SnakePit: sharing the stage

Had a little warm up and mosey around the parking lot. UHaul picked up the tunes and there were no pancakes to be found, so away we went!!

3 sets of the following:
10Kettlebell swing

10 bent row

10 Figure eight

10 Goblet squats

10 Upright row

10 Dips

Take  lap around gate in main drive

10 Lunge press

10 Sumo upright p

10 Curls L/R

10 American hammers

10 Bench press L/R

10 Plank Rows L/R

10 Tri Extension

take lap around gate in main drive

10 Flutters

10 Hello dolly’s

10 Freddy’s

10 Deadlift

10 Sidestep upright row

10 Kettlebell Merkins

Thank you 3D for the opportunity at The Snake Pit👍🏻

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Covering ground at the Pit

My apologies for breaking my own self-imposed 48hr Backblast rule but I appreciate the grace. It’s been a few weeks since my last time leading men from the Q spot so it was good to be back. What did we do? I’m so glad you asked:

Disclaimer and Polaroid took the BC’ers while the KB’ers stayed with me.
Your typical warm up exercises and some pretty good chatter if I remember correctly. If I don’t remember correctly, there’s a chance you don’t either.
Next, we did an atypical thing, we ran around the school…without the KBs. That was a 1mi warm up.
5 Man Makers with the KB
10 KB Swings / 20 lunges (10 ea leg) / 30 Curls (15 I/C)
Run down to the bottom of the hill. 5 Burpees. Run back up. 5 Burpees

10 KB Swings / 20 Leg Raises w/ KB at a 45 / 30 Flutters w/ a press
5 KB Man Makers / Run down to the bottom of the hill. 5 Burpees. Run back up. 5 Burpees

2min Plank
10 Very sloooooow squats I/C / 20 Thrusters / 30 Calf Raises

2min Plank / 5 KB Man Makers

Thanks for the invite.

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Carrying the Distance

13 PAX today in the sweet spot of the year when the gloom feels about perfect

1 burpee
Peter Parker
Parker Peter
2 burpees
Little yoga
Monkey Humpers

We were pretty mobile today with a farmers carry between stops
5 stations

Station 1:
Swings 20
Merkins 20

Station 2:
Snatch 10
Split Squat 10

Station 3:
Rows 10
Overhead Squat 10

Station 4:
Single Leg Deadlift 10
Manmaker 10

Station 5-rotation with 13 guys
Overhead press
Goblet Squat
Pullup (option to be weighted 20lb)
YHC called up an down.

Then we returned hitting each station again. (modified reps for time to reach COT at 0600)
Grip was pretty shot at the end.

Proverbs 12:24
Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.

We’re not being physically lazy out in the gloom, but I KNOW there are aspects of my life where I am lazy. That laziness forces me into positions I have to work to get out of. For example, not keeping regular track of my finances, or being a lazy parent by allowing something my boys are doing to get out-of-hand. In either of these situations, I’m forced to act because my laziness pressed the situation until I had to respond. And too often, my response is poor. Better to be prepared and diligent in handling the situation.

Prayer for today: Lord, I know I don’t need to constantly work hard in every aspect of my life, but embolden me to be diligent. And make me wise enough to see the difference between “working hard” and being “diligent.”
Praise for one soon-to-be less occupied (in-laws…) house
Prayers for a father-in-law’s impending passing; anxiety over legal situations

F3 Dads every Saturday in June. 9-9:30 WEP

An honor to lead, great to see such a crowd of high impact guys. Every single former site-q from The Hive was present today. Thanks B.O.B. for the opportunity.

Band Camp

Band Camp dismissed

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Humane, Inhumane, Inhuman

Some 14 PAX broke off from the larger Bushwood/Snake Pit conglomerate with a kettlebell in their hand

Yoga – much to everyone’s “enjoyment”
KB Windmill – nobody even pretended to like this one
Large Arm Circles
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers

Short Mosey:

Dan John’s Humane Burpee
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings (It was here that BOB tweaked his back)
4 Goblet Squats
4 Merkins
15 KB Swings
3 Goblet Squats
3 Merkins
15 KB Swings
2 Goblet Squats
2 Merkins
15 KB Swings
1 Goblet Squats
1 Merkins

Short Mosey

YHC interpretation of an Inhumane Burpee (5 rounds)
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins
15 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Merkins

Short Mosey

Break from the routine:
10 R Single Leg Deadlifts
10 L Single Leg Deadlifts
10 R High Pulls
10 L High Pulls
10 R Racked Split Squat
10 L Racked Split Squat

5 R Single Leg Deadlifts
5 L Single Leg Deadlifts
5 R High Pulls
5 L High Pulls
5 R Overhead Split Squat
5 L Overhead Split Squat

Short Mosey – taking a new path

YHC’s addition of Inhuman Burpee (5 rounds)
15 KB Swings
6 Goblet Squats
6 Merkins
15 KB Swings
7 Goblet Squats
7 Merkins
15 KB Swings
8 Goblet Squats
8 Merkins
15 KB Swings
9 Goblet Squats
9 Merkins
15 KB Swings
10 Goblet Squats
10 Merkins

(interspersed this with 1 rep of pistol squat or burpee snatch between for variety)


Genesis 3:9
First question in the Bible is God asking “Where are you?” Let us be the men who can answer and not hide. To say “here I am Lord.”

Praises: Gotcha Day, that we still have work, new babies
Prayers: job losses, work surprises, cancer, snake bite, surgery recovery, BOB’s back

Thanks for the opportunity to lead 3D:

Band Camp dismissed

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11s on Four Corners

Did some stuff with Warmup and then did the main event.  11s and 4 Corners. PAX spread out across corners.  There was good mumble chatter.

Setup 4 Corners in the Parking Lot.

Corner 1 – 10 Merkins.  Next lap will be 9.

Lunge walk to Corner 2

Corner 2 – 1 LBC. Next lap will be 2.

Bear Crawl to Corner 3.

Corner 3 – 10 Squats.  Next lap will be 9.

NUR to Corner 4.

Corner 4 – 1 Flutter. Next lap will be 2.

Run to Corner 1 and start with next 11 pairings.

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Just keep movin and quit with the bad eating habits already…

Little did I know that when Drop Thrill asked me to Q at the Ballroom I’d be coming off of one of the more stressful weeks I’ve had in a while.

We drove down to Orlando (the middle of the scrotum of America…) about 10 days ago so the M could be with her dad through his hospital stay. This put me in charge of the 2.0’s. One of whom is doing virtual school, the other, who is 4, just needs someone to interact with. With the M gone most of the day, the all to familiar but also unfamiliar surroundings, and crappy bed, my energy sapped by the end of the day to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed early enough for even a light jog.

We returned on Saturday (after driving through some heavy storms and slowdowns) and it took a couple days to recover from the experience.

I was feeling absolutely dead this morning, but I got up and got my ass to the ballroom.

The gloom

Drop Thrill and a few other PAX were already waiting when I arrived with a couple other PAX on the winding road behind me.

YHC looked around and saw familiar faces (some of which I hadn’t met, but I knew them from name-o-rama’s posted to slack). I had to very loudly issue the disclaimer as the mumblechatter was quite strong with some of the PAX, *cough* Destiny *AHEM*.

The warmup

A quick mosey around the N side of the parking lot and up to the crosswalk in front of the school.

15x SSH
10x Low Slow Squat
Some deep leg stretches for 10 counts
10x Tappy taps
10x Imperial walker
10x Hillbilly walker

the thang

Two sets of 11’s starting with the 3 benches and running about halfway down the parking lot road (55m or so).

First set:
Dips x10 and BBSU

Second set:
Step ups x10 each leg and Squats

When the second set was complete everyone gathered at the crosswalk. We had about 10 minutes remaining. PAX would run a lap around the parking lot (not in the parking lot). At some point they would need to do one pushup per lightpost they passed, whether all at once or stopping at each was up to them. Most PAX chose to save them for the end.

With 6 minutes remaining we lined up in south side of the parking lot for the Doji. Start by standing straight up. Using your L hand reach behind the R shoulder and ‘scoop’ with your fingertips, as you come around the front of your body, step into a deep forward stance with your R knee at 90º, and your L leg straight out, both feet parallel and about 45º off the direction of travel. Shift your stance to L forward stance while scooping behind you with your R hand, when you come back around, step forward staying very low, into L forward stance and push ahead with your L hand open, fingertips just at the shoulder level. Scoop behind w/L going into R forward, then step forward with R and push with R.

PAX then made their way back to CoT but there was still a minute left so everyone got into the Al Gore position while YHC expounded upon how my father in law was a pretty active guy, but eating kielbasa for breakfast every day can still clog your arteries.


A lot of announcements this morning.

For one, check out the “Rumor Mill” section of the newsletter. If you see something in there that piques your interest, reach out to the leadership and ask if you can get involved. There’s probably something you can do!

There’s a blood drive every 8 weeks (next one on 5/6) for… eternity.

Sign up for the FM Care Center!

And more!

Lots of prayers about jobs and health (physical and mental) this morning.


After last week I’ve naturally been reflecting on the Queen quite a bit lately. I didn’t say much about this during this morning’s Q, but everyone’s body is a bit different. Some people can eat Hostess snack cakes and never gain a pound, and other people can eat nothing and still look like YHC (I’m not in the latter group, trust me, I eat things).

We’ve all seen the stories of people who live into their 100’s. Some of them say drink a gallon of water every day. Others say have a bump or two of whiskey every day.

Really all we can do is be vigilant. As Destiny pointed out in CoT today, get your damned checkups. Go do the blood work. If the doctor tells you to lay off the bacon, lay off the bacon (you can still BE it, metaphorically). I think everyone’s body tends to handle the available food sources pretty well (God made us incredibly resilient creatures, “anti-fragile”), but even so, the wrong kind of stress for long enough is going to wear down the system and it’s going to break.

There’s going to be a higher vegetation to anything else ratio on a daily basis for everyone. I’ve said this in my household many a time before!  However, buy in from the M was difficult to achieve.  After a 4x bypass in the family history, the M is on board.

It’s always a pleasure to Q. Thanks, Drop Thrill, for inviting me back out.

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The day the corn dog was born

The day the Corn Dog was made:
Mark your calendars that today the 21st of April 2021, was the day the corn dog exercise was born. More on that later…

YHC arrived early to sling some cones and hide “Presents” within the cones for use later during the workout. Brought out the Qsource dry erase board from the pits of my truck for the PAX to view the key Socratic and Spurs for Q-point 1.10 Prayer. Been really digging the acceleration recently of all 3F’s, humblebrag I know, for YHC so I have been really looking to the HIM around me and really trying to encourage them to get better and to become even better HIM.

Disclaimer was disclaimed to the kettlebell studs and we started to walk towards the downhill portion going to the back of the school where the cones were placed. Yes, they were not in a perfect line and that had Birdcage all in a fuss. Started out just going from cone to cone performing the exercises. 10 of each because I like to keep it simple and to be honest, I can’t count out loud and think at the same time.
Exercises were:
SSH slick,
Flutters with a press,
Bear crawls,
Squat thrusters,
Big boy burpees,
Overhead presses,
Then we played a quick game of Charge where the PAX move forward three cones the everyone performs the exercise at their own pace. Then we move back two cones and try to perform as many reps of that listed exercise before the time runs out. You know that the time runs out because the frst person to finish the 10 reps reaches inside the cone and finds a snap pop firework that is not your typical one your kids play with. They are legit.
Once the first person finishes the exercise and lights the fire it signals to everyone else no matter what rep count they were on to Charge up the hill to the destination 3 cones away. This went on for a little while until we made it all the way to the top. So what should we do besides make our way back to the bottom of the hill and rinse and repeat? During the second round, there was a lot of grumbling about the big boy burpees so for those that are unfamiliar: Its a burpee but once you hit the ground you roll over to your back and perform a big boy situp before rolling back over to your chest to perform the merkin then finishing the burpee. Clap is optional, sorry Memphis. All of the rolling around on the pavement made for some awesome birthing sounds until someone said that they felt like a corn dog getting rolled around in tasty cornbread flour and ready for the pan so what was once called the big boy burpee is and will forever be referred to as The CornDog thanks to one of my favorite PAX, the half man/half amazing stud himself…Kelly “CoPay” Fields.

After the second round we had a few minutes to spare so YHC showed the PAX how not to explain the starting position for the next exercise which was a little bit of sharpening of our “Prepardness” to overcome the unexpected situation of an active shooter situation or an attempted kidnapping snatch and grab. Two pax face each other in the plank position with a kettle bell or weight in between each other. YHC says go and the PAX not facing up the hill jumps up to his feet grabs the “shorty desquised as a heavy coupon, and tries to make it to the top of the hill before the other pax tries to chase him down but not before having to perform 3 hand release merkins. It was a great time and CoPay is still faster than you even with a kettle bell.

Hussle back to COT for Count-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama, and prayers/praises.

Thank you for the opportunity 3D to lead these fine men and I hope it was worth unfartsacking yourself this morning.

Stay Frosty my friends!

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Ballroom abs

YHC had the honor of leading some #HIM’s through a WO that allowed the PAX the ability to dial up or down their intensity. It’s important to recognize PAX levels of intensity when Q’ing so that you can ensure each PAX pushes one self to their acceptable level.

COP: SSH’s, IW, Windmills, LSS, big arm circles, and CDD (all in different cadence)

Mossy to bottom of hill at the backside of the PKMS gym.

At the bench 2 rounds of 10 reps each: Step ups each leg, dips, derkins, erkins.

Mossy to fire hydrant to where PAX chooses their intensity. Either NUR, Run, or walk for 11’s. Top of hill 10 Left Leg Scorpion merkins, run back to bottom for 1 Right Leg Scorpion merkin..rinse repeat till 11’s. If PAX finished early they went and picked up the 6.

Mossy back to benches for another 2 rounds of the same.

On the 6 for some marry – a crowd pleaser.

13 Hello Dollies right into 13 Rosaletta’s, right into 10 Hello Dollies and 10 Rosaletta’s, right into 5 of each without dropping feet to ground. Then box cutters, then flutters, then LBCs and finish with flutters.

Sprint to top of hill and come back for the six, mossy to COT for 15 more merkins.


Prayers and praises where plentiful from Cake Boss 2.0 doctor news, to my co-worker and daughter Morvan and Mila, to Spark Plug’s daughter, to my 2.0 Evan.

Thanks all!!

TClap |

Tinsel Utensils back for a combined Bushwood/Snake Pit

It all started with an invitation from LTrain a few months ago to Q Bushwood and a quick chat with 3D last week to take over Snake Pit since Shatner was IR and do a combo AO beatdown.

I decided to revive Tinsel Utensils and make everyone’s time worth of getting up early and showing up.

We started with a quick mossey around the parking lot followed by moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, low slow merquins and windmills. We split in 3 groups and head over to the next parking lot where I had 4 stations setup with the following, bear crawl to the next station after all exercises have been completed:

Station 1

-> 10 diamond merkins

-> 20 wide arm merkins

-> 30 regular merkins

-> 30 battle rope wave SC

-> 40 Shoulder taps

-> 40 plank jacks

Station 2

-> 5 burpees

-> 5 tractor tire flips

-> 10 sandbag toss (choice of 40# or 50#)

-> 20  Monkey Humpers

-> 30 low squat (touch the ground with hand)

-> 50 calf raises

Station 3

-> 20 slam ball to ground (choice of 10# or 20#)

-> 30 Freddy Mercury

-> 30 Rosalitas

-> 40 Heel Touches

-> 40 American Hammer

-> 40 LBC

Station 4 with cindy

-> 30 overhead press

-> 30 biceps curls

-> 30 high pulls

-> 30 triceps dips

-> 30 Carolina dry docks

Once all station have been completed by everyone about  (30 minute mark) we grabbed the tire and the two sandbags  for an indian walk type of thing, get in line, flip the tire/toss the sandbag once and go back to the end of the line,  alternate between toss and flip; we went up and down the length of the parking lot (about 100 yards)

With about 12 minutes to spare we circled up around the tire, and we took turns flipping the tire, two flips and go back to your spot, one round of plank, one round of squats, one round of LBCS, with one minute left we hauled all the gear back to the trailer for COT.

Some PAX loved it and some whined a  lot, it was a great opportunity to meet new guys.

Thanks LTrain and 3D for the opportunity to lead.

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SeeSaw at the SnakePit

YHC led a kettlebell workout on what turned out to be a perfect morning in the gloom.


MNC x 15

Windmill x 15

Cherry Pickers x 15

Mountain Climbers x 15

5 burpees OYO


The workout consisted of 4 sets of the same 5 exercises were the reps started at 20 and decreased by 5 each set. At the end of each set there would be a lap that increased in distance.  The total distance of completed would be just about 2 miles.

the exercises:

Man Makers


Tri extensions

Upright Rows

Big Boy Sit-ups

Thanks to 3D for the call!


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