12 Days of Christmas

15 HIMs descended on Laces In/Out for a beat down today including (3) runners led by Rock Thrill and (12) for BC led by YHC.

YHC was honored to be invited by Cyclops to Q at this AO. There is so much to do that I decided to peruse the previous backblasts to see if I could borrow some ideas. Fortunately, I was directed to a backblast from 12/8/13 from Double D and Santini where the Fort was introduced to the 12 Days of Christmas. YHC was there and remember it fondly. It has become a staple of the Christmas season at the Fort. In honor of DD, I decided to borrow the pain and apply.

The Thang

Mosey toward front of FMHS

1st Stop – SSHs x 30 and 5 burpees

2nd Stop – Windmills x 10 and 4 burpees

3rd Stop – Mtn Climbers x 20 and 3 burpees

4th Stop – Merkins x 10 and 2 burpees

5th Stop – IWs x 15 and 1 burpee


12 Days of Christmas

The Pax completed each set of exercises consistent with the song and then took a lap around the parking lot. The exercises were done in order listed below:

1 Donkey Kick


3 Jumping Lunges

4 Merkins

5 Squats

6 Burpees

7 Bombjacks

8 Sumo Squats


10 Flutters IC

11 Monkey Humpers

12 Diamond Merkins


All total we completed 2.6 miles plus exercises above. No one remembered that it was cold outside! Slapshot led the way the entire time and thus carried us out with a prayer.



  • Christmas party tomorrow night
  • Dam to Dam relay for a cause
  • Bonsai looking for folks to help with shelving at Classroom Ready
  • Prayers for Cash, Cyclops Dad


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Merkin Mania

It was a chili morning and I was over at Cross Town Rival FMHS to lead a WO at Laces In. I got there a little early to loosen my old bones and fortunately for me I ran into Pusher. This was a good thing because whether he knows it or not I like to soak up what he has to say. Good Dude. My grand-dad always told me two things (one I can’t say here, Snake knows what the other is) and the other is – Always listen when a wiser man is speaking. Alright enough of that, we circled up and I gave a disclaimer and I added also to please look to your left or right and get a visual of who is here because we will be moseying around in the dark and I want to make sure we all know who is all here.

I did my traditional Moseying COP:
30 SSH IC with 20 Wide arm Merkins IC (Werkins)
20 Seal jax IC with 20 Ranger Merkins IC (which are regular Merkins if u ask Jedi) and I agree
15 Smurf jax IC with 10 Diamond Merkins IC

Thang 1: We then found some curb and did one of my new favs – Wheel of Merkins

Grab a piece of curb, and did a 5 incline merkins. Staying in the plank position, rotate 90 degrees clockwise until your body is parallel to the curb with right hand on the curb and left hand off it. Repeat 5 merkins Rotate 90 degrees more and perform the same number of decline merkins. Rotate 90 degrees more. Repeat with left hand on the curb and right hand off it.

Did this from 5 down to 1.

Thang 2: Knocked out a string of pearls 5 squats, 10 Bomb jax, 15 Mt Climbers and 20 Big Boys then back down. I tried to keep everything in cadence. I like that so we all can stay on track and together.

I took a minute to discuss picking up the six and the fine line of when to do it and when not to. What I mean by that is when do you let the six give that extra push on his own. Hope this makes sense.

Thang 3: 11’s with Mike Tysons and Squats.

Thang 4: Wheel of Merkins Again. This time not stopping between reps 5 through 4, Rep 3 on its own then 2 and 1 without stopping.

Rounded out the last few minutes with some ab work. I did 10 flutters in cadence and Stang said that is weak.


Diaper Drive, Coat Drive, Nessie

Prayers for Duck Dynasty’s pregnant sister, Rebel’s daughter getting married this weekend and our Children.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead Cyclopes!

Two Ferns!

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Do a few things, but do them well.

Jekyll asked me to Q at Colosseum like a month and a half ago. I had reservations, as the Colosseum is outside my radius of comfort for a weekday post and it’s not like the Q can leave early. Throwing caution to the wind I said sure, I’ll just make it an extra short shower before work…

Let’s roll!

-Quick mosey to the first light- SSH
-Quick mosey to the next wide spot for slow count merkins and Imperial walkers.
-Quick mosey to the parking lot for some more COP.
Count off by 3 and line up behind one of 3 KB, 30# 40# and 50#
-All pax take turns for 20 KB swings, while the Q leads everyone else in squats, merkins and calf raises.
Main Course
4 cones that delineate 4 lines in the parking lot. Everyone lines up at one end line.
Lunge walk to the next line, bear crawl to the next line, then run the the end line.
25 merkins, then lunge walk walk, bear crawl, and run back to the original line.
Plank for the six.
Exercise- IC
This will be the pattern for the next 30 minutes or so.
Exercise 1: Flutter kicks 25 x
Exercise 2: Squats 25 x
Exercise 3: WW1 Sit-ups 15 x
Exercise 4: 6 in LBC’s 15 x then Monkey Humpers 20 x

Cool-out  with a pyramid of Suicide sprints.


Hopefully that wasn’t too hard or too easy for most of the PAX. I had planned on about 6 PAX posting, what with Tater at Ballroom, Mile High at Golden Corral and Shanks at Block Party there were so many other options that it seemed inconceivable that more than 10 people would post to Colosseum. When I looked around and there were 22 other guys looking for a good push this AM, I really had a hard time believing it. Not saying everyone came just ’cause it was me, but I really did appreciate that everyone came to hang out with me in the Gloom. As always, it was my pleasure leading the PAX, pushing everyone a little bit, practicing my cadence, and maybe practicing my DI voice a little bit too.
Your Welcome!


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Making it Count at the Colosseum

I forgot how dark this AO is to start so was surprised when I felt like I didn’t recognize any of the pax that came to work this morning.  We had 9 in all, including Ryan the FNG (EH goes to Bubble Boy).  Gave the standard disclaimer and reminded him not to worry, that the hardest part about today was done before this workout started.  He made it here.

We moseyed around the big loop at the school, made our way to the parking lot out back and did an ultra fast warm-up:

  • 20 seal jacks
  • 10 wind mills
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 11 merkins / 10 diamonds / 9 merkins / 8 diamonds….down to 1 merkin (66 in total)

From there we headed over to the corner of the first playground, underneath the light pole.  Informed the pax I’d give them an exercise and rep count, we’d do that at the starting line, and then run to each light post and do the same thing for 10 light posts, then run all the way back to the starting line.  I seem to forget every time that the distance of 10 light posts is pretty dam far.

First leg – 5 burpees per light pole (50 in total)
Second leg – 10 big boys per light pole (100 in total)
Third leg (the worst) – 15 jump squats per light pole (150 in total)

2.6 miles later we were running out of time so we did the final leg with merkins x10 per light pole.  We did 8 light poles to get us to 80 reps in total, then hustled back to COT.

Ryan the FNG got the hook-up based on a lack of creativity this morning – “REAPER”.

Prayers were said for marriages, kids, travel safety and those dealing w/ sickness.  Thanks for the letting me come and take the lead Jekyll.  Had a great time sweating it out this morning in what felt like 90 degrees at 5am.  See y’all in the gloom.

Cha Ching

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Catch me if you can

Nine men gathered at Gold Hill Elementary, weather was clear and lower 70’s.

Warm up
Mosey Run to small parking lot near entrance
Circle up and do:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
Burpees (OYO 5X)

Run back down

Thang 1: Elevens
start w/ 1 Merkin at intersection #1
run to intersection #2 (distance = 300′) and do 10 LBC’s
Run back and do 2 Merkins
run to other side do 9 LBC’s
procced until 10 merkins and 1 LBC

Thang 2: Catch you if you can/Tug of War
Need three light posts, equidistant apart
Partner up, size kinda matters
Start in center of area, where:
P1 does 5 Burpees
P2 crab walks towards their goal post/end
When P1 done w/ exercise, he runs and tags P2.
At that spot, P1 crab walks towards his goal, P2 stops and does six burpees
When P2 done w/ exercise, runs and tags P1.  back/forth continues until a pax reaches a goal.
Each iteration the pax adds two burpees (P1 = odd #’s = 5, 7, 9 etc, P2 = even #’s = 6, 8, 10 etc)
Alternate play: Bobby Hurleys/ Lunge walk or Burpee/broad jumps,

Thang 3: Global Warming
PAX in circle. Hold Al Gore while shuffling in a circle. Q shouts out exercise and amount (10 merkins, 20 Bobby Hurleys, 10 burpees, etc.).  Recover from exercise and shuffle in opposite direction. Rinse, repeat.

Short run to seven mins of Mary.

Be careful and aware on the roads.  For most of us, it’s the most dangerous part of our day.

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Blown tire = Bullpen

Lets just put this out there.  I was HURTIN.  The Murph did me in like no one’s business.  Shoulders, arms, no extension.  The bed was calling.  Obligation as a PAX and as a site Q made my decision for me.  Have to do the hard thing.  Reborn has been on schedule for months and I got a call at 4:30 saying his tire had blown.  No problem.

Pulling into The Coloseeum there were already a large group of men gathering waiting.  With nothing prepared, I decided shared leadership was the key today.

Maximus: COP

Jekyll: 16s on the track.  Carolina Dry Docks and Jumping Lunges at each corner of track.  15/1, 14/2, 13/3….1/15.

Dungaree: Wall Muscle ups, BTTW

MacGuyver: Wall sits into merkins back into Wall sits (#crowdpleaser)

Gekko: Street lights.  AYG to next to pole 2, mosey to pole 3, AYG to pole 4. repeato until 10th pole

Walker: Cant remember but probably Merkins

Jekyll: Mary

all were completely smoked.  Always great to have the high energy and expectation from Walker.  He really drives me to be better and do better.  Unwavering principled man.

We finished up and met up with Ruckers and Pathfinders.


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