Disappointment and Failure

WARMUP: We did after a little jaunt to WEP
– THE THANG: Run to WEP at corner of Ardrey, warmup in parking lot
– Run to Sidney Johnson
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Run to Jackson – at each cross street
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Left on Jackson to Harris – at each cross street (or whenever I want)
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Left on Harris – when I call it and at Ardrey
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Left on Ardrey – at each cross street and at park entrance
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Cross White onto Skipper
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Right onto Grier
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Continue onto Clebourne
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Continue onto Tom Hall – every cross street
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Right onto Forrest – every cross street
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Right onto Academy – every cross street
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)
– Back to COT – every cross street
– 3 burpees, 5 squats, 10 merkins, 15 flutters (2 count)

The men came expecting Maximus, but got YHC (disappointment).
We did too many reps and did not achieve our 3-mile minimum (failure).

It happens. Deal with it.

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

TClap |

Run, Plank, Exercise, Repeat: The ‘Are We There Yet?

YHC arrived 10 minutes early. As usual, Badlands was out for a Pre-Run.

– 5 SSH (IC)

The Thing
– Mosey 0.40 miles to the first Baxter entrance.
– Plank for the 6.
– 10 Low Slow Squats (feet together).
– 10 Merkins.
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups.

– Mosey 0.60 miles to the Sutton Rd 160 Intersection.
– Algore for the 6.
– Monkey humpers for active recovery.

– Mosey 0.50 miles to Flight Plan COT.
– 10 Lt. Dan’s (IC). Counting cadence was tricky, so we were off on the count.
– 10 Lunges each leg to make up for the Lt. Dan count.
– 10 Foxholes (WW2 Sit-up then flip over to a Merkin).

– Mosey 0.45 miles to Sutton Rd and Richards Crossing.
– Algore for the 6.

– Mosey 0.25 miles to the small hill on Richards Crossing.
– Plank for the 6.
– 3 hill repeats up to the sign and back.
– Basketball drill: side shuffle, bounce off the curb to the sign.
– Nur up to the top of the hill.

– Mosey 0.30 miles to the Mushroom Pool parking lot.
– Plank up for the 6.
– 7 Windmills (IC).
– 9 Chain Breakers (IC).

– Mosey to COT.
– With plenty of time left, we did 4 suicides in the parking lot.
– Still some time on the clock, so we did 10 Worst Worst LBCs.
– Attempted Imperial Walker Squats (IC) but messed up the cadence.

– Hog and Coyote next Saturday.
– The Sweaty Barry after that.
– Tortoise and the Hare.
– Jaeger.

Prayers & Praises:
– Suplex: Praise for finding F3 and absolutely getting after it.
– Punchlist: Prayers as he ventures out and builds a home in York, renting for a year.
– YHC: Asking the Pax to be more vulnerable in COT.

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Armory 15APR2024 – Mog Mile

WARMUP: Not really. We lived.

THE THANG: Mogadishu Mile
– 4 Rounds for Time
– 19 Kettlebell Ground-to-Overheads (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Front Squats (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Push-Ups (each hand)
– 400-meter Kettlebell Run

– If you lose physical contact with your Kettlebell, you must start that round over.

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

TClap |

Shorties at The Coaches Box

WARMUP: Brief topics on experiences as a shortie, myself.
Run past the circle by the football stadium for burpees and back to the circle.
On the curb, 10 Mike Tysons.
At the stadium lot, 3-tier suicides.
To the big gym parking lot for 4-corners.
Run to a corner and back to the center. At the corners:
Corner 1: 10 Deadlifts & 10 Cyclist Squats
Corner 2: 10 V-Ups & 10 10 WWI Situps
Corner 3: 10 Deadlifts & 10 Cyclist Squats
Corner 4: 10 V-Ups & 10 10 WWI Situps
8 Burpees

Run all the way to the other side of campus to the pull-up bars and partner up:
75 Pull-Ups
100 Carolina Dry Docks
75 Heels To Heaven
Other partner runs about 75yds total.

More shortie words (as a dad)

Back to the main COT lot and line up on the 0:
30yd sprint and back
80yd spring and back
100yd sprint to COT

More shortie words.

MARY: Indeed
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Prison Break

Mosey to WEP amphitheater

5 burpees
10 Merkins IC
5 lunges each leg
10 In/Out Dollie’s

12-min AMRAP
Lap broken into 3 parts:
-Bear crawl length of amphitheater, mosey to bathroom for stop 1
-10 squat jacks, mosey to next position at top corner of trail on hill
-10 burpees, mosey to next position by swing across from amphitheater
-10 mike Tyson’s, mosey back to amphitheater

10-min AMRAP
5 burpees
10 pushups
15 lunges
20 air squats
Circle parking loop back to amphitheater

5-min AMRAP
15 sit-ups
15 glute bridges
15 Russian twists
15 Flutter kicks IC
30sec low plank

Mosey to COT

Lots of huffing and puffing in the gloom this morning mostly involving YHC’s choices best described as those done in a prison cell – and one Jane Fonda jazzercise sans knee-high Reebok socks.
A few notables:
Dark Helmet loves burpees – please be sure to include them in any AO’s where he HC’s.
Esso and Maximus set the tone in weight vests, floral and all.
Punch List crushed crushed the AMRAPs like, well, a punch list.
T-claps to Man Down for posting despite his 3am college bedtime.
Peabody and JWow were silent but deadly when chiming in on the prison cell burpees and bear crawls.
Soup to Nuts won best hair for the gloom, despite a contended effort by YHC and Dark Helmet.
Always a pleasure – Solo

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Keep On, Keep On, Keep On

We the NWO Shield Lock were fortunate enough to be asked to Q Varsity. Dirty Harry, World Wide Leader, Wegmans, and YHC have been together for 4 years now, in the ups and downs. Solid little thing we got going on

SSH, Peter Parker’s, Windmills, Mosey around the parking lot


WWL – parking lot suicides with 5 merkins at each turn around point and 10 squats at the base line. Mosey for one iteration, lunge walk/bear crawl for the second.

DH – transfer moving boxes from his 4Runner to PL’s truck. 5 burpees when you grab a box, 5 merkins when you drop it in the truck. Repeat until all boxes are moved.

PL – Pull up/Bobby Hurley 7’s + Active Recovery
Hold Al Gore for 1 minute, pulse 20 times.
Hold low lunge position for 1 minute, pulse 20 times. Flap Jack.

Apparently there’s something called a Cobra and DH had us do it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Vote for our D2D charity!

Lots of strong prayer requests this morning.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, HC.

DH/PL/Wegs/WWL out.

TClap |

Heart Attack Hill

Heart Attack Hill

On the way to heart attack hill, drop and
do 10 merkins at each crosswalk/intersection.

CDD’s, Dips
Quadzilla for the second round
Big Boys, Leg Raises

On the way back, do 10 squats in like fashion

Spectre’s 2.0 – Jedediah (Jed) – congenital heart defect – surgery in about 6 months – 2.5 years old
Maximus’ family – heaviness of current situation.
Those in the path of Hurricane Idalia
Prayers that our memories of God helping us through hard times continues to strengthen our faith as more hard times abound.

Pleasure as always.

Punch List out.

TClap |

8.14.23 at The Badger

In the gloomy morning of August 14, 2023, 10 PAX descended upon the Honey Badger to put in work.

Started off with a timed 2-mile run. Finished that up, did some Mary in waiting for the six.

Headed over to the pull up bars for the main event.


On January 3, 2010, while on a dismounted area reconnaissance patrol in the vicinity of Badvan village, his 13-man platoon-sized element was attacked by indirect mortar fire and an improvised explosive device. The initial attack threw an Airman and a Soldier into an adjacent creek, critically wounding the Airman and mortally wounding the Soldier. A second Soldier was mortally wounded and thrown 200 meters across the village by the blast. Airman Smith, without regard to his own safety, immediately rushed from his covered position, and into the waist-high water of the creek to save his fellow Airman and recover the killed Soldier. After moving the victims of the improvised explosive device attack to the Casualty Collection Point, Airman Smith volunteered to retrieve the soldier thrown across the village. Determined to never leave a comrade behind, Airman Smith proceeded at extreme risk, and without regard to his personal safety, along the eastern edge of the village to the Soldier’s remains. Airman Smith retrieved the fallen Soldier and began maneuvering back through the village toward the extraction site. Airman Smith waded back through the waist-high creek and proceeded toward the Casualty Collection Point. Upon arrival, a second Improvised Explosive Device detonated, killing Airman Smith and the platoon medic instantly.

10 Rounds For TIme
100 meter Sprint
10 Pull-Ups
100 meter Sprint
10 Burpees
30 seconds Rest

Work was put in by all. Saw Dust – thanks for allowing YHC to lead.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Merlot on a Thursday


Mosey around the backside of the SMS to the bud loop. Stop for some SSH, Merkins, Peter Parker’s, Tappy Taps, Low Slow Squats

Keep moseying around the back access road.
Bear crawls, inch worms, broad jumps.

Mosey on the parking lot switch backs to the playground. Time for the meat and potatoes.

Start w/Al Gore and talk shop on how long everybody has been doing F3. Wide range from two weeks to 11 years. Love this leadership development program disguised as a workout group.


6 movement WOD with descending rep counts. It gets easier with each round.

20-15-10-5-2 Reps

Lunge Walks
Tricep Dips

10-8-6-4-2 Pull Ups Between Rounds

In between rounds we talked about fond memories of F3, favorite experiences, etc. A lot has happened in the gloom that few others have experienced.

8 minutes left, mosey back to COT

WWI Sit-Ups


Announcements: Forgot. Read your newsletter

Double D’s MiL and Husband
Saw Dust’s Aunt
Tang’s Marriage

Thanks for the tap, Mainframe. Always good to be in the gloom with you.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Spicy Turtlehead

This morning we were blessed with a beautiful breeze from the south. And we got right to it at 0500.

w/Alternating Shuffle around school
SSHs, LSSs, Ruck Merkins

Weinke: A Blue Light Special, if you will…
Buy In: 200m Suitcase Carry

30 min AMRAP:
20 Ruck Swings
15 Ruck High Pulls
10 Ruck Thrusters

Cash Out: 200m Suitcase Carry

We had a few minutes to spare to I had to reach into my Mexican Junk Pile to see what we could do to close out the WOD…

Partner Up
CMIYC around parking loop x 2
P1 Farmer Carries both Rucks
P2 5 Merkins, Chase & Catch Up

Sprocket – you are a leader that we all look up to in The Fort. Thanks for the tap and including me in the “Spicy Tour”.

Punch List out.

TClap |