VQ Running AO Q – Spectre

Got at it
Munn Rd. To Harris To White To 160 – 4ish miles
12 year convergence
Iron Pax
Acceleration Project
Show To Know

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Hills, hills, hills

THE THANG: 10 Mike Tyson’s in bank parking lot, 10 bombjacks in elementary school parking lot. 3 burpees every time you pass through the gate on Dave Gibson
ANNOUNCEMENTS: iron pax, ft mill care center, bethel

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Smoked the “Moderate”

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga
Phase 1: Cheese Shredder
Phase 2: 7s= Plank Jacks & Big Boy Sit Ups
Phase 3: Four Corners = 10 reps each exercise
Corner 1: Seal Jacks, Bomb Jacks, and Squats
Corner 2: Shoulder Taps, Mountain Climbers, and Lunges
Corner 3: Merkins, Peter Parkers, and Dips
Corner 4: LBCS, Flutters, and Hello Dollies
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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(Tony romo voice) that’s a lot of monkeys, Jim!

WARMUP: windmills, produce pickers, imp walkers – in cadence them moseyed to the football field
THE THANG: rounds of suicides on the field

Starting at goal line, run to 10 yard line and do 10 reps, run back to goal line, run to 20 yard line do 20 reps, etc. repeating to the 50 and then back to the 10 in 10 yard increments. Then run to the opposite goal line and back

Round 1 SSH
Round 2 overhead claps
Round 3 monkey humpers
Round 4 am hams

Stagger back to COT

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Get up stand up… Stand up for your rights

WARMUP: SSH x 24 IC, MNC x 24 IC, Windmills x 8 IC, Imp-Squat-Walkers x8 IC, Hillbilly Walkers x 24 IC

Plank Series (8 count holds once in position): Straight, Right, Left, Straight, So.Gentleman, No. Agressor
Finish w/ “John Hancocks”

THE THANG: Mosey to stairway & on up
24 dips on bench, 12 Irkins, 12 Dirkins
Down stairs, mosey to Picnic Tables, repeat 24/12/12

Over to Pavement track – Parnter Dora (1 moseys a lap/other exercises)
50 Plank-Jack Merkins
100 Am. Hammers
150 Get-up/Stand-ups
200 LBC’s
250 Gas Pumpers (where we cut it for Mary)
MARY: Hello Dolly x 24 IC, Heel Taps x 24 IC, Hello Rosalita x 24 IC, Freddy Mercury, Some other Bitcoin punishment I forgot
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Iron Pax, other stuff in newsletter
COT: Prayers for the recently departed (JCruise friend Tom) and being mindful/present when with family despite distractions

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Ladder of Pain to escape Alcatraz?

After a thorough professional disclaimer of an unprofessional Q, YHC unleashed the “Ladder of Pain”

Quick mosey around the baseball field then back to the parking lot.

The Thang:
Parking lot was where we stayed the whole time while discussing summers in Germany and India, and what people wear for swim suits.

1 Burpee
3 Big Boy Situps
6 Shoulder Taps
10 Flutters
15 Merkins
21 Freddie Mercury
28 CDD
36 LBCs
45 Overhead Claps
55 Squats
66 Baby Arm Circles
78 Monkey Humpers
91 Moroccan Nightclubs
105 Calf Raises
120 Overhead Presses

The routine went somewhat like,
First exercise, mosey to baseball court and back
First two exercises, mosey to baseball court and back
First three exercises…
Rinse and Repeat.

In one hour we reached as high as Moroccan Nightclubs.


Thank you for the opportunity <@UN3JKG18C>. And great work <@U012K8DDK7V> and <@U0955D42X>

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Happy Birthday Fogerty

Moseyed toward back lot. Stopped for warm-up
– IW
– Hillbilly Walker
– SSH – 53 for Fogerty BD
– Merkin

Moseyed to Cindy stack. 3 rounds 5 exercises Repa start with 10 and increase 5 each round.
– OH lift
– Tricep ext
– Curls
– Squat
– Merkin

After 3 rounds moseyed to FB field. Sprints
Sprint to 30 jog back. Repeat to 50, far 30, goal line. 10 merkins after each sprint

Cross bridge head to wall. 20 Dips, 20 Bulgarian split squat 10 EL. 2 rounds.

Mosey back for 5 mins of Mary

Announcements and COT.

Thanks Bass for opportunity to lead.

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Gut Buster

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Mosey
THE THANG: Gut Buster Board:
Run a lap of the track after each set
100 LBC
90 Flutter Kick
80 Freddie Mercury
70 American Hammer
60 Mountain Climber
50 Weezy Jefferson
40 Big Boy
30 Leg Lifts
20 V-Situps
90sec Plank
60sec Plank
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lawn Care, Highway Clean up, T&H
COT: Many needs

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Gut Buster

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Mosey
THE THANG: Gut Buster Board:
Run a lap of the track after each set
100 LBC
90 Flutter Kick
80 Freddie Mercury
70 American Hammer
60 Mountain Climber
50 Weezy Jefferson
40 Big Boy
30 Leg Lifts
20 V-Situps
90sec Plank
60sec Plank
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lawn Care, Highway Clean up, T&H
COT: Many needs

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Ring of Jellystone Fire

WARMUP: MNC, Imp Squat Walkers, ChPickers, SSH, Mosey to Cinderblocks
THE THANG: (structure based on Beakers beatdown from 7/10/24- thank you bro!)

Each round, Home to base(s) & back
Home: Cind-urpees (AKA Man-Makers) R1-12 reps, R2-8 reps, R3-4 reps

OUT: A) M.Bunnies, B) OH carries, C) W. Lunges
HOME: Farmers carry

A) curls & OH triceps
R1- 10 each, R2-15 each, R3-20 each

B) flutter Presses (4ct)
R1-10, R2-15, R3-20

C) clean & press
R1-10, R2-15, R3-20

End of each round Plank until 6 is up before starting next round
Pax Completed 2 rounds before running out of time

MARY: Box Cutters, Hello Weazy, Freddy Mercury
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T&H, Road cleanup, others forgotten
COT: Prayers for those coping with Loss, family with failing health

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