Getting over a case of the Mondays real quick

Clearly underestimated the setup time and came in hot to the Chic Filet parking lot at 5:14a.  Was super stoked to see our boy DaVinici in the gloom ready to put in some work after being on IR for the last 2 months.  Let’s get to it:

Mosey over to Home Depot for a quick warm-up that consisted of seal jacks, wind mills and mountain climbers.  The balance of the warm-up was a little more painful:

  • Descending alternate sets of merkins / diamond merkins starting at 11 reps – 11 merkins, 10 diamonds, 9 merkins, 8 diamonds…down to 1 merkin.  66 in all, as quickly as we could.
  • Next set was the same idea, only wide squats and super narrow squats – wide x11, narrow x10…you get the point.  Went super fast here, which hurt on the next part.

From there, we took a long 3/4 mile mosey behind home depot, target, down to Kohl’s then up Rivergate View Road and parked it front of Buffalo Wild Wings.  From there, the pax were able to observe the sea of yellow cones going the length of that straightaway – 10 cones (we only saw 9 until the very end lol) over a 1/4 mile stretch.  Quick and dirty – I give the exercise and rep count, you run to each cone and do the same rep / exercise at every cone the whole way down and then run back.  You get in a 1/2 mile per exercise / set (1/4 mile down, 1/4 mile back), and a ton of reps.  Sets as follows:

  1. 5 burpees per cone (50 burpees in total) – run back
  2. 10 big boy sit-ups per cone (100 big boys in total) – run back
  3. 15 jump squats per cone (150 jump squats in total) – run back
  4. Had three more planned out (a 15 rep, a 10 rep and then 5 burpees again), but time was running low.  Compromised at 10 merkins per cone (100 merkins in total)

At that point we had about 2 minutes, so we moseyed to the corner of Pet Smart and then sprinted back to CoT covering a good stretch, the length of the Pet Smart, Marshalls, Office Max and Best Buy store fronts.

Final count:

  • 166 merkins (66 merkins / diamond descending + 100 on the cones)
  • 150 jump squats
  • 100 big boy sit-ups
  • 66 squats (wide and narrow descending)
  • 50 burpees
  • 2.5 miles covered

So thankful to see DaVinci back this morning – he gave us some really encouraging words on preparedness – the importance of being ready for both the expected and the unexpected things that come up in our lives.  Thanks to Royale for making the trek up to Quagmire today, and always a pleasure to see the regulars on Mondays w/ Bones, Copyright and Jedi.

We said a prayer for our sick pax, especially those w/ sick 2.0’s, for travel mercies this week (Royale and myself going opposite directions, but nonetheless, a car-full of kiddos and spouses) and for the trials that we find ourselves in and how it will develop us into better HIM’s because of it.

Until next time – thanks fellas.  Always a pleasure to serve you guys and lead a beatdown!




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What’s The Plan?

We had 11 strong for a beat down at the  Abyss.  The pax was unsure if I knew what the plan was until we approached the workout written in chalk……then they knew.

The Thang:

Mosey in the parking lot with a sudden turn to make the last 1st and the 1st last.  Mosey some more and do some toy soldiers and karaoke.  Then mosey behind the school and circle up.

Imperial Walker x15, Cherry Pickers with a chain break at the top x 15, slow windmills culminating in a stretch, plank to mountain climbers x10, plank to peter parkers x11, plank to parker peters x11 and plank to mountain climber x1.

Mosey near the playground for a choose your own approach work out written in chalk:

100 merkins, 100 squats, 100 dips, 50 pull ups , 30 hanging knee lifts, run up the hill backwards 3x and run around track 3x.   Complete in any increments you would like.

When completed do 25 LBC, 25 Freddy Mercury, 25 Hello Dollies and 25 heels to heaven.

Mosey to grass hill and Jacobs ladder with alternating lunges (1 up to 7) on top and burpees (7 down to 1) on bottom.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  It was fun!

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Quagmire After the Superbowl

The Superbowl is an “unofficial” American holiday filled with chicken, chips, pizza, and beer.  It is hardly the ideal ‘prep’ food for a great workout.  Nevertheless 4 brave men meet in the gloom to work off our hangovers and prep for the week ahead.

After the typical disclaimer including a warning not to stand downwind of the Q (due to recent dietary choices) we were off with a mosey.

Long mosey around Home Depot…in front Target….to the (now vacant) Books a Million.


  • Windmills
  • Weed Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Slow Squat
  • Merkins
  • Downward Dog
  • Side Straddle Hops

Mosey over by the fountain

Round one 

  • 10 Squats
  • Bear crawl across parking lot
  • 3 Burpees
  • Lunge walk back
  • 10 Merkins
  • (REPEAT 5 x’s)

Finish with Flutters (20 cadence)

Round Two

  • Broad Jump Across
  • 20 Dips on curb
  • Side Shuffle back (Flip halfway)
  • 15 Durkins
  • (REPEAT 5 x’s)

Finish with Freddie Mercuries (10 cadence)

Round Three

  • 10/leg Step up on benches at fountain
  • Run 1/2 lap
  • (REPEAT 3 x’s)

Mosey to “grassy” area Mattress Store

  • Jack Web’s

Mosey to Office Max

Wall sits

  • 1 minute (x3)
  • Sit while others run top of parking lot and back (x1)

Plank (hold while others run to top of parking lot and back) (x1)


Jedi asked for much needed family rest after busy couple of months.  I need prayer for new Team member at office.

As always….thankful for the ability to wake up and exercise and the opportunity to lead.

~ Bones

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Lost in translation

6 pax came out for the swamp plus 9 for Chupacabra and running.

After pax were exhaustively disclaimed, we mosied around the parking lot for COP

COP- the usual: SSH, MNC, IW, LSS, merkins, Peter parkers

The thang (see picture)

Each card had a #, exercise, and was in a foreign language.  Pax had to guess each, which we would the complete, followed by the correct exercise + appropriate punishment/reward for each guess.  Pax did remarkably well .  I think I need to venture outside of my European language comfort zone to really make it hard.  I’ve been warned not to try these shenanigans with Mile-high, luckily he was a no show.

Thanks Cha Ching for the opportunity to lead.


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22 at The Swamp on this cool January morning

We got a break from rain to come out and enjoy a good end to the week

We had 3 groups, Runners, Ruckers and Bootcampers

Those who chose the bootcamp route got YHC as Q

Was nice to be back, haven’t been to the Swamp in a bit so thanks to Cha Ching for the call-up!

We took a nice mosey over to Just Fresh where we circled up to get a warm-up in

Did some SSH, Squats, MC, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Moroccan night clubs, Plank o rama, Plank Jacks, Imperial Walkers

Moseyed over to the Red balls to partner up and do some suicides with a twist of course

Start at the stop sign with your partner and do 1 Burpee, run to the first ball together and do 10 Partner handslap merkins and run back to start together and do 1 Burpee.

Run to 2nd Ball together and do 10 partner handslap big boy sit-ups and return to stop sign together and do 1 Burpee.

Continue this alternating plan until everyone completes 9 rounds

Early finishers do squats until the 6 was in

Mosey over to a wall where we did some wall sits while each of us takes a turn and runs out and completes one Burpee

Short rest then repeat but increase to 2 Burpees

Change it up next round and do BTTW and 1 Burpee

Round 2 BTTW and 2 Burpees but go 2 PAX at a time this time so our shoulder s dont crumble!!!!

Mosey back to COT area to finish up with some AB Lab

Announcements, Yeti coming up and some PAX training for a GORUCK Heavy in a few months!!! Good luck with training and stay healthy everyone.

TClap |

Disrupting 12 days???

As I type this up, I realize that copy and pasting right after the workout would have been a very easy task but I decided to wait but build up the suspense….or something like that.  At the Swamp gathering, we divided into 3 groups – runners, ruckers and bootcampers.

As YHC led the bootcampers away from COT off into the gloom, we did a quick mosey that included butt kickers, high knees and side to side shuffles.  Once we reached our destination, we circled up to get in some quick warm up and stretching given the cooler temps.

Starting out we did: SSH, windmills, Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, smurf jacks, and some hamstring and back stretches along with downward dog and honeymooner.

Once stretching and bodies were somewhat defrosted, we got into the Thang.

Given our first week of Q source was disruption, what better way to mix things up and disrupt the status quo than pick on something everyone was familiar with – the infamous “12 days of Christmas”.  With this in mind, YHC went with “12 days…since NYE” which was still true and this was only the beginning.  Each exercise was going to have a bit of a twist and was going to make the PAX challenge not only their bodies in the early gloom, but also their listening, math and memory skills!  Here’s how we started out and in true “12 day” style, started with 1, then moved to 2 and back to 1, then to 3 to 2 to 1, then to 4….and so on.  Whatever number you’re on, that’s how many exercises were done unless there was a multiplier included after the exercise (for example see #4 which is x2 meaning 8 of each variety of calf raise.  Also where there’s 2 exercises listed, you got to do both at the designated number.

1. Lap / run (which included up and down the set of stairs and around the parking lot for a short loop)

2. Cracken burpees (if you don’t know what this is, a regular burpee with 3 hand release merkins at the bottom and a Lake Wiley special!)

3. Fluttters & Rosalita & American Hammer (3 sets of each and double count with flutters and hammers)

4. Calve raises (all 3 varieties – inside, regular, outside) x2

5. Smurf jacks x2 (this is a squat position while doing SSH)

6. WWII big boy (legs in butterfly position and big boy situp)

7. Diamonds & Hand release

8. Jump lunge (each leg)

9. Dips x2

10. CDD x2

11. Plank ski jump (1 full cycle is 1 count)

12. Squats x3

13. Bonus round…Toe Taps

A few PAX made it through the 12 days and were looking for more, so in true disruption fashion, YHC was happy to accommodate with a 13th bonus day!

Headed back to COT with 4 min remaining, we managed to get in a few minutes of Mary while we were joined by our fellow runners and ruckers.  Wrapping up with name-o-rama, announcements and TAPs, YHC was happy to be called upon to lead.

Even with the disruption we face every day, no matter how big or small, it’s how we handle the change that makes us better.  Even if throwing in a small curve ball into something like “12 days” gives you pause to think about change, applying this “pause” to everyday life for bigger curve balls is great practice for the game of life. Slowing down life to wait for the curve balls that will come across the plate is a patient man’s game. Disrupting the status quo for controlled (or even uncontrolled) practice…there’s nothing wrong with that game!


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Capture the Dodgeball Bear Crab Crawl

Not feeling well and with three Qs in four days, YHC almost requested a substi-Q, but decided against it. Knowing I would need to be up and moving for the Wednesday Q Source launch, what better way to guarantee my attendance than having me Q the workout before? So I dug through past workouts, found one that was fairly straightforward yet enjoyable, modified it, and prayed it would work out well.

0515, and a whole bunch of PAX posted, as is the standard for Abyss these days. Short disclaimer given (I think all the points were made), and off we moseyed out of the parking lot, toward the entrance, wrapping around the island for side shuffles, flap jack, then heels to butts, knees to chest, and toy soldiers. Circle it up in a random area behind the school before we got to the “track.”

Truth be told, the delay in the writing of this backblast has led to the forgetting of what was done in COP. Vaguely remember SSHs, windmills, MNCs, merkins, and maybe some downward dog/stretching. I don’t know. We warmed up.

Quick mosey around the school to the middle of the track for the Thang:

Flag capture the dodgeball bear crab crawl

PAX were divided into two teams. Every PAX received a length of fabric to use as a flag/tail (think flag football). A dodgeball was placed inside the perimeter of a hula hoop (to keep it from rolling away) roughly 20 yards from the “start” line. Cones were lined up to mark the outer limits of the course. Rules were simple-ish:

  • Complete the buy-in exercise
  • Bear crawl to the ball (or equidistant to the ball if somebody else got there first)
  • Crab walk back to the start
  • The team that gets the ball back to the start “wins” that round and does half the penalty
  • Losing team gets the full penalty
  • Any time you lose your flag, you have 5 burpees on the spot (even if you step on it yourself)
  • Forward passing after losing a flag is not allowed (this was Omaha’d in later)

After every round, PAX ran a lap for good measure.

Buy-in exercises:

  • 50 merkins
  • 50 squats
  • 50 CDDs
  • 50 monkey humpers
  • 50 werkins
  • 30 lateral lunge leg lifts


  • Odd rounds: 20 donkey kicks for loser; 10 for winner (teams tied first round due to rule confusion and all did 10)
  • Even rounds: 20 jump lunges/leg for loser; 10 for winner

Mosey back to to COT, arriving at exactly 0600 (as though I planned it).

Quick name-o-rama, announcements, and prayers. Apparently YHC was rushed to get out to Q Source, so apologies to any PAX who didn’t get to share.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, Copyright, even though I was scheduled by Bones.


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Balls of Gloom, Inaugural Edition

With a new year, YHC wanted to try something new at Quagmire. I’ve been tossing around ideas, and having some sort of benchmark workout – like the Board of Pain – that is straightforward to work through but also a good workout seemed like a good idea. So, for the month of January, we are rolling out the Balls of Gloom using the red balls outside Target. Poorly advertised, but there will be more opportunities.

Ten PAX showed up for the inaugural running of the BOG (get it? Because it’s Quagmire?). Quick explanation, brief disclaimer, and off we went on a quick mosey to the lot in front of what used to be Books a Million (that’s closed now, apparently). Some side shuffles (sorry Shady, there’s a bump there), high knees, butt kickers, and toy soldiers thrown in for good measure.

Warm up with SSH, windmills, Moroccan night clubs, and maybe something else but I can’t remember.

Mosey to Target and get going…

Balls of Gloom

The idea is simple. Workout is AMRAP for 33ish minutes, you v. you. Exercise posted on each of 10 balls, run between balls, and then run a lap from the stop sign, out to the road between Target and Kohls, around behind Verizon, and back to the start. Rinse and repeat. Try to beat your best next time.


  • 10 burpees
  • 20 merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 40 LBCs
  • 20 CDDs
  • 20 jumping lunges per leg
  • 40 Hello Dolly
  • 20 werkins
  • 10 squat jumps
  • 10 burpees

ChaChing and Bones knocked out four complete rounds with the run at the end and got into the burpees for round five. Three more PAX completed the burpees at the end of round 4 but not the run. Remaining five were somewhere else in round 4. All pushed hard and did great.

Quick mosey back to COT, arriving at precisely 0600 (after being stalked through the parking lot but a vehicle that seemed lost).

Looking forward to doing better next week. You should join us, at least for one, and see what you can do.

TClap |

IceBreaker training at the Swamp

I don’t know where everyone was this morning. It’s not cold.

In preparation for the 5k obstacle course that the IceBreaker has transformed into for this year, we took a crack at 2 of the 14 events from last year.

The MARSOC Short Card

The Spartan 300

Did someone say QBert was on Q? 5 MORE BURPEES AT COT!!!!!

God has been stripping away what I thought was my identity for most of 2018. The details are a big cumbersome but it got to the point where it was just depressing to be me. With the M working night shifts, I would just spend hours at night sitting on the couch with no motivation to do anything that I used to find so enjoyable. No one to share my hobbies with began to drain on my usual level of happiness. I continued to just go through the actions of husbandry and parenting with no real joy. However, through a new found investment in prayer, it seems that God was just emptying me of my wrong sense of identity so he could fill me up with His values and will for my life. Please continue to pray for where this may lead me.

IceBreaker at York High School January 12 0530 for a 5k obstacle course

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The Cornerstone – Challenge ( One Year Long )

To all the Pax of F3 Nation

Are you prepared to challenge your self for 2019? I am challenging all Pax’s to join me for 2019 we will take on one exercise for January (merkins single count) 100 reps every day. Then in February we will add another exercise which will be done every day on top of the 100 merkins and so on and so on. We will increase by adding one exercise each month.  These exercises will be above and beyond when you post. So by the end of the year there will be 12 exercises that need to be done everyday at the reps set.

Do you accept the challenge? Do you want to get better?

I will set the next month exercise and reps the week before to keep you on your toes

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