Tabata Run

WARMUP: SSH, HW, IW, Quick Stretch
THE THANG: Ran to 2.22 miles, stopped every ~0.5 miles, and did a series of exercises. 4 different exercises , each for 45 secs ARAP with a 10s break between each exercise. We did 4 rounds around the Kingslet property.
MARY: no time
COT: Closed in prayer

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Freewheel Burning, Slowburning


5, 5-10, 5-10-15 and so on
Flying Squirrel, Merkins, Big Boys, LBCs, Squats

Jack Webb
Mahktar N’Diayes

and mumble chatter about the best GB Packers at each position.
A-ROD is a backwards DORA and 1/2 the counts, because DORA>AROD and we would not want to pull a muscle or Achilles

some dynamic warm down across the parking lot

a few minutes of proper Mary

10 counts and 10 counts and 0 burpees, like a proper moderate

345, 67, 98631, 98, 455, 692
(those numbers are for BandCamp)

Thanks to PeachStand for accepting my humble fill-in

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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O’Riley Triple Check

lap around parking lot
circle up for COP warm-up
– 25 SSH
– 10 Windmills
– 20 mountain climbers
– 10 plank jacks
– 10 Moroccan Nightclubs
– 10 Imperial Squat Walkers

Jog along front of shops. stopping at every white bench to do 5 burpees (for a total of 20).

Run to front of O’Riley Auto Parts.
Get in groups of 3 for Triple Check:

1 person in people chair
1 person doing exercise (below)
1 person running far side of Oil Change and do 3 box jumps on concrete half-wall. this increased to 7 box jumps as we progressed through the exercises.

1. Merkins
2. Heels to heaven
3. Seal jacks
4. Box Cutters
5. Shoulder Taps
6. Freddie Mercury s
7. CDDs
8. LBCs
9. Overhead claps
10. Flutters

Got through the list, headed back to COT.

Great work done by all, and we had a fun and lively discussion. Thanks to Half Shell for the opportunity to lead!

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Namesake Run l

Humid “Fall” morning. 9 men showed to take flight from the premier running AO in The Fort. 9 men returned at 0600 to share tales of conquering the pavement, dodging sprinklers and spotting <@U025ZUQU82D> biking about Baxter. Thanks <@U5D544AAY> for opportunity to lead.

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Old School Weinke in a Sandwich baggie

WARMUP: Standard Old School
SSH X 25, IW X 10, Squat X 10, Merks X 10, MTN Climbers X 10, Moroccan NC X 10, HB Walker X 10, Peter Parker X 10, Plank JACK X 10, SSH X 25
THE THANG: Mosey to Indian restaurant lot, circle up for Duck Duck Goose Mary – Mode of transportation for the Goose is Bear Crawl, Mary consisted of LBC, Flutter, Freddy, AH, HD, Rosalitta.
Mosey to Lowes – count off 1’s and 2’s. 1 Mode of transportation first round Lunges, 2nd Burpee Broad Jump, last round reverse Lunges. Other group choose Al Gore or Plank hold.
Mosey to other side of Lowes – Traditional Jack Webb.
COT to stretch
COT: Prayers for peace, in the world and for families saying goodbye to loved ones, prayers for time spent with family, prayers for good decisions for families,

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Leadership Isn’t Easy and That’s Why F3 Exists

WARMUP: some chatter about morning mental state, college kid stress, and a weird smell in Kingsley. Then we launched.
A lap around Kingsley for 1 mile
11s of Derkins and Dips
A lap around Kingsley for mile 2
11s of Step ups and Sumo Squats
A lap around Kingsley for mile 3
11s of Parker Peters and Am Hammers (post workout bc we times out)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 12 th anniversary convergence on 9/28
COT: good times sharing about our first posts in F3, memories of impactful Kotters like Red Banjo and Santini, the story of OBT innovating to support DD in the launch of The Fort. When we’re called to lead it will be hard. We will have questions and doubts. Rely on strong discernment listening to friends and family, watching for signals and signs from Life and leaning on prayer to find the signal amid the noise. It’s not easy. And that’s what F3 pax are called to — Acceleration is never easy, we just get stronger.

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(Tony romo voice) that’s a lot of monkeys, Jim!

WARMUP: windmills, produce pickers, imp walkers – in cadence them moseyed to the football field
THE THANG: rounds of suicides on the field

Starting at goal line, run to 10 yard line and do 10 reps, run back to goal line, run to 20 yard line do 20 reps, etc. repeating to the 50 and then back to the 10 in 10 yard increments. Then run to the opposite goal line and back

Round 1 SSH
Round 2 overhead claps
Round 3 monkey humpers
Round 4 am hams

Stagger back to COT

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Great bootcamp weather for a run (10 degrees too warm for good running weather)