Seneca’s 4 lessons

WARMUP: Bank parking lot – windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, 5 burpees, low slow squats with Moroccan night clubs while holding the squat, side straddle hops

THE THANG: 4 stations – 4 lessons
Station 1 – Partner Dora – 50 hello dollys and 100 4-count flutters

Lesson 1 – Associate only with those who improve you.

Station 2 – 7’s on the hill of WEP parking lot – H/R merkins at the bottom, squats at the top

Lesson 2 – Value your time more than your possessions.

Station 3 – The wall parking lot – 4 corners nurring or side shuffling between stations.
10 merkins, 20 LBCs, 10 diamonds, 20 box cutters – repeated the loop twice, b it bclock expired on the second loop.

Lesson 3 – we suffer more in imagination than reality

Station 4 – Parking Lot on the top of the hill across from COT. Fitting that a train whistle blew when we started this one.

7 minutes of burpees with breaks in between
13 – minute 1
12 – minute 2
11 – minute 3
10 – minute 4
9 – minute 5
8 – minute 6
7 – minute 7

Lesson 4 – The greatest remedy for anger is delay.

Mosey down the hill to COT.

MARY: no time – too busy finishing burpees


COT: Core principle #5 was executed

Thanks for the call out, Kermit.


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Tour de BackYard Shenanigans

WARMUP: SSHs followed by Windmills – it is F3. Picked some cherries, did some walkers, visited a night club, ground work.
THE THANG: did a tour de Yard – ain’t never been there before. Worked some stations with a defunct timer…
Man Makers, slam ball, rows, kettlebell snatch, curls, press flutters, merkins, shoulder press, we were going to do some hockey stick extensions, but said hockey sicks were forgotten
MARY: lots of Mary – pax choice – squat Mary was a new one to me – must be a Yard thing.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: viva la Murder Bunnies

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The Beast has Awakened

The Tomahawk was awaked and is not pleased with what it sees. This fabled AO is riddled with mystic and lore. Did it ever exist? Was there ever really an F3-Indian Land? Where did it go?

YHC is here to tell you Tomahawk was too much for this modern world. It was a place where men wore weight vests for the 5-mile pre-runs, then did kettlebell work outs for cool downs. I can assure you, the worst stories you have ever heard are watered down at best.

We are getting soft, and mushy. We talk too much. We lift things that weigh under 30LBS. We video stuff and talk about trendy topics.  It’s time for a rebirth by fire. Tomahawk is coming back to take teeth and kick names. There will be no fluff. Leave your Lululemon at home.

Launching 2-22-23 we will begin a Legends series where you can expect to see the royalty of AO pasted. YHC has an abundance of devilish delights for the coming months…so stay tuned.

There seems to be a vacancy at Catawba Ridge so we will plant our flag there and reclaim what is rightfully ours. You got what it takes?

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The Finale




Use parking rows as pain stations
11 Reps Each Stop

Method of Travel
Rounds 1 & 2: Lunge walk to each row
Round 3: Bear Crawl KB Drag

Stop 1
Kid Launch

Stop 2
One Legged RDL both sides

Stop 3
Tricep Extensions

Stop 4
Goblet Squats
Cossack Squats

Stop 5
KB Swings
OH Press

Stop 6
Burpee Snatch

We completed 2 and ⅔ rounds and headed back to start for some Mary

We did some
Twas the last post for SnakePit
Jaeger CSAUP coming up


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Tallawah Preview

SSH x 10
Low Slow Goblet Squats x 10
KB swings x 15

AMRAP in 15 min
10 Manmakers
Mosey 30yds to first corner
10 Squats
Mosey 80yds to second corner
10 merkins
Complete loop (110yds) back to Manmakers

2nd AMRAP in 15 min
10 squat presses
Bear crawl 10yds
10 merkins
Crawl bear 10yds

D2D donor match on Friday 02/03
Snake Pit will say goodbye and have its last post next week 02/08
Check your newsletter


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It’s Still a Keeper


5 Rounds. Each Round has it’s mode of transportation. There are 5 exercises that were repeated each round. Do the 1st exercise, then do the transportation, do 2nd exercise, etc. When done with all 5 exercises. Repeat with the 2nd transportation. Added some * options to modify harder if needed.


Sprint – 2 aisles

Side shuffle – 2 aisles *add bell

Lunges – 1 aisle *pass thru with bell

Bear Crawls – 1 aisle *Crawl Bear back

NUR – 2 aisles


Curls – 10 ea arm or 20 both

Squats – 10 *20

Overhead Press – 10 ea arm

Tricep Ext – 10 *20

Swings – 10 *20


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Carrying Each Other’s Burdens

Seven men shunned the fartsack to get better in all three Fs this morning at Soul to Sole. We covered 3.16 miles while alternating the 60lb sandbag amongst us.

The men were encouraged to share what’s on their minds this morning. With men’s mental health being prominent in the news, YHC felt it necessary to remind the men to lean on their brothers to carry their burdens. None of us should walk the road of life alone. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 reminds us “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

So when you are down, raise your hand for help. When you are up, extend your hand to a brother that might need to be lifted up. Don’t walk alone. We’re in this together.

Italian Job

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The Jack Web Phenomenon

WARMUP: plank <>upward dog <>downward dog (with variations), mix in exercises from plank position- merkin, Diamond merkin, plank jacks, Peter Parker’s, you get the idea
THE THANG: Webs!!!
1-5 sit-up-getup:4-20 single arm chest press (both with KB)
10-6 burpees on curb:40-24 calf raises with KB
1-5 Turkish getup:4-20 KB curls
10-6 goblet jump squats:40-24 hops with KB
1-5 big boy burpees:4-20 KB swings

Merkins on bell 5-4-3-2-1 each side : KB triceps 5×10
End with max merkins in 30”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam2Dam 10K on Saturday- Beaker and I are getting a 10K warmup starting at 9:45AM at the Print Shop and heading to the start line for the official 10K.

COT: prayers for my daughter who is not feeling well

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Is that a POLAR jockstrap?

WARMUP: some stuff
Everyone took a station. AMRAP while one person carried the sandbag out and back
Timer – Sandbag carry
Flutters with keg press
Squat thrusters
Triceps or skull crushers
American hammers

Hip flexors and some ab stuff

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Feeling like a 4th wheel…

WARMUP: stuff

Kettlebell swing/triceps.
Flutter with a press/ curls Overhead carry

Didn’t have time for the rest of this..
Rows/ calf raises. Side lunge walk
Cling press/ American hammers Farmer Carry
Hip flexors


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