Twister and Bolt invite you the Cannoli Run (5k and 1 mile Family Walk) on Saturday, May 19, 2018! It is a fun family event and come out to be part of the Speed For Need teams! Vuvuzuela’s son Luka is one of our Track Commanders!
The Cannoli Run leads into the St. Philip Neri Italian Festival and we hope to have great attendance from the PAX and family again this year.
UPDATE 5-15: Celebrity F3 Runner is Rock Hill’s own Burgundy, Lucas McFadden of CN2! Watch him work his magic mingling and running with the crowd!
UPDATE 5-15: The ruckers will begin at the start of the race 9:00 am. However, the F3-led prerace, family workout is at 8:15 am. Register online this week and arrive by 8:00 am.
UPDATE 5-14: Read the Speed For Need preblast. http://f3southcharlotte.com/2018/05/13/preblast-speed-for-need-st-philip-neri-cannoli-run-5k/
UPDATE 5-11: PAX #’s are a little low as of 5-11 compared to previous years. Get the family signed up!
UPDATE 5-9: We have secured a second Track Commander.
UPDATE 5-5: Speed For Need event Q is Scabby (Rick Gambs, (7zero4) 301-four900). We have 2 chairs in the run. FiA will also be part of our SFN pushing teams.
UPDATE 5-4: Ruck Division has been created led by Q Cornhole (John Ponder (eight03) 230-two002).
UPDATE 5-2: We are proud to announce that Speed For Need is the charity for the Cannoli Run this year and a portion of race proceeds will go directly to Speed For Need! Help the cause with your registration!
The actual race is a one mile loop passing the festival/start-finish line 3 times (5k), great for observers…and also to stop at the cannoli tables to eat your 3 cannoli’s, if you so choose! Age group awards and King/Queen Cannoli to fastest male/female eating 3 cannolis. Team awards include fastest male and female team, most creative/enthusiastic team (youth and adult) and largest team.
Below is schedule.
- 7:30 am Speed For Need setup. SFN Q is Scabby
- 8:00 am F3 PAX and family arrive. Ruck Q is Cornhole.
- 8:15-8:45 am F3 Family Bootcamp Workout. CakeBoss is Q.
- 8:45-8:55 am Pre-race stretch led by Barre3 of Fort Mill.
- 8:55 am – Pre-race prayer and move into race positions.
- 9:00 am 5k Start (SFN leading out, 5k, then walkers)
- 10:00 am Age group awards and prize drawing
- 10:30 am Kids 100 Yard Dash
- After…the SPN Italian Festival!!!
More details:
Ruck: Ruckers will start at normal starting time but arrive by 8:00 am please. Ruckers need to be registered in the race. Cornhole on ruck Q.
Speed For Need: It is awesome we have SFN this year! VuVuzuela’s 2.0 Luca is our first Track Commander. We have secured a 2nd Track Commander.
Family Workout: CakeBoss, etc, will lead the family pre-workout at starting at 8:15 am. Great EH opportunity and to advertise F3 to the Cannoli crowd,
Pre-race stretch: The prerace stretch from 8:45 am to 8:55 am has been given to one of the festival sponsors, Barre3 of Fort Mill.
Visit the website and get registered! www.SPNCannoliRun.com
Twister, (9one8) 671-03zero9
Bolt, (803) 415-1946, thenewpauko@hotmail.com