Seven pax came out to the Varisty sing-along workout.  Weather was rainy at 41°.

Disclaimer given, noted that singing along was mandatory.

Warm Up
Mosey ‘laps’
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)

Thang 1: HIIT Routine
The tunes start at this point. Playlist below.
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
>Cherry Pickers
>Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
>Mountain Climbers
>Amer Hammers
>plank jacks
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
>Imperial Walkers
>Squat Jumps
>step ups
Rinse/Repeat sets

Thang 2: Big Balls Routine
Played AC/DC’s Big Balls; do a monkey humper at each “Balls”.

Fini, COT

NMM: Pax stayed dry beneath the awing at the school entrance. Lots of quality mumblechatter revolving to favorite albums, favorite bands, best concerts the pax have attended.
Rock and Roll All Nite, KISS
Werewolves of London, Warren Zevon
Surrender, Cheap Trick
Bang the Drum All Day, Todd Rundgren
We Will Rock You, Queen
That 70’s Show Theme, Cheap Trick
Down Under, Men at Work
Lump, The Presidents of the United States
Born in the USA, Bruce Springsteen
Cum on feel the noise, Quiet Riot
I fought the Law, the Clash
Ob La Di, Ob La Da, the Beatles
Big Balls AC/DC

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50th Birthday Beatdown Repeat

We started the chilly morning with a warm up that consisted of  windmills, cherry pickers , imperial walkers and Hillbilly walkers…we jogged up to the benches at NaFo.

The WOD was a repeat of my 50th Birthday beatdown

50 of each exercise:

Merkins.      Squats.    BIG boys.    Dips.   Shoulder taps.   Mt climbers.      Plank Jacks.   Lunges.    Flutters.    SSH.     LBC’s.  AM hammers.   Bomb jacks.  Donkey kicks.  And.  Derkins….when we were done with some time left they were able to pick what they wanted to do again….2 PAXs decided they had enough and did pull ups at the bars

Fun was had by all and we ended with COT



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Get Your Mind Right

8 came out for a foggy morning beatdown at the Collosseum

Warm Up
Merkin Suicides – 150 total
Group wall sit – partner lap
DORA 100 dips, 200 dollys, 300 step ups – partner lap
Flutters, American Hammers, LBCs
Indian Run Back to COT

Think about what your thinking about. Proverbs 4:23 says “Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts.” Try and feed your mind with truth, things that are joyful and positive.

Thanks Duck!

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Keilbasa Beat down

10 Swings


Swings, Squats


Swing, Squats, Curl (L/R)


Swings, Squats, Curls, BBS


Swings, Squats, Curls, BBS, Shoulder Press


Squats, Curls, BBS, Shoulder Press


Curls, BBS, Shoulder Press


BBS, Shoulder Press


Shoulder Press

10 min of Mary

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Start right for the intended ripple effect

9 HIM descended upon Bushwood on a humid September morning for a start to the day to create a positive ripple effect.  In planning this workout, YHC hoped to put together a little bit of everything to give the PAX their monies worth. The longer than normal drive to this particular AO gave YHC a chance to think about the workout and how to maximize the time with proper planning.

An early arrival allowed for the thang to be spelled out clearly so PAX could easily see what was expected – on the second half of the workout anyway.  Cones were placed and YHC drove to the launch point to find UHaul and 3D preparing to welcome Birdcage and the rest of the PAX who would choose to sling the metal.  For the rest of us, it was off to the boot camp.

Disclaimers were given, the 5 core principles were announced and off we moseyed down the hill.  After roughly 1/4 mile at a modest clip we did some toy soldiers, high knees and stretching out our hip muscles while walking to a COP for the following:

15 Imperial walkers IC then 5 burpees OYO, 15 hillbilly walkers IC then 5 burpees OYO, 12 low slow squats holding the people’s chair on rep 12 and doing 15 Moroccan night clubs cadence then recovering to 5 more burpees OYO.  A quick mosey to the end of the bus loop took us to 9’s B & B’s – burpees at one end and bombjacks 2 lightpoles down moseying back and forth between each – PAX worked hard, mumble chatter was low and humidity was not.  After finishing all rounds, early-finishers did flutters while the six came in.  We then moseyed to some wall for a thought YHC wanted to share:

While holding the people’s chair – YHC posed the question “why do we choose not easy?”  And what impact do you want that to make for those in your concentrica?  With tomorrow not being guaranteed, each intentional and deliberate choice you make has a ripple effect.  What do you want that to be?  After holding for another 10-15 ish seconds, PAX recovered and moseyed to the next lot for some 4 corner partner “fun”.

4 corners: 10-20-30:  Each PAX partnered up and mosey between stations/cones: 1 round and a partial second round was completed before YHC called time and we moseyed to COT.

Cone 1 – 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 lunges

COne 2 -10 diamond merkins, 20 werkins, 30 side straddle hops

Cone 3 – 10 Merkins, 20 burpees, 30 shoulder taps

Cone 4 – 10 box cutters, 20 leg raises, 30 big boys

Arrival at COT was at 0559 – just enough time for a 30 second body destroyer and a transition to name o rama with the 16 other kettle bell PAX.

Announcements – Maximus 40th workout at 0600 on 9-7 at NAFO – Spider-Man on Q

Prayers were offered for Geronimo’s daughter who is in Michigan and contemplating returning home and for Geronimo who is seeking employment.

Praise for a FNG joining today – Wagon Wheel

NMM – Choosing to do the hard thing each day often feels difficult.  Yet as HIMs, we know that also creates impact and momentum in our life.  That choice also sets an example for those in our concentrica.  Momentum is cumulative and YHC is thankful to all the HIMs in the Fort who, knowingly or not, serve as both inspiration and motivation by the example they show.  Who creates that positive impact for you?  Whose example in your concentrica inspires you?  And do you tell them?  If not, perhaps today is that day you generate momentum for someone else or you inspire them to the same advantage you’ve sought.

My thanks to L Train for the opportunity to Q and be around such a solid group of HIMs

Until next time, keep inspiring by your choices and creation of positive impact.



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Ring of Fire at the Coop

Ten pax posted at the Coop for a “ring of fire” workout.

Mosey run (with butt kickers, high knees, toy soliers)
SSH  (12x I/C)
Windmills (10x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (12x I/C)
Morrocan N/C (10x I/C)
Low Slow Squats (10x I/C)
Arm Circles (10x I/C)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog/honeymooner)

Thang 1
At Pull up bars, do:

Regular pull ups 5x Chin ups 5x Switch grip pull ups 5x
Knees to chest 10x Toes to bar 10x

Grab cinder blocks and head to bottom of the hill by the elementary school.

Thang 2
Ring of fire #1: Circle of stations is below.  Pax do the exercise noted while the runner goes to top of hill and back (he’s the timer).  ©=cinder block

Burpees Mtn climbers SSH Chest press ©
KB swings © thrusters © Farmers carry ©© Squats
Alt shldr taps Imp Walkers Tricep ext © RUNNER
Curls © Shoulder press w/ bricks ©

Thang end
Ring of fire #2: Mary flavored

Flutters Dying cockroaches Protractors
Big Boys Drunken mountain climbers Big boys

Fini, COT

Continuing Kaiser’s theme of favorite Bible verses, mine is 1st Corinthians 10:13

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Testing makes us stronger; flexes our spiritual muscles.

NNM: Need to trim the pain stations on the ring to match number of pax; makes the flow better.

Playlist: (Man themed)
Superman, REM
Ramblin gambling man, Bob Seger
Enter Sandman, Metallica
I’m a Man, Chicago
The Man, the Killers

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RPG-Varsity July Combo

Twenty three PAX converged at NaFo for the RPG-Varsity Combo (July 2020 edition).  Meteorological note: there was actually an occasional breeze blowing!

Started promptly at 0515 with Sasquatch leading the Broga portion.

Sasquatch leading us in some Broga

The peaceful warrior  pose was shattered by the breaking of wind by some Pax.

Next, the pax had their choice of what to do from 0530 to COT/0600:

Boot camp: Kaiser on Q

Pax did:  Stage 1 = bench workouts including derkins, dips, incline merkins.
Stage 2 = bear crawl around circle.
Stage 3 = broad jumps across parking lot mixed in with burpees.
Stage 4 = cinderblock curls and step ups on bench
Stage 5 = flutters/ab workout to wait for the six
Stage 6 = 10 pull ups 10 chin ups 10 reverse grip pull ups 3 burpees pull ups with wall sit between intervals
Stage 7 = short Mary with Freddie mercuries and hello dolly.

Run: Harry Carry on Q
Four pax ran a 3 mile loop at about a 8:10 pace.

run route

Ruck: Cake Boss on Q
Seven pax for the ruck, covering about 1.5 miles.  Topic: Matthew chapter 24 “Be ready”.

Fini, COT

Kaiser noted James 1:19; “…be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”   It can be a struggle to those in the right order.

Prayers for Cash.

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Four Corners

Today we did a four corner workout on the NaFo football field.

We started with a mosey around the parking lot and circled up for some SSH, Moroccan NC, Cherry pickers/tappy taps, imperial walkers and windmills.

The 8 strong hit the field for four corners:

1st corner: Merkins, Flutters and Squats

2nd corner: Widearm Merkins, LBC’s and Mountain climbers

3rd corner: Diamond merkins, BB situps and Calf raises

4th corner: CDD, American Hammers and Box cutters

We did three rounds of each starting at 20 reps each then 15 and finally 10 reps.

We ended with some Mary at COT

Thanks to Harry Carey for letting me lead these men.

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Living Third

Very brief warmup… Run lap at front of NAFO, plank til 6 is in, 2 exercises paired intentionally for burnout, cadence count until Q is burned out… repeat, repeat, repeat, you get the idea. Discussion for the morning was about Living Third.  


Plank Jacks 



Mountain climbers

Wide grip Merkins 


Peter Parker’s

Diamond Merkins


Bomb jacks

Monkey humpers





Seal Jacks

Jump squats 



American hammers



Big boys


Galatians Ch 5 v13 For you were called to freedom, brothers.  Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love  r serve one another. 14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word:  “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another.

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The COOP – Reopening & Reflection

There is no doubt this time has tested a lot of us at our core. I was really excited and honored to take the Shovel Flag from Punch List and continue to help the PAX accelerate going into 2020. I had all of these great ideas for the AO and great momentum going into our first Q and then….Coronavirus. Going into isolation was hard for my family and I. During the next couple of months, if I’m being honest, I found myself decelerating. I was sleeping in longer, making poor diet choices, and failed to push myself to get up and workout. It honestly impacted me in a negative way at work, with my relationships, and at home as a father and husband. At the same time the isolation period made me realize how valuable F3 is to a man. As we all know and hear if you are not accelerating your are decelerating. My physical, spiritual, and mental health were out of wack and I knew what was needed to get back on track. As we re-enter our new world I come out with a new found confidence and excitement for whats to come. I’m grateful for this organization and the impact it has had on my life and can’t wait to share that with others.

Warm Up
Quick mozy around the lot , side straddle hops, toy soldiers, cherry pickers, wind mills, downward dog / honeymooners, Moroccan night clubs.

Main Course
The reason why I love the COOP so much is the smorgasbord of options you have to dish out to the PAX. So…of course, we start at the pull up bars.

10 burpee pull ups
Run down the hill
20 merkins
bear crawl up the hill
30 LBCs
Rinse and repeat X3 with modified options

Run up and down bleachers – at every transition at the bottom we grabbed some bench and did 20 dips

Broad jump suicides 10, 20, 30 , 40, 50

Mary to finish
Lots of merkins, AB work, and more. Finished on time.

Excited to lead and kick off the COOP the right way. Look forward to accelerating into 2020!

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