Lots of wallsitting at the Deep

I fluctuate between wanting to do something super original and brutal and just going with repetition. Saturday I did both. I had COP fairly close to COT, saving the moseys for later. I had us go to the hill but instead of elevens, I entertained the idea of low crawling up the hill. We did it twice, running back down both times. Has potential but lots of anthills. Decided to mosey us to the nearest corner of the school to do indian wall sit. All of us lined up on the wall and sat it, with caboose bearcrawling to the front. we did this till the end of the western wall of the school.

I underestimated the length of the far end of that middle school.

took about 30 minutes to make it to the end. Moseyed to the football field for the main event.

BLIMPS x2, the second set of blimps in reverse order of reps, to get the burpees in hardcore. 120 yards each way, 1440 yards total. Took long enough leave us with time for  5 minutes of ab lab, started with my favorite, Freddy had a fat girlfriend.

Felt really sore sunday in my shoulders, given that we didn’t go super hard on shoulder stuff, not sure why haha.

TClap |

A Truckload of pain at Honeybadger

Great way to start a week, we had 14 PAX (2 ruckers, Cha Ching and Jedi) that decided to get better and honor “the seven” a group of 5 CIA officers and 2 Security contractors killed when al-Balawi detonated a bomb sewn into a vest he was wearing. Six other American CIA officers were wounded. The bombing was the most lethal attack against the CIA in more than 25 years.

Al-Balawi was a Jordanian doctor and jihadist website writer who was detained and interrogated over three days by the Jordanian intelligence service, the General Intelligence Directorate (GID), in January 2009. The GID and the CIA thought they had turned al-Balawi to penetrate al-Qaeda in the Pakistani tribal areas to provide intelligence for high-level targets. Instead, al-Balawi used this trust to gain access to the CIA base in Afghanistan unsearched and perpetrate the attack. The Pakistani Talibanand al-Qaeda claimed responsibility, saying they helped al-Balawi with the attack.

The names of our honored heroes are listed below:


-Harold Brown Jr, 37, Bolton MA

-Elizabeth Hanson, 30, Rockford IL

-Darren Labonte, 35, Brookfield CT

-Jennifer Matthews, 45, Cedarville OH

-Scott Roberson, 39, Tolland CT


-Dane Paresi, 46, Portland, OR

-Jeremy Wise, 35, Tigard, OR

After a quick disclaimer on the go we moseyed around the parking lot with some high knees and butt kickers, our warm up consisted of the following exercises with different reps each to total about 9 minutes into the WO :

Side straddle hops


Moroccan night clubs


Arm circles





I followed the book as much as I could but had to include a tire exercise (otherwise it wouldn’t be a Tinsel workout) and also replaced a couple of exercises from the book to focus on upper body strength. The main idea of “the seven workout” is to complete 7  rounds of 7 exercises with 7 reps each, each round took about 7 minutes to complete, after round # 3 we run down and up the hill to give our upper body a break and then continued with 4 more rounds, these are the 7 exercises:


7 handstand push-ups

7 thrusters with log

7 sledgehammer swing each side

7 worst merkin ever

7 burpees

7 log swings

7 pull-ups

Everything was planned to be completed under one hour and I’m glad everyone pushed hard to reach our time window. With a couple of minutes to spare at the end, straight up took over for some Broga and stretching exercises, much needed after the beatdown, thanks for your help!!

We ended up our WO with announcements, prayers and praises.


Tinsel out…


TClap |

Moderate rain day and extra moderate day

It was really rainy…and about 48 degrees…and really did not feel like old men weather…


we got less than a half mile of running during the 45 minutes…lots of cadence exercises and broga

lots of #mumblechatter and cheese farts…it was weird, odd tasting, and wonderful…my favorite topic was MC Hammer songs, personally, #2legit is still the best. Crab Cakes has a solid base of knowledge of all things MC Hammer. It is almost never the star, but always the entourage that creates the spiral downward…remember that in your own life.

COT/Prayer or Praise/ BOM

If you actually read these backblasts- let me know the next you see me…

If you were too scared to post you missed out today…absolutely a good time




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Assault on Hill 5-11(Crows Nest)

This is the first Q I have had since at least january.  I knew I wanted to do something that would be a slog and make good use of the terrain at Crows Nest. After a brief mosey to do COP, We did a Bataan Death march(five burpees for the man in front) to the fence behind the elementary school and back to the big hill overlooking the baseball field.  The main event was to be a series of 5 elevens. hence the title:

1.Squats at top, merkins at bottom, (starting with 10 on bottom for all evolutions)

2. freddie mercury  top monkey humpers bottom

3. LBC top and Burpees bottom

4.Jump squats top and mountain climbers bottom

5.big boy sit ups up top and peter parkers at bottom

We only got to the third evolution about midway in, and I mixed up the order reading my winky in the dark, so the third evo we did jump squats up top instead of LBCs. Its probably good we hit time, because I could tell in myself and the PAX that we were running out of steam, practically walking up hill at the end.

I mentioned this to PAX in attendance that it dawned on me that the repetitive and difficult nature of the thang I devised was not unlike what I feel I am currently going through professionally. I have been working for nearly two weeks straight with no day off and no overtime compensation because I am salaried. I find myself in a job and career field in which I have no future I could see myself in. I live alone and with a schedule like mine its practically impossible for me to have a normal social or romantic life. But day after day I go in, because I am certain that this is not the end of the road. I know that six o clock will hit and I will not collapse. So too will I find a new opportunity. We didn’t take Hill 5-11 but we fought through it till the end.



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More Than a Workout at “The Creek??”

I was wondering whether or not to post a backblast, since this was an unofficial gathering. But the 5 core principles were met, there was a shovelflag, and more importantly – this is exactly what F3 is all about.

One of our dear PAX, Witch Hunt, who – I found out after a long time digging through his entire Twitter feed to find his VQ date – is one of the original core reasons we have any AOs on this side of the bridge, has been unable to post almost at all since the birth of his 2.2 (his third kid, still not sure how counting them works, wouldn’t the first be 2.1 and so on and collectively they are your 2.0s?). It had been decided at recent CoTs that we were going to try and bring the workout to him. So we got some guys together and found a time that Witch Hunt could go for a run and Royale met up with him and they ran over to the clubhouse to find several of us waiting for him. Surprise!!

Why did I need to find Witch Hunt’s VQ date though? Since this was a surprise mainly to get him back to a workout, I went and found his first BackBlast on the website so we could do the same Thang. May 14, 2016. I didn’t have much time to do recon in my neighborhood to see exactly how we could replicate this workout but I had some vague ideas of what was around.

After some hellos and virtually no disclaimer…, sorry lots going on in my head at the time and no one was listening to me anyways since it was so informal, we did a long mosey through the neighborhood trail and found a deep, steep hill to attempt some hills with Krakens at the top. This was a quick Omaha since the hill was not “flat” at all….. and you could barely find any footing. So instead we did laps around the gazebo and did 5 Krakens, then 4, 3, 2, and finally 1. This was simply labeled ‘The Deep’

Next we ran all the way back to the clubhouse for some ‘F3 Baseball’. Seems I have not spent much time, if any, on a baseball diamond so our diamond was much much larger than I’m told it’s supposed to be. One pair of PAX would run a lap around the clubhouse and pool while the rest did an exercise at the current “plate”. All pairs had to finish a lap before moving on to the next “plate”. This was a lot of merkins…

Home – Merkins
First – Squats
Second – LBCs
Third – SSHs

Something I added in to the mix, my neighborhood is redoing the mulch on the playground so I offered to move a couple of pallets of mulch from the parking lot =)

We then did a few hundred feet or bear crawl to get back to home plate.

Last thing on the original backblast ‘Walk the Plank’. This needed some modifying because I’m not sure what a front plank is, when there was also a pushup plank and a forearm plank on the list. Either way, we started in plank for :30 rotated up on one side for :30 rotated to the back for :30, other side for :30, then forearm for :30. This was definitely pushing the limit, which means it was the perfect time for 5 burpees to finish things off.

Prayers/Praises and a super long 2nd F in the parking lot afterwards. YHC had a blast on this one everyone. This is the real reason I keep posting.

P.S. Jedi could not stop laughing the whole night. Also, be warned if you ever ask him about a Doctor in Paraguay.

TClap |

Cannoli Run 5-19-18 ft Speed For Need

Twister and Bolt invite you the Cannoli Run (5k and 1 mile Family Walk) on Saturday, May 19, 2018! It is a fun family event and come out to be part of the Speed For Need teams! Vuvuzuela’s son Luka is one of our Track Commanders!

The Cannoli Run leads into the St. Philip Neri Italian Festival and we hope to have great attendance from the PAX and family again this year.

UPDATE 5-15: Celebrity F3 Runner is Rock Hill’s own Burgundy, Lucas McFadden of CN2! Watch him work his magic mingling and running with the crowd!

UPDATE 5-15: The ruckers will begin at the start of the race 9:00 am.  However, the F3-led prerace, family workout is at 8:15 am. Register online this week and arrive by 8:00 am.

UPDATE 5-14: Read the Speed For Need preblast. http://f3southcharlotte.com/2018/05/13/preblast-speed-for-need-st-philip-neri-cannoli-run-5k/

UPDATE 5-11: PAX #’s are a little low as of 5-11 compared to previous years. Get the family signed up!

UPDATE 5-9: We have secured a second Track Commander.

UPDATE 5-5: Speed For Need event Q is Scabby (Rick Gambs, (7zero4) 301-four900). We have 2 chairs in the run. FiA will also be part of our SFN pushing teams.

UPDATE 5-4: Ruck Division has been created led by Q Cornhole (John Ponder (eight03) 230-two002). 

UPDATE 5-2: We are proud to announce that Speed For Need is the charity for the Cannoli Run this year and a portion of race proceeds will go directly to Speed For Need! Help the cause with your registration!

The actual race is a one mile loop passing the festival/start-finish line 3 times (5k), great for observers…and also to stop at the cannoli tables to eat your 3 cannoli’s, if you so choose! Age group awards and King/Queen Cannoli to fastest male/female eating 3 cannolis. Team awards include fastest male and female team, most creative/enthusiastic team (youth and adult) and largest team.

Below is schedule. 

  • 7:30 am Speed For Need setup. SFN Q is Scabby 
  • 8:00 am  F3 PAX and family arrive.  Ruck Q is Cornhole.
  • 8:15-8:45 am  F3 Family Bootcamp Workout. CakeBoss is Q.
  • 8:45-8:55 am Pre-race stretch led by Barre3 of Fort Mill.
  • 8:55 am – Pre-race prayer and move into race positions.
  • 9:00 am 5k Start (SFN leading out, 5k, then walkers)
  • 10:00 am Age group awards and prize drawing
  • 10:30 am Kids 100 Yard Dash
  • After…the SPN Italian Festival!!!

More details:

Ruck: Ruckers will start at normal starting time but arrive by 8:00 am please. Ruckers need to be registered in the race. Cornhole on ruck Q.

Speed For Need: It is awesome we have SFN this year! VuVuzuela’s 2.0 Luca is our first Track Commander. We have secured a 2nd Track Commander.

Family Workout:  CakeBoss, etc, will lead the family pre-workout at starting at 8:15 am. Great EH opportunity and to advertise F3 to the Cannoli crowd,

Pre-race stretch: The prerace stretch from 8:45 am to 8:55 am has been given to one of the festival sponsors, Barre3 of Fort Mill.

Visit the website and get registered! www.SPNCannoliRun.com


Twister, (9one8) 671-03zero9

Bolt, (803) 415-1946, thenewpauko@hotmail.com

TClap |


11 PAX posted to RPG for some Broga and miles.

Beautiful spring morning with a temperature of 54 degrees.

Disclaimer, disclaimed.

The Thang:

20 minutes of Broga (courtesy of Sasquatch) loosened up the PAX before we headed off on a 3.5 mile run through Regent Park.


As the Q, one of my main goals, was to keep everyone together, or at least on course.  It goes without saying, running at 5am, through neighborhoods, on a newer AO, posses a challenge.

I fell short of my goal and had a couple of the PAX get lost in the neighborhood. I’m thankful for the opportunity to have the PAX give YHC the opportunity to develop and become a better leader by allowing YHC to make and learn from my mistakes.

In the end, everyone made it back to COT. YHC’s lesson learned: ask a PAX (or two) who is familiar with the course to pick up the six so QIC (YHC, in this case) can keep oversight of the other PAX.

F3 does develop leaders. For that opportunity, I am thankful.

COT – Prayers/Praises

Bass-o-Matic, thank you for the opportunity to Q.







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No Saggy Middles @ The Ranch

PAX: Wegmans, Cable Guy, Senator Tressel, Decibel, Jiffy, Geronimo, Funhouse, Cake Boss

16 PAX showed up to The Ranch on a relatively chilly morning. 7 joined Dark Helmet for a BEYOND workout… the remaining fools joined me (Sasquatch) for a lesson on core… and it was hard. -Hardcore- It is in my nature to look around and see how people move, and oftentimes, it’s sloppy- too many SAGGY MIDDLES or rears to the sky. Focus was to perform several of the exercises we do day-to-day at bootcamps (i.e. peter parker, plank jacks, etc *see below) and to do them with GOOD FORM. Maintain a flat lower back that is aligned with your upper spine and buttocks. Think about pulling your navel up in towards your spine. Any plank-type exercises (including Merkins) should be performed with your hands aligned directly below your shoulders for optimal stability… any other position will compromise the shoulder joints and take away from CORE strengthening. No SAGGY MIDDLES!

The Thang

Front Plank during long disclaimer

Dynamic Warm-up on the Field
Knees to chest / High knees
Heel to butt / Butt kickers
side shuffle / side shuffle other way
Inch worm / bear crawl

Mosey to Playground Parking Lot

Imperial Squats
Static Lunge with Moroccan Night Club
upward dog/downward dog
Mountain climbers
Peter Parker
Parker Peter
Elbow Plank Jacks

Mosey to Playground and Partner-up
Sit-ups holding feet x20 and switch
Toes to bar x10 (Partner 1) and supermans x10 (Partner 2) then switch

Mosey to front of school
Bench Jumps x10 (Partner 1) and Curb Burpees x5 (Partner 2) switch
Wheelbarrow ~30 yards and then switch

Mosey to COT and MARY

Honey Badger officially opens Monday at 5AM NAFO.
RPG on Fridays at 5AM Food Lion Parking Lot for some Broga and Run is a thing.
Prayers for family and friends suffering with cancer.
Attend CAH workouts, especially since new kids are showing up.
Still need volunteers for Strawberry festival booth.
Witbeck Golf Classic begins tomorrow but you have until April 22nd to sign up to join the league and play round 1. Message Wegmans on the Twitter machine for more information.

Thank you, Jiffy, for the opportunity to Q at the Ranch. Thank you, Dark Helmet, for not stealing my thunder and having everyone go BEYOND. Good lesson from him. Check out his Backblast when you get a chance.

TClap |

Man in the Arena

Perfect gloom conditions.  15 studs out for a beatdown.  Opened with Teddy Roosevelt’s Man in the Arena.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Warm up:

  • warm up 70%  sprints between each exercise
    • SSH, Squat, SSH, Merkin

The Thang:

  • 4 corners- run in between- (abt 30 yards) Rinse/Repeat x 5
    • 3 burpee
    • 4 bombjacks
    • 5 merkin
    • 6 squat
  • Ark Loader Series- 30 yards, Rinse/Repeat x 3
    • Bear Crawl down, 10 merkins
    • Lunge walk back, 10 squat
    • crab walk down, 10 LBC
    • Backward Bear Crawl back, 10 CDD
  • 6 minutes of Mary
    • flutter
    • rosalita
    • protractor
  • Sprint Series
    • 2 x 70%
    • 1 X 85%
    • 5  X 100%


Naked Man Moleskin

Jedi and Straight Up were out front today, all morning.  No surpise here.  Lots of great mumblechatter as the men answered the call for a beatdown and were all in.


TClap |