Rocking and Rolling in the Gloom

Double D at the helm:

COP — SSH, Seal Jack, Mtn climbers, merkins, Peter Parkers, Windmill (all IC x10)

Burpees x10 OYO

Mosey to rock pile on driveway up from stadium. Grab a rock without worrying about running with it.

Curls IC x10
run down hill, sprint up
Overhead Press ICx10
run down hill, NUR up
Squat ICx10
run down hill, bear crawl up
Calf raise ICx10
run down hill, sprint up
Tricep press ICx10
run down hill, NUR up
Chest press ICx10
run down hill, bear crawl up

Sprint back to flag

Badlands in charge:

Mosey to asphalt band practice field…

Descending Ladder Suicide:
Starting at the goalline – run 100yd to far goal line and do 10 each of the following: burpees, squats, merkins, LBCs, Forward Lunge (each leg). Run 100yd back to original goal line then run 90 yd to far 10 yd line and perform 9 reps of each of the same 5 exercises. Run 90yd back to goal line then run 80yd to far 20yd line for 8reps…. keep decreasing 10 yards and 1 rep.

Made it to the 50 yd line before time was getting low so for the 40yd, 30yd, 20yd, 10yd we only performed merkins and we mixed in some Nur and bear crawls and crawl bears instead of running.

Finished off with mosey back to COT and 1 minute of Mary (flutters and American hammers)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Final Countdown coming 9/10, stuff the bus, Invergence Aug 13


We rocked the first half, then Badlands rolled us in the second half. Good energy from all throughout!

Cake Boss made a fashionably late appearance at 0558. We gave him full credit for a post because…well….WWJD!

A reference to high school reunions brought reflections on HS friends that remain in contact today and those that walked with us through that life stage so many years ago. gratitude for both groups and reminders of the value of what we have with our F3 brothers.

Prayers for Yard Sale and the flux he’s navigating. Thanks for the chance to lead!

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2:00 Minute Drill

Warmup: 50 SSH IC

Mosey up “the hill” all the way to Harris Street stopping roughly .2 miles for 12 Merkins IC
Run down Harris to a Church Parking Lot for another 12 IC Merkins
Took a Right down a street towards WEP. Stopped in Pike Parking Lot for 12 More Merkins IC
Stopped at the corner by 160 for 12 More Merkins IC
Circled back to the Parking Lot by the band stand for 12 More Merkins IC

At the Parking Lot we did a 2 minute Drill. Every 2 minutes a timer would go off and we would have to run up to the smaller parking lot by the road. Throughout the routine the PAX
would execute : 40 Burpees, 80 Squats, 120 4-CT Flutters. (the flutters were a real crowd pleaser)

Finished up there at around 5:48 which meant a nice mosey back towards COT stopping along the way to do 10 HR Merkins at each stop sign. We did 10 more at COT to get us to 150 Merkins for the day

Once we got back to COT we had time for a short AB filled Tabata 45 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Exercises were:
Hello Dolly’s
Big Boy Sit-ups

Took us right to 6:00

Prayers for safe travels, health, and hope for work challenges.

Thanks to all who came out!

Until next time….

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Who is this DIEGO????

WARMUP: Broga with Bodywash
THE THANG: Started with a quick 5 “knee touch burpee’s” OYO to get the pulse going a bit. Then a quick mosey behind the building to grab some coupons for “THE DIEGO” which is 8 rounds of the following with a block and then a lap:
1. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
2. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
3. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
4. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
5. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, (drop Merkins) (lap around parking lot)
6. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, (drop Overhead Press & Merkins) (lap around parking lot)
7. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, (Drop LBC’s, Overhead Press, & Merkins)
8. 25 Squats (Drop Curls, LBC’s, Overhead Press, & Merkins)
(lap around parking lot)

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F3 Dads and 2.0s – Kickball

Just learning how to do this and getting caught up

WARMUP: SSH, Squats, Moroccan Night Clubs, Hurdler’s Stretch

Kickball Rules
1. Sportsmanship – Cheer everyone on!
2. May throw the ball at the body below the head to get an out. Ball thrown at head, batter advances to next base. This is F3 kickball, not World Kickball Championships. Light throws only please.
3. 1 inning for kids – all kids bat. Go back to cheer on team if called out.
4. 1 inning for Dads is 3 outs
5. Bunting allowed
6. Other normal kickball rules: fly ball caught is an out. No stealing bases or lead offs. Ball is dead once pitcher has it. Foul ball on 3rd strike is an out.

Dad only rules:
1. May not walk or run. Can use crab walk, bear crawl, or throwing standing. Including on base running. Fast lunge walk does not count.
2. May only kick with non dominant leg. This is left left for most.
3. Penalty for breaking rules: ALL dads do 5 burpees.

Kicking team gets an out: 10 LBCs
Hit against your team: 10 mtn climbers
Run scores against your team: 10 SSH
Home run against your team: 10 burpees
Grand slam against your team: 10 Kraken burpees


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1776 + 1 Recovery

WARMUP: 10x ALL: SSH, Hillbilly Walker, Moroccan Night Clubs, Windmills, LBC
3X10s: at the benches: Dips and incline merkins, Single Leg Step – Ups

Dora w/ partner:
150 Flutters (double count)
150 Squats
150 CDDs or Merkins or Incline Merkins
150 Calf Raises

mosey back to COT area

10x ALL: Monkey Humpers, V-up/Toe touches, Peter Parker’s, LBCs, Flutters, Scissors

COT: Repeat of eloquent NASA speech after 1776 “Be thankful one of our freedom’s is getting to have different opinions.”

Ask for God’s help when situations seem out of control. HE is the one in control.

@triplelindy Thank you for the opportunity to lead these men.

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Independence Day 1776 Challenge

Good morning America! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Soupy muggy morning. We had one FNG EH’d by Beaker, so the full disclaimer was disclaimed and off we went to the NaFo track.

WARMUP: None. Got right into it.

The Main Event: The 1776 Challenge
7 laps of 400m along with 1776 exercises as follows (everything single count unless otherwise noted):
* 50 burpees
* 100 calf raises (50 regular, 50 toes out)
* 100 ski abs (double count)
>> Run 400m
* 100 ‘merkins
* 100 LSS
* 100 LBC
>> Run 400m
* 100 CDD
* 100 jump squat
* 100 American hammer (DC)
>> Run 400m
* 100 OH clap
* 100 mountain climbers (DC)
* 100 hello dolly
>> Run 400m
* 100 wide-arm merkin
* 100 jump lunge (DC)
* 100 flutter kicks (DC)
>> Run 100m
* 100 plank shoulder taps (DC)
* 100 hillbilly walkers
** Badger Challenge (optional, level-up) – 100m crab walk
* 100 SSH
** Badger Challenge (optional, level-up) – 100m bear crawl
>> Run 400m
* 26 burpees
>> Run 400m

It was a total sweat fest this morning, but so worth it. Not much mumblechatter after a while, but A LOT of pain. The fellowship helped alot…..seeing your fellow PAX push through things makes you want to push as well. Thank you everyone for the push!

Capped it all off with a gorgeous sunrise and Pledge of Allegiance at COT, along with some announcements and P&Ps.

Special kudos for Clickbait for opening up his home for anyone who does not have anywhere or anyone to go celebrate the holiday with. #HIM

7-4-1776 was a BIG day in the history of this world. Not only is it the birth of our great nation, but it was a loud exclamation to the world that freedom reigns and is worth fighting for. We exercise our freedoms every day whether we know it or not, from being able to wake up early and go work out with like-minded men, voice our opinions on whatever topic in however means, practice whatever religion or belief system we choose, or choose not to practice any type religion or belief system – all without fear of persecution. There are some people in this country who are challenging these various freedoms, not knowing that they themselves are exercising the constitutionally guaranteed right to challenge the status quo and advocate change. Many countries would severely persecute that type of vocality. Yet we as a nation allow and even foster it, for through adversity, change, and pain comes growth, wisdom, and strength.

During your various Independence Day celebrations please take time out to give thanks for the many things we have (i.e., blessings) as well as our many various freedoms, however you may define them, including – IMO most importantly – the freedom to speak up and make change happen, however large or small the magnitude, scope, and/or scale. That’s what happened on 7-4-1776, on a great scale and magnitude, and has continued since. The United States of America as a whole is never stagnant, it is always evolving. Hopefully for the better. It is by no means perfect either (what made of man is?), but it could most definitely be worse in many many ways. It is up to each one of us, exercising our various freedoms, to ensure we as a nation continue to move forward and get better in some way every day. Change happens through action, not just words. The mission behind F3 is to plant. serve, and grow small workout groups for the purpose of invigorating male community leadership. Keep at it, continue to BE the change you want to see in this world through not just your words but your actions. Give it away, for when you do YOU help facilitate positive change in others.

Have a happy and safe Independence Day. Happy Birthday America!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. Blessed and thankful for every one of you F3 The Fort PAX that are in my life. SYITG.

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The Leg Day

Laces In – Leg Day
Stretch in cadence
SSH 15
Cherry Pickers 15
Imperial Walkers 15
Hill Billy Walkers 15
Calf stretch
Groin stretch

Heartbreak Dora 3-2-1
300 Squats
200 lunges (2 is 1)
100 calf raises

Run to parking lot (5 laps)
10 SSH
10 jump squats
10 toy soldiers

10 leg ups
10 flutter kicks
10 scissor kicks

Run to bench
20 step ups
Or high knees in place

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Leg Day Loop

It was a hot humid morning in The Fort at Sweep The Leg. We had 6 pax post to start the week right.

Disclaimer was given.

Today is about realizing you can’t do it all on your own. To often we fail to realize that we can’t bear the burden all on our own, thankfully we have our tribe, our pax our shield locks to help us through the hard times. Together we are stronger. Today our pain stations are about showing that

Pax divided into pairs of similar paced runners. Today the number to remember is 200 all pain stations

Run to Colosseum (Gold Hill Middle School)

Pain Station 1


Run through Middle school down the back driveway towards fields. Stop at first street light

Pain 2: Flutters

Right on Dam rd, right on 160 Left into Brayden, run towards Brayden clubhouse

Stop at Brayden pool

Pain 3: American Hammers

Loop Brayden back to pool,

Pain 4: American Hammers

Back to COT with the VA Pax

Prayers for Pushers 2.0 and her surgery, shields 2.0 traveling and other things on our heart

Olaf took out us out with the 6 ruckers

-Yard Sale

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Running with Burpees

WARMUP: PAX were disclaimed.  That is all.
THE THANG: 3.5 Mile route with 10 burpees every 1/4 mile. X marked the burpee spots. Speedy PAX got 4 miles and change. Us mere mortals did not.
MARY: 4 minutes of stretching with Stang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Were announced
COT: Prayers and praises were offered

YHC is grateful for a tremendous group of HIM to help in acceleration and staying on the right path. The cooler temps and lower humidity was a blessing to start the week. Thanks to Badlands for the Q spot. It is always a privilege to lead.


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Bricks or Burdens

WARMUP: Mosey around parking lot twice mixing in buttkickers, high knees, & shuffles. Circled up and performed WindMills in cadence x 5, 3 burpees oyo, CherryPickers in cadence x 5, 3 burpees oyo, Moroccan KC in cadence x 10, 3 burpees oyo, Merkins in cadence x 5, 3 burpees oyo
THE THANG: Everyone was instructed pick up bricks out of the back of my car. PAX were instructed to hold onto those bricks for the entire workout.
1st Round – While lunge walking 10 yards PAX had to raise bricks out to the side with each lunge. Once we reached our 10 yard destination we performed 10 Bomb Jacks with bricks. Did this for 5 stations.
Round #2 – Jack Webb – 2 exercises with 1:4 ratio concluding at 10:40. Exercises were Merkins on bricks and Overhead Claps with bricks.
Round #3 – Same stations we used for the previous lunge walk were used to perform a Burpee Suicide ladder. Starting line – 1 burpee, run to first station 1 burpee, run back to starting line 1 burpee, run to 2nd station 2 burpees, back to starting line 1 burpee, so forth and so on, 5 staions.
Round #4 – Supermans with Bricks – Lay on your stomach, performed 10 sec holds in 4 different positions -Superman, Field Goal, Airplane, Ripcord. Once PAX had a good understanding of the positions we went through them again with a 7 second hold and no breaks in between positions.
Round #5 – Indian Run with Bricks 3 times around the parking lot. If you’ve never ran with bricks you are missing a real treat.
Round#6 – Same routine as the 1st round, but with backward lunges as travel mode and instructed to raise bricks straight ahead, at each station PAX were instructed to sit in the Al Gore position with bricks raised to the front and perform 10 pulses. JWOW’s form was noticeable!!!
Round#7 – Circle up and get on your 6. Completed 25 toe touch crunches with bricks in cadence, 20 reverse crunches in cadence, 15 V-Ups with Bricks, and then 20 oyo WindShield Wiper leg raises. DONE!!!
COT: Each PAX shared a praise, good conversation, awesome fellowship!!!

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