Football = Rugby? American? European?

WARMUP: very slow windmills, very slow low slow squats, IW, Morrocan nightclubs
THE THANG: 2 rounds of suicides with LBCs at the end of each, 5 rounds of rugby sprints, mossy to oil change back lot for 2 rounds of step ups and dips, mossy to HT wall for merkin murders (first pax run to opposite wall and back while all PaX do merkins, and then move down the line). Missy back for 2 more rounds of rugby sprints, then 5 min of Mary
COT: Walker and his family loss, patience, schools, health

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It’s Science

Moseyed over to to the other side of the parking lot for a quick warmup, then continued to St. Phillips for 7’s with Merkins and Flutters.

Headed back to campus for a Jack Webb with bear crawl and CDDs.

Ran over to the building for some bench work. 40 Split Squats, 40 Step Ups.

Back to COT for some Mary, announcements., prayers, and praises.

– JWow

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Clydesdales, Wed Aug 16

Apparently we ran, apparently there were 22.

The route was spectacular, all downhill, except for the uphill.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Taste of pain at the buffet

Rolled in with 10 min to spare but unbeknownst to me that was much time to get all of my torture equipment set up.

WARMUP: None straight to the THANG

THE THANG: Set up 16 stations and 3-sets of cones towards HT. Set a timer HITT timer for 1 min of exercise then 10 sec of rest then move to your right to the next station for 4 sets. Then proceed to to run suicides with the timer set for 2:10 what ever time you have left is your rest time.

1. Dumbbell front raises to lateral raises
2. Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Presses
3. Dumbbell swings
4. Slam balls
5. Throws
6. Sandbag Overhead Throws
7. Sandbag Curls
8. Hand Release Merkins
9. American Hammers With Medicine Ball
10. Alternating Toe touches
11. Kettle bell Chest presses
12. Sumo Squat Pulses
13. Burpees
14. Reverse Crunches
15. Wipers
16. Mike Tysons


COT: continued prayers for the Weed family’s loss of their son. Also prayers for a church goer that was hit by a car.

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Tire Flips and Blips

WARMUP: yep, did it on the run and in between some Indian runs
had some tires to flip and kettle bells to deadlift, press, and swing.

second round was no tires, but still stations
-3 on pull-ups
-1 on merkins
-3 with a kettlebell to squat
The man doing the merkins called up and down for 5 reps at each station

Moseyed back with some mobility exercises throw in (shin box!)

MARY: a tad
ANNOUNCEMENTS: DD hands off Nantan Flag to Esso tomorrow

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Walk around the church

10 #ao-golden-corral for a @chickenhawk walk around the church.  There was some #feba.  by @OldBay and @Twister with just a bit of mumble chatter across the rest of the pax.  We had some UvU, iron sharpening iron and a great morning under the 90% waxing Gibbos moon.

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Black Diamond is uncovered at The Stockade

Warm-up began with short mosey to church parking lot. Some pax were lucky enough to carry a sandbag. Teams of three were formed, luckily we had just enough to form six teams. Seven rounds of exercises, team members rotated to each exercise. The first exercise (motion) acted as the clock. Once complete, rotate to next exercise.

Round Motion Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1 Run to church Squat with SB SSHs
2 Sandbag carry H/R Merkin LBCs
3 Inch Worm merkins Flutter/press Calf Raise
4 Sandbag toss Shoulder Taps Jump Squats
5 Burpee Broad Jump Diamond Merkin S. Press
6 Lunge walk w/bag Carolina Dry Dock Hello Dollies
7 Bear Crawl Man Maker American H

Most got through round 6, need to adjust cone distance or save the workout for 1hr.
Great job everyone!

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Importance of Running Backwards

WARMUP: Plank-updog-downdog-merkins; Plank-updog-downdog-shoulder taps; Plank-updog-downdog-peter parker; Plank-updog-downdog-plank jacks; Plank-updog-downdog-diamond merkins; Plank-updog-downdog-other variety of dynamic plank work and so on and so on
THE THANG: Partner merkins x20, flutter kicks x20, partner leg throws x15; Windmill merkins x10, flutter kicks x20, partner leg throws x15; Partner merkins x20, flutter kicks x20, partner leg throws x15; Windmill merkins x10, flutter kicks x20, partner leg throws x10 — a little extra Mary mixed in.
Mosey to the apartments- complete dynamic warmup including hamstring sweeps, walking RDLs, deep lunge walks, toy soldiers, high knees, butt kicks; BACKWARDS sprints up the hill towards the fire station x4; Last sprint was a challenge- each pax had to surpass their previous stopping point before tagged by YHC, otherwise the group was subject to an unknown penalty (probably burpees)… no one will ever know because the threat of penalty motivated everyone to sprint backwards that much faster!
We discussed THE IMPORTANCE OF RUNNING BACKWARDS at COT. If you’re getting some miles in with your fellow pax and they’re dogging it for whatever reason, it’s important to be able to run backwards faster than they’re progressing forwards, look them in the eyes, and say whatever motivating (or demeaning) statement to give them a kind gut check! SkateOrDie knows this too well from YHC.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pints & Padres tonight!
COT: Beaker’s son turns 4 today. Prayers for physical and mental illness among the pax. Prayers/praise for Halfshell’s boys heading to camp.

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I’m old enough to be Battle Bot’s dad. Are you?

SSH x 35
Mountain climbers x 35
Low slow squats

Balls to wall
Leapfrog bear crawl

The goal of the workout today was to hit shoulders hard, and progressively increase the reps throughout.

Set 1 – at the wall
Wall walks w/ Merkin
Jump squats
Big Boys
I didn’t intend for wall walks to be the main focus of the workout, so we called an audible on wall walks to drop reps to 5.

Set 2 – at the roundabout
Bear crawl around roundabout
plank Jacks
Grave Digger
Peter Parkers

Set 3 – Apartment hill
Shoulder Taps
Monkey Hampers
Bomb Jacks
Hill sprint

Didn’t finish the last round of Bomb Jacks before returning to COT, so we did 60 Bomb Jacks in lieu of Mary.


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Elite 8

WARMUP: mosey to Grace presby with various exercises including burpees sprinkled in to honor the site q
THE THANG: 7 rounds of 7 and 23’s – burpees and LBC’s or squats depending on proximity to the dumpster. After comments and chatter about oderiferous emanations we moseyed to the office park for 5 rounds of 10-10-10-5: squats, flutters, hand release merkins and burpees.

Mosey at 0557 to COT for a 0600 arrival

MARY: no time
COT:5th core principle

Thanks for the callout, Slapshot. Always an honor to lead.


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