Art for a Cause

Art for a Cause!!

Invigoration of male community leadership…..F3 The Fort.

In light our beloved brother and ruck-master Divac’s incredible efforts towards something dear to his heart, AMRAP for Autism, two amazing pieces of artwork were commissioned to and completed by our very own artist extraordinaire and beloved brother DaVinci. Each realistically captures a ruck and F3 water bottle ready to go to work, and would be a great addition to anyone’s man cave, office, game room, all-things-ruck display case, or elsewhere. If you have a patch display – imagine one of these pictures above or next to it, or with patches around it!  But instead of keeping these for ourselves……and it is VERY tempting…..BOTH of these will be raffled off to TWO lucky PAX to benefit Autism Strong Foundation’s AMRAP for Autism.  The combo of DaVinci’s talents, Divac’s D2D, and NASA’s ruggedly good looks (and gift of admin) resulted in a match made in Heaven that YOU can be part of too!

The deets / rules / regs:

  • Each piece is 9in x 12in picture, matted in an 11in x 14in frame
    • Brown background is conte pencil media
    • Color background is watercolor paint media
    • Both signed by the artist
  • Raffle ticket purchase starts 05:00 EST Saturday 4/30/2022 and runs through midnight EST Saturday 5/21/2022
  • Drawing will be held on 18:00 EST Sunday 5/22/2022
  • Cost of raffle tickets:
    • $25 each
    • 5 for $100
    • 8 for $150
    • 12 for $200
    • 13 or more: $16 each
    • No in between ticket quantities
  • How to purchase raffle tickets:
    • Venmo: @Eric-Ransone, last 4 of cell is 1794
    • PayPal: @EricRansone
    • Be sure to include your full name, F3 name, cell phone number, quantity tickets, and a small love note to NASA in the notes of purchase/money transfer
    • Confirmation / notification of payment received will be sent via text
    • You can notify NASA via text at 407-902-1794 if you want to let me know it’s coming
  • Each raffle ticket purchase will be for an opportunity to win either picture, but not both
    • If a duplicate winner is picked after the first drawing, a new name will be drawn for the second picture
  • Winners do not get to choose which picture they want
    • First picture to be drawn for is the one with the brown background
  • Drawing will be held either via electronically (electronic raffle pick means) or via old school printout and hat drawing, pending number of entries received
  • Drawing will live streamed on Facebook, follow NASA (Eric Ransone) to get the feed
  • Delivery / pickup of pictures to / by the winners will be determined once winners contacted after drawing
    • If non-Fort Mill and immediate area resident, shipment will be arranged accordingly
  • ALL proceeds from raffle will be donated to Autism Strong’s AMRAP for Autism!!
    • Delivery method of funds to A4A is TBD and may be live streamed as well, or just a simple electronic donation on behalf of The HIM of F3 The Fort.

Please consider purchasing a raffle ticket. Each ticket matters! According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 44 children in the United States today. The Autism Strong Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization who provides local children with autism financial aid scholarships for therapy services, summer camp, and young adult weekend away experiences.

It is more than a workout.

YOU can be part of this worth cause! Thank you, good luck, and SYITG!!

–  NASA, DaVinci, and Divac

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Manion WOD so I can wear my shirt.

WARMUP: Short Ruck with sandbags to starting location. Hillbilly Walkers, Imperial Walkers, SSH, and Low Slow Squats in no particular order or count.
7 rounds
400m ruck
29 back squats with our without sandbags
MARY: Cobra Kai led broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Men’s Shelter Dinner, Manion WOD on 4/29/2022
COT: Stays in COT

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Using a Sandbag Timer at The Ranch

IT was a warm windy morning (but dry) as we all gathered at The Ranch.  We began with a quick warm-up of SSH, Monkey Humpers (for Bobber as he drove in), Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills and Moroccan Night Clubs.

We then moseyed over the the front of the school to be a bit protected from the wind and did 2 sets of wall sits with a 10 count down the line followed by plank-45 degree, BTW each for about 20 seconds.  It should be noted that during this portion Bobber seemed very confused that further movements would follow the pervious one and seemed to be trying to get a jump start heading back to the parking lot each time.  The look of confusion as he returned to the wall was priceless… each time…

The body of the work consisted of AMRAP of the following movements with the timer being a PAX shuffling with a 60lb sandbag (120 for Bobber) to the painted rock and back. Several PAX commented that this list seemed similar to Tuesday only without the set number of reps, to which I pretended not to have heard… I mean there are only so many options right? Plus I’m sure I added at least a few new things… I hope…

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Donkey Kicks
  • Calf Raises
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Al Gore with Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Box Cutter
  • Plank Jack
  • Dry Docks
  • Seal Jacks
  • Flutters
  • Shoulder Taps

We completed about 3 rounds and then returned for COT

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Insider baseball

Kaiser took the lead and started us off with the warmup.

We then proceeded to bear crawl together across the field. No one could pass the Q, and we stopped at regular intervals for some pain.

Next up was some Dora. Partnering up, one partner ran down the field and back, while the other worked on Merkins, squats, and LBCs. After LBCs for the 6, Kaiser passed the torch to Battle Bot.

Starting with reps of 10, we hit 10 burpees in the field and worked our way counter clockwise around the path. Pain stations were as follows in the map below

Lap 2 was 15 reps of each.

Some quick Mary, followed by COT, then coffeeteria at Tega Cay Deli

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No Arrival

40-some pax posted to the region’s Ground Zero at WEP for a smorgasbord of pain, from 6@6 to Millkshake to a tried and true BC beatdown.  A very explicit and thorough Disclaimer was pronounced by Dark Helmet for the benefit of our FNG, and then the pax blasted off.

The Thang

The recitation of the 5 Core Principles quickly failed to meet DOAH’s standard, leading to some burpees.

Mosey around the parking lot with some toy soldiers and knee lifts mixed in, with the pax following onto the bandshell stage.

COP proceeded including more core principles along with some Merkins and DOAH’s proclamation that maybe the FNG’s fitness surpassed that of many of the pax present.  {Yes, he’s good at stirring the pot whether he’s poking at the Q or Qing himself.}

More mosey and more warm up exercises until the pax reach the far side of the WEP.

Enter stage left — the BAOPS boys via Clown Car — Trucker, Smuggler, Change Order & Longshanks, who just couldn’t stand the thought  of missing out on the best 1st, 2nd & 3rd F in The Fort on this given Saturday.  {Pro move by whoever made that call!}

Partner up for wheel barrow…to the playground…Yes…to the playground!…where the fun really starts.  {Fishsticks promptly cruised 85% of the way there to prove to his FNG that no matter what DOAH says, the FNG’s fitness had room for improvement.}

At the playground, each partner does 50 (yes, Five-O!) pull ups.  {Jiffy cranked out 30 in rapid fire.}

Some core work followed including LBCs and Rosalitas among others.

Handoff to Double D

Run to the bottom of the hill

Jacob’s Ladder with Donkey Kicks at the bottom and Sumo Squats at the top.  Traverse to the top via Bear Crawl and run to the bottom.

Mosey back to the parking lot with some Mary led by Jekyll

Climb the Stairway to Heaven via lunge walks, pausing for Carolina Dry Docks at each lamp post, starting with 5 reps and adding 5 more at each successive post.

Mosey down to the monuments with some Mary led by Longshanks

Circle up for an FNG introduction to Jack Webb by Change Order

Run home for final 2 mins of Mary by Longshanks



A spirited pax at The Fort on this pleasant late winter morning!   Back to back weeks with a convergence at The Fort — thanks to the Alcatraz boys for adding their zeal to the day!

Maximus delivered the tailgate coffeeteria in the parking lot afterward and our FNG (EHed by Fishsticks) hung around long enough to learn the backstory of his name (Roy Kent) and to fill his rolodex with roofing customer prospects.

Welcome to Roy Kent!  Barry Manilow was quite vocal about the quality of the name and the importance of RK living up to it.  Well, if he doesn’t meet the mark, we can always default to what RK thought we named him — Rockette!

It was great to have Car Bomb among the pax today, fresh off his return trip from New Zealand, prior to his resettlement in another adventure.

The theme for the day was geared around the notion of life being an endless series of mountain climbs, peak after peak, with no arrival to the top in sight — ever.  Depressing, huh?  No, not for the HIMs of F3 and The Fort.  Give us the hard stuff.  We’re playing the long game and we know you can’t play it alone.  So keep posting, stay engaged with your brothers.  Together we’ll keep accelerating.

It was a treat to Q with DOAH for the first time.  We all look at him as just another member of The Fort, which of course he is.  At the same time, he also invests a huge amount of his life leading the 43 feet for the Nation.  Not only is it not easy being Frank {imagine how hard it must be for Traci his wife}, it’s also lonely at the top of any organization {how about leading one with 50,000 type A men?}, and it’s incredibly challenging to serve as the successor to any founder {would you want to try one Dredd’s shoes}.  Despite the small jabs, I say this with all seriousness — DOAH has taken on an extremely difficult challenge, one that he executes well with tremendous energy and virtue and that we all benefit from.  We’re fortunate that he calls The Fort “home” and that we get to take his crap on a regular cadence.  Thank you, DOAH!

Thanks to Grinder for the opportunity!  Always an honor to lead the men of this brotherhood!





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The Bunky

In the gloom this morning, YHC Q’ed the “Bunky” WOD. In honor of my recently passed paternal grandfather, William “Bunky” Williams, IV. He led a good life with three children, five grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. He lived to be 94 years. Below is the WOD that YHC wrote up to show him respect. He was an avid water sportsman, a fisherman, a merchant marine, and a baseball fanatic. Among other things, he taught YHC how to throw a knuckleball, took myself and my cousins crabbing on his pontoon boat, and taught me many things about the water.

Beyond what he did and didn’t do, and for aside from the obvious reason he is passing, YHC is feeling sad. I miss him, and will miss him for a long time. I also know that a window of mine into the past has closed. Grandparents span at least six generations. They are literally a time machine of knowledge of 100 + years. His grandfather, and potential great grandfather were alive when he was a child. My great, great, great grandfather and I could be connected via his memories. Take advantage if you still have those family members in your life. Their memories die with them if not shared with us.

During the WOD YHC would take short breaks and tell stories of his life – good and not so good. 



Lead off with 94 4-count Ruck SSH IC. 

Born 06/27/1927 – Died 02/06/2021

Rep Count of 6-27-19-27

Sandbag OH Press

Sandbag Squats

Sandbag Good Mornings

Crab Walk w/Ruck out and back


Midway Point

94 Single Count Flutter Kicks

3 children, 5 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren

3 sandbag get ups

5 Manmakers w/SB

6 sandbag over the shoulder


Second Half

Rep Count of 2-6-20-22

Sandbag Bent Over Row

Sandbag Clean and Toss

Sandbag Side Bends

Ruck Duck Walk out and ruck back

We made it to 20, and then hit 0600.



I mentioned my grandfathers’ struggle with alcohol and other things throughout the weinke. Divac mentioned in COT something very profound and true. Too often we spend our time thinking about what our fathers owe us, or what they did wrong. We are not perfect, and we know it. Neither were they. They have a story just like us and have reasons for why they did what they did – right or wrong. They don’t owe us anything – let’s flip the script here. We owe our fathers and grandfathers way more for giving us life, providing for us, loving us (to whatever degree), and creating opportunity. As long as we take what was given us and take it one step further for our children – that’s forward progress.


Solid showing today by some solid men. All of which I am glad to have in my corner.


Punch List out.

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Shoulders and Sandbags at Currahee

It’s February 1st, it’s cold(ish), GTE season is about to kick off and we’re at Currahee. I asked the PAX to bring a few sandbags so we had kettle bells and bags ranging from 20lbs – 80lbs which was perfect to welcome Badlands to his virgin ruck workout.

Disclaimer & ground your rucks

Jog around the parking lot
Grab your rucks and shuffle around the parking lot
Grab all the coupons and ruck around the parking lot

Good morning. I love you. Now do 20 Man Makers.

To the soccer fields:
Bear crawl (rucks only) 1/2 way across the field (shorter distance) then bear crawl ruck drag the remaining distance.
Go to one end of the field and set your eyes on the other end. Now we’re looking at the field via the long way.
Shuffle 1/2 way, 10 tricep extensions, shuffle the rest, 10 tricep extensions
NUR 1/2 way, 20 upright rows, NUR the rest, 20 upright rows
I promise I love you. Bear crawl 1/2 way (again, we’re talking about the long way), 10 merkins, bear crawl ruck drag the rest, 10 slick merkins.

Back to the coupons in the lot .
With rucks and all coupons, we’d ruck the big drop off loop with stops at each of the 4 corners for 3 exercises at each:
10 Ruck Thrusters
15 Overhead Press
20 Ruck Curls (this turned out to be the worst especially for Mainframe and his 45lb’er)

Rucks only and make our way to the flags
On your back, legs straight up and rucks overhead, LBC’s in cadence
Flutters in cadence
Rucks on your feet then modified LBC’s in cadence

On your feet.
PAX hold their ruck with arms bent at 90 degrees. Each PAX take their turn at performing 5 good ruck curls while the rest hold the 90.

Overhead ruck carry back to COT.

Hey Divac…GO PACK (Wolfpack, that is)

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Dog (Dawg) Years

A band of 7 met at  Runde for the second Alcatraz workout of 2022.  After a fine disclaimer from Copay,  and a late, ‘comin’ in hot’ arrival by Divac, the workout commenced.  Here is what we did:

The Thang:

Copay on Q:

Form a quick circle for COP:

Do a standing stretch starting from the toes and reaching up to the sky with a calf raise (18 reps in cadence – cool!)  From there we went to side straddle hops at various speeds in cadence up to 80 (160 total)- crowd pleaser.

Mosey to the back of the parking lot near the basketball hoops.  Split into pairs and do the following:

Round 1:

Parter 1 does 42 squats while partner  2 lunge walks the length of the lot.  When the count is reached, partner 1 runs to catch partner 2 and flapjack.   Return to the start with more squats and lunge walks.

Round 2 – same as round 1?

Round 3

Partner 1 does 42 jump squats while partner 2 broad jumps along the parking lot.  When the count is reached, partner 1 runs to catch partner 2 and flapjack.

Circle back up and do 33  Superman back exercises (lie flat on stomach, raise legs and arms)

To finish his half of the workout, Copay gathered us for a Switzer (or maybe a Smart).   He talked more about this season’s Bulldogs and how they improved their fitness through ‘gassing’.  See reference below.  The Pax let out a collective sigh of relief.

Handoff to Senator Tressel

Form a line for an extended indian run along Windward drive.  Run about  2 laps between Tega Cay Drive and the circle at the end of Windward,  and then head back to the baseball fields of Runde.

Circle up for Tabata.  5 rounds:  20 sec work, 10 sec rest, rinse and repeat for 4 minutes per exercise, 20 minutes total.   Do the following exercises:

  1.  Merkins
  2. Freddie Mercury
  3. Carolina dry dock
  4. V-ups
  5. Burpees

End with the body destroyer for 60 sec



What a pleasure to share a Q with Copay!  I don’t see him very often, but he’s a good guy to be around – always smiling and positive.  Copay is a HUGE Georgia Bulldogs fan and he was still riding the high from Monday night’s championship win.   His portion of today’s workout was centered around Bulldog stats – years since last championship (42), the score (33-18), others I can’t recall.  Toward the end of his portion, he talked about how the Bulldogs improved their fitness through ‘gassing’.  I could sense the tension mounting with the Pax (YHC included), about what was going to happen next.  He never did tell us exactly what it was, but it didn’t sound pleasant.  Thankfully (or mercifully), Copy said that we were not going to do any gassing today and he handed the lead over to me (whew!)

My half of the workout included one of my favorites – the Tabata.  I learned this from F3 brother Chicken Wing several years ago at a workout.  It’s simple and requires very little planning, but it’s intense and always a tough one – the soreness in my upper body and abs are reminding me of that as I write this.

I was very pleased to see Photobomb and Smuggler out yesterday.  I saw Smuggler at Golden Corral on Tuesday and hope he and Photobomb continue to come back regularly.  We miss you, brothers!  It was a privilege to Q with Copay and lead the group today as always.  Copay’s tribute to the GA Bulldogs provided the perfect opportunity for me to use another Rush song title in my backblast ( huge fan – RIP Neil Peart).


  1.  Dam to Dam Bar on Jan 29, Yeti coming soon, check your newsletter as always.
  2. Prayers for the Duffy family, Divac friend Sharon recovering from cancer and brain surgery, ST friend Joe with Cancer and co-worker on a ventilator (Covid).


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Currahee Shoulder Smoke

Three rolled in to the parking lot ready and were ready by 0458 for the 0500 start.  At 0459:52 we saw a grey Subaru coming in on two wheels.  MainFrame  emerged, took the disclaimer as it was yelled to him from across the parking lot and it was on with a total of FOUR in attendance.


  • SSH x30 in cadence
  • Merkin x10 in cadence

Still not warm it was time to warm up.  The PAX moved down to the elementary school drop off line.  Partner up, time to warm up with some Catch Me If You Can.  One partner runs with two rucks (45lbs in the ruck) while the other partner completes five burpees and then chases down their partner.  We did this around the big loop in front of the school.

Rucked around the drop off line, back to the cars, collected the sandbags and headed to the field.  We have two 60lb bags and two 40lb bags.

From the long end of the field and with your ruck on, throw the sand bag as far as you can, move to the bag, complete an 8ct body builder, pick it up, throw it again, and continue until you reach the other side of the field.

After completing a length of the field, we rucked to the end and back.  Then if you had 60lb bag last time, switch for a 40lb and vice versa.  Complete the throws and 8ct body builders again.

Ruck to the end of the field and back again.  Collect the sandbag, move to the gate and face the short length of the field.

Two lines of cones in the distance. for the Dora.


  1. 100 Merkins
  2. 200 Curls
  3. 300 pull thrus (only completed one movement per PAX due to time)


  1. Bear crawl while dragging the 60lb sandbag to the first cone line.  Pick up the bag, run to the second cone, turn around and head back to your partner.
  2. Sandbag throw with the 40lb bag to the the end then run back to your partner
  3. Overhead Carry

It was a smoker and another example of things we do when surrounded by strong men that we likely would not complete if we were on our own.


  • Grassy Knoll’s brother as he goes into surgery
  • Divac and his wife as they continue to seek ways to help their son

Thank you Divac for the opportunity to lead.  Currahee is one of my favorite AOs!!!!

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Convergence – Shop Vac

65 PAX gathered to remember Shop Vac. Probably had closer to 70 at different points during the hour. Fishsticks took the Milkshakers

Lutefish warmup:
Sean Kelley, 56, Shop Vac

There are a couple of young men I was hoping would hear this this morning. While I’m talking to them, I’m also talking to myself and all of you.

We all know that or God, SkyQ, has written our books. He went before us, He knows us by name, and He alone knows when our earthly lives begin and end. God knew our brother Sean was to come home. And it doesn’t make sense to us.

But let me ask you this. What would it be like to know that when it is our time that we would also know that we accomplished the tasks that the Lord created us to do? God knows the great plans He has for each of you. You are here for a reason.

Wouldn’t it feel comforting to know that you full executed your purpose here on earth? Today we celebrate Sean, who I believe did just that. Sean loved his sons. It’s all he talked about when we worked out together. That, and his dream to have a home in Beaufort. He lived out and executed his purpose. We now have 2 of his sons as our brothers, and how great it is that the world is better because of him. Recover on your feet.

I read a quote recently:

“When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.”

Sean is rejoicing and would want us to do the same. And he would want us to do 56 side straddle hops in cadence.

Split out to:

  • Kettlebells
    • Uhaul
  • Bootcamp: split PAX into two groups for 20min sessions
    • Ruby Slippers
    • Band Camp

Uhaul’s KB workout:
56 Squats
56 Curls
56 Skull Crushers
56 Calf Raises
56 Uhauls
56 Flutters w/ press (4 count)
56 Dead lifts
56 Lawn Mower Pulls R
56 Lawn Mower Pulls L
56 American Hammers
56 LBCs (4 count)

Band Camp’s portion:
minute 1 – 20 burpees
minute 2 – 30 jumping lunges
minute 3 – 40 Freddie Mercuries
minute 4 – 50 Carolina Dry Docks
minute 5 – 60 SSH

7s w/ Mike Tysons and Squats
Mode of transportation: bear crawl/crawl bear

Some in cadence jump squats, core work,

I found a backblast from Shop Vac…It reads with a lot more significance to me now.
I may have said something asinine while holding a squat and quoting his backblast.
Something like:
Have understanding when I say 5 more squat jumps
Show tolerance when I say 6 more squat jumps
Practice patience when I call 7 more squat jumps
Take direction as we’re now hitting 8 more squat jumps

Did a little sprinting as well with the second group. (Shop Vac would not have approved, and neither did most of the PAX)

NMM: Shop Vac’s love for and pride in his sons was palpable. He made me want to be a better dad. I’m glad to be around men that make me want to be better. Shop Vac was one of those dudes.

Ruby Slippers’s portion:
I had the pleasure of working out a lot with Shop Vac. His attitude, smile, and laughter infected you immediately every time you met him.

YHC remembers a time during COT after a workout where frustrations from my work life came bubbling to the surface. After I vented to the PAX about the situation ( usual selfish rant where everyone else has a problem but me ) and the Q finished prayer, Shop Vac pulled me to the side and gently explained that it was my attitude that needed to be adjusted, not everyone else’s. He did it in a manner where I gladly and thankfully accepted his advice.

The Thang:
At every Shop Vac Q you could count on stations, simple exercises and/or routines, and minimal running. The six was never left behind at a Shop Vac workout so we are using the buddy system to make sure that does not happen at this workout.

Set-up 4 stations in the shape of a square in the middle parking lot at The Armory. 4 stations represented each member of the Kelly family, there were 4 exercises at each station, partner work to complete a cumulative total of 56 reps of each exercise:

Sean’s station:
– Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Wide Arm Merkins, CDD’s
Stacey’s station:
– Crunches in cadence, Flutters in cadence, Big Boy Sit-ups, Straight Lower Leg Lifts
Jack’s station:
– Squats, Jump Squats, Lunges, Jumping Lunges
Brian’s station
– Side Straddle Hops in cadence, Seal Jacks in cadence, Mountain Climbers in cadence, Plank Jacks in cadence.

PAX partner up – complete all 4 exercises at a station and then mosey to the center. YHC stood in the center of the square to represent Francis, Shop Vac’s faithful four-legged companion, where PAX would come to complete 56 monkey humpers.

Continued around the stations until time was called.

Video Evidence:

Welcome FNGs: Bow Wow Wow, Bam!, Triple H, Dictator, Wax Off, and Pool Boy

Prayers for Sean’s family.

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