WARMUP: It was cold so we started with a 5 minute mosey to warm up. Mixed in some high knees, butt kickers, and karaoke along the way.
Ended back up at COT. Running portion of the workout was completed. Needed to warm up our bells so we circled up and performed the following: CherryPickersx5inCadence, WindMillsx5inCadence, SSHx12inCadence, Figure8sx12OYO, SSHx10inCadence, 10 KB Swings OYO, SSHx8inCadence, 8 KB Snatches, SSHx6inCadence, 6 DeadLifttoCurltoPress w/ KB.
Now we were ready to swing!
THE THANG: Stayed in the COT area for our first round with
RichardWebb – Exercise #1: 1-10 – DeadLifttoCurltoPress w/KB & Exercise #2: 4-40 – KB Swings
The PAX needed a break from all of the swinging, so we decided to meet up with Dora.
Single Dora #1 – Partner #1 Exercise: Side Lunges w/ KB – 100 reps, MOT for partner #2 = Murder Bunny out, Rifle Carry back from the posts at COT to the first pole down the sidewalk.
After our experience with Dora left us wanting more, we decided to pay Richard Webb another visit since he showed us a swinging good time at the beginning of the workout!
Richard Webb #2: Exercise #1: 1-10 – Alt KB Snatches ( count right hand only ) & Exercise #2: 4-40 – BentOverRows
We had to cut our 2nd experience with RW short ( managed to make it to reps 8 – 32 ).due to time. If we had more time we would have paid Dora another visit for the following:
Single Dora #2 – Partner #1 Exercise: Figure8s – 100 reps, Partner #2 MOT = Bear Crawl out, Crawl Bear back from the posts at COT to the first pole down the sidewalk.
Alas, we were done, arms were smoked, and legs were saved for D2DB10k tomorrow! Thanks to Richard Webb and Dora for showing us a swinging good time!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D race, D2DB10k race, upcoming Bethel serve, Jaeger CSAUP, etc…