Break from rucking

I normally ruck on Tuesday so this was a nice change. Beautiful morning, temperatures are really great this time of year. Go time hit so quick disclaimer then yog down the main drive. Did some butt-kickers, high knees, and karaoke along the way. Circle of for some warm ups, normal fare but ended in mucho chesto (10 regular merkins, 10 wide arm, 10 diamond, 10 right stagger, 10 left stagger, 10 ranger) – arms are smoked after this. Jog to loop in front of school. Bear crawl length of parking spaces, jog to end for 10 bombjacks, jog to start of parking spaces, lung walk length of parking spaces, jog to end for 15 merkins, jog back to start of parking spaces. Rinse and repeat. Jog over to lot between schools. Leg pyramid: 10 plank Jack’s, 20 lunges, 30 mtn climbers, 40 squats, 50 seal Jack’s, 40 squats, 30 mtn climbers, 20 lunges, and 10 plank Jack’s. Short mosey around lot to shake legs out then over to benches. 15 dips, 10 box jumps, 15 dips, 8 box jumps, 15 incline merkins, 6 box jumps, 15 decline merkins, 4 box jumps, 15 dips, finish with 10 box jumps. Circle up, each PAX are doing lunges while one by one a PAX does 3 burpees. Went around the horn twice with that. Mosey back to cars to finish with a few mins of Mary. I think we hit everything today, nice work. Thx for the opportunity Barkley!

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Dick leading dicks with a sword fight breakout

WARMUP: side stratal hops/mosey, cherry pickers/mosey, windmills/mosey
THE THANG: Dora 100/200/300. 100 Merkins-jog/nur. 200 hillbilly squats- karyoke run. 300 lbc’s – side shuffle. Mosey w/ pax’s induced exercises. Back to cot
MARY: she gave birth to Jesus Christ. Round Robin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers/praises from all pax’s.

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One arm at a time

WARMUP: mosey, 5 reps each arm of swings, row, clean, press and snatch
Each partner does all of the reps each round if the bell is set down the punishment is one burpee first round, two second round and so on.

15 man maker buy in

Rd one: 60 single arm swings
Rd two: 50 single arm rows
Rd three: 40 single arm cleans
Rd four: 30 single arm press
Rd five: 20 single arm snatch

Between rounds one partner plank while other farmer carry and rotate.

MARY: no
COT: yes

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Running the Walmart loop

THE THANG: Run to Walmart and return 4.5MIles

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Cadence Calling Burpee Fest

All in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 12 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 20 hillbilly walkers
Mosey around football field
– Karaoke, mosey, karaoke
– 10 incline merkins on curb in cadence
– Mosey around bus loop, toy soldiers
– 15 low slow squats in cadence
– Mosey, butt kickers, 10 mike Tyson’s in cadence, mosey, high knees, mosey to parking lot football field
Count off by 3 and separate into teams. Each team member will call out the exercises in cadence for their team. When the exercise is complete, run to 20 yard line and do one burpee, then return to board and next person will call out the exercise in cadence, and run to the 40 yard line and do 2 burpees. This repeats until 100 yard line, where the team will complete 5 kraken burpees. Once completed, teams rotate stations.

Board 1:
– 10 Mike Tyson
– 15 low slow squats
– 20 plank jacks
– 25 Box cutters
– 30 calf raises
Board 2:
– 10 Diamond merkins
– 15 leg raises
– 10 Lunge left leg, 10 lunge right leg
– 25 Mountain climbers
– 30 Freddy Mercury
Board 3:
– 10 Merkins
– 15 Big boys
– 10 Side lunge left leg, 10 side lunge right leg
– 25 Monkey humpers
– 30 Chair crunches
Board 4:
– 10 Wide arm merkins
– 15 Squats
– 20 Carolina Dry dock
– 25 American hammers
– 30 Shoulder taps
Big Board:
20-yard line – 1 Burpee
40-yard line – 2 Burpees
60-yard line – 3 Burpees
80-yard line – 4 Burpees
100-yard line – 5 Kraken Burpees

MARY: None needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter

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Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle which consist of running a lap around somewhat triangle shaped loop.

Pit stops along the way
15 merkins
20 LBCs
20 squats
5 pull ups at print shop

Then reverse the course. Everyone got the quota of 3 miles. Some got more

Airborne hip exercises


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Another Round

WARMUP: Cherry Picker, Moroccan Night Club, Low Slow Squat, Mosey to location
THE THANG: Using light poles around the parking lot as locations, all exercises 18 count in cadence then (MOT) move to next location: Big Boy (Toy Soldier), Hello Dolly (Lunge Walk), Mountain Climber (Karaoke), Merkin (Karaoke-other side), Freddie Mercury (Bear Craw), SSH (Nur), Plank Jack (Toy Soldier), Flutter Kick (Mosey), Monkey Humper (walk back to location 1). Next, another round with 4 Burpees at each location with mosey to next light.
MARY: A bit
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Gold Tourney, Convergence, etc.
COT: Prayers lifted

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Pull thru day

Started with some basic warm-ups then grabbed bags and headed over to baseball field. 2 cone workout. Cone 1 exercises: 10 over the shoulders, 20 pull thru, 10 clean and squats, 20 LBCs w/bag overhead, 10 walk over merkins. Cone 2 exercises: 10 curls, 20 pull thru, 10 diaper changers, 20 bent over rows, 10 squats w/bag. Did all exercises at cone 1 then bear hug carry bag to other cone. Do everything at cone 2 then bear crawl and drag bag back to 1. Do cone 1 again over head carry to c2. Do c2 then front rack carry back to 1.
Split up into 2 teams. Each team gets in plank and has to pass thru 2 sandbags. When you’re done run to end of line in order to move across entire field. Repeat in opposite direction. Next relay is one bag per team. Guy in back has bag and runs serpentine thru tram to front. Then pass bag from front to back. If bag drops whole team does 5 burpees. Next relay is in seated position and team is flipping bag from one end to the other. When done PAX runs to end to keep line going. Last relay was football snap the bag between the legs to next PAX. Run and repeat. Always fun to have some team competition and seeing guys try to figure out how to accomplish things together. Times up, back to COT. Thx for opportunity Farmers!

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Full Throttle, Wide Open

WARMUP: SSH, low slow squats, flutters, Cherry pickers

THE THANG: 3 stations, 25 reps at each one,
1st round: Chest press with Cindy, Merkins at the bottom of the hill, Big boys corner of the bottom lot. Bear Crawl last 20 yards back up the hill
2nd Round: Over head press with Cindy, Dry Docks at the bottom of hill, Flutters corner of bottom lot. Bear crawl last 20 yards back up the hill
Rinse and repeat 3 times
30 chest press before heading back to COT

MARY: Airborne hip stretch followed by a few pax chosen wxcercises to finish out

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to dam sign up, golf tourney


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