Co-Q at the Colosseum

It was warm and humid this morning at the Colosseum. I led the first 22.5 and Dark Helmet was set to take the second half. 10 Bootcampers were joined by Maximas, Gears and Vuvuzela who went running OYO.  

I led us off with a quick 10 SSH and then moseyed to my portion of the workout.

I wanted to do something hard but self contained. The first workout that came to mind was Iron Pax 2019 Week 1: The Killer B’s.  

Starting at Cone 1 you broad jump 10 yards to cone 2. Complete 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, and 10 Big Boy Situps-
Broad Jump to cone 3 and repeat the exercises and the reps. Broad Jump to Cone 4 repeat the exercises and the reps.

Once through the cones YHC gave everyone the option to either BearCrawl back or Sprint back. (if you were seen not sprinting I blew the whistle and the offending PAX was given 5 burpees OYO) I only blew the whistle once….on myself because I love burpees apparently.

Our goal was to get through 4 times in the 20ish minutes. I’m happy to say everyone worked hard and we got through it.

Once my time was up Dark Helmet took over and we moseyed down towards the school entrance. He handed us all a pen/marker and some paper and asked us to write a message to Decibel and his son Noah who is recovering from an operation. Once we all wrote down our messages we then raced to his office to put the messages on the door. The first one there got to pick the routine for the next portion of the workout.

After a loooong mosey up the hill where YHC HR hit 190 I was able to get to the office first and got the chance to pick the next part of the workout. Starting at the top of the hill we ran back and did 15 merkins and 25 4-CT clutters 4 different cones.

At that point we were getting close to 6 and we all made a jailbreak to COT. We were reunited with the runners who I think did 7ish miles and joined in on some LBC’s and Hello Dolly’s as we hit 6:00.

Announcements included F3 Dads, the Site Change of the Swamp, and a makeup of the Misogi. Prayers for health, mental, physical and spiritual.

Always great to Q and especially grateful for partnering with DOAH today. Thanks to all who showed!

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The Ghost of Band Camp Haunts Alcatraz

WARMUP: Mosey to the roundabout for some COP fun — mtn climbers, Parker Peter, SSH, IW, HW, Carioca, burpees
THE THANG: Mosey to one of those Hawaiian names side streets
Plank series on a side street
Mosey to cul de sac on right and continue down to the golf course for a
Jacob’s ladder (jumping lunges at bottom, 3-way calf raises at top)
Mosey back home

Handoff to Trucker

Back on the mosey train (somewhat surprisingly) over to that nasty neighborhood hill right off the park entrance (oh no!) down to the bottom

10 Merkins
Nur to the top
10 LBCs
rinse and repeat for 3 rounds
(The Suck got very real by this point!)

Pearls on a strong out past the tennis courts to the short wall by the golf course with several stops for LBCs, merkins, flutters, dips, derkins, etc. Same drill on the return to the firehouse for more of the same, then a continuation on the path around Runde with stops for pain and a final sprint home.


Swamp and Quagmire relocations coming this week.
QSource mtg returning 6/21 at Baxter Starbucks after workouts
F3 Dads starting 6/11 for 4 weeks at WEP at 0900

The spirit of Band Camp was with us front he start as YHC mistake preferred to Backdraft as BC — that only fired up BD to prove himself, and he did, coming in as king ong with Fishstix. nice work!

Great to Q with BAOPS OG Trucker! for the record, I told him I would focus on cardio, hills and legs so he could cover the rest of the body. He did cover the rest but not without giving us all a real beating of the hill, cardio and leg flavor. nice work!

great to have Masterpiece in the gloom after a long stretch off. T-claps to Decibel for getting him back out. great to have MP’s EH of Paint Can put for his first Alcatraz rodeo — great job pushing through a tough morning!

Thx to Skipper for the invite and the leadership at Alcatraz!

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Minnow Pond

WARMUP: run .8
THE THANG: golf course 9 holes with Merkins
MARY: took turns, flutters, tie touch, American hammers etc
COT: Funhouse traveling- vacation, Stang praise for young man staying with them , 🙌

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A Stacked Deck at The Pit

WARMUP: Run the parking lot but only a very little. Some Windmills, Merkins and Imperial Walkers.

THE THANG: We played cards so for the newer guys, every number represents the rep count with face cards ascending in value. In general, the cards were shuffled relatively well.
Aces = 14 and a few wild cards.
In total:
Hearts: 104 Squats with weight overhead
Diamonds: 104 Thrusters
Clubs: 104 Clubs in cadence
Spades: 104 Upright Rows

MARY: Yes, a little at the end including Peter Parkers & American Hammers.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Keep an eye out for the Misogi details later today in Slack.
COT: You should’ve been there.
Until next time…

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Some opted for the norm, some did not

Disclaimer included the option of rucking or running on your own as is sometimes the norm but meet us back at 0600. The other option was to join me in running to the high school track, or so we thought. We made our way to the the stadium and saw that all access points were locked so we utilized the parking lot instead of the track. It wasn’t as good but it worked.
WARMUP: We ran
THE THANG: Cool run around the lot.
Fast run around the lot.
Cool run followed by a fast 2 laps.
Cool run followed by a fast 3 laps.
Cool run followed by a fast 4 laps.
Switch directions to run a lap then up the hill and down.
Again, run a lap but now, NUR up the hill and down.
Run another lap then up up and down.
Run back to COT. ~4.5mi
MARY: Sprinkled throughout.

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Not Your Norm

WARMUP: Alternating side shuffles to the back lot. No regular jogging or any of that other nonsense!!
5 Jumps Squats. 10 Merkins I/C, 15 Should Taps I/C. 20 Peter Parkers I/C. 25 Calf Raises I/C.
THE THANG: Starting at the first light pole, NUR (backwards run) up the long hill stopping at every other light pole for 10 Carolina Dry Docks & 15 American Hammers.
Run back down to the 1/2 wall for 25 Muscle Ups on the wall.
Come back to the parking lot and line up on the cones.
Run to the second basketball goal and back to the starting line (est 70yds total) for 5 Burpees. Repeat this 9 more times for a total of 10 rounds.
MARY: Once completed, we executed a few slow cadence, form-focused exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: There’s a newsletter, read it. FNG naming didn’t take long. These 2 men, now known as Yogi & White Hot were hustling this morning. T-claps to Shower Curtain with an assist from Long Duck on bringing them out.
COT: It stays there.

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Brayden neighborhood warmup lap w/ stretch
NUR uphill with 10-10-10 pain stations
Mosey back to COT
Island 11s – Merkins and LBCs (parking lot)
2 laps around earth fare
Abs at COT
Back to COT

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Through A Different Lens

Through a Different Lens

F3 ( has been an integral part of me becoming the type of person, the type of man, I am today. This development process is a long journey, absent a finish line. This process can be frustrating as one never truly arrives at an end point. The journey is full of mistakes and learning opportunities we call waypoints, along the path of becoming the man you were created to become.

As of this past weekend in mid-May, there have been 28 GrowRuck Training Exercises, or GTE, executed during the 10-year existence of F3. These events are leadership training weekends where participants are taught virtuous leadership principles and then tested to put their learning into practice. I have participated in 3, Louisville, Myrtle Beach and this past weekend in Northwest Arkansas. All these events, both those I’ve participated in and those I have not, are uniquely their own. They have their own leadership team planning them, often times have different members of the Trainer and Cadre teams executing them and different men signing up to participate in the hopes they experience the same memory-making, life-changing moments they’ve heard about from events past. GTE’s are an excellent way to cement the development process for a man.

I’ve had those life-changing moments and often talk of the physical and mental challenges our teams have overcome. It is a fantastic way for men to learn life lessons as they’re expected to implement leadership teachings during frequent periods of high stress and limited visibility. What made NW Arkansas different?

First, I was flying in to participate in this event with my brother-in-law of 16+ years whom I’ve known for over 20. He is my wife’s brother and is also the leader of the regional F3 group hosting this GTE. In addition to the family connection, we were on the same team or as we say it, we were in the same Platoon. We often rucked side by side, each having some kind of heavy object hoisted onto our shoulders providing an additional challenge. Under such conditions, much didn’t have to be spoken. There is now a shared connection that just exists because of that experience. Sure, family vacations and Christmas dinners will now include inside jokes or “remember when” stories, but it’s the bond gained through shared adversity that grows the relationship.

Second, I was a Trainer alongside a great friend of mine, Frank. As a Trainer, you have a few primary functions during the weekend. In the beginning, Trainers rally the men and walk through the plan and expectations for the weekend. Trainers execute the Saturday morning workout consisting of leadership principles taught in F3. The major function of Trainers, requiring the most investment, is leading the 3-hour training session we call Grow School during which we teach these principles in a classroom setting and share personal experiences to support the content. This content comes from the book written by F3’s co-Founder, Dave Redding, Q Source ( Trainers go “Under the Log” and participate like every other man. The difference here, however, is that Trainers cannot offer suggestions or advice, or serve in a leadership capacity during the event. They are to suffer and celebrate in all the same ways the rest of their team does. As I learned this weekend, this is where the magic happens.

The final element that made this weekend different was the connection made with several of the men in our Platoon. Those men know who they are as we pushed each other throughout the event, learned of very similar life experiences or, they presented an opportunity of personal investment. That’s one of the many special things about these events, it is about way more than “just” a 14-hour ruck event. Bonds are created through shared adversity.

While these and other experiences from this weekend stay with me, it is that role as a trainer I want to dig into a bit more. I’m 41 years old and have a history of surrounding myself, and in some cases, befriending, older men. I just tend to hang around guys that are a few years my senior. In doing so, I often pick up on their knowledge and listen to pieces of wisdom that stick with me. Rarely do I consider myself as a source of wisdom for other men. So, as a trainer, one is forced to be in the wisdom sharing role. Leading up to this unique opportunity, I studied and asked men whose opinion I value all sorts of questions about my preparation, what aspects I should dig in on and more broadly, their advice on how to present this material.

The training went well. While I went long on some points and rushed through others, I believe the material I presented was conveyed in a manner easily digested. I got vulnerable with the roughly 60 men in attendance in sharing how I’ve misaligned priorities, led selfishly and have eventually surrounded myself with men to hold me accountable. In the days since GTE28, I’ve had a few men contact me and thank me for sharing about my life and even talked about how it is causing them to think differently. That’s about as good as it gets.

Then, we went under the log. Frank talks about his passion of “unlocking” men for their true purpose. This isn’t a vocational unlocking but a true, life-meaning, unlocking and discovery of your purpose for living this life. Over the course of the event, under extreme physical duress, exhausted, hungry, frustrated, and possibly even regretting their choice to be there, I witnessed a few men become unlocked. They were transformed from deer staring into the headlights to men that assessed a situation and jumped into action. Their action threw their own personal comfort out the window because after all, they weren’t in this event for themselves. Sure, it’s nice to overcome something physically hard, but they kept pushing because that’s what they expected from other men in the Platoon, to keep pushing. In other words, they weren’t going to let you quit.

A man will quit on himself before he will quit on another man. We had plenty of time to ponder quitting. While carrying a ladder weighted down with fire hoses, sandbags, logs and our own ~40lb rucks, one could rationalize quitting in today’s world. But guess what? We weren’t living in today’s world this past weekend. The actions by men, most whom I’d not previously met, were inspiring. I witnessed a man in his 20’s take over the lead role and absolutely crush it. We completed every challenge with time to spare, knew the expectations and found ways to support the team. I witnessed a teenager lead men 2-3 times his age, including his own father. As soon as one becomes concerned about the generation behind you and its ability to engage, he put an end to that thought. It wasn’t perfect but you’d be hard pressed to find another 15-year-old with the courage and fortitude to take that on.

I witnessed a man puking on a field come back and excel during this event. I witnessed a man who’s never led even a small workout go on to lead us through a mock casualty exercise. I witnessed the silent courage of countless men focus on everything else but their own personal suck, just so that they could be a motivating force for others.

In the end, I had a few men come up to me, face to face, hug me and thank me for the role I played. You see, I’ve always found myself on the receiving end of other men giving of themselves. This time, I gave some of myself away because I was honored to be asked and I cared about these guys before I even knew their names. These men in Arkansas, from around the country, thanked me because I cared about them. I encouraged them to press on, physically, and in their lives back home.

Imagine if we could get every man to step into an experience like this, realizing it’s about way more than carrying a weighted ruck for a few hours. What if we all had the life-changing experience to recognize we get to invest in others and be invested into, while going through shared challenges? In 41 years, I’ve not found an environment better than a GTE where a man can fail then overcome, on his way to becoming a more unlocked man. It is a process, and a very rewarding one at that.

TClap |

Yoga Mat is Gear

Warm Up: SSH, IW, HW, Good Morning, Squats, Around the World

Thang: Groups of two rotating through stations
Deck Squats – Swings
Side Lunge – Lawnmower Pulls
Knee-tar N’Diaye – Half Kneeling Press (on preset yoga mats)
Flip the Tire
Racked Squat R/L
Racked Lunge R/L
Overhead Press R/L

Closed out with Cleans and Burpee Snatches

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Old school beat down

1 Burpee
2 Burpees
Arm circles
3 Burpees
Hill Billy Walkers
4 Burpees
Low slow squat
5 Burpees
Calf raises
10 Burpees

Set up 6 cones across about 40 yds
Each cone you do an exercise and move to the next. After completing cone 6 you run a lap.
Rd 1 – odd cones 10 merkins
           even cones 10 dips
Bear crawl between cones
Rd 2 – odd cones 20 squats
          even cones 20 Apolo Ohnos
Lung walk between cones

Next we made our way to the lower lot with the wall near the Springs building.

7s reduced to 5s were called with jumping up on the wall.
Flying squirrels at the bottom and squats on top of the wall

To kill a few minutes we lined up for wall squats while each Pax took turns doing 2 burpees down the line

Next was the Motivator. If you are unfamiliar with this exercise it consist of a reconstructive SSH. Full SSH, arms up to your shoulders, no arms, just the jump. Start at 10 for each and work your way down to 1.

Last we had a jail break for COT

Lots of stuff happening in the coming weeks. Read your news letter

Change Order and Repeat
Safe travels for Pusher and YHC
Tootsie and Park
Funhouse’s boys

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