WARMUP: Plank-updog-downdog-merkins; Plank-updog-downdog-shoulder taps; Plank-updog-downdog-peter parker; Plank-updog-downdog-plank jacks; Plank-updog-downdog-diamond merkins; Plank-updog-downdog-other variety of dynamic plank work and so on and so on
THE THANG: Partner merkins x20, flutter kicks x20, partner leg throws x15; Windmill merkins x10, flutter kicks x20, partner leg throws x15; Partner merkins x20, flutter kicks x20, partner leg throws x15; Windmill merkins x10, flutter kicks x20, partner leg throws x10 — a little extra Mary mixed in.
Mosey to the apartments- complete dynamic warmup including hamstring sweeps, walking RDLs, deep lunge walks, toy soldiers, high knees, butt kicks; BACKWARDS sprints up the hill towards the fire station x4; Last sprint was a challenge- each pax had to surpass their previous stopping point before tagged by YHC, otherwise the group was subject to an unknown penalty (probably burpees)… no one will ever know because the threat of penalty motivated everyone to sprint backwards that much faster!
We discussed THE IMPORTANCE OF RUNNING BACKWARDS at COT. If you’re getting some miles in with your fellow pax and they’re dogging it for whatever reason, it’s important to be able to run backwards faster than they’re progressing forwards, look them in the eyes, and say whatever motivating (or demeaning) statement to give them a kind gut check! SkateOrDie knows this too well from YHC.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pints & Padres tonight!
COT: Beaker’s son turns 4 today. Prayers for physical and mental illness among the pax. Prayers/praise for Halfshell’s boys heading to camp.