CHAD Training @ The Armory

The weather was delicious in The Gloom today. A cool temp with <50% humidity is hard to come by in September… so YHC was more than blessed to be leading a group of men this morning.

0515. Let’s get to work.


22 SSH’s IC

11 Merkins IC

Yoga Flow to get loose.

11 Squats IC


Now that we were all breathing a little bit, YHC led the group to the concrete walls in front of the church.


I asked if anybody knew the significance of the number 22. Divac was dead on – 22 US Veterans commit suicide every day. Twenty-two. That’s a staggeringly large number. Today we spent some time remembering those who have taken their own lives – with a specific focus on the below Navy Seal.


22 Step Ups w/bell


Halos (5 each way)

Negative bicep curls (20)

Bottoms Up Press (5 each side)

Tricep Extensions (20)

22 Step Ups w/bell


Overhead Squat (one arm – 5 each side)

Lunge Twists (KB Racked Position – 10 total)

Slick Box Jumps (10)

KB Swings (20)

22 Step Ups w/bell


Z Press / Gas Pumpers (10 – 4 Count)

American Hammer (10 – 4 Count)

Flutter w/Press (10 – 4 Count)

Dollys w/45° Hold (10 – 4 Count)

22 Step Ups w/bell

Short Lap around parking lot, repeat entire circuit. 

Rinse and Repeat as Time Permits


In total, two rounds. 176 Step Ups plus 2x all of the above reps. Fun times.


We headed back to COT to knock out 5 Big Boy Sit-Ups as the clock struck 0600. Another morning, another DRP.


Let us not forget those who pay the ultimate sacrifice – either while serving or long after service. We can’t let those who sacrifice so much go isolated. Nor can we let our brothers to our left and our right go it alone. We are not made to do so. We need one another.




The CHAD WOD is coming. Keep an eye on Slack for our region’s date/time. In the meantime register.


Marine had a heart attack last week, single dad with 8 year old – Paul Rabb

COVID – Divac Brother in law and his family

Praise for sickness passing through YHC’s house

Prayers for kids on quarantine


Thanks, Shatner, for inviting this wandering GRT to a KB workout.


Punch List out.




TClap |

Birthdays within the Colosseum

Good morning. After the joy (not happiness) of yesterday’s 20yr 9/11 remembrance workout, I recognized the need to have a co-Q for my Q today at The Colosseum. After all, we’re celebrating two birthday’s, DaVinci’s & mine, I was sore and not sure what I had in the tank, but mostly because I want to share the opportunity with a brother. Fortunately, Punch List obliged my request.

Here’s what happened:

Mosey to the back lot (basketball courts).
51 + 1 SSH for DaVinci
41 Mountain Climbers
6 or so Wind Mills
41 LBC’s oyo

Mosey to the lot further in the back with the short wall and line up on the white line.
Run to the wall, 20 Muscle Ups then 10 Over & Backs which is quite literally, jumping over the wall and jumping back over. Do this 10 total times then plank at the white line for the 6.

41 American Hammers (of course) with a stop after 31 to catch a breather and ensure proper form for the final 10 reps.

Hand off to Punch List

Head back to the left side of the basketball court for multiple sets of Suicides.
5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
Run to the foul line and back
5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
Half court and back
5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
Opposing foul line and back
5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
Opposing base line and back

Repeat the same lines but now, perform 10 Prisoner Squats (w/ a jump).

Then, repeat it with 10 Hand-Release Merkins.

Then, repeat that with 5 Burpees (put the nail in the coffin on this one).

Lastly, for the finisher. Bear crawl suicide with a Merkin at each turn around.

Yeah, that was a great idea, enough of that nonsense…hand it back to Maximus.

For the final minutes, we made our way to the light post at the bottom of the hill going up the back road.
Run to the next light post, perform 4 Spiderman Merkins + 1 Burpee.
Run to the next light post, do the same.
Continue until 0555 then make our way back to COT.

Plank for the final 60 seconds with some intentional thinking for the last 30sec.

Thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes but more importantly, your presence.

DaVinci, I love sharing this day with you.

Punch List, thank you again.

Until next time,

TClap |

Trifecta of Q’s

So, I got asked to Q last minute for Wednesday at Ring of Fire (8/18) and was already scheduled to Q at Footloose for Thursday (8/19) and then NASA had to try and find a sub for Varsity on Friday (8/20), so I just said I’d do it all. I mean @HarryCarey just did it, so why couldn’t I? I’ve been chasing him for years and still have a long way to go to try and keep up/catch that HIM.

So, I planned it out. Arms Day at Ring of Fire, Legs Day at Footloose, and IronPax prep at Varsity. Here we go!

Arms day was an AMRAP with the pull-up bars, Cindy, and some core to break it up. 1 minute on 30 seconds off.
Squats with Block
Overhead Press
Low plank
Side Straddle Hops

Music kept us going with mostly hard rock from the ’90s and 2000s. @Sheild thinks I’m the next Tony Robbins as I was trying to motivate and keep everyone going on our rest periods.

Thursday at Footloose we did 7’s. Launching from the AO, we went over to Minnow Pond to see if we can pick a fight, to which they just ignored us. So, we ran the hill. Monkey Humpers at the bottom near the main road, because you know, Monkey Humpers ;). Up the hill and then squats.

We then ran over to Fort Mill Chruch of God for a round of 7’s using the stairs and the parking lot. I didn’t exactly think this one all the way through before giving instructions. Run up and down the stairs, then do 6 calf raises, run back over the stairs and run a lap around the parking lot and back up over the stairs to do 1 Bobby Hurley. Complete the circuit until 7’s is completed. That ended up being 14 laps around the parking lot. We ended up with 3 miles on this day. Lots of good mumble chatter and fellowship on those laps.

Finally, @ Varsity, we did IronPax prep with the Week 0 2018 workout. 50 squats, 40 big boys, 30 merkins, 20 lunges (modified down from Bonnie Blairs as we’re old and our knees can’t take it), 10 burpees run a lap. Do this 4x for time.

@Slapshot killed it and completed the circuit in 24:39, while @HarryCarey finished in 28:10 and YHC in 30:30. The rest modified and got their own solid workout/ruck in.

Q-ing the trifecta was a great test as it made me get creative and stay engaged with the group. We’re called to be leaders and this was a good test of my abilities over a longer period, not just every once in a while. Thanks to all for the opportunity to lead. I enjoyed it!

TClap |

End It Ruck


YHC is issuing a 21 day challenge (culminating with GTE24 on August 6th) for ALL PAX within The Fort. 

Beauty out of The Nation has created an End It Ruck challenge and I have felt the call to bring it to our region. The mission is to set fifty individuals free that are currently enslaved in the human trafficking industry. The cost of freedom for someone enslaved in this industry is $6,550. This provides the rescue, post-rescue housing, rehabilitative care, counseling, vocational training, and assistance with assimilation into society for those who have been set free.

The challenge: log as many miles as you can while biking, hiking, paddling, rucking, running, swimming, or however else you please.

The goal: pledge a monetary amount to each mile that you feel comfortable to donate at the end of the 21 days. It could be $.01, it could be $1.00. Whatever it is, let it be something you are comfortable with.

The kicker: YHC will match $1/mile up to 1,000 miles for our group. My M and I have prayed about this and feel this is something we need to be involved in.

You can log your miles here.

More info on End it Ruck here:

More info on the End it Movement here:

At the end of the challenge you can donate to the End it Ruck here:

This mission is something that weighs heavy on my heart, and my goal is to shine a light on this to The Fort. 

If you have any questions – hit me up on slack! Now get moving!

Punch List out. 

TClap |

Escalation at The Hive

It was Kettle Bell time at the HIve but that doesn’t hold a candle to the 2 FNGs we had this morning. That’s right. 2 FNGs!!! However, at the start, we only had 1. How’s that, you ask?

One of them, now known in the gloom as Father Time showed up 12mins late. When you see him in the gloom, you should ask him how he got his name. Regardless, here’s what we did:

Warm Up lap that would become our lap after each set of exercises. Followed that up with some basic warmup exercises before heading into the following:

10 Lunges (ea leg) – lap
20 Man Makers – lap
30 Merkins – lap
2min Plank done together

40 “Real” Squats and the quotes are a reminder that we’re not doing half squats – lap
50 Mountain Climbers  – lap
60 Curls – lap
2min Plank done together

70 LBC’s – lap
80 Bent Over Rows – Lap
2min Plank done together

Flutters the way I now like to do them
Boats & Canoes


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Taming the Tongue (and the PAX)

YHC led off with a quick Bible verse.

James 3:3-5

When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.

He do we talk to those around us? Our peers? Colleagues? M’s? 2.0’s? Do we treat those closest to us differently than say a total stranger?

Warm Up

Mosey/High Knees/Butt Kickers/Karaoke/Toy Soldiers

Al Gore hold while performing:

Moroccan Night Clubs

Lil Baby Arm Circles both directions

Squat Pulses to finish with a burn


The Thang

7 minutes of Chelsea to start

EMOM 5-10-15 Pull Ups – Merkins – Squats


Mosey to the track

Our thoughts ultimately come out via our tongue. If we think bitterly and assume the worst out of everybody in our lives, our tongue will be a strong

Burpee Chase – 

Sprint the straights, jog the curves. At each corner perform five burpees

Bear Crawl 100 yards in between each lap

Completed two laps

Back to the pull up bars

6 minutes of Chelsea

Jail Break to COT

Mary in Cadence

20 LBCs

15 American Hammers

10 Gas Pumpers


The tongue is something we cannot control – no matter how hard we try. The only true way to tame the tongue is by living in the Spirit. I have trouble with this myself. It is something that I just need to realize isn’t within my power to control. Once I relinquish said control to the Spirit, my speech ultimately improves.

How do we relinquish our tongues to the Holy Spirit? Well… there is no formula. But finding yourself in proximity to God more often tends to help. The more we approach the Lord via the Word, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing, the higher the odds are that our speech will be Spirit led.


Kaiser’s 10 year anniversary

Splinter/Point Break Home Schooling

YHC – the Holy Spirit helped me to let go of bitterness I was keeping toward my M – big praise!


Thanks for the tap, Kaiser. Always happy to serve.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Month of the M

YHC was fortunate to be called out of the bullpen by Bobber.  Prior to the workout, YHC was asked to offer a few thoughts on marriage during the beatdown.  Being a novice at that topic (but constantly trying to improve through learning and practice), it seemed appropriate to consult the Q source.

Last evening, fittingly, the M and 2.0’s came with me on a tour of downtown Fort Mill where YHC furiously scribbled out 5 stations worth of exercises designed to align with each of the 5 points of M preparedness as cited in the Q source.  YHC’s M fittingly remarked that I was getting a workout before the workout.  She was right.

Upon arrival this morning, YHC pulled in the lot at 5:08 to be greeted by numerous PAX – some of whom (Stang, cough, cough, Stang), arrived sans gloves.  All were quickly reminded to get them if they did not have them already.   After a few PAX scurried in at 5:14,. all were disclaimed and we moseyed off to Kimbrell’s after the 5 core principles of F3 workouts were voiced.

The COP – because Slapshot was present (and because YHC felt like it), 5 burpees were done in between each of the following exercises done in cadence:

Windmills – 10 D/C, Imperial Walkers – 10 D/C, Low Slow Squats – 15 then holding people’s chair while doing 10 D/C  Moroccan night clubs I/C and 10 D/C air presses I/C.  Then we moseyed off to M preparedness station #1 – Maintenance = deceleration

Station 1 – Unity Presbyterian – because status quo enables no movement, we decelerate, therefore PAX were asked to do 7’s in a jacob’s ladder format – kracken burpees at the top and squats at the bottom of the driveway.  Planking was done until the 6 arrived back at the top of the hill.  The lesson was reinforced and on we moved to station 2.

Station 2 – Fort Mill 1st Baptist Church – Culture is a Jester.  When it comes to our relationship with the M, culture denatures and softens marital relationships (we meet each other halfway, etc.).  PAX did the following circuit – an exercise for each of the light poles with some free exfoliation for those who went gloveless as there may or may not have been some bear crawling between stations.  40 squats, 30 SSH’s, 20 wide arm merkins, 10 hand release merkins, 20 regular markins, 30 SSH’s and 40 squats before returning to the parking lot entrance to re-emphasize culture’s hindrance of acceleration and moving on to station 3 – the crowd pleaser.

Station 3 – Fort Mill Church of God – There is NO 50 yard line.  The relationships with our M require more than 50% effort.  It requires our best to be aligned because we know if we aren’t aligned at home in our most important earthly relationship, it becomes next to impossible to have alignment in the other relationships within our concentrica.   Since we must operate in the red zone, PAX were instructed to bear crawl more (maybe much more) than 50 yards downhill to the red zone where 5 burpees awaited   Then PAX returned to the start via crawl bear (crowd pleaser) uphill.  The return was somewhat slower than the start…….somewhat.

Upon completion – movement to Academy street left YHC to cover the last two points – because one of  the PAX incorrectly answered that the M is our best friend (spoiler alert – point 4 – the M is NOT our best friend), YHC had to graciously call out the gaffe and assign 5 burpees for the miss.  We then proceeded to articulate the 5th and final point – Joy trumps happiness and then moseyed back Academy Street – safely crossed the railroad tracks and sauntered into COT – roughly 2 1/4 miles later.

Announcements were made, prayers were offered for Stang’s mother in law, Pusher’s Mom/Esso’s MIL, and fittingly for marriages. Stang graciously took us out in prayer.

NMM – to look around the group this morning, YHC could not help but be filled with a feeling of gratitude.  Mumble chatter, fellowship, hard work doing things together we would very likely not to do on our own and the feeling that YHC has so many other brothers beside him to do life.  It eases the feeling of burden we often face.  YHC has said before that Q-ing is an honor.  And when Bobber made the call asking YHC to stamp the passport and trek east of the Peach Stand, there was only one answer.  I am better prepared to face each day because of those who choose the hard thing and encourage YHC to the same.  For that, my thanks and gratitude go out to each of you.

Meantime, study and practice the 5 points reviewed.  Alignment at home means greater alignment and impact downstream – the call being asked of each of us.   Until next time, thank you, gentlemen.


TClap |

Sandbags and a few tests at Currahee

Currahee (April 13, 2021)

The term Currahee, as suggested by Site Q, Divac, references a Cherokee word meaning “Stand alone together.” This is the motto of the 506th Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division made known to most of us civilians through the HBO series, Band of Brothers. Over the last few months, Currahee has become synonymous with more difficult and become an AO where you come to be tested. With that understanding, it was now my responsibility as the Q for this morning to bring it.

Earlier in the week, I put the call out for this rendition to be a “heavy” version meaning, if you had a sandbag, bring it. Whether it was a 40lb, 120lb or a log, bring it. The PAX didn’t disappoint. This picture is before Site Q Divac dropped his 2 onto the pile.

Disclaimer for the 13 PAX: Check

Move ourselves and the coupons over to the turn in the drop-off lane.

Slick: SSH, Mountain Climbers, Windmills, 8ct Burpees, ½ the PAX sprint one way and back while the other ½ sprint the other way and back.

Explanation that during events, the Cadre’s will be yelling at you, testing you and giving you difficult time hacks to test the team. Utilizing a common test, the PAX had 10 seconds to empty their ruck of its contents. Penalty, 5 burpees. PAX then had 20 seconds to fill it back up…pass.
Do it again. 10 seconds to empty = fail, penalty. 15 seconds to fill = fail, penalty.

Ruck up and move all sandbags to the back of the school, drop in the center of the group.

10 Merkins / 20 Peter Parkers / 30 Slow Squats

Sandbags to the front of the school

10 Merkins / 20 Curls / 30 Flutters w/ Press

10 seconds to empty the ruck / 15 seconds to fill the ruck…penalty

Sandbags to the back of the school

10 Merkins / 20 OH Press / 30 High Pulls

Sandbags to the front of the school

Heels to Heaven

Man Makers

American Hammers

Groups of 3 run 30yds, slick while rest of the PAX plank. Complete till everyone goes through.


TClap |

Bushwood 4.14.2021

L Train and YHC were the only two boot campers not in awe of the celebrity of CSPAN, who was on Q at Snake Pit. Fair.


Run long ways around the school and to the base of the main entrance hill. 

Stopping at random intervals we lunge walked, bear crawled, side shuffled, duck walked. All to get the blood flowing. A solid mile long warm up.

Stopped at the circle by the stadium. YHC read aloud this scripture. 

“The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out, “Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations. I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But I do not excuse the guilty. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren; the entire family is affected— even children in the third and fourth generations.””

Exodus 34:6-7 NLT

YHC recently read a book called “God Has a Name” by John Mark Comer. The entire book was focused on the above verse and the true character of Yahweh, our God in the Bible. The last part of the verse with the sins of the parents being laid upon their children and grandchildren was pretty life shaking. 

At face value, the latter half of verse 7 seems crude and behind the times. But if you truly dig into the effect that choices we make have on our children and their trajectory – it’s sobering. Imagine if I decided to cheat on my M. It would likely lead to divorce, my children losing their trust in me, my personal life being a wreck, added stress which would likely lead to job loss. At the end of it all, even if I remarried I would probably never have the same relationship I have with my children today. My children would carry that through their lives with them and lack respect for fatherly figures. They would have a hole in their heart that would likely never be filled by anything but a “cheap substitute” as John Mark Comer puts it. 

L Train and YHC discussed this verse in depth and the effect our choices have on our children today and decades from now. We stopped to chat between each 10/20/30 suicide while holding a static position. 

Hill Suicides

Each Median Break 

10, 20, 30 Merkins/LBC’s at each turning point.

10, 20, 30 Curb Dips/Flutters

10, 20, 30 CDD’s/Hello Dollies

10, 20, 30 Squats/Rosalitas


A two man boot camp leads to strong conversation and much sharpening. Thanks for the tap, L Train.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Chupacabra 4.9.2021

Catch up BB 4/5.

YHC was all alone until 0514 when Divac rolled up with this Brother-in-law, Blockhead. I was ready to mail it in until then… fortunately they kept me accountable.


We worked through a painfully time consuming pyramid that took the entire 45 minutes of Chupacabra. It was great.


No Strap Privilege Ruck around lot


Pyramid work. Do round one with 5 reps, do round two with 5 reps, add second exercise at 10 reps. Work up to all five movements 5-25 reps. Work back down by eliminating. We made it 75% of the way through.


Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear Pyramid – 5 spaces BC/CB

5 8-Count Body Builders

10 Lunge w/OH hold

15 Ruck Thrusters

20 Flutters w/press

25 Curls

Ruck w/OH Hold to COT


Punch List out.

TClap |