Unity in the Community at City Hall in Rock Hill yesterday was a great success despite what my previous concerns were.

Next week is the official launch of Boom Town Central (BTC) come join us. Pistol will be site Q.

Aye! Popeye OUT!


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Anything Can Happen (aka Ring of Fire)

  • QIC: Zima
  • When: 07/16/16
  • Pax: Package, Sweeper, Lil E, Javert, Santini, High Life, Peabody, DoJo, MAcGyver, Quack Attack, Mainframe, Flat Tire, Bubba Gump, Zima (YHC)
  • Posted In: The Fort

I’ve heard it said that imitation is the highest form of flattery, so I’ve been known to imitate or slightly modify a good beatdown. I’ll have to thank Jekyll for introducing me to the Ring of Fire at the last Gladiator Games. After 2 rounds of the ring, I attempted the Games and was honestly too gassed to complete the cycle without a little help from Dark Helmet and CoPay, but as often as I do, I digress.

So the night prior to our workout, I posted that “Anything could happen…seriously!” I usually send it out as wiseguy comment but it took on a more serious tone after I hit send (more on that later). I showed a little early to get the Ring set up and was wondering if it was just going to be me and Sweeper, as he was the only PAX there until a few minutes to go time. Fortunately I saw some friendly faces and some new ones too. With Santini, Package and Bubba Gump posting this was sure to be a #mumblechatter #perfectstorm.

0700 Core Principles of F3

1. Free
2. Open to All Men
3. Held Outdoors, Rain or Shine, Hot or Cold
4. Peer led
5. End with a COT (Circle of Trust)

0702 Disclaimer Announced, Not a Professional, At your own risk, modify as needed, etc.

0703 Mosey Half Mile around the park with a couple of Drill bits for warm up that included:

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • IW
  • Diamond Merkins

Mosey to the Ring of Fire and provide instructions:

Ring of Fire: 8 cones spread out into a ring 30 paces out from a center shovel flag.

  • First Round Bear Crawl to Center, 10 Burpees then proceed to next cone (Exercise and Count)
  • Second Round Lunge Walk to Center, 5 Burpees then proceed to next cone

Here were the 8 cones and exercise counts

  1. 40 Squat Side Kicks
  2. 20 Plank Alt Shoulder Taps
  3. 50 SSH
  4. 25 (4 Count) Mtn Climbers
  5. 30 Inchworm Merkin with SSH at the Top (Time consuming and crowd pleasing)
  6. 50 Monkey Humpers
  7. 30 Merkins
  8. 20 (4 Count) Flutter Kicks

We completed two circuits and I had an impromptu switzer to share what was on my heart.  I let the PAX know that when I posted anything could happen that it was intended to be a smart@$$ tweet.  But as soon as I hit send it got me to thinking.  My M’s Grandmother (who raised her) was in perfect health 8 weeks ago.  She passed away and went to be with the Lord last Saturday.  Anything can happen and did! Use this as an opportunity to hug your kids a little tighter, to love and forgive a little deeper with your Ms and family.   Make the most of each day PAX because anything can happen! Aye?

Mosey the half mile loop as a cool down and circle up for 5 MOM with Package leading the PAX (Thanks Package).

0800 COT & BOM


It’s been a rough couple of weeks with Grandma in the hospital and then in hospice for a week at our home until she went to be with the Lord. We even navigated 2.0 Hotwheel’s 5th birthday through all of this.  Needless to say, the outpouring of support and love from the PAX has been amazing.  Too much to thank individually in a BB.  You know who you are and my family thanks you from the bottom of their hearts. Remember, anything can happen, so make the most of your day, love your family, love your neighbor and strive to be a #HIM.  That said, here are my notes from the workout:

  • Package and Gump should start a new 2017 reboot of Bosom Buddies, they are two peas in a pod. Love you guys!
  • Sweeper, thanks for all the partner work and way to push yourself (and me)
  • Lil E, way to keep pushing
  • Javert, great to see you and I am amazed at your constant dedication to ultra events! Keep it up!
  • Santini, always great to see you, thank you for encouraging me into a leadership role, and sorry/not sorry you randomly hit two of my Qs within a month 😉
  • High Life, great to see you too! Last time was the Yeti I think, but then again I was delirious (then and now)
  • Peabody, last time I saw you was when I Q’d the BOP…#sorry
  • DoJo, great to meet you and for a new PAX to hit this workout and the BOP within the same week…Wow!
  • MacGyver…Beast!
  • Quack Attack, I forgot to ask you about your name…next time
  • Mainframe and Flat Tire, love seeing you guys! Smiles and sweat!
  • Bubba Gump, thanks for the encouragement on the mosey. We go back a ways brother..appreciate you!

Praise and Prayer Request

  • Continued prayers for Bubba Gump Family and the process with their Son
  • Praise for 10 yr anniversary for Peabody and M
  • Continued prayers for Package’s dad and surgeries and healing for his leg
  • Prayers for my wife and family as we adjust to the new normal without Grandma

Honored to be a small part of this thing!


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# 5 is Alive at the Hive

PAX- Backdraft, Airborne, Basomatic, Tesh, Dawg Pound on Q

Nice morning with not the usual crowd I remember from Hive days past.  I guess that makes us unusual.  Either way, with Tesh performing a hot last minute entrance, we have the very unsurprisingly usual 5 at the Hive.

No FNGs so we Mozy with bells to the Patio –drop bells,then mozy around to back entrance of High School.  I hear thoughts of disorientation… Is this Laces Out???

Warm Up
-Side Straddle Hop -35
-Moroccan Night Clubs -35
-Imperial Walkers -25
-Wind Mills -20
-Squats -20
-Merkin -10
-Mountain climbers -30 increasing pace
-Coasting Bicycle Crunch 6in (opposite knee) -10 -switch -10

Grab Bells
-First round, each exercise then sprint to other end of patio and back.
Bell Burpies x5
Curl x10 ea
Tri extension x20
Bent row x10 ea
Upright row x10 ea
Standing press x10 ea
American Hammer x10
Squat x10
KB Swing x20
LBCs x20 -without bell

Wall sits -10 count each, from one end to the other
Balls to the Wall -10 count each, from one end to the other
Extra credit to Tesh for Merkin Balls.

Round 2, repeat except first exercise then bear crawl to the other end and back, then second exercise then crab walk there and back. Alternate.
Airborne gets to learn practice makes perfect for crab walks that he’s “not very good at”.

to the curb for dips x30  Shoulders are spent

Back to cars with bells for Ground Work
Hello Dollys


Prayers for safe travels.

“If Board of Pain is a 10, I give this a 9”
I’ll take that as a compliment.

Thank you Longshanks for giving me the opportunity to lead.

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