1% better at Slow Burn

YHC was honored to be given the Q stick at Slow Burn and challenged the Pax to get 1% better this AM. You see, status quo is comfortable and safe because it is known. Showing up to an AO offers disruption because you do not know what you will encounter from the Q. As a Fort Redwood I dont have tons of new ideas but I do challenge those in attendance to get better as I am confident that this momentum will carry you through the day as it has for me over the years.

Mosey to Persis parking lot and circle up
Windmills x 10
SSH x 20
Mtn x 20
MNC x 10
IW x 10
Lets go!
Mosey to Lowes with (3) stations. At each station, we completed max number of reps for each exercise within a minute. Pax were instructed to use sidewalk chalk to note their number

Station 1

Station 2
Diamond merkins

Station 3
Big Boy

Rinse and repeat but with a caveat to do 1 more rep of each exercise with a partner

Twister on Gas Pumpers
Boogie Nights on LBCs
Barry Manilow on Dying Cockroaches
Assassin on Peter Pointers

Read your newsletter

Prayers for safe travels, new jobs and for grace

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Music, Merkins, and Moroccan Night Clubs

Six Booters and four Ruckers converged on Ball Room this morning for a music-themed workout. Conditions were cold and wet (33 and foggy). Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)

Mosey around the lot to the covered walkway in front of the school

The Thang
The workout consisted of nine songs where an exercise was performed until a trigger word started another exercise

Song 1 – “Africa” by Toto
4m 32s of SSHs
Trigger Word: Africa – Burpees (7 total)

Song 2 – “You Can Call Me Al” by Paul Simon
4m 36s of Plank
Trigger Word: Al – Plank Jacks (4 total)

Song 3 – “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show
3m 56s of Imperial Walkers
Trigger Words: Rock Me – Bomb Jacks (18)

Song 4 – “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen
3m 43s of Plank
Tigger Word: Dust – Merkins (18)

Song 5 – “The Joker” by Steve Miller Band
3m 39s of American Hammers
Trigger Word: I’m – LBCs (32)

Song 6 – “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard
4m 56s of Moroccan Night Clubs
Trigger Word: Sugar – OH Claps (19)

Song 7 – “Wildflowers” by Tom Petty
3m 14s of Squats
Trigger Word: You – Flying Squirrels (24)

Song 8 – “Hotel California” by The Eagles
6m 32s of Calf Raises
Trigger Word: California – Burpees(4)

Song 9 – “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits
4m 39s of People’s Chair
Trigger Word: Money – Merkins (17)

Who knew five minutes of Moroccan Night Clubs could wreck you? Today’s beatdown proved you don’t have to run far to get a good workout. Thanks for the opportunity <@U790WHUKC> and happy birthday <@U6AS1MBPG>. And great to catch up with our Ruckers at the end.

Remember to celebrate your wins louder than you mourn your losses. Progress deserves more energy than regret. Should’ve, would’ve, and could’ve steal too much joy. The windshield is larger than the rearview mirror for a reason.


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Ring of Fire ? Burning Strong

Grab a block
Mosey to track
Imperial walkers
low Slow squats
Moroccan Night Clubs
Hillbilly walkers
20 reps of Cindy exercise
Tri extension
Shoulder presses
Murder Bunnies
—Rinse and Repeat

Track pain stations starting with 5 reps increase 1 rep each round
Leg lifts
Sumo squats
Donkey Kicks

Start with curls the lap stop at each pain station then next Cindy exercise and next lap with increased rep
Get as many rounds as possible
Acceleration project 12/20
Christmas Party 12/21
ClaveBoss 12/24

Prayers for mental health
Rumbling back
Chickenhawk dad

Be persistent and disciplined!!

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If you do it long enough, you’ll feel it

WARMUP: quick disclaimer when YHC identified no new pax, got a quick raise of hands on “new’ish” Pax that may not have Q’d a lot since this was Q school themed. Also a refresher for how Qs need to lead. Took off on a mosey down the hill to the school parking lot. Once we got there, did a few exercises in cadence, with the commands to be used for all Qs. One thing to remember is to give the commands with authority and ensure they are clear. If you screw up the words, that can always be improved, but with the right authority and simple instruction, that will at least make the men follow you. Last Call got to practice calling cadence for the group – he did just fine.

Back up the hill for a quick stop at the pull up bars. Lesson here was rinse and repeat can be your friend and standing in the middle facing the Pax is a good way to deliver instruction. We did 4 sets of 3 pull ups followed by 3 burpees. Everyone loved it.
THE THANG: We ran all the way to the band parking lot and we stopped along the way. Goal here was to stop and plank or big a tree to not lose the 6.

Once we got to the band parking lot, there were exercises, see picture, that had 2 pieces of paper on both sidelines. We started at the top and did 1 exercise, then ran to the other side where we started with that exercise. Then moved our way down the list to the next exercises.

We focused on cadence counting, OYO, single vs double count or exercises that are in cadence 4 count. When we got to shoulder presses / raise the roof, 50 was the number and we decided double count would work because raising the roof is easy…unless you do a lot. Of course the burn begins to take effect. Lesson here is stick to your Q plan and modify as the Q as needed, but don’t Q it if you can’t do it.
MARY: Ran back to COT where Rumbling and Marty called out a few exercises in cadence – they also did just fine.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter for sure
COT: completed with a round the horn CSPAN special

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Tour of the Bush with Tires and cindys

WARMUP: SSH, Mt Climbers, Burpees OYO, mosey to a different place around campus, Merkins, Plank, mosey to another location, LBCs, HBWs, ran to first station of the thang.
THE THANG: Station 1: 20 BBSU, Station 2: 20 Merkins, Station 3: bear crawl up the stairs, Station 4: 20 Mike Tysons, Station 5: flip tires, Station 6: Murder Bunny’s, sprint 100m. Two stops in the middle of the circuit for 5 burpees each.
MARY: 5 PAX for BC and 5 for SL Rucking. We all got together for COT.

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WARMUP: Wind Mill, Low slow squat, and Spider Merkins

Warm- up Wind Mills, Low slow squats, Spider Merkins

Run .25
Wind Sprints
10 Man-Makers
Bear crawl and 3 Merkins
Tire flip 4 times and 5 Merkins
Tire flip 3 Burpees
Run two laps around Catawba Ridge High


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s shelter, Red Cross blood :drop_of_blood: drive, Trash pick- up
Turtle :turtle: and Hare

COT: Prayers and Praises

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Tour de Bushwood

Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker petes; plank stretches
–mosey Run–

Thang 1: Fish Tracker: do transportation, then the exercise called.
Toy soldiers walk – called bobby hurley’s
Bear crawl – merkins
Lunge walk – squats
Crab walks-LBC
–mosey Run–

Thang 2: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 100 leg lifts
Thang 3: pass the ammunition: found a concrete weight, all pax curb plank. Pass block down the line, at end all do 3 curb merkins, pass the block back, repeat a few times.
–mosey Run–

Thang 4: burpee relays: base line is the flags in front of the school.
Run to light pole 1, do 4 burpees, run back to start
Run to pole 2, do 4 burpees, run back to start
Run to pole 3, do 4 burpees, run back to start
–mosey Run–

Thang 5: wall work
Wall sit, pax individually ran out did 4 merkins, ran back
Muscle ups, 3x
Wall tar jais in cadence
–mosey Run–

Thang 6: shuffle work
Low stance, shuffle right, left, do exercise when called. We did monkey humpers, smurf jacks.
–Run to shovel flag
Some Mary

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Merkins &

WARMUP: 20 SSH, 10 IW, 10HW, 10ish Windmills
THE THANG: Merkins & … 100Yd Suicide, 10 Merkins at each cone 10 yds apart plus each cone has an exercise 10 Burpees, 20LBC, 20 Squats, 20 Fluters, 20 Mt Climbers, 20 Lunges, 20 CDD, Bear Crawl end of field, 20 Plank Jacks and 10 Man Makers. After each cone run to the end, then come back to the next cone up.
Couple rounds of Circle of Hell
Increasing count/time rounds of Calf raises and Wall sits with bear crawls up/down the hill.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of CSAUP, 1776 at Bushwood, Bethel Dinner 7/4. New shirts, F3/State logo out now & new the Fort shirt coming soon.
COT: 2.0 recovering from minor procedure, church family member moved from one hospital to another for more intense medical care.

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Winter Green Skoal and Cindy

It was a balmy morning at The Ring, but the mumble chatter was fire. A little warmup and we were off to grab our old friend Mr. Cinder Block.

We celebrated the 80th anniversary of the day before D-Day.

Thang: 4 Corners of pain. Every lap move you cinderblock up one cone. The 4 Corners were:
– Bombjacks
– Dry Docs
– Flutters
– Merkins
Mode of transport was running.

Nice work by all!

– JWow

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