F3 The Fort – Adopt a Highway (#2)

****March 5th 2022- 7:45am – 8:00am****


We have officially signed up for the Adopt-A-Highway Litter pick-up program.  Our adopted Highway is US21 from Peachstand south to Sutton Rd. (2 miles). We will have a sign installed to promote this section of the highway.  We are encouraged to complete 4 pick-ups a year (once a quarter).  All supplies will be provided.  All we need to do is show up.  The SC DOT will come out and pick up our bags along the route after completion.

**Our NEXT Clean-up date is tentatively scheduled for March 5th. (start time )  7:45 am – 8:00am**. There is no time expectation for participation.  Stay as long as needed or head out early.  Modify as needed. Plan for 2 hours if you complete the 1-mile loop.  We split up into two groups last time and met at the halfway point.

We will begin at the Peachstand (rear of the building) and coordinate.  I have 30 vests and all supplies.

Fogerty will be the main contact for this event over the next two years.

Here are some of the logistics:

• Make sure your group knows that in case of bad weather the cleanup will be postponed. Litter collection should never be done in the dark or in bad weather.
• Notify local news media who may have an interest in publicizing your group’s activities. • Remind your group of the appropriate clothing. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts and sturdy shoes help avoid scratches and irritation from poisonous plants. Light or brightly colored clothing will make them easily visible to passing traffic.
• Be sure you have all the materials and supplies you’ll need beforehand, including first aid kits.
• Check with members of your group to be aware of any allergies that might be important (such as bee-stings, etc).
• Work out a plan for what you will do in the event of an emergency. Find out what the quickest route to the hospital is.
• Park vehicles at both ends of the adopted section.

• Volunteers must be at least 13 years old to participate in Adopt-A-Highway cleanups. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult on all Adopt-A-Highway cleanups.

The state does provide adopt-a-highway orange and blue bags.  Orange bags are for trash and blue bags are for recyclables if you want to recycle.  Your group is also provided with orange safety vests.   We do require four pickups every year, usually once every quarter.  All that is needed to be done after trash is picked up is to call or email me and I will send one of our crews to pick up the bags.

It is volunteers like you who are going to make a difference by speaking up and doing what they can to help their community.  Please let me know If you have any questions, I will be glad to assist you.

Thank you,

Sherry J. Johnson
Administrative Specialist/
Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator
SC Department of Transportation
803-327-6186 O I 803-327-6184 F

District Four Maintenance
338 Robertson Road West
Rock Hill, SC 29730

TClap |

1st Annual The Fort Weight Loss Challenge

The weight-loss challenge for 2022 has been established to create some focus on the Queen.  The goal is fellowship, accountability, support, discipline, and a little motivation.  Pax will depart on a 90-day journey beginning January 3rd, 2022, and ending on approximately April 2nd or 3rd.

There will be a buy-in and payouts to the top 3 places – determined by “percentage of weight loss”.   Uhaul has agreed to be the holder of the buy-in with a tracking spreadsheet created for each pax to help monitor their progress.  Good Luck Pax!

T-Claps to Uhaul for assisting with this endeavor!

TClap |

51st Hive of 2021 – Cultural Credit

15 PAX gathered in the gloom. We started with one or two less, but by 0505 we were at 15 and nobody fell out….so I’m calling it a win.


Mosey further than PAX were expecting
Some Yoga
1 Burpee

1st movement

Head to the courtyard
15 Swings
5 Single Leg Deadlift
Bear Crawl w/ Bell (stop when Q calls for the next set)
15 Swings
Bear Crawl w/ Bell
15 Swings
Bear Crawl w/ Bell

2nd movement

Head to the outside of the gym
Try to keep the bell in your hands the whole time
8 goblet squats, suitcase carry w/ the left hand for about 40 feet
7 goblet squats, carry back w/ the kettlebell in the right hand
6 goblet squats, left hand suitcase walk
5 goblet squats, right hand walk
4 goblet squats, left hand walk
3 goblet squats, right hand walk
2 goblet squats, left hand walk
1 goblet squat, finished
Time under tension about 3 minutes

3rd movement

Back to the main parking lot. Line up facing the length of the lot and the practice field
5 Lawnmower Pulls each side
5 Racked Lunges each side
5 Snatches each side
Sprint to the other side and back (about 100yds)
10 Lawnmower Pulls each side
5 Racked Lunges each side
5 More Racked Lunges each side
3 Snatches each side
7 Snatches each side
Spring to the other side and back

Brief music history lesson. See NMM

4th movement

10 minutes of work
timer set for every minute
15 swings, 10 push-ups, rest the remainder of the minute
15 swings, 9 push-ups, rest
We made our way down to 15 swings, 1 push-up



(Naked Man Moleskine)
YHC likes to incorporate some kind of message to encourage 2nd or 3rd F acceleration (in myself as much as the PAX). There wasn’t a whole lot on my heart beside focusing on work (teaching music) lately; so, I went with a short music history lesson.

A Concerto is a piece for soloist and orchestra. It comes from a Latin word meaning to contend or to strive. These showcase pieces are written for a soloist to contend with their instrument or strive to demonstrate greatness. Concertos are presented in 3 movements…fast-slow-fast (Think of “movements” like sections or large chapters in a book)

A Symphony on the other hand is a piece for an orchestra. It comes from a Latin word meaning “to sound together” or “in harmony.” Symphonies are typically presented in 4 movements (although some symphonic composers famously break that mold with 5 or 6 movement works). The movements were initially grouped fast-slow-dance (European courtly dance)-fast. Later (early 1800s) that structure became fast-slow-joke (called a Scherzo)-fast. PAX can decide for themselves if the 3rd movement of the workout was a joke or not! 🙂 Composers eventually began changing the tempo within each movement and even linking different movements together with no pause (like binge watching something on Netflix).

Here’s a Concerto to check out: Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto no. 1 https://vimeo.com/371584269
(the opening piano block chords in the first movement are a GREAT moment. Turn the speakers up!!)

Here’s a Symphony to check out: Brahms Symphony no. 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QLuYj2jxoc
(The height of sublimely invigorating music, German seriousness, attention to detail, and connection with tradition.* Try to follow the melodies as the move and evolve. Again…listen LOUD!)

BTW: audiences traditionally no longer clap between movements as a sign of unbroken contemplation, attention and general respect for the integrity of the larger work. However, most performances pre-1900 would have had a fairly raucous amount of applause between movements. Some audiences even demanded a movement be performed again before the orchestra could go on. So if you clap between movements, just know you’re following an older tradition than the one now common in our concert halls. And feel free to bring that up during intermission when someone looks at your side-eyed for clapping between movements. #Candor

Here endeth your cultural credit for the day

*As I wrote these notes about Brahms 4, I noticed they’re also things Uhaul gripes about working for a German company. No commentary; just thought that was an interesting connection worth thinking about.

An honor to lead as always. Thanks Airborne for the opportunity

12/24 Santa Boss 5k/10k – 0600 launch from Pantheon (Tega Cay Elementary)
12/24 Convergence – 0700 at Pantheon (still Tega Cay Elementary)

Video evidence in tweet form

Prayers for:
Praise from Straight-Up for a wonderful day yesterday
Praise from Drop Thrill on Xmas performances happening again with his vocal ensemble
Peabody’s co-worker that had a seizure
Pausing to actually enjoy this season with your kids, despite all the business of things that need to happen. (Thanks for this one Slash!)

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Honoring YHC’s Old Man

67 years ago today, father was born.

I thought it appropriate to dedicate the Weinke to my old man. We would honor a man who shaped me. He influenced my life and left an impact that many others did not. He didn’t always get it right… but he was there and he tried. 

His birthday was 12.10.1954. Today he is 67. I texted him at 0430 to tell him he was old.

UHAUL asked what the music choice should be, and I told him my dad like Toby Keith. So we kicked it off with “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue.”

Side note: I’ve never once Q’ed at The Hive and it not rain. This morning was no different. And it was glorious.






Suicide Circuit – Do prescribed number of reps, run to next row of parking spots and back. Work your way up and work your way back down. 12 reps, run. 10 reps run farther. And so forth.

First Set

12 Bicep Curls (each side)

10 OH Press (each side)

19 Goblet Squats

54 Flutters w/KB Pressed

Plank for the six


Second Set (Rain picked up here…)

12 Halos

10 Bent Over Rows (each side)

19 KB Lunges (each side)

54 Around the World

Al Gore for the six


Third Set

12 Burpee Snatch (6 each side)

10 Turkish Get Ups (5 each side)

19 Kid Launch (AKA ½ UHAULs)

54 LBC’s w/Bell


Walk back breathless to COT.



American Hammer IC x 10



While holding an Al Gore I asked the men to share one thing that their dad did well. It wasn’t exactly the most positive conversation. Upon reflection – I get it. I spent the majority of my twenties trying to figure out what I could be mad at my father about. Turns out – and I’ve prayed/talked/read a LOT about this – my dad did a pretty good job. And being on this side of fatherhood with four 2.0’s makes me appreciate what my father did one-hundred fold. We the PAX know that fatherhood is NOT an easy path. And we have to continuously focus on it, lest we leave a negative imprint on our children that will last throughout their lives.

Whatever we do to/with/for/against our kids will be something they navigate throughout their existence. We are in a position to make or break them. My dad jokingly calls me Isaac (as in Old Testament Patriarch) and tells me I need to take what he has built and grow it more.

My father did many things right. He did many things wrong, too. But the good far outweighed the bad. And if we really focus on the good things… even if the minority… I believe our perspective and outlook can shift.

The one thing that has left a lasting impact on me is that he always ended every conversation with the words “I love you.” To have a dad who said that to me that often is…. quite rare… I’ve found. What if we all told our children we loved them every day – if nothing else? What could that do?


The workout was wet and methodical today. Thanks to Airborne for tapping me to lead.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Friday Funday at the Hive!

Started with simple Warmup

Workout was a circuit of exercises and running

A round was 30 reps of an exercise, run across one lane, 20 reps, run two lanes, 10 reps, run three lanes. Repeat with next exercise.





Dead Lifts

Overhead Press


Chest Press



TClap |

Dora, not Dora

Earlier in the week, Mainframe lead a DORA without running.  I thought I would try the same at the Hive.  No running. well maybe just a little.

Warm-ups (No KB):  SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers,  Plank Stretches

DORA #1:

  • 100 Overhead Presses (Alternate 10 reps while other partner holds bell overhead)
  • 200 Squats  (Alternate 20 reps while other partner holds Al Gore)
  • 300 LBCs (Alternate 25 reps while other partner holds bell above chest)

ok, we needed a break some we ran around the parking lot.

DORA #2:

  • 100 Curls (Alternate 10 reps while other partner holds bell in front of chest)
  • 200 KB Swings  (Alternate 20 reps while other partner holds Al Gore)
  • 300 Flutters (Alternate 25 reps while other partner holds bell above chest)

Next, we carried the KB overhead to the end of the parking lot, turned around and lunge walked back to the first light post.

Great work guys.  Lots of encouragement and mumble chatter.

Senior moment, forgot to change phone to video mode so I’ve got a cute picture of Airborne if anyone is interested.


TClap |

Pick Your Poison

Disclaimer. Mosey lap around parking lot. Warmup with usual.

Pax circle up. Go around circle, 1st pax picks an exercise for the rest of us to do while they run the lap. Go around circle with same method. Now, partner up. Partner does exercise their partner called the 1st go round, other partner runs lap. Pick a different partner–same thing. Now we finish with you doing the exercise you selected, 2 max out sets.

TClap |

F3TheFort Holiday Drop-In

The Forts annual holiday party will have a different feel this year.
With COVID still lingering we have decided to have a gathering but it will be a bit different.

We are encouraging The PAX to go to dinner with your M and either your Shieldlock, Whetstone, or small group of fellow PAX and their Ms. After dinner we will all gather for an hour or so of a social hour(s).
This will give our Ms the opportunity to meet the crazy fellas we spend the early mornings with but more importantly their M.

We are all fortunate to have this crazy group it is also just as important to try and let our Ms meet some other ladies in the community and possibly let them start great friendships as well.

Make it a day of F3. Start with the golf outing, go to dinner and then grab a couple beers, a bottle of J Lohr wine, a cocktail and let’s kick off the holiday season.

If COVID worries you or your M we will have an outdoor area to hang out at as well as indoor areas.

Where- Springfield Community Center- by the tennis courts/pool
420 Horton Grove, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Time- 7pm-9pmish

When- Dec 3rd, 2021

Contact- Backdraft with any concerns…

TClap |

EDM at The Hive

14 total at The Hive. 10 PAX for the KB workout
Maximus and Spiderman did a foot rehab ruck workout
L-Train and Hardwood did a murph (I think just for the sake of running laps around us at the end to get that second mile) Trucker was very tempted by the Murph.

YHC put together a playlist of mostly EDM and some acoustic music that mimics a NYC basement danceclub DJ set list. Not my typical listening, but it kept the tempo active. Music for an environmental purpose more than music for listening. (kinda like those  at that trendy corporate office…there’s no way sitting in those is comfortable).

T-Claps to Uhaul for the playlist inspiration and his help manning the speaker. Having the song list assisted my pacing for the workout.

2 Burpees
Suitcase carry to other end of the parking lot
3 Burpees
Suitcase carry back

Thang: 1 step forward, 2 steps back
5 reps
6 reps
4 reps
5 reps (this is where it felt depressing to be back where you started)
3 reps
4 reps
2 reps
3 reps
1 rep
2 reps
35 total

Set 1:
Cleans (5 each side)
Single Leg Deadlift (5 each side)

Suitcase carry
4 burpees
Suitcase carry back

Set 2:
One Hand KB Swings (5 each side)
Merkins one hand on the bell (5 each side)

Suitcase carry
5 burpees
Suitcase carry back

Set 3:
Snatch (5 each side)
Goblet Squat (5 total)

Suitcase carry
3 burpees
Suitcase carry back

Set 4:
Manmakers (5 total)
Renegade Row w/ pass through (5 each arm)
We did not finish the full set

Some seated yoga stretches

Highlight was when Trucker left to go closer to Spiderman’s speaker and avoid the club music, but still did our exercises. #LovedIt #DontHateThePlayerHateTheGame

This year, with my students, has felt like 1 step forward, 2 steps back. They’ve made gains in one area only for me to discover deficiencies in another area (I think due to online classes or atrophy from the COVID shutdown). However, this workout proved that when we go 1 step forward and take 2 back, we can still accomplish a lot. I’ll keep working on 1 step forward from wherever we are until there are no more steps to take.

Thanks Airborne for the opportunity to lead. I’m always amazed at how much further I’m willing to push at a workout when I’m the one leading. There’s a metaphor in there somewhere; I’ll work on fleshing it out.

Also I struggled with numbers while tweeting this morning.

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

F3 The Fort Anniversary Party

Get ready to celebrate the Anniversary of The Fort. Location will be next to The Springfield neighborhood pool under the pavilion. but the date is set Sept. 17th, 2021. 1830-2130 or 630pm- 930pm for anyone that dosn’t know how to do military time. Cant wait to see you all. It will be the same as last year and bring your own dinner and drinks. We will have a few people speaking.

Look forward to seeing everyone.

location- Springfield Neighborhood Pavilion, next to pool

time- 630pm- 930pm

what to bring- whatever you want to eat and drink.

TClap |