Varsity: Some HIIT for cool Friday Morning

Varsity 8/24
9 PAX including YHC arrived on this cool Friday morning for a taste of High Intensity interval training. Basically get the heart rate up and down for 45mins.
I choose to do a “9round” type approach and fill in with some pull ups for Haggis. Special requests are encouraged.
Disclaimer given and welcome to FNG – Joe—–aka Dirty Myrtle.
Mosey down to Sugar Creek for mini warm up
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Windmills
  • Moracan Night Clubs
Jump into the Thang:
3 mins of each set of 2 exercises. After 3 mins, run up hill and grab 10 Pull-ups run back down hill.
Here are the sets:
Jump Rope-20
Mtn Climbers-10
Lunges -10/leg
Calf raises -20
Donkey Kicks-5
Big boys-5
Plank Cinder Block pull -10
Ran out of time but last two sets will be used for future beat down.
Partner Wheelbarrow-curb2curb
Hanging knee raise-5
Side crunches -10
We had FNG naming for Joe to Dirty Myrtle since he was from Myrtle Beach of course. Nice EH Punchlist!!
Prayers for Rebels wife procedure, Dilberts friend on kidney surgery  and Dirty Myrtle’s friend on liver cancer and my friend facing auto-immune disease.
PAX praying over schools Sunday at 6pm… up at a school and pray over them and the administration and students. Nice work Beacon!
Cake Boss out!
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BEYOND – Discussion on Perseverance

Cobains for the late BB, but wanted to make sure that YHC got it out in the ether. First off, thanks to Maximus for the Q. When asked to Q Beyond, it does bring with it a deep message or at least reflection for the Q, and hopefully, YHC did Beyond a service by bringing an impactful message to the PAX. 14 of us descended upon Block Party in near perfect conditions for a message on Perseverance. We started as usual gathered around the entrance to WEP and had plenty of 2nd F prior to the WO.

Read the definition of Persistence and asked the PAX to think of a situation in their life where they had to persevere.

1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
2. Theology. continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

With that, we were off with a mosey to left along the path until we came upon the hill towards the back of WEP. We circled up for a nice warm up. Warm up consisted of some usual merkins, planks, peter parkers, mountain climbers, parker peters, CDDs, squats, and windmills…probably not in that order.

Next up, with the hill looking unused and lonely, we had to make sure she felt appreciated. So the PAX lined up and we did elevens of Burpees and Squats with a run up the hill in between. That was a little longer than projected on the wienke, so modifed the next set to sevens of Merkins and Bombjacks with a bearcrawl up and a backward bearcrawl on the way down.

James 1:12
12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

Mosied to the playground. Partnered up.

Partner 1 did pull ups / Partner 2 ran the loop and flapjacked. We did this with chin ups next, then toes to bar, then knees to elbow.

Perspective – Think about whether we are standing still or in motion. We are moving at about 1000 MPH compared to the earth center, or 67kMPH from the sun’s perspective. We are not standing still, even if we feel like we are. We are heading in a direction even if we feel like we are standing still, that may face obstacles, but with perseverance and our brotherhood within F3, we can and will overcome the challenges that we each face.

Still partnered up, 20 partner Merkins.

20 Seal Sit Ups

5 Junk yard dogs.

Mosey back to COT.

Proverbs 3:5-6   

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 

6in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.



Prayers for family, CSPANs new adventure, prayers for courage.

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Monday groaning

11 turned it up for a Monday at Armory to do 30 minutes of continuous pain stations including:

Curls, Squats, Shoulder Presses, Flutter Kicks, Kettle Bell swings, Merkins, Big Boi Situps, Snatch/Presses and Around The Worlds.

We also Passed The Duitchie so each could get a taste of what the other was carrying.


We touched on the word of the month, Present, as in being present to God’s will, then your family, and then others. Be present in the moment when God is asking you to do something. Be present for your spouse (and I’m speaking to myself!)








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