Bags and blocks (my daughter built this workout…just saying.

WARMUP: Not much, we got right to it.

15 Flutter Presses
20 Single Leg Lunges
Max Man Makers
Weighted Walk
15 Thrusters
20 Curls
Max Merican Hammers
Weighted walk
15 Chair Crunches
20 Rows
Max Lateral Diamond Burpees

3 Rounds – All movements w/a variety of sandbags, Jerry cans, medicine balls, blocks.

MARY: No time for Miss Mary, eh I guess we can count the 200lb sandbag overhead presses.


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Spiderman Loop, without all the Spiderman crap

WARMUP: Pledge of Allegiance
THE THANG: Spiderman Loop. Up Main, right on Tom Hall, right at Town Hall, right at top of hill at LOom. Stop at Town Hall to max Merkins, stop at Print Shop for 10 Pull Ups.
MARY: None that I can remember
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Click Bait has something awesome going on the weekend of August 11.
COT: Prayers for healing.

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Everything BUT The Kitchen Sink

WARMUP: Mosey through the parking lot with intermittent stopping for bear crawl, burpees, SSH, Merkins and crab walks
THE THANG: Every PAX grab 1 coupon to be your partner for the workout. Now, load up all the additional gear (Kettle Bells, Sand Bags, Rucks, Jerry Cans, Medicine Balls, Plate Carrier) and move it to the lot on the right side of the school. There is a penalty applied. Every time you set a weight down or hand it to someone else, everyone does 3 squats.
With your personal coupon:
10 Man Makers
20 Overhead Presses
30 Squats
Now, load up all the gear again and move it to the parking lot on the other side of the school. Same penalty applies, every time you set a weight down or hand it to someone else, everyone does 3 squats.
With your personal coupon:
40 4ct Flutter Kicks w/ Press
50 Curls
Now, grab all the gear and move it around the big loop on the outside of the field with the same penalty.
MARY: Throughout and a bit at the finish.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Hour always looking for Hive Q’s. Full scale Shieldlock throw-down at Varsity this Friday…be prepared. Bethel Men’s Shelter assistance, Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus, HIM Camp.
COT: Indeed. 5th Core Principle.

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I’ve Never Done This Before

WARMUP: World’s shortest mosey (10yds), 5 Burpees, Mosey more, Shoulder Taps, Mosey more, SSH, Mosey more, Toy Soldiers, finish the Mosey to the back lot.
THE THANG: We had a circle of cones ~10yds out from the center cone. On the outside of the circle, we’d complete the round of exercises, 10 reps each, then bear crawl to the center cone for 2 wide-arm merkins, then crawl bear back to the outside circle and wait for the six.
Rd 1: 10 Carolina Dry Docks & 10 Peter Parkers
Rd 2: 10 Parker Peters & 10 Dips
Rd 3: 10 right side lunges & 10 left side lunges
Rd 4: 10 Slooooow Squats & 10 Jump Squats

Light Poles: This is something I’ve never done and had no idea how long it would take. Remember, not a pro and this is peer led.
Starting at the first light pole, run up two light poles, NUR back one, then 2 V-Ups.
From that point, run up two more light poles, NUR back one, 3 V-Ups.
Continue all the way up the hill to the 13th light pole, adding 1 more V-Up at each light pole.
Mosey back to the 1/2 wall I love so much and grab a partner.
Partner 1: 5 Over & Backs (more complicated than it should’ve been)
Partner 2: Burpees
As a group, 10 Muscle Ups.

MARY: Back at COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus, HIM Camp
COT: Yes

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WARMUP: Mosey in the parking lot with some stretchy stuff.
THE THANG: Mogadishu Mile History – “Three Rangers Foundation”
In the late Summer of 1993, then-President Bill Clinton deployed a Special Operations Task Force (Task Force Ranger) to Mogadishu, Somalia, to capture Somali warlord Mohammed Farah-Adid. The bulk of that Task Force was composed of American Rangers from the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. On 3-4 October 1993, Task Force Ranger became embroiled with Somalia militiamen in an overnight gun battle, the intensity of which was likened, at the time, to the most intense firefights in Vietnam. (This story is captured and told in Mark Bowden’s best-selling book, “Blackhawk Down,” as well as in the major motion picture, by the same name.)
On the afternoon of 3 October 1993, Task Force Ranger boarded Army helicopters for what was expected to be a “textbook” raid to capture two of Adid’s lieutenants. Using rocket-propelled grenades, Somalia militiamen shot down two US Blackhawk helicopters, turning a planned raid into an unexpected rescue mission. Driving that change of mission was the galvanized commitment of American Rangers to “never leave a fallen comrade.”
When the US and Pakistani relief convoy arrived on the morning of 4 October to relieve the battered Ranger force and return them to the Mogadishu Olympic Stadium, there was only enough room in the armored vehicles for the dead and severely wounded. The walking wounded and the few unscathed Rangers would move from the helicopter crash site to the Olympic Stadium on foot – a distance of about a mile – all the while still under attack from rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. At the end of the battle, 18 Americans were dead and 73 were wounded, and one was captured. To those moving by foot on the morning of 4 October, that relatively short but lethal distance between the helicopter crash site and the Olympic Stadium became known as “The Mogadishu Mile.”

I neglected to remember the significance of the rep count 19. It represents the 18 service members killed + 1 captured.

4 Rounds to be completed with a coupon. Options were Ruck, Cinder Block, Kettle Bell. Never lose contact with your coupon. Shield & Click Bait completed this with a weight vest.

19 Ground-to-Overheads
19 Squats with coupon racked on the front
19 Push Ups: 19 with left hand on the coupon then 19 with right hand on the coupon (38 push ups per round)
400m run with coupon

Once we completed that WOD, we went to the pull up bars.
One man on every bar for 19 pull ups. Every remaining man holds a 6″ plank until all pull ups are completed. Flapjack.

MARY: A few of these exercises for 19 reps.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus
COT: Yes

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A Little Bit of Everything

WARMUP: 25 SSH, 25 Peach Pickers, 15 windmills, 15 Moroccan Night Clubs, Hillbillies, Toy Soldiers
Indian run around WEP while alternating mode of transport every trash can (run and bear crawl). Realized this was stupid and changed to running and bearcrawls where 6 runs to front.

Mosey to Monroe White road pendulum and conducted 11’s merkins and flutters at top of hills and 10 squats at bottom. Ended at 6 and 5 to complete other fun stuff.

Mosey to Print Shop and did 7’s with pull ups and big boys.

Mosey back to WEP stage. Did wall sits while passing Cindy back and forth.

Chumbawumba (I get Knocked down) doing burpee every time I get knock down is said. It’s said a lot especially at the end.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, read newsletter

COT: prayers for Clickbates friend John. Prayers for Layla, travel for cohiba and naked. And Lyla in Greenville. Praises for testimony by click bates FNG. God is good

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The Slithering: Bushwood’s Finest

WARMUP: Mosey up bus lane, shuffle mosey shuffle mosey

Hillbilly Walkers, cherry (strawberry) pickers, sumo squats, monacan night clubs
Mosey to slight hill to loading dock
7s: Bombjacks/ Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to Band lot
Snaking through the lot with 15 pain station’s, in between moseying
5×15 burpees-75
10×15 Merkins-150
15×15 squats-225


ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp 🤨 sign up

COT: prayers for parents traveling, participating in HIM camp, my travel to NJ and my mother’s grieving loss of stepdad

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Four for Fighting

The Fort Horsemen (three of them) rotated Q of this morning’s workout at #Varsity.
Ruby started with a warmup and with SSH, Low Slow Squats etc. and added burpees between exercises.
Off to the pull up bars and Ruby directed us in a pyramid scheme:
Do one burpee—then two pull ups
Do three burpees—then four pull ups
Proceed likewise until ten pull ups and the reverse back down to one burpee. Smokey.
Headspin did a cinder block routine burner: KB swings, goblet squats, curls, rifle carry, and then murder bunnies (no blocks broken!).
Back to Ruby to cover Splinter’s hill work with a modified DORA. Partner 1 does jumping lunges while other runs down hill and nurs back up. Did a couple of sets, then switched to jump squats while other runs/nurs.
Harry Carry concluded with a fish tracks routine: bear crawl, stop and do merkins, repeat 3x. lunge walk, stop and do smurf jacks, repeat 3x.
Run to COT for Mary: flutters, gas pumpers, freddies.

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Simplicity is not always easy

– SSH x20
– Imperial Walkers x10
– Windmills x10

Simple….loop around Fort Mill with 6 pain stations.
– Improper Pig = Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Animal Hospital = Diamond Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Town Hall = Wide Arm Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Baptist Church = Xs & Os x20
– Jacked up parking lot at the hill = LBC x20
– Print Shop Parking Lot = Side LBC x20 each side

– Click Bait HIM Camp – See newsletter for details.

Thank you Funhouse for the opportunity to Q at one of the strongest AOs in the region!

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