Working to 38 (or 19) at Pantheon

WARMUP: We ran around the big loop with the occasional plank at the corners to bring the group back together. After the lap, as a group, 38 SSH I/C, Merkins 19 I/C, Flutters 38 I/C, Squats 19 I/C.
Then, run the loop again.
THE THANG: With cones set up 76yds apart and cones at the mid-point (38yds), grab a partner. As a rehash of J-WOW’s expertise from the Thanksgiving Convergence, we did the Partner Push from one end to the mid-point (38yds). Then your partner would push on the return. Complete this 5 times.
Now, get on the opposite end from your partner, 76yds apart. Bear crawl to the middle, 5 partner merkins, run back to your end, 19 Mountain Climbers I/C. Then repeat.
Now, get into 2 lines, facing your partner.
19 Carolina Dry Docks I/C
19 Diamond Merkins I/C
19 American Hammers I/C
19 Squats I/C
19 Calf Raises I/C
On the curb, 19 Mike Tysons I/C
38 American Hammers I/C
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: After nearly 3 years as our Pantheon Site Q, 38 Special has graced me with the Shovel Flag of this special site. To say I am excited is an understatement and there are more good things in store for this AO on the West side of our mill town. I’ll be recruiting past Site Q’s to join me in taking a flag; it’s time.
Read your newsletter
COT: You had to be there but I will say this, be emotionally present, not just physically present.
Until next time,

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A “moderate” 29 degrees

Windmills 10 IC


11’s – Mike Tyson & Big Boys with a shuffle to and from

DORA – 100 Merkins, 200 gBobby Hurleys, 300 American Hammers

Mary – Flutters, Box Cutters, LBC, Freddie Mercury


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There are no Hills in Fort Mill

Pre-Warmup: A fraction of the disclaimer and the full Pledge
WARMUP: Nice mosey to MYERS STREET via 160, Sidney Johnson St and Jackson St.
THE THANG: The Ladder: 3 Burpees at the bottom of the hill, run up the hill to Sharonview and perform 10 no cheat merkins, 10 bomb jacks and return to the bottom for 3 more burpees. Mumblechatter started to slow here.. Next is 10/10 at Sharonview, proceed to McKenzie St for an additional 10 no cheat merkins, and 10 bombjacks and return to the bottom of the hill for 3 burpees. The last rep of the ladder was 10/10 at Sharonview, 10/10 at McKenzie and then 10/10 at Ardrey St. Return to the bottom of the hill and rinse and repeat until it was time to head back. Most Pax got in a little over one full cycle for about 80 no cheat merkins, and 80 bomb jacks.
MARY: There was Mary… Flutters, JLo’s V-ups, and a few others
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D fundraising is ramping up, donate or help wherever possible. St. Jude 5K Run at Happy Hours house this Saturday – donate if you can, this is a great cause. Bethel mens shelter has an amazon list from Badlands, please help support this great cause. Tclaps to these HIM’s for organizing these events.
COT: Prayers for MacGyvers family as they lost both M’s parents in a short time. Prayers for patience and those lost in the upcoming holiday season.

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Baxter Loops

WARMUP: Ran to Baxter Mushroom pool parking lot
THE THANG: Run laps around the circle road. At each stop sign do the following.
15 Merkins (5 Diamond, 5 Regular & 5 wide arm)
15 Squats
15 LBC

Return back to COT
MARY: A few were back early for 3 mins of Mary
COT: Prayers lifted for healing, surgery, lost loved ones.

Thanks Badlands for the opportunity to Q and lead the pax.

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Merkin 200 at the Yard

Short mosey to start
Warm-up: SSH (I/C 20x), Windmills (I/C 8x), Imperial Walker (I/C 15x), Moroccan N/C (I/C 15x), Mountain climbers (I/C 15x)
Six count burpees (5x)
Short mosey run
Routine #1: Prison Yard Merkins: at a half basketball court do 10 merkins at one corner, bearcrawl to next corner and do nine merkins, keep going around until finish with one merkin (from 10, the total merkins here is 55).
Short mosey run
At the benches:
Step ups (10 each leg, OYO)
Derkins (15, single count)
Butt Touch Squats (15x)
Incline merkins (15, single count)
Calf raises (I/C 20x)
Dips (I/C 15x)

Short mosey run to fire access road
We ran a short bit and then stopped and did a push up exercise, rinse/repeat.  Some ten counts in between.  The push ups were:
HAND RELEASE (15 single count)

Short mosey again, stopped and did:
Toy soldiers, stopped and did monkey humpers
Lunge walk, stopped and did bobby hurleys

Short mosey run
Another push-up exercise bit:
HAND RELEASE (10 single count)

Short mosey to last push-up-related bit:
Six count burpees (5x)

Mary: Freddies, LBC
Fini, COT
Thanks to all for joining me on the day I hit 200 F3 posts in 2022.

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2022 Thanksgiving Day Convergence

Warmup: SSH (I/C 15x), Windmills (I/C 10x). Imperial walkers (I/C 15x), Moroccan Nightclubs (I/C 10x), Mountain Climbers (I/C 15x), right arm high, left arm high
Ruckers dismissed with Olaf. Pax count off by threes; pax split up and will rotate between
Partner up for a Jack Webb. Mode of transportation is a partner push across the field (crowd pleaser).
1 Big Boy Sit-Up – Partner 1 pushes partner 2 across the field
4 Merkins – Partner 2 pushed partner 1 across the field
The goal was to get to 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups and 40 Merkins.

Grout Q:
1. 5 EA Burpee
2. 10 EA LBC
3. 15 EA CDD
4. 20 EA Lunges
5. 25 EA American Hammers
6. 30 EA Shoulder Taps
7. 35 EA Flutters
8. 40 EA Mountain Climbers
9. 45 EA Squats
Run to top of hill and back.
Complete # 1 thru # 8 and run to top of hill Ann’s back.
Continue dropping the last exercise.

HarryCarry Q:
At the middle school’s loop, start at the bottom of the loop and do exercise noted (listed below). Run to the short brick wall at other end of loop, jump the wall, continue running up the loop. Stop at flag poles and do Bobby Hurleys (15 oyo). The proceed to run back to bottom of the loop; do the noted exercise there and repeat with the run/wall jump/run/bobby’s etc.
Smurf jacks (20 OYO)
Squats (20 OYO)
Monkey Humpers (20 OYO)
Lunges (20 OYO)
Lunges (10 each leg OYO)
Sumo Squats (20 OYO)
At 07:25 Pax reconvened at field.
Six-count burpees (I/C 6x)
End. COT

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The Motivator

TABATA: 4 rounds of each
40 sec. Mercs. 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Flutters 10 sec. Rest
2 min. Bear crawl
40 sec. Squats 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Rowers 10 sec. Rest
2 min Mosey
40 sec. Cross Country Skier 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Burpies 10 sec. Rest
2 min Laterals
40 sec. Shoulder taps 10 sec. Rest
40sec. Forearm planks 10sec. Rest
2 min Mosey

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Could’ve been worse


Moseyed up the Massey St Hill to the parking lot.
Counted off into 3 groups to engage in a DORA style workout.
50 Merkins, 100 BBs, & 150 squats per pax in your team. As the group completes the exercise, a pax runs down the hill and back. Swap out till all reps are done.

Moseyed over to the parking lot behind Springs Global on McCammon St for another DORA style. Maintaining the same group,
25 half burpees (down to merkin and back up stopping at the squat position as 1 rep), 50 Mike Tyson’s, 100 LBCs. 1 pax from each group runs to the end of the parking lot and back. Swap out till reps are completed.

Headed over to the parking lot with the big wall by Pike for some wall sits and merkins. Lined up on the wall, and from the outside in, each pax would do 10 merkins then back on to the wall. Once we got to the center, repeat going back to the ends.

Headed over to COT to wrap up with 10 burpees OYO

MARY: had a little lamb?

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The Nethers

WARMUP: No. This is Minnow Pond, bro…

– Run to top of main street – rally at Hardee’s
– 15 burpees to kick it off

– Run to Town Hall
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run to Domino’s
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run to Wing King
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run to corner of Doby Ct. on RIGHT
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run Doby Ct to other end (loop)
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run down Doby’s Bridge and turn LEFT on Kimbrell – run to corner of Kanawha/Pine Trails
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run Kanawha Ct – then turn LEFT
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run to 160/Tom Hall – then turn LEFT
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run back to COT – if time make a stop at Domino’s
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Total mileage should have been in the 3.3-ish range…

MARY: Only for the fast guys that didn’t go pick up the 6

ANNOUNCEMENTS: No one reads these. I’m not typing it. Read your newsletter or whatever…

MOLESKIN: Need to add this as a section to the Slack/Back… it’s a fun recap of the odd and funny happenings during the workout… like Bobber being at the very back, or Jekyll railing on and on about investments or whatever it was, or YHC pulling a Zima and tripping on the sidewalk… stuff like that.

COT: 5th Core Principle

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Run to Fail

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, Moroccan NCs, merkins, Down dog, plank, honeymooners

Partner Work – round 1 – Lap between each set
– 100 Merkins
– 150 Squats
– 200 Flutters

Round 2
– 100 Overhead Claps
– 150 Monkey Humpers
– 200 SSH

Round 3
– 100 Calf Raises
– 150 Carolina Dry Docks
– 200 LBCs

Finished up w 2 minutes of 6 count Burpees.


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