Morris is in the hunt

WARMUP: Nope. That’s frowned upon here.
THE THANG: Toward the river district, turn R on Gardenia (with a litte extra before), R on Morris Hunt to the cul-du-sac and back, L on Dowing, R on Birkshire, take it back to COT.
MARY: Nope. But some guys got back with time to stretch

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Chilly out and back on 160

Run 3.1 miles east on 160 to Springs Complex (or some other modified distance) and back. Total mileage of called route 6.2 miles. Some modified up, some modified down.

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Blast from the Past

WARMUP: We welcomed two pax from years past and far off locales, Chino Grande and Uncle Sam! Then we got after it.
THE THANG: Based on a late night call from the bullpen by Cake Boss, the plan all along was to include the pax. We did some warmup moseying, then found our way to the far West side of the school and proceeded to follow a pearls-on-a-string path driven by each pax in Fartlek style. Each pax picked a destination, a form of transit and an exercise for the group once we reached the destination. Then he passed the baton to another pax. In each case, the pax shared how long he’s been posting and a bit about what brought him out to F3 and kept him posting. All learned, and all sweated. A good morning with welcome friends! Thanks for the Q stick CB!
COT: Yes! it’s one of the 5 core principles!

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Pre-Convergence Convergence

There were Ruckers and runners.

Barry Manilow led the runners for 5+ miles around The Fort.

The bootcampers were led first by Maximus with a SSH x Merkin combo x2 to warm up.
After a quick warm up, the weinke was
10 merkins, 10 mountain climbers (double count) at each of the 9 swings around the park. When done and waiting on the 6 to fill in, hold an Al Gore. To wrap up, starting at the bottom of the grassy hill from the parking lot, flutter kicks, then burpees at the top of the hill.

Cake Boss took second shift with playtime at the playground.
Partnering up, one partner does squats, while the other runs around the playground. Then flapjack. Next was pull ups/merkins following the same format. To wrap up, keeping the same partner, one bear crawled across the field and run back, while the other did flutters. Flap jack until 3 rounds were done.

Fogerty took us home with some 11’s and hill repeats.
At the bottom of the hill with the statue, started with 10 merkins and bombjacks. Half way up the hill, 5 burpees, then 1 squat and big boy sit-up. No burpee on the way back down the hill. Repeat until 11’s are done cutting out the burpees when you hit 5 & 6.

This was a fun 60 min bootcamp.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Clave Boss & convergence in 12/23. Happy Birthday Walker. Tallawah is officially closed for good.


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Phone Battery Died

WARMUP: Mosey to the front of CRHS – IW, HW, Merkins
Jogged the bus loop in front of the school 1 lap = 0.7 miles
As a group did a 4 exercise Tabata, 40s of work with 11 sec rest in between exercises

Mnt Climbers
Bomb Jacks
Shoulder Taps
Flying Squirrel

Ran a lap
Peter Parkers

Ran a lap
American Hammers

Returned to COT total mileage was 2.75 to 3.0 for all

MARY: No time
COT: Closed in Prayer

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Wrong! 5 Burpees!

WARMUP: mosey
THE THANG: 4 went rucking
6 bootcamp
Run neighborhood at every corner do
10 no cheat merkins
15 squats
20 flutters

Did two loops total 1-2mi
MARY: COT 2-3min of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter

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There and back again, a runner’s tale

THE THANG: ran oven to gold hill middle and back, with the route going through Baxter and earth fare parking lot
COT: praises to be thankful for!

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Mr October

THE THANG: some rucked, some ran Hills of Brayden, some did their own route, all got better
COT: Shout Out to Assassin as Site Q keeling Flught Plan strong! Thx for Q invite!

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Rally Round NaFo

There’s something special about having 3 people posting together. The group is small enough to keep everyone together and it’s easier to have some meaningful conversation along the way. I really enjoyed my time with these guys this morning. IT was a cold one!
WARMUP: 10 SSH, Imperial Walkers, merkins, Mt. Climbers
THE THANG: A leisurely run around NaFo, We toured the campus while stopping at each feature to various exercises. At each stop we discussed Thankfulness and what our response should be to all that we are thankful for.
MARY: LBC, Flutters, dying cockroaches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter
COT: Prayers for all that we are thankful for!

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