The Kitchen Sink – 01FEB2023

We stretched a bit, some windmills, light jogging, tappy-taps, some SSH, you get the idea…

Sandbags required. YHC had and recommended a 60lb, but no one was weighing anything…
– First it was a long, bagless loop around the parking lot/car loop with some stops to do things like Merkins, squats, and the like.
– Then we grabbed our sandbags and partnered up for a little catch me if you can from the flag to the top of Hubert Graham — 5 burpees while your partner farmer carried your bags, catch and switch
– At every manhole cover on the way down the hill (for 7 covers), do 5 manmakers
– On the way back up the hill, do 20 flutters (2-count) with press at each manhole cover
– Next round, 3 curls on the way down and up
– REPEAT as time allows… time didn’t allow…
– Back to flag for cool-down and Mary

MARY: No Chicks Allowed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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The Beast has Awakened

The Tomahawk was awaked and is not pleased with what it sees. This fabled AO is riddled with mystic and lore. Did it ever exist? Was there ever really an F3-Indian Land? Where did it go?

YHC is here to tell you Tomahawk was too much for this modern world. It was a place where men wore weight vests for the 5-mile pre-runs, then did kettlebell work outs for cool downs. I can assure you, the worst stories you have ever heard are watered down at best.

We are getting soft, and mushy. We talk too much. We lift things that weigh under 30LBS. We video stuff and talk about trendy topics.  It’s time for a rebirth by fire. Tomahawk is coming back to take teeth and kick names. There will be no fluff. Leave your Lululemon at home.

Launching 2-22-23 we will begin a Legends series where you can expect to see the royalty of AO pasted. YHC has an abundance of devilish delights for the coming months…so stay tuned.

There seems to be a vacancy at Catawba Ridge so we will plant our flag there and reclaim what is rightfully ours. You got what it takes?

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Reverse Webb- Minnow Pond

7 Pax (6 runners 1 walker) gathered at Vets park this morning. After a welcome reminder from Backdraft we said the pledge and got going.

The Thang:

Reverse Webb.

I had 10 cones split .05 apart along 160 , Clebourne, Main Street and then looped back past Vets park on 160.
Essentially we would run to cone 10, run back to Vets parking lot do 40 reps (split between LBC’s and Merkins) and repeat with Cone 9 (36 reps) Cone 8 (32 reps) etc…etc..

Cone 10 and back to COT 1 Mile 40 reps (20 merkins/20 Lbcs)
Cone 9 and back to COT .9 Mile 36 reps (18 merkins/18 Lbcs)
Cone 8 and back to COT .8 Mile 32 reps (16 merkins/16Lbcs)
Cone 7 and back to COT .7 Mile 28 reps (14 merkins/14 Lbcs)
Cone 6 and back to COT . 6 Miles 24 reps (12 merkins/12 Lbcs)
Cone 5 and back to COT . 5 Miles. 20reps (10 merkins/10 Lbcs)

(This is as far as anyone got)

Things I learned: My Under Armor App and my Apple App do not agree. I measured out the cones using my Under Armor app, but ran the course with my Apple watch. Apparently, I underestimated the mileage on the cones and as a result we all got at least 4 miles in. Two of us got 5 in.

Always honored to lead and was thankful for the men that showed up this morning.

Take care…until next time!

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Hill repeat Monday

At 0515, YHC told the PAX there is no warm up we were ready to roll and headed out toward Gold Hill Middle. It was supposed to be a mosey, but was more running.

At the first parking lot we counted off and gave a very bastardized disclaimer- basically modify as necessary and you should read the disclaimer on the website.
From there I explained what the workout was,;
25 merkins at the school, then head up the hill to the bank, do 25 Freddy Mercurys (4 count- like in cadence), then back to school and rinse/repeat until 0600.

Most got in 4-5 rounds and all got in at least 3.5 miles.

COT: lots of announcements and prayers – I was oxygen deprived so I don’t recall them at this point 🤦🏼‍♂️

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The Battle: Kitchen Sink edition

Nice cool morning here in the greater Tega Cay area. As we were waiting in the parking lot YHC was hoping for at least 1 more pax to show up for what I had planned. Thankfully PETA pulled in at 5:14 and we were ready to go!


25 Merkins IC ( I’m a little disappointed in myself when I struggled with my last rep. I will do better next time)
25 Flutters IC
10 Merkins IC
10 Flutters IC
5 Merkins IC
5 Flutters IC

Mosey to the Tree within the Traffic Circle

Counted off the pax into team 1 and team 2. Facing opposite ways we did a competitive “challenge run” running around the large traffic circle in front of the school. This run required the 6 to do 2 burpees before running to the front. To win each team had to complete 4 laps. Winners got to do 10 Burpees and losers had to do 20. Pax pushed and it was a VERY close race as a result we both won and did 10 burpees.

Mosey to the front of the school.

We began the 2nd portion of the workout doing a Tabata style sequence 45 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest.

2 Rounds of :
HR Merkins
Diamond Merkins

After the second round we did a recovery lap and got into the mental battle known as “last man planking” In short we circled up and held plank as long as we could until no one could plank anymore. I would periodically call merkins to “thin the herd”. After calling 5 merkins IC everyone held fast. After calling 6 merkins IC we had 4-5 drop. After calling 7 Merkins IC we had everyone else drop except for YHC and Maximas. With that Maximas was declared the winner and we moved on to COT with just about 7 minutes to go.

With a little under 7 minutes to go of course I called a Burpee EMOM. Started with a round of 10, moved to 11, moved to 12, back down to 11, down to 10, and then one last round of 10. With only 30 seconds left we did a light stretch and 1 more HR merkin for good measure.

Great work by all the men who showed especially Flounder as he sets a great example for all the other PAX.

The Theme today was “the Battle”. Not only the battle we face with competition, or each other but mostly the battle we have with ourselves. How much can you push yourself and how far are you willing to go? Chances are you can go at least “one more rep” you just need to believe you can and people to help push you further.

Thanks for the opportunity! Until Next Time!

TClap |

Happy birthday Currahee. Now get to work!


Low slow squat
Bear complex with sandbag:
– hang clean
– Front squat
– Push press
– Back squat
– Push press


Workout 1
Reps: 21-15-9
Throw sandbag over shoulder
Merkins (with ruck)
4 count flutters (slick)
Ruck swings

Workout 2
Sandbag back squats
Sandbag rows
Mode of transport: sandbag bear hug carry

Workout 3
10 minute AMRAP
10 hang cleans
10 front squats
10 push press
Carry sandbag to light pole and back (regular back carry)

Workout 4
Catch me if you can
1 sandbag per team
Partner 1 does farmers carry
Partner 2 does 5 burpees (ruck on) then ruck shuffles to catch up

Hello dollies

Everyone has stuff they’re going through. Don’t be a Dick

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“I’m sorry Mrs Jackson Street (woo!), Minnow Pond is fo real!!” – OutKast, 2001


Run to Harris St Park via paved trail behind WEP Amphitheater.

3 strong PAX split 30 pull-ups, 100 merkins, 100 squats.

Run up Jackson St
– Every intersection, do a 20 Rep abs workout
1. American Hammers
2. Box Cutters
3. LBC’s
4. Hello Dollys
5. Penguins
6. V-ups

Run to WEP playground.

Planking relay races – pAX to 12, 4, and 8 o’clock locations on perimeter of playground. 1 person runs to the next. Others are planking and waiting for the runner to tap them out to run.

3x circuits running
3x circuits NUR

Took a 1/2 mile lap around WEP, then headed back to COT.

Total miles-3.1 miles

Dam to Dam bar
6 at 6 on Saturday is back.

Seasons of change for various PAX. Prayers for times of transition, patience, and presence.

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Toy Soldier
Butt Kickers
Short Mosey
Maybe some yoga
Dan John’s Humane Burpee (look it up if you’ve read this far)

THE THANG: Farmers Carry around the AO
Stopped for the sequence:
One handed Swing
Over Head Reverse Lunge
Racked Squat
Repeat on the other side

Sometimes we did more than one rep of the sequence, other times we didn’t.

Bear crawled for a while to get our heart rates back down after the sequence….that was not an effective method of lowering the heart rate. You’re welcome

MARY: 4 burpee snatches each side
did do some rotational halos from our knees

COT: Went around the circle. Small groups = easier fellowship

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Geezer Butler

Big crowd this morning at Block Party. 24 men started their day off right, some ran, some rucked, and some stuck around and the rest followed the old geezer.
First stop, the bank on the corner, actually it is a pharmacy now. Circled up for exercises in cadence (SSHs, MNCs, IWs, WMs). Next, we selected a partner. Bear crawl to the middle of the parking lot, 10 partner merkins, bear crawl back to the curb, rinse and repeat 3 times.
Next, we ran down to the town hall offices, 3 rounds of Mike Tysons (set of 10). Back on the road, up to the top of the hill on Williamson St. 3 rounds of Partner pushes between the light poles. I was corrected, one of the poles was actually a flag pole (old man eyes). Next, hold plank, down to elbow, six inches. Back down the hill, return to the top of the parking lot. Brisk mosey to the parking lot across from COT with the brick wall. Dora 1-2-3, 200 Carolina Dry Docks, 300 Squats, 400 LBCs. Partner 1 performed the exercises while Partner 2 ran to the wall and did 3 muscle-ups.
Back to COT

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4 before D2DB10K

Couldn’t make the D2DB10k time slot, so we ran it early. Fish dropped us off at the starting point and headed back to meet us at the finish after some rehab work on his calf.

Bandlands is fast and brought coffee.

Maximus stuck with YHC and I ran faster for it.

Esso proved the master of his back.

Band Camp dismissed

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