Pole Dancing at Colosseum

WARMUP: Ran to the noisy lot out back by the football field and circled up for 15 reps each of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial walkers
* Moroccan night clubs
* Strawberry pickers
Now that the blood is flowing, muscle groups are warmed up, and heart rate is up, mosey to the back entrance road where the famed light poles are.

The Colosseum Pole Dance!!
Starting at the bottom of the hill, the lowest point, near the playground. Partner up for a little ascending/descending DORA. One partner runs while the other exercises, swap upon runner return, then keep at it until everything is done. Runs are uphill to the light poles and back, but as each exercise changes you run to the next furthest light pole away increasing distance each round until midway point of exercises.
1. 50 burpees / run to pole 1 and back
2. 100 merkins / run to pole 2 and back
3. 200 mountain climbers (2ct) / run to pole 3 and back
4. 300 squats / run to pole 4 and back
5. 200 reverse LBC / run to pole 3 and back
6. 100 wide-arm merkins / run to pole 2 and back
7. 50 burpees / run to pole 1 and back
GREAT job by the PAX! Everyone completed everything except #7, which most at least started and got halfway through before we timed out.
Indian run back to COT for a little ab work of flutters, situps, and American hammers. Not much mumblechatter during the main event, but we sure made up for it during the Indian run and ab lab work! Great group of PAX!! Love it!!
Shower Curtain STILL beat us all back to COT!! The guy is a stud!

* A LOT going on! Read the newsletter and get involved or lead the PAX on something that has your passions.
* Thanksgiving Convergence at the Ranch!
* A lot to give thanks for
* A lot to lift up prayers for
* The holiday season is one of thanks, praise, happiness, and joy for many, but for some it is anything but. People are fighting their demons, struggling with burdens that we never see or know about because we tend to put up facades and outwardly project what we want others to see. The holiday season is, unfortunately, also a time for suicides. If you know someone who is struggling, be intentional and try to help however you can, even if it is just being there for them and listening. Sometimes all it takes to turn someone’s day around is a small gesture of kindness – a smile, a hello, your time, whatever. Be the light, the rock, the beacon of hope.

Thank you Shower Curtain for the opportunity to lead. It is great seeing you out there even if you cannot participate in the workouts.

Thankful, blessed, and encouraged

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Surprise! Lights Special

WARMUP: Mosey to blue benches, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Cherry Pickers, Honey Mooner, and Downward Dog
THE THANG: 11s = Starting with Dips on the blue benches and ran down the sloped hilly driveway to the second light pole to do Merkins. After, mosey back to the parking lot next to COT. Started with 10 Burpees at first light pole, then 20 Shoulder Taps at the second light pole, and Squats at the last light pole with mode of transportation (MOT) for the first round being Lunges and running back to the start. Second Round involved the same exercises at each light pole, but with MOT being Bear Crawls, and final round same exercises at each light pole, but with MOT being Nur.
MARY: Flutters, American Hammers, Hello Dollies, and Big Boy Sit Ups
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Skeet Shooting on November 11, Bourbon Tasting on November 18, Spartan Race on November 19, and Shower Curtain (Fall Risk) having the coat drive.
COT: Patience with Ms and 2.0s giving them the proper attention as a husband and father.

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Butterflies 🦋 & bidets 🚽

WARMUP: broga…I crushed it and didn’t use my sissy yoga mat which I guess is now frowned upon. Who knows but the stretching was wonderful.
THE THANG: short run Dora…about 50 yard run way down in the elementary parking lot. Partner up for 100 diamond merkins, 200 lunges, 300 double count flutters.

Headed over to the hill for 7s. Hand release merkins at the bottom, half way up the hill for CDD. Before we started, YHC asked how to balance servant leadership with frustration with patience with a little bit of perspective.

After 7s we headed to the pull up bars with under 5 min remaining.
– 1 pull-up, dangle for 10 seconds, then
– 2 pull-ups, dangle for 20 seconds, then
– 3 pull-ups, dangle for 30 seconds, then
-4 pull-ups, dangle for 40 seconds…
Body wash won and made it to 4 and 40! He gets to continue being site Q!
MARY: not today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter, Columbia 10 year, trash pick up, men’s shelter
COT: health, anniversary (BD!!), upcoming star course guys

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bells with the boys!!!

WARMUP: CHERRY PICKERS, windmill, side straddle hop
THE THANG: Goblet clean X10 each arm
Goblet squat low and slow x10
Bent over row x10 each arm
Murder bunny 10 meters and return
Turkish get up .25….. x10 each side
American hammer way too fast for those with something heavy x15
Lunge walk with a pass thru…. 10 meters there 10 meters back
Plank drag x10 on each arm.
Shower curtain slide… 10 meters there 10 meters back
Trade your weight with another pax Rinse and repeat

MARY: @battlebot asked me to q in the ambulance,
@hardwood was confused from the start,
@longduck paid for coffee
@showercurtain wrote his first backblast
Everybody had something to say and plenty to do!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!!!
COT: No prayer requests. Praise to the good Lord for giving us another day!

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Leg Day Rucking

WARMUP: 15 Windmills in cadence and 10 Cherry pickers
THE THANG: 3.25 miles with exercises every .4-.5 miles
Exercises includes squats, push-ups, calf raises, shoulder taps, jump squats, and thrusters.
MARY: Who is Mary?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Star Course is next week
COT: Prayers for all those effected by Hurricane Ian.

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What Storm?

Seven men decided to brave the storm for some boot and broga at Varsity this morning. Here’s what we did:


  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
  • 10 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Mosey to the Front of the School

The Thang

Grab a bench

  • 10 Irkins (IC)
  • 10 Dips (IC)
  • 10 Situps (IC) w/ feet on the bench

Lap around the lot

  • 10 Derkins (IC)
  • 10 Side Tri Rise (IC)
  • 10 American Hammers (IC)

Lap around the lot

  • 10 Merkins (IC)
  • 10 Squats (IC)
  • 10 LBCs (IC)

Mosey to side entrance

  • 10 Diamond Merkins (IC)
  • 10 Steps Ups each leg
  • 10 Flutters (IC)

Mosey back to front entrance

  • 20 minutes of “I’m not a professional” broga

Mosey back to COT


Thank you for the opportunity to Q, Bodywash. I was pleasantly surprised with the turnout and pretty decent weather. We had some great conversation, a few laughs, and learned that Head Spin is a flexible dude. YHC and Ruby Slippers kept our head’s down out of fear of falling face first onto the pavement, unlike Bodywash how has great balance. Grout continues to crush it, Esso continues to make it look easy, and Tapout continues to have more energy than all others combined.

While standing in the COT today, the wind began to pick up. I couldn’t help but think of God’s presence in that moment. Often in the Old Testament, the Spirit of God is described as “wind” or “breath” (the Hebrew word Ruach). God’s Ruach is the source of life. My prayer for you today is that you will feel His Spirit and will be moved to act accordingly. Stay safe as Ian takes aim on the Carolinas. Focus on your faith and family and find time to enjoy the Ruach as it manifests in your life.


Italian Job

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The Assembly Line

WARMUP: SSH, front plank, upward dog<>downward dog, dynamic front plank exercises (i.e. plank jacks, Peter parkers, etc), repeat all above until shoulders VERY warm
THE THANG: each pax grabs a cinder block and places on field in 1 yard increments
field assembly line
round 1: side shuffle between blocks and 15 yd bear crawl to beginning of blocks- repeat 2-3x
round 2: lateral merkin walk on cinder blocks left, bear crawl back, repeat going right, bear crawl back
round 3: forward and back shuffle in between cinder blocks and bear crawl back 2-3 rounds
round 4: lateral toe taps on Cinder blocks left, bear crawl and then repeat going right, bear crawl back
round 5: partner up at 2 blocks and alternate with partner 3 burpees with hands on cinder blocks for 60″
round 6: forward hop over block x2, alternating with partner for 60″

bars assembly line
1 pullup, 2 toes to bar or knees to chest, hang until pax to your right drops and then move to the bar to your right – repeated 10x total

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sawdust is finally 50! RESPECT

COT: HORIZONTAL assembly lines sucked. Quit the horizontal living and strive for VERTICAL relationship with the Lord!

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Crawling around Varsity

After a quick disclaimer and explanation of ignorance of site and Broga we moseyed over to where the lights were actually on. This way I could actually see who was there and to critique form.
Windmills, Slow Low Squats, Moroccan Night Clubs, Peter Parker, Seal Jacks. A little “stretching” was added to meet the BROGA standard.
Started with some partner work:
5 Rounds (Moving across parking lot with partner to complete exercises)
10 Merkins then Bear Crawl across, 10 Jump Squats then lunge walk back, 20 Flutters. (Repeat)
Moseyed to nearby traffic circle. Bear crawl around.
Moseyed further away from AO to complete “Lazy DORA”
100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Flutters
100 Merkins: Partner 1 started with 10 Merkins while partner 2 held plank (alternating holding plank and Merkiens until reach 100)
200 Squats: Partner 1 started with 20 squats while partner 2 held Al Gore (Alternating until 200)
300 Flutters: Partner 1 started with 30 Flutters (DC) while partner 2 held 6 inches (Alternating until 300)
Moseyed back to COT

Not much…..did some basterized BROGA

Trash pick up
All shared what they were thankful for.

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All around da Yard!

WARMUP: Short Mosey, MNCs, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, The MOTIVATOR, followed by a Wonky 10 more of SSHops. Some across the lot work with high knees, lunges, bear crawls, and toy soldiers.
THE THANG: mosey to back road light poles. 10 sec plank. Go pile to pole with 10 reps each of LBC’s, HR merkins, Flutters, Derkins. Repeat adding 10 more seconds of plank to start. Repeat with 30 second plank (chose the younguns to count and they counted alright 1 sec = 10 sec)
Finished with a 1 minute plank.
Mosey to entrance hill. Not BOMBS but CLIMBs (my 2022 one word)
Carolina Dry Docks
Imperial Walkers
Big Boys
Starting at 5 reps/up or down the hill/increase 5 reps every interval
Mosey to school wall for 3 minutes of wall sit and burpee popouts (1/2/5)
MARY: Nah, she wasn’t there.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party. etc…check slack for Cakeboss for Kenya posts- can’t miss em.
COT: Great COT, UHaul took us out

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