Tour of Campus

25 SSH
10 HB Walkers
10 Merkins
10 Mt Climbers

Mosey down the back road
10 merkins and 10 SSH at each light pole
Mosey back
10 squats and 10 overhead claps at each pole

Head to the basketball court – partner up
Partner 1 toy soldiers down and back
Partner 2 does burpees – 100
Partner 1 bear crawl across the court & lunge walk back
Partner 2 does LBCs – 200

Mosey to COT for MARY
10 Birddog crunches each side)
10 Shoulder taps
10 Elbow to knee Bicycle
20 flutters
COT: It happened with a long prayer at the end

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Let’s Show ‘Em Who’s The BOSSmen

WARMUP: The 3 mile prerun if you were present

With the BOSSmen on Q, we jumped right into it with 10min/BOSSman
Headed over to pull-up bars for a Jack-web DORA
Partner up, one partner starts the Jack Web of 1 pull-up to 4 merkins (next 2:8, 3:12, etc.) while other partner runs down to the bottom of the hill and back. Picks up Jack Web, while other partner runs. Keep flap jacking while going up the web until time was up.

Starting from the pull up bars, bear crawl to the stop sign heading towards the school. Followed by high skips to another sign, back to bear crawls, to a moving Hill Billy Walker, followed by moving Imperial Walker. Then Toy Soldiers back to bear crawls. Ending in a circle of planktitude (planking while giving thanks goin around the circle).

10 min AMRAP
10 squats, 8 alternating lunges (4 each leg), 6 burpees.
This was the crowd favorite.

Wrapped us up with 10 min of some good ole Broga! #RPG

COT: prayers for everyone. There’s a lot going on in everyone’s lives. Just reach out to a brother.

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Murder Bunnies – Part 2

WARMUP: SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Merkins, Plank, Superman in puddle, Peter Parker, Parker Peter.
Dora-ish workout
50 Man Makers , partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
200 squats, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack
300 Flutters with block press, partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
200 LBCs, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack
150 Curls with block, partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
Finished with burpees no block, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack

Good prep work for Iron Pax Challenge…Great job guys!

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Lucky 7

WARMUP: mosey to nearby springs parking lot after climbing out of WEP.

Windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, tunnel touches and side straddle hops with burpees in between each exercise.

Mosey to the WEP path

THE THANG: Doing a lap around WEP, 5 burpees at each bench for lap 1, 10 hand release merkins at each bench for lap 2 and 15 squats for lap 3. After that, YHC handed off to Trucker for more “fun”.

Mosey to 160 – 5 squats
Mosey to springs wall parking lot – 5 clean sweeps
Mosey to parking lot at emmets – 20 flutters
Mosey to print shop- 5 pull-ups 5 irkins, repeat
Mosey to emmets – 20 flutters
Mosey to MP lot – 20 lbc
Mosey to spring lot – 10 leg raises
Mosey to other springs lot –
4 corners with seal jacks and ccd’s

MARY: Hello Dollys in cadence brought us to 0730.
COT: 5th core principle

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Four for Fighting

The Fort Horsemen (three of them) rotated Q of this morning’s workout at #Varsity.
Ruby started with a warmup and with SSH, Low Slow Squats etc. and added burpees between exercises.
Off to the pull up bars and Ruby directed us in a pyramid scheme:
Do one burpee—then two pull ups
Do three burpees—then four pull ups
Proceed likewise until ten pull ups and the reverse back down to one burpee. Smokey.
Headspin did a cinder block routine burner: KB swings, goblet squats, curls, rifle carry, and then murder bunnies (no blocks broken!).
Back to Ruby to cover Splinter’s hill work with a modified DORA. Partner 1 does jumping lunges while other runs down hill and nurs back up. Did a couple of sets, then switched to jump squats while other runs/nurs.
Harry Carry concluded with a fish tracks routine: bear crawl, stop and do merkins, repeat 3x. lunge walk, stop and do smurf jacks, repeat 3x.
Run to COT for Mary: flutters, gas pumpers, freddies.

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God often hides opportunities to be faithful. Don’t miss them


Mosey around the parking lot admiring the new smooth pavement. Then some SSH, Windmill, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers & Hillbilly Walkers. Finishing with a mosey over to the band lot. Which it should be noted is not nicely newly repaved…


Kind of a modified shuttle run design

From the end zone line, run to the other end zone and do one squat and run back.

Once back, run to the other end zone again, do one squat, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 squats, then run back.

Once back, run to the other end zone again, do one squat, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 squats, bear crawl 10 yards and do 3 squats, then run back.

Continue doing this until you are doing 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 squats, each with a 10 yard bear crawl on the return (so the return run gets shorter each revolution).

I interspersed some of this with a brief discussion of the impact of walking in faith in my life. God often presents opportunities that appear as struggles or obstacles/setbacks in our life. He never promised life would be easy, but did promise it is for a purpose. Life life with a purpose and faith in a bigger picture, and often you will see in hindsight, those obstacles were the refiners fire preparing you for opportunities you never even imagined.

Hebrews 12.1 says “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter

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I like hotdogs

Each dude in shieldlock took a turn leading the pax. We covered all parts of body and it was glorious. We each spoke on what it means for us to be in our shieldlock. Thanks for those who joined us.

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Remembering D-Day at Blockparty

WARMUP: pledge and setting the stage for the workout by pretending to be in a boat on our way to Normandy.
THE THANG: 6 BombJacks, 6 Airplanes, 6 mack tar jais, run up the hill to the mid point of hill, 6 bigboy burpees, 19 carolina dry docks. 44 SSH.
MARY: did I mention the big boy burpees

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Shieldlock vs Shieldlock

Get ready! The next couple of months are going to get crazy at #ao-Varsity as the ShieldLocks around The Fort show us what they’ve got! Each week we’ll have an entire Shieldlock co-Q a workout for those brave enough to show up. Lets see which Shieldlock brings the most pain!
First on deck are the FortHorsemen. There will be cindy’s, there will be bar work, there will be running, and a little something extra. Show to know this Friday at #AO-Varsity!

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