Upside down Pyramid

Mosey to drop off circle
10 Windmills IC
Plank Warmup Stretch
Mosey to pickup a Cindy
Upside down Pyramid
Do set of exercises and run down the hill.
Complete exercise and run backup the hill.
Rinse and repeat.

Top of the Hill Exercise with Cindy:
50 Squats
40 BBS
30 Alternating Lunge
20 Swings
10 Man makers
20 Swings
30 Alternating Lunges
40 BBS
50 Squats

Bottom of the Hill Exercise:
10 Burpees

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read Your Newsletter
COT: Show To Know

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Core workout snuck up on us

WARMUP: Moseyed around the COT parking lot and made our way to the pullup bars. Completed: WMinCadencex7, LSSinCadencex10, IWinCadencex10, MNCinCadencex10, BigArmCirclesinCadencex14, SSHinCadencex20. Time to get to work.

THE THANG: Pick your poison was the theme of the workout.
Between 2 exercises need to complete accumulative rep count of 100. Each time you switch to the other exercise you must complete 25 penalty reps of a core exercise.

Thang#1: Walked over to the pullup bars
2 Exercises: Pullups & Burpees
Penalty Core Exercise: 25 BBS

Thang#2: Walked over to pick up Cindy
2 exercises: CurltoCleantoPress & Alt. Side Lunges w/Cindy
Penalty Core Exercise: 25 Straight Lower Leg Lifts

Thang#3: Dropped Cindy off and moseyed to the benches
2 exercises: Derkins & 1 Legged Butt Touch Squats
Penalty Core Exercise: 25 V-Ups




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Cleaning The Yard

The Yard 10-19-24 (Cleaning The Yard)
FNG’s (?)
Parking Lot Mosey
1. 20 SSH IC
2. 10 Windmill IC
3. 10 Imperial Walkers IC
4. 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
5. Plank stretches, Honeymooner &
Downward Dog (Heel to ground)

The Thang
Mosey to The Yard
1. 1 Lap – 25 Merkins
2. 1 Lap – 25 Flutters (SC)
3. 1 Lap – 25 LBC’s
4. 1 Lap – 25 Plank Jack (SC)
5. 1 Lap – 40 Squats
Rinse & Repeat
1. 20 Dips
2. 20 Derkims
3. 20 Calf Raises
4. 20 Dips
2 Laps around yard
COT (Mary call-outs)
Headcount, Name-O-Rama
Prayers & Praises
End with prayer

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Heavy Ball Play

Mosey run
Warm up
SWIMLAPPs: all in cadence: SSH 15x, windmills 10x, Imperial Walkers 10x, Moroccan n/c 10x, low slow squats 10x, big arm circles 10x, peterparkers 10x, plank stretches (honeymooner/down dogs).
Thang1: Fish tracks: movement followed by exercise called: Toy soldiers – bobby hurleys; bearcrawl-merkins; lunge walk-squats
Thang2: Bench mench: step ups, dips, butt touch squats, incline merkins, decline merkins, calf raises
Thang3: Bars: Pull ups, chin ups, toes2bar, knees2chest, switch grip pull ups. All mostly 5 to 7.
Thang4: tea party toss: pax have cinder block and do exercise while one pax tosses a 15lb slam ball a distance of 60ft out and 60ft back. Work was: curls, OH press, kb swings, goblet quats, uneven merkins. Then did LBCs with cindy.
Thang5: Ball toss: pax on their six in a tight circle, toss slam ball (15 lb) to another pax (be nice and call their name out first). Did this for a little while as it was quite fun.

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The Grizzly

Parking Lot Mosey – Warmup at Stop sign
1. 20 SSH IC
2. 10 Windmill IC
Parking Lot Mosey – Warmup at COT
3. 10 Imperial Walkers IC
4. 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
5. Plank stretches, Honeymooner &
Downward Dog (Heel to ground)
Mosey to Field / Track
Buy-In: 10 Burpees
1. Bear Crawl to 20y – 25 Merkins
2. Bear Crawl to 40y – 25 Flutters (SC)
3. Bear Crawl to 40y – 25 LBC’s
4. Bear Crawl to 20y – 25 Plank Jack (SC)
5. Bear Crawl to EZ – 40 Squats
Rinse & Repeat to other EZ
400m Indian Run
1. 20 Dips
2. Run length of bleachers
3. Return up/down all stairs
4. 20 Dips
Cash-Out: 10 Burpees
MARY: Flutters, Big Boy Situps, Freddie Mercurys, Peter Parker
ANNOUNCEMENTS: RYN, Christmas Party, Bethel Serve
COT: Prayers & Praises

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Culture Club Wins!

Played a classic game of Uno and <@UNKNC6XNZ> was the winner! No burpee penalties were issued! Great job.

Blue – Merkins / Curls
Green – LBC
Yellow – Squats / Goblet Squats
Red – lunges / Chest press

Skip – Run
+2 – pick 2 exercises, 2 reps
+4 – 4 reps all 4 exercise
Reverse – Repeat last exercise
Wild – Change color

<@U05RN7GSDLH> was doing his Site Q duties and looking for the next leader to pass the Shovel Flag :flag-us:on to. :pickup_truck:

<@U05K5D10AG6> and his canine friend were in full effect. Checking form and sniffing for clues. :dog2: :mantelpiece_clock:

<@U07QXBKKF5F> posted for only his third time but already looks like a pro! Good work! And happy birthday to his 2.0 (son) :partying_face:. Just keep posting.

<@UN6PTD007> brought all the deep dish pizza from Chicago he could find and was King of the workout. :pizza: :prince:

<@UNKNC6XNZ> was singing :microphone: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? And my answer was yes, with all the lunges we did.

<@UST30T7FF> or… Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! (See Kaiser Chiefs) was always encouraging and probably the strongest man there. So much so that he left the workout on his own two feet. No car. :muscle:

<@U061P7HUFRR> was out selling insurance and running laps around guys half his age. :male-office-worker:

YHC was blessed to lead such a fine group of men who want to get 1% better today in their mind, heart and body.

My report is trueish and is open to interpretation.

The Thrill is gone. :v:

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Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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Thirty Twenty Ten

Total of six pax for an awesome morning of wind and rain. I had to lash the flag to a light pole as anything else would have resulted in “flag down!”
Count was three for bootcamp and three for IPC make-up.
Bootcampers had 1980’s tunes going and did the below.
Brief warmup: SSH, windmills, stretches.
Thang: 30-20-10
Pax do 30 reps of two exercises, then do 20 reps, then do 10 reps. Run a loop (we used the bus loop). Then proceed to the next pair of exercises. One exercise of each pair used a cinder block. The exercise pairs were:
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
–run loop–
KB Swings – Flutters (count only right leg)
–run loop–
Merkins – goblet squat
–run loop–
OH Press – Pickle pointers
–run loop–
Chest press – big boy sit ups
–run loop–
Side bends – leg raises
–run loop—
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
30-20-10 because (in my mind/experience) 30 is the limit to executing with good form. I tend to get sloppy after that. The get down and get up aspect between exercises adds something.

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Why Break Tradition?

WARMUP: None needed

THE THANG: Why break tradition. I’ve visited this AO a handful of times and on all but 1 occasion we ran Holbrook. Well, guess what we did this morning, run Holbrook. I would like to say thanks to my SL for all of the running we’ve done lately preparing for a 1/2 marathon. This was the first time I finished the route in under 45 minutes. Got to hang with Time Machine as he was my pacer. Thanks for the push brother!

MARY: None needed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter


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