Tour of The Mill

WARMUP: Big Lap, COP: SSH X 20
10 count: Imperial Walkers, windmill, squat, merkins, lunge/reverse lunge, shoulder taps, Low Slow squats, mountain climbers, SSHX20, 5 OYO Burpees
THE THANG: Classic pearls on a string. Sequence of exercises: Merkins, Squats, PlankJacks, Lunge, SSH. Count sequence: 10, 9, 8, etc. Run stops: Church of Christ, Loom, Hobos, Animal Hospital, another church, Town Hall, 3rd church, even another church, you get the idea.
MARY: Don’t compare yourself to others.
COT: Prayers for children. Wisdom, understanding and peace.

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7 of Diamonds

SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, Low Slow Squats, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, plank, downward dog, honeymooners

Had a variation of the 7 of diamonds
7 rounds, various exercises starting with 7 reps at round 1 with increasing by 7 reps up to round 4 then back down 7 reps. Round 1 is completed when you do the first exercise at all 4 corners. Repeat for remaining rounds.

Corners 1 & 3
7 Burpees, 14 Merkins, 21 Squats, 28 Flutter kicks, 21 sumo squats, 14 dips, 7 burpees
Jog from corner 1 to 2
Nur from corner 3 to 4

Corners 2&4
7 Burpees, 14 Dry docks, 21 lunges, 28 Peter Parker’s, 21 calf raises, 14 shoulder taps, 7 burpees
Karaoke from corners 2 to 3 and from 4 to 1

Wrapped up the last 5 minutes with some Mary’s led out by Twister

Check the newsletter

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The Slo-burn climbed a ladder or two

14 Pax accelerated into the weekend with a workout plan that offered Jacob’s Ladder, 5 of Diamonds, and a Ladder that offered burpees, Donkey Kicks, BigBoys, BombJax, and Squats.

We began the beatdown with a slow mosey that would keep the group close together and offered up some mumble chatter on the lack of ground covered with this small lap.

The group circled up for some warm-up :

SSH, Squats, Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs, and some stretching.  The group quickly transitioned into two rounds of a 1-minute HIIT – 10X Merks, 10XSquats, and 10x LBCs.

After the warm-up  – we partnered up with Jacobs ladder using partner merkins and partner big boys. Each rep was completed simultaneously by each partner w a hand slap for accountability.  Partner Merkins with a mosey to another side of the parking lot for the Big Boys.

Once completed, we transitioned into a modified 7 of Diamonds, ( 5 reps was the factor)  -four corners were the destination.  ( 5, 10, 15, 20 ) Round 1 – 5 Bobby Hurleys at each corner. Round two offered 10 Merks at each corner, round three offered 15 squats at each corner.  We kept the group together by adding cadence w volunteer (voluntold) random pax leading the count.  The mode of transportation was greeted w some groans from the group.  Mosey, bear-crawl, NUR, and modified lunges took us between the 4 corners.  The Pax finished the round with Flounder taking control and offering a modified version to keep the Pax guessing…..

As time was quickly passing, the men moseyed down a slight incline to be greeted with the uphill ladder as the final round.  The ladder contained 9 squats at the bottom rung, followed by 5 burpees, 6 Donkey Kicks, 7 Big Boys, and 8 Bomb Jax.

We headed back to COT for a 5 min round of Mary to close out the day.  Shout out to Change Order for breaking out the Boat/Canoe which was greeted by a time check request and more mumble chatter (or groaning)

Prayers were offered for upcoming Graduation, travels, marriages, surgeries, and overall blessing for the group.

Nice work!!





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Locking Shields, a how to…

Great Invergence today at WEP to close out an entire month of acceleration.

Now that we have finished a month of accelerating HIMs all over the Fort, how do we maintain that acceleration?


Best way to execute accountability? Locking shields with fellow PAX.

Best way to consistently lock shields? Join a Shield Lock.

Today we heard from some 🛡🔒 PAX sharing experiences, advice and offering up themselves to their fellow PAX to learn the power of 🛡🔒.

To know more, ask a PAX that was present.

Need guidance or advice moving forward?  Reach out to @Pusher and he will point you in the direction of success and accountability.

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Open Your Heart, Cover Your Plums

THE THANG: Maybe our most beloved PAX led the conversation this morning on the subjects of identity (sometimes multiple identities) and the purpose in trials we travel through.

Key takeaway: Open your heart and cover the plums.

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Drop Thrill bday Q
16 SSH
19-7-2 =10
Cherry pickers
Moroccan nightclubs
Baby arm circles
Down dog stretch calves
Stretch arms across front and then behind head

Start walking

April 16, 1972
Leap year
16 Bobby hurlies

7 imperial walkers

2 giant pandas arrive in US. The first. Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing
2 Burpees

Apollo 16, 5th moon landing launched 1254 pm
16 squats
5 lunges
12 OH claps
54 sec Al gore

Cubs rookie pitcher hurls 4-0 no hitter against Phillies
9 Merkins

2 British soldiers killed by IRA
2 Burpees

Chinese year of Rat
Rat Crawl

Star sign Aries
First 30 degrees of the celestial longitude
30 LBCs
Also The Ram
16 Ram Kicks

Pope Benedict 16 born 1927
16 OH press
19 imperial walkers
27 hillbilly walkers

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A Millllkshake for breakfast.

7 pax and 1 pet on board for a morning of Milllkshake.

The warmup: We followed the Fort Q, Straight Up, as he led us through some warmups and stretches.

We launched uphill toward Mccammon Street. We saw a pax coming in we circled back around the trail to the amphitheater for a pickup.

I wanted to get the pax some extra burn in this morning, so I picked several spots to do an advanced pace walk/run from point to point. The first was to run up the grassy hill to the upper level WEP parking lot.

Shoulder station: First exercise was Moroccan Night Clubs (15 in cadence).

Next, I mentioned the AMRAP for Autism at Alcatraz for a shoutout to Divac and the men doing that hard thing today.

All exercises moving forward were AMRAP for 1 minute. Thanks to Uhaul for the timing.

Overhead Claps/Monkey Humpers

Move along to next station. 2 times we picked up the pace and went from one fixed point to another fixed point to increase the heart rate a bit. Bowser showed off his youth and showed us all the bottom of his feet both times.

Next station; Springs Parking lot

Shoulder Taps/Merkins (1 min AMRAP each)

Moved along

Brief stop at Springs Insurance for 1-minute AMRAP of dips on the wall.

Next stop: Millstone Stairs:

3 rounds of leg exercises, calf raises. squats, lunges, as each pax went up and down the stairs one at a time. (Totally stole that from the Fishsticks workout at Footloose this past Thursday).

Advanced pace up the stairs and run to the upper-level parking lot at Millstone Park.

LBC’s/Flutters (1 min AMRAP each)

Headed back to COT. We were cutting it close on time, so we picked up the pace at the final stretch coming up Mccammon Street toward WEP. Bastion must have seen a squirrel because he pulled Tesh out way in front of us with Bowser a close 2nd.

Back to COT. As always, the mumblechatter at Millllkshake was top notch today as we all learned a little bit about each other.

Backblast complete.

Todd Dunmyer, 55, Dojo


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Stroll Around Town

The weather was warm in the metropolis of Fort Mill this morning.  Five men showed up for the workout.  Disclaimer complete, we headed out of the parking lot to the Town Hall for warm-ups:

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Windmills, Plank Stretches.

Next, we headed to the center of town.  We stopped for 1 minute of good form merkins and toe taps on the curb.  We continued our tour to the bottom of the street.  In cadence squats to catch our breath before climbing the stairs to Millstone Park.  In the parking lot, we completed 1 minute of good form Carolina Dry Docks along with some abs exercises.

We headed back up the hill to Withers Street where the Minnow Pond pax were running around town.  We stopped at a set of stairs and did a series of leg exercises while one pax ran up and down the stairs.

Exercises:  Squats, Calf Raises, Lunges, and Jump Squats

We returned to our launch site and finished with lap around the parking lot. We completed 1.5 miles and lots of exercises.

Great job by all.

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4 Corners of The Ballroom

Welcome to Bonus Ass Kicking April

We had 19 at the Ballroom for a glorious 4 corners of pain!

Every morning we post, we go to one of the ‘corners’ of our region but in the end we are all one of The Fort PAX.

It was great to see so many PAX on this chilly March  morning. Special shout out to Beaker for posting for the second time in 2 days! Great job and keep posting, also great work 3D supporting him

The Thang:

We started off with a warm up:

15 SSH

15 Wind Mills

15 Imperial Walkers

Break out to groups at each corner.

Round 1 – mode of transportation- karaoke

Corner 1: 10 wide arm merkins, 20 mtn     climbers single count,

Corner 2: 10 big boys, 20 dying cockroaches do

Corner 3: 10 burpees, 20 grave diggers, single Ct

Corner 4 : 10 plank jacks , 20 Peter Parker’s

After all 4 corners were done we gathered at top of hill leading to bridge until the 6 was is in. Morrocacan Night clubs were done while we waited. We then moseyed down to the bridge and back as a recovery from the  4 corners.

Then it was onto Round 2!

Round 2 –  mode of transportation- nerr

C1:  15 jump squats, 15 low slow squats

C2:  15 box cutters, 15 American Hammers

C3: 15 monkey humpers, 15 Cherry Pickers

C4: 10 hand release Merkins, 20 SSH

After all 4 corners were done we gathered at top of hill leading to bridge until the 6 was is in. Morrocacan Night clubs were done while we waited. We then moseyed down to the bridge and back as a recovery from the  4 corners.

We completed a second set of rounds 1 and 2 substituting Moroccan Night clubs for flutters.

After the second set was completed, we did a

Batman Death March around the school with the 6 doing SSH

That brought us back to COT

Great work by all today

-Yard Sale

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