Deck of Awesomeness

Mosey to FM Church of God…SSH, Low slow squats, seal jacks and Moroccan nightclubs. Mosey to FM Baptist rear parking lot.

Deck of cards: Hearts = Merkin. Spades = BBSU. Diamonds = Lunge. Clubs = Crab cakes. Joker = 15 burpees. 2s = Lap around parking lot. PAX made it through 90% of the deck before DOAH decided to “help” by selecting new cards for the remainder of the WO. As punishment for DOAH’s “help,” we pivoted to 7’s on the Withers St hill. Jump Squats at the bottom and merkins at the top.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many options for community leadership coming up in the next few months.


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Hills & Thrills

WARMUP: run to starting point – Academy & Monroe by churches
THE THANG: 4 street hill repeats with pain stations station 1) 20 Merks 20 squats 20 seal jacks
Station 2) 10 burps 10 shoulder taps 10 Peter Parker’s
Station 3) 30 plank jacks 30 sumo squats 30 lbc’s
Station 4) 15 monkey jumpers 15 big boy sit-up 15 calf raises

MARY: flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: spartin beast November 19th
COT: check

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The Bushwood Gamble

While I tagged the entire PAX from both AOs, the BB is only for Bushwood.
WARMUP: Essentially non-existent. We ran to the bottom of the hill on the backside of the school. We then NUR’d about 75 yards back up the hill then ran back down to the benches for 30 Derkins. We then did 15 pull-ups, ran to the stop sign, NUR’d back for 15 more pull-ups & planked for the 6.
THE THANG: Run back to the parking lot for the deck of cards:
For the 1st-Timers, each suit is an exercise and each card represents the reps (Ace=14).
Hearts: Jump Squats
Diamonds: Diamond Merkins
Spades: Carolina Dry Docks
Clubs: V-Ups
For the other 4 cards, ya know, the ones that have the ads or some other nonsense on them, those were 25 American Hammers I/C.
MARY: Included in the above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the NYT article, watch (record) Fox News at midnight tonight for additional F3 sharing. Be grateful for this brotherhood and welcome the FNGs.
COT: You had to be there.

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Leadership in the six

WARMUP: STL has no warmup, well, ran to the purply lights in the daycare parking lot
THE THANG: 21’s because the first exercise SUCKS. 20 werewolf pushups in the parking lot, run down to the end of the school parking lots and do the little loop with 1 dip. Repeat until time is up.

Yes, there is NO WAY that you could finish all 20 rounds in 45 minutes, it’s a .9 mile loop. So the big exercise had to suck, and the second exercise had to be insultingly easy. lol

I very much designed this to get lapped once, possibly twice, but still see friendly faces huffing and puffing as we charged forth.
MARY: 90 seconds of flutters

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Back Breaker

WARMUP: helmet kept making fun of my warmup exercises so we stopped warming up since he poked the bear…So the pain started early
THE THANG: elevens with block swings and Bobby Hurleys, a couple of rounds of pull ups, dips, merkins, chest press with block, and upper row exercise with block (new name the “Kaiser”)
MARY: yeah we did a lot of painful ab stuff
ANNOUNCEMENTS: highway cleanup this weekend
COT: 1 Peter 5:7 cast your cares on him
Carry each other’s burdens and don’t be afraid to share yours with other men

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“Shop Vacs- Cinderblock of pain”

WARMUP: Mosey and Circle up, exercises for starters
THE THANG: Cinder block work- 15 shoulder Presses- a lap(with cider Block) x2, 20 curls- a lap (with block)x2, 15 uprights-a lap (with Block) x2, 20 Bench press-a lap(block) x2, 20 merkins on block- a lap (with block) x2, 10 manmakers- a lap(with block) x2. Then transitioned to pull up bars and did elevens, 10 pull ups and to bottom of hill 1 merkin, 9 & 2, 8&3 and so on! some finished!
MARY: ran out of time- Read a Sean Kelley prayer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers for Marriages , I forget the specifics

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10 Year Convergence

Ten year celebration came to a close this morning with a convergence at WEP. 12 men came earlier for a run to support Operation Sweet Tooth. 84 men attended the main event with three great HIM leading the workout: CSPAN, Maximum, and WWL. No warm-ups this morning. CSPAN took his group around the block with various stops along the way. Seven reps of Flying Squirrels, Merkins, and Sit-ups. WWL had playtime at the playground. Burpees and Pull-ups along with running fast around the playground. Did I mention Power Skips? Maximum had a simple plan. Run backwards up the hill many times and destroy your abs with American Hammers.
We closed the chapter on the first 10 years.
Monday begin the next.
The future is bright.
How will you contribute to the next 10 years?
Make an impact.

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Honor of Cash

Today, we honored Cash, hospital name Jay Griggs, who passed away in Sept 2020 of cancer. He was given the name “Cash” as in Johnny Cash due to his all black outfit he worn at his first workout along with his hometown of Nashville, TN. The Coop was renamed “Ring of Fire” in honor of Cash. Double D shared stories through the workout. Cash was a genuine person who was always ready to help out a friend.
Jekyll provided me with a backblast from 2015 where Cash was in attendance. I decided to copy it on a piece of paper and unfortunately dropped it in the gloom so it did not match the exact workout.
We first moseyed to the front entrance of the school for COP (SSHs, IWs, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Plank Stretches, and Mountain Climbers)
Next, we moseyed to the gym wall for People’s Chair with each pax running out to the parking lot for 5 merkins. One round of Balls to the Wall.
The lights came on making it easier to navigate, mosey to the ROTC building.
Dirty McDeuce (3 exercises, 12 reps) Run to the top of the hill, 5 burpees and back down to starting point.
R1: Merkins, LBCs, Lunges
R2: Wide Arm Merkins, Hello Dollies, Squats
R3: CDD, Flutters, Jump Squats
R4: Stagger Merkins, X/Os, Calf Raises

Back to the top of the hill near the school
Three rounds of toe touches, Dips, Derkins (12 reps)

Back to COT
Closed with Cash’s prayer

Search me Lord. Lead me to you. Help me to be a good man, a good father, a good husband and a good employee. Help me to forgive and release from resentment those that I feel have offended me. Let me see the good in others and draw that goodness out of them.

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Week 1 Iron Pax

So Humid…so dark….so wet….

In other words conditions were perfect for IPX week 1.

WARMUP: We did some SSH, windmills, and other stuff. It was all to loosen up for the inevitable beatdown.


45 minute EMOM

4 Cones in a square. Each 25 yards apart

Start at cone 1 bearcrawl to cone 2 do 25 Squats,

sideways bearcrawl to cone 3 do 25 merkins,

Crawlbear to cone 4 do 25 Big Boy Sit-ups

sideways bearcrawl back to cone 1 do 25 burpees.

As many reps as you can in 45 minutes.

This was tough. Sweat poured, merlot was spilled, no tears shed but weakness did leave the body.

Grateful for the men that showed and did the really….really…. hard thing.

Week 2 here we come!! ⚔️⚔️⚔️

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Uphill NURing and lots of webs

We had 11 Bootcampers and 2 runners, quick disclaimer before getting into the warm up.

Mosey to fire station
10 Windmills IC

Mosey to pull-up bars and plank. Waterfall of 5 pull-ups, and then back down the waterfall.

Mosey to bottom of Tara Tea and partner up.
NUR uphill and run back while partner completes
50 – merkins
100- overhead claps
150 – LBCs
200 – flutters

Back to the baseball field for some core, legs and upper body webs:

Captain Thor, 1 big boy sit-up – 4 American hammers, run 10 yards; 2 BBSU – 8 AH, run 10 yards; 3 BBSU – 12 AH, run 10 yards… repeat until completion of 10 BBSU – 40 AH
Total: 55 BBSU and 220 AH

Take a lap around the field.

1 squat – 4 calf raises, run 20 yards; 2 squats – 8 calf raises, run 20 yards; 3 squats – 12 calf raises, run 20 yards… repeat until completion of 10 squats – 40 calf raises.
Total: 55 squats – 220 calf raises

Take a lap around the field.

Lots of mumble chatter while explaining this one, no running in between series this time
1 merkin – 4 shoulder taps; 2 merkins – 8 shoulder taps; 3 merkins – 12 ST; took a brake after 5-20, then another brake after 7-28 and YHC had already lost count and whining came into the game so as a crowd pleaser we repeated 7-28… finished up with 10 merkins – 40 shoulder taps.
Total: 62 merkins – 248 shoulder taps

We had a couple of minutes to go back to COT with smoked shoulders and Badlands thought it was a good idea to keep doing merkins, add 10 IC to the count. 9 for YHC, apparently my watch was out of whack and alerted me it was 0730.

Great work by everyone.

9/11 WOD at NaFo on 9/5 starting at 0600, bring sandbags and rucks.

10 year anniversary festivities start officially on Wednesday with someone named Zima at the PAINtheon games.

Final countdown happening on 9/10

Prayers and praises were lifted.

Tinsel and Kermit out…

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