The Bushwood Gamble

While I tagged the entire PAX from both AOs, the BB is only for Bushwood.
WARMUP: Essentially non-existent. We ran to the bottom of the hill on the backside of the school. We then NUR’d about 75 yards back up the hill then ran back down to the benches for 30 Derkins. We then did 15 pull-ups, ran to the stop sign, NUR’d back for 15 more pull-ups & planked for the 6.
THE THANG: Run back to the parking lot for the deck of cards:
For the 1st-Timers, each suit is an exercise and each card represents the reps (Ace=14).
Hearts: Jump Squats
Diamonds: Diamond Merkins
Spades: Carolina Dry Docks
Clubs: V-Ups
For the other 4 cards, ya know, the ones that have the ads or some other nonsense on them, those were 25 American Hammers I/C.
MARY: Included in the above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the NYT article, watch (record) Fox News at midnight tonight for additional F3 sharing. Be grateful for this brotherhood and welcome the FNGs.
COT: You had to be there.

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Introducing the Office

WARMUP: disclaimer
THE THANG: took a tour around the outer perimeter of the Manliest AO in the Fort. We stopped at what is now referred to as “The Office” where each man did a weighted pullup while another man stabilized the pull up station by holding a dip. After each man did their rep @Flounder decided to show us all up with preforming 3 weighted pull ups at the ripe old age of 76. We made one last lap around the VA and made it to the base of the hill by cycle bar where we took turns calling squats while passing a baby sandbag around the circle. Introduced the hillbilly squat: a deep squat followed by two hillbilly walkers. Then sprint up the hill to COT.
MARY: we did a few flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Journey groups will be forming soon. If interested contact me
COT: prayers for schools, parents dealing with teens, marriages, work stress, and patience with in-laws.

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You never know whats next…

Mosey to WarmORama at Fort Mill City Hall
in Cadence,
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to Withers/Academy for Partner Work on the hill.
100 Mountain Climbers
100 Plank Jacks
100 Squats
100 Lunges
200 LBCs

Parking Lot:
20 CDD
20 Calf Raises
Lunges Walk
Toy Soldiers
Bear Crawl
20 CDD in Cadence
20 Merkins in Cadence

Under Leg Claps
Freddie Mercury
Flutter clicks
Dead Bug

Run to Shovel Flag for CoT

Flag Handoff

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Deadly DORA

WARMUP: SHH, Imperial Walkers, windmills, cherry pickers, Moroccan Nightclubs, arm circles
5 Manmakers just to get the mind right!
Kettle Bell DORA with a partner. 100 KB Swings (combined count) partner is running 150 yards. Flip flop the running until the total rep count is 100. 200 Chest Presses; repeat the running and the combined rep counts. 300 KB Squats; repeat running.
DORA round 2: repeats DORA above but reduce the rep count and running distance by 50% but increase speed of completion.

Get in Groups of 3: 1 person Farmer Carries 2 bells total distance of 40 yards. 2nd person does Seal Jacks. 3rd person does curls. Rotate through each exercise one time each.
Round 2: Farmer Carry; Plank Jacks; Overhead Press
MARY: LBCs for the final 30 seconds

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“….how many reps did you say???”

WARMUP: Mosey, Windmill, Plank, Merkins, Tricep stretches

8 Pain Stations w parking lot lap in between.

Station #1 – Shoulders
15 Single Arm upright row
15 Single Arm shoulder press
15 Halo

Station # 2 – Biceps
15 Single Arm bicep curl
20 two hand bicep curl
15 two hand upright curl

Station #3 – Chest
15 single arm chest press
20 close grip Push-up on KB
15  chest press

Station #4 – Triceps (the crowd favorite)
15 skull 💀 crushers
15 tricep kickback
15 over head tricep extension

Station #5 – Legs
15 Goblet squat
15 dead lift
15 calf raise

Station #6 – Core
15 KB Swings
30 single count plank pull through
20 double count flutter press

Station #7 – Shoulders
15 Single Arm upright row
15 Single Arm shoulder press
15 Halo

Station # 8 – Biceps
15 Single Arm bicep curl
20 two hand bicep curl
15 two hand upright curl

MARY:  Ab – 25 LBC, 20 flutter w KB hold
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for BBQ 🍗 ahead of time, 10 year celebration at the Print Shop had over 120 show WOW!
COT: Thanks for opportunity to lead today!

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“Shop Vacs- Cinderblock of pain”

WARMUP: Mosey and Circle up, exercises for starters
THE THANG: Cinder block work- 15 shoulder Presses- a lap(with cider Block) x2, 20 curls- a lap (with block)x2, 15 uprights-a lap (with Block) x2, 20 Bench press-a lap(block) x2, 20 merkins on block- a lap (with block) x2, 10 manmakers- a lap(with block) x2. Then transitioned to pull up bars and did elevens, 10 pull ups and to bottom of hill 1 merkin, 9 & 2, 8&3 and so on! some finished!
MARY: ran out of time- Read a Sean Kelley prayer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers for Marriages , I forget the specifics

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2 mi at conversational 12 min pace?!?!

Yardsale had planned for us running 2 mi at 12 min conversational pace. Thankfully for 38 and myself Yardsale had a last minute concentrica need. Cubbie tried to drag us thru anyway but 38 and I rebelled. Good talks for the second half. Realizing that maybe good talking is near impossible with a workout. Continuing our talking at lunch.

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Ad Hoc, but not when it comes from me

THE THANG: Curls, Rows, overhead press, tricep extensions in exercise per row the last number of the parking spot was the reps. Finished the parking lot then took a lap for the 2nd half in which we made it around 1/4 of the way through. Thanks for the opportunity, was a great group of guys for my kettlebell VQ.

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Week 1 Iron Pax

So Humid…so dark….so wet….

In other words conditions were perfect for IPX week 1.

WARMUP: We did some SSH, windmills, and other stuff. It was all to loosen up for the inevitable beatdown.


45 minute EMOM

4 Cones in a square. Each 25 yards apart

Start at cone 1 bearcrawl to cone 2 do 25 Squats,

sideways bearcrawl to cone 3 do 25 merkins,

Crawlbear to cone 4 do 25 Big Boy Sit-ups

sideways bearcrawl back to cone 1 do 25 burpees.

As many reps as you can in 45 minutes.

This was tough. Sweat poured, merlot was spilled, no tears shed but weakness did leave the body.

Grateful for the men that showed and did the really….really…. hard thing.

Week 2 here we come!! ⚔️⚔️⚔️

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1 is the loneliest number… also a test of discipline

So when no one shows for your Q do you throw a pity party and go home or do some work on your ow ?

WARMUP: wrist rotations looking at my watch and checking my phone if I missed anything like everyone posted at MinnowPond
THE THANG: 35 min ruck around downtown. 10 min of Mary and hip flexors

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