Handstands, burpees, and bear crawls oh my!

Mozy to the wall
Low Slow Squat
CDD and chill

Balls to the wall
It was at this point Sasquatch joined us
10 handstand pushups OYO
People’s chair
10 wall squats
Balls to the wall
10 handstand pushups OYO
20 burpees

mozy to roundabout
bear crawl around roundabout
20 burpees – to control the amount of chatter. There are people sleeping in those apartments ya know.
A2G (deep squat) for the 6

mozy to second roundabout
bear crawl around roundabout. Turns out this one is bigger. Who knew?
Olaf joined the group
20 more burpees to keep em quiet
Plank for the 6

mozy back to first roundabout
crab walk around
Plank for the 6

Mozy back to Red Bowl
3 corners, 10 reps each:
1) Big Boys and 2count Flutters
2) Burpees!!
3) Jump Squats and Bomb Jacks
The pattern was 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, etc.
Funhouse joined us somewhere in here

Flutters, Peter Parkers, and LBCs

Men’s shelter next week – Battle Bot
Blood Drive – 3D
Cannoli run
New 3rd F on Wednesdays – Kaiser
4/20 Partake – Battle Bot
Download “In Love While Parenting” App. It’s free – Olaf


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Burpee 420 spring training – AKA in March

WARMUP: SSH, wmills, tappy taps, merkins… ddogs to hmooners to arm raises – both arms, yes BOTH arms.
THE THANG: benchwork- step ups, derkins
A Sweetest 16s – burpee & sumo squat madness.
MARY: 3 minutes of Mary. Some held onto the ball until the buzzer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA apparently started 3 days ago, even though we still have 2 days of March. read your newsletter
COT: yes

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AKA Day 3 – Beaker 1 Year

100 KB swings. 3 burpees every time the bell touches the ground

Goblet Squats and Burpees up the dirt hill. 1 Goblet squat at the bottom, 10 burpees at the top. 2 squats, 9 burpees etc.

Head over to the hill at the entrance of the parking lot. More 11’s.
10 lat pull-over(YouTube it for demo), 1 merkin at the top of the hill.
Didn’t finish because time was up.

MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA continues, Q school.

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AKA Day 1

WARMUP: Run from Earth Fare to end of Ben Casey Drive.
THE THANG: Complete 8 windmill merkins. Run through adjacent parking lot down to end of Patricia Lane. Complete 8 inch worm merkins. Run to end of Gold Hill Middle parking lot. Complete 8 curb burpees. Run back to Patricia Lane. Complete 8 inch worm merkins. Run back to Ben Casey Drive. Complete 8 windmill merkins. Repeat all of the above AMRAP until 5:57AM.
Run back to Earth Fare.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: I opened the newsletter at COT. Too many things happening to share… so read your newsletter!

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The Ballroom Blitz comes to Footloose


THE THANG: Mosey to randomizer station1.
Mosey again to randomizer station 2.
Mosey again to heavy station.

Throughout the beat down PAX we’re asked for input on this question: “what is worship?”

Rinse. Repeat.

Rinse. Repeat

Slowsey to collect gear.

Stand down.
MARY: Never heard of her.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA kicks off Monday. Stop #2 is the Ballroom on Tuesday. If you are reading this, consider this an invitation. BTOBS!

COT: Was conducted

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The one where No One showed

I arrived at the AO around 0500. Usually there are some prerunners. Set out my gear and started checking the date and time and Slack. Where was everyone? 0513 Birdcage rolls in with Cohiba hot on his tail. Battlebot rolled in at 515 yelling it’s 515 let’s go! Bushwood wandered off into the dark. We wandered to the pile of gear.

With only two people the workout was as organized. I had. 60# sand bag, 65# anchor sandbag and 65# keg half filled with water.

Plan was to pair up. Three stations. Squat with sandbag, deadlift with anchor bag, chest press with the keg. One partner does the exercise to failure while the other spots and rests. Then switch. So 3 sets each then move to the next station.

Since it was two of us we rotated stations after each set. Also the half filled keg was very unstable and we decided it was not worth the injury risk.

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It’s cold, we are old

Circle up
Warm up
Light to light stuff, up to and including bear crawl
To the benches for dips, no derkins, not a fan
Over to four corners with burpees in the middle
Down the hill for exercises (accumulating), back to the top, 4 or 5 times
Back up to the school for the last few exercises

Good work by Sawdust and prob a couple others, maybe
Plenty of modify as needed
Plenty of piss poor counting
Plenty of questionable form

Thanks peanut gallery, I couldn’t do it without you.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Inaugural Jaeger

Beautiful March weather (seriously it was a perfect day) for the 0800 launch of the Eröffnung Jäger. PAX were assured by Grinder that the routes were well marked and there were no Zima-miles. This proved to be 99.9% true (you could still get lost if you wanted to…)

The premise was solid. 4 man team (2 Ruckers, 2 Runners). Runners had longer routes and teams met at checkpoints for team exercises before they could head to the next station. The pain stations were tough. Lutefisk about killed the PAX at the first one. (Oh, that was just me?) Triple Lindy had us loading munitions. Cake Boss brought candy, but it was not a sweet treat. (Could have also been that the leg leading to Alison Park was soul crushing….) Tinsel forgot it was a CSAUP and thought he was prepping for a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs wresting match.

The finishing team results:
1.) Vuvu/Beaker (for the record you were suggested to have a 4 man team…)
2.) Cobra Kai’s crew (that included the mythical Gekko)
3.) Camp 3D’s Sugar Shady Band Bug
4.) Cornerstone’s posse
5.) Poppins’ Chimney Sweeps (seriously impressive that Badlands ran back from the final pain station to connect with his teams’ Ruckers)
6.) The Entourage around Shield
7.) Slow Jams and the Lake Ridge Wanders
8.) Lake Wylie’s Wild Thing drinking Whiskey and enjoying a Big Mac (great to see these guys from across the bridge here for the CSAUP)

Afterwards at the Print Shop, we celebrated the Dam 2 Dam fundraising effort where The Fort is sending $7,500 to Defend the Fatherless, $7,500 to Autism Strong, $7,500 to the Fort Mill Care Center, and $10,000 to the F3 the Fort endowed scholarship.

It is an honor to be part of The Fort alongside some amazing high impact men. On behalf of Grinder and the entire planning crew, this backblast is respectfully submitted by the smallest cog in the Jaeger machine—Band Camp.

For reference:
The Preblast: https://f3thefort.com/2023/01/31/preblast-jaeger/
YHC’s Strava tracker: https://www.strava.com/activities/8697393033

The Jaeger will hunt again next year. Send any feedback to: jaeger.csaup@gmail.com

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The Deposit Broker starting The Length of the Pendulum

WARMUP: stuff

10 KB Swings
20 LBCs with Bell
30 Skullcrushers
40 Curls (or 20 each arm)
50 Tricep Extensions
60 Overhead Press
70 KB Swings cause Bandcamp whined too much
60 Flutters with Bell
50 Goblet Squats
40 Rows (20 each side)
30 Calf raises
20 American Hammers
10 Manmakers
Hip Flexors
Mary for last 3 min


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Hills, Stairs and Jake Webb- Oh My!

WARMUP: The Usual suspects- SSH, MNC, Merks and OYO Burpess sprinkled in
THE THANG: 7s up & down the Monroe White hill, Bombjacks at top, LBCs at bottom. Mosey over to FMCOG for a partner DORA- Merkins, Squats & LBCs at partner runs the snakey stairs. Head back to 1St Baptist for Jack Webb
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, blood Drive
COT: Prayers for FMHS Band trip to Ireland (YHC is also going)
Closed with a request for each Pax to bring some of HIS light into someone’s day. Thanks DoJo for the nod.
Shortest Of All Sales

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