“Get ur rear in gear” workout

What a morning to workout! Wonderful weather. Many blessings. 12 other workout warriors joined me.

Today’s workout was a “get my rear in gear” style workout. I have been struggling with injuries, lethargy and stress. Not a good mix. So thankful for opportunity to provided to me by Kaiser. First Q since early Feb 2020 that I can recall. (My memory can play tricks on me at 97, Dark Helmet.)

5:00 4 for Warm-up. We did about 18 exercises in 13 minutes.

5:13 13 Circled Up, Mumblechatter

5:14 Disclosure, sighting of an FNG, my message (Words make alive!) below shared:

From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. Proverbs 12:14

The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crashes the spirit. Proverbs 15:4.

Words can heal. The tongue can be soothing and a tree of life (James 3:9),

Words are like fruit or food for us; we need them to live.

We also need words coming from the outside to affirm and validate us. We do not live by bread alone but by good words, especially those in line with God’s.

2 Questions posed to the PAX:

  1. Are you aware of the great power even your offhand words can have to bless others?
  2. How can you put this observation about how words can make alive into practice – in thought, attitude, word or deed? PAX challenged to make it happen today!


Social distanced group single file run around 1/2 of parking lot over to pull-up bars.

Session 1:

Group 1: 1 min each X 3 rounds of: Chin-ups or Pull-ups (your choice), Burpees, Dead Hang, The Hill

Group 2: Burpee broad jump to stop sign then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; Sprint to stop sign then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; Bearcrawl to stop sign, then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; repeat until Group 1 is completed

Session 2:

50 good form reps of each, any order you want:


Split squat jumps (knee touching down, 50 each side)

Thumbs up merkins

Flying Squirrels

Session 3: 5 minute continuous abs, 1 min each exercise

Twisting Pistons

Rolling Jackknife

Scissor V-ups

LBC Crunch and Twist (both sides)

Starfish crunch

Session 4: Switched Group assignments from Session 1. One round completed each.


A few unhappy (non)smiles about the workout they just did. Thanks for the push, fellas.

A BIG PAX WELCOME TO FNG: COPPERTONE!! (Hospital name: Brandon) (He did great!)

Announcements: Shield BD bash at The Ranch 5/17/2020.

Prayers: for a specific PAX’s child, another’s brother, another’s friend challenged with marital difficulties and the hope of opening up to other’s.

My prayer for all PAX: from today’s subtheme: Your words can make alive!

Lord, each of us has a host of people around us who are eager for, and

desirous of, words of blessing and affirmation from us. We are often too

distracted to deliberately praise and appreciate people every day. We earnestly

pray for you to find us ways to say to others, “Well done good and faithful

servant.” (Matt 25:23) Amen.




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9/11 NaFo Tower Climb

Today on the 19th Anniversary of September 11th I had the privilege and honor to lead the men of The Fort in my version of the Tower Climb.

We honored my friends who gave it all to make sure the citizens of NY would be safe.




We started with a two lap ruck walk around the track and then jumped right into the climb.

The goal was at least 30 times up and down with 9 inclined merkins and 11 squats at the bottom. There was some mumblechatter, it was hot and humid but the men of the Fort did not disappoint….if you completed 27.5 times you climbed the equivalent of the Towers.

I was proud to lead and share my experiences from that fateful morning that changed the world as we knew it.

It was also great seeing DIRTY HARRY return to the gloom

We end with COT and prayers for all the people lost and the people affected still.


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Be Men!

1 Corinthians 16:13; Be vigilant; stand firm in the faith; BE MEN; be strong. (Shatnerized)

I’m grateful for the opportunity to VQ this fine group of HIM this beautiful muggy morning at Varsity. Thanks Harry Carry for the invite!

7 was the count for a moderately hardish full body workout, good way to end a long, hard week. Effort = Reward and all present put forth the effort this morning.

0515 Circled up at the shovel flag for a quick disclaimer, YHC most likely forgot a couple things, but we were off anyway.

Moseyed on down the way toward Sugar Creek Elementary, but stopped about halfway there for some warmups. SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan nightclubs… YHC was informed that I needed to let everyone know when we were starting each warmup exercise… so we continued down the hill for the main event.

Thang 1

At the bottom of the hill we were introduced to the board of moderately hardish pain. This included 4 groups of exercises split up by a little movement, all to be done OYO. Dark Helmet took a look at the board and decided to go do something easier at the IPAX makeup… J/K

Group 1

50 Highknees

30 Makhtars

20 Half-burpees (down and up, no jump)

Run backward up hill to stop sign at JROTC building, then run back to the board.


Group 2

50 LBC Toe Touches

30 Squat Jumps

20 Wide Merkins

Side shuffle around elementary school rear parking lot, and back to the board.


Group 3

50 SSH

30 Hip Thrusts (on your back)

20 Alternating Lunges

Sprint up hill to stop sign at JROTC building, then run back to the board.


Group 4

50 Parker Peters

30 Seated Flutter Kicks

20 Merkins

Run rear parking lot loop, back to the board.

A few did Group 1 again while waiting on the rest of the PAX to finish, and then on to Thang 2.


Thang 2

Since Harry Carry called out Capt. Kirk’s natural Bear Crawl technique, PAX bear crawled up the hill, from the Sugar Creek parking lot to the stop sign at the JROTC building. A couple PAX made it all the way, most needed a break. After that enjoyable crawl, we returned to the shovel flag for the following 6 or 8 minutes of Mary;


High planks, then reached out with left arm and right leg and switch. Balance was an issue for some…

Side planks, including side hip thrusts and switch.

Super mans

Went around the circle, each PAX picked an ab exercise to include protractors, merkins (core was engaged), box cutters, leg lifts, flutters, LBCs, and body destroyers.


Was that Mars in the sky? It looked bright and red to me so yeah, Mars.


Count-o-Rama, Name-o-Rama, Announcements, Prayers/Praises, Closing Prayer

Thanks again for the opportunity, thanks all for the effort and support. Be men!

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Pick your Poison

After yesterday’s IRONPAX ordeal, it was my intention to have a moderate workout planned for the Pax in attendance.

The warmup was a quick mosey around the NaFo parking lot followed by windmills, Morrocan nightclubs, Imperial walkers and Hillbilly walkers.

The main event was a pick your poison routine:





After each exercise we ran down to the hill and back.

We were in round 2 when time ran out and we finished with COT.

Thanks Kaiser 😊

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Crazy 8’s & The world’s second longest heart charger

11 #HIM began their Tuesday at the Colosseum by choosing the DRP. Here’s what we did:

COP – Mosey to the front of the school – we circled up for a warm up – All execrises were double count and in cadence:

Imperial Walkers X12, Hillbilly Walkers X 12, Windmills X 12, 10 burprees OYO, Low slow squats X 12, hold in the people’s chair while doing 10 air presses and 10 Moroccan night clubs both in cadence.

Mosey to the flag for a pledge to honor those who serve and protect us each day.

Mosey on to the basketball courts for Crazy 8’s – Kracken burpees at one end, run to the other end of the courts for Bobby Hurleys – 7 & 1, 6 & 2, etc. etc.

LBC’s were done while the 6 came in and we then moseyed to the base of the hill for the world’s second longest heart charger.

Every other light pole had two exercises listed – one was an 8 count, one was 25 count – because it was August 25.  Every PAX did 5 burpees every time they returned to the start line.

Pole #3 – 8 merkins, 25 side straddle hops, return to the start for 5 burpees OYO

Pole #5 – repeat pole #3 exercises, then 8 diamond merkins & 25 squats, return to start

Pole #7 – repeat poles 3 & 5, then 8 werkins and 25 calf raises, return to the start

Pole #9 – repeat poles 3, 5 & 7, then 8 burpees and 25 lunges, return to the start

Pole #11 – repeat poles 3, 5, 7 & 9, then 8 kracken burpees & 25 jump squats, return to start

Sir Topham Hat and Harry Caray were kings and all got their share of hill work in. Most PAX were toward the top of the hill when YHC realized at was 0555.  Time to call for the mosey back to COT.

Announcements were given, prayers & praises were offered up.  Newsletter was encouraged to be read.

Thanks to Hardwood for the opportunity to Q.  Always great to get out with a group of #HIM and get better.



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Army Staff Sgt/NYPD Officer McNaughton

Today we Honored Army Staff Sgt/ NYPD Officer James McNaughton. We had 8 Pax start their day off like a hero.

We started in the center of the NaFo football field with a warmup of SSH, windmills and Imperial Walkers.

The workout consisted of several exercises and lots of 100 yard runs.







RINSE AND REPEAT 5 ROUNDS….some Pax did more

We ended with some Mary and COT

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HIIT or Treat

Six pax came out to observe Harry Carry’s 46th birthday and get a good beating via HIIT.

Mosey run (with butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers)
SSH (10x I/C)
Windmills (10x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (12x I/C)
Morrocan N/C (10x I/C)
Low Slow Squats (10x I/C)
Arm Circles (12x I/C)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog/honeymooner)

Thang 1
At Pull up bars: interval routine, 20 seconds on exercise followed by 20 seconds rest. Exercises are below:
Big Boy Situps
Squats (with cinder block)
Repeat for a total of three sets.

Run to school entrance

Thang 2
At the benches: interval routine, 35 seconds on exercise followed by 15 seconds rest. Exercises are below:
Imperial Walkers
Step ups
Incline merkins
Calf raises
Repeat for a total of three sets.

Run to COT area

Mary: Freddies, leg raises, box cutters, LBC, gas pumpers, cross-over toe touches,

Fini, COT

Prayers/Praises: Cash and his family; teachers and all school personnel with the upcoming school year.

NMM: HIIT keeps it simple but tough, and the time flies by as mentioned by more than one pax.  the tunes help too.

Water and cookies distributed after COT…I’m sure there will be some happy kids this morning.

The man, Killers
Got Nuffin, Spoon
Weapon of choice, fat boy slim
mountain song, Jane’s addiction
Date w/ the night, Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Seether, veruca salt
Give it away, RHCP
Every 1’s a winner, Hot Chocolate
Royals, Lorde
Every day is Halloween, ministry

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F3 Dads 2020

Having no idea what to expect, but knowing that YHC was (IS) not comfortable seeing big groups together at WEP when I drive by on 160, we set up cones 6+ft apart making two lines about 50 yards from each other.

When PAX and 2.0s started showing up, YHC was really happy to see everyone and set some expectations to stay in family units and attempt to maintain some distance from others.

BIG circle up for some warmups. All in cadence, most to 10
– Merkin
– Imperial Walker
– Hillbilly Walker
– Squat
– Played: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Burpee
– Just like Rock, Paper, Scissors
except the loser has to do a burpee for every person in their family group that beats them. i.e., if you’ve got 3 kids they all throw paper and you throw rock, then you do 3 burpees.

Line up behind one side of the cones
– Dad vs. Kids race: stipulation Dads have to bear crawl.
Loser did 10 burpees counted by the kids
Lots of form critiquing
– Dad vs. Kids race part 2: stipulation Dads have to run backwards (Nur)
Loser does 5 burpees
*Note: it is a lot hotter in the sun at 0900 than 0515

Dad/Kid DORA
50 Merkins
100 SSH
150 Squats
*kids get to count their reps together. E.g., you have 2 kids and each does 10 merkins while you’re running, then your count starts at 21 as they run.

Mosey over to the shade for some yoga and a message about why Dads are leaving the house at Zero-Dark-Thirty. TL/DR: it’s because we want to be better. Not for ourselves, but for our families and our community.

Mosey back to the cones for a session of Leap Frog. WOW, leap frog is quite challenging on the WEP grass with younger kiddos.

0930, it was hot and I knew we had quite a few 2.0s to name. I could also see the kiddos starting to fade (cause certainly no PAX were). So we called it and headed to COT. Brief message about how school is going to look a lot different. Today’s workout is a slight look at keeping a distance from each other, but still trying to enjoy what we can do together.

FNG Count – 10
Spirit Child
First Responder
Inch Worm
Rogue One

T-Claps all around

Prayers for wisdom to be a better father.

Band Camp dismissed

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The Coop: A Pint Down

YHC gave blood last night…so today’s workout was highly modular. (In case I passed out)

We headed to the center of the football field and circled up for a warm up
Shoulder Taps
Did some light yoga

Moved toward the goal line doing butt kickers, inch worms, and/or toy soldiers
Moved back towards the opposite goal line Karaoke, side shuffle, and more toy soldiers
Bear Crawl toward the 50-yard line adding 10 merkins every 25 yards.

Did some heavy yoga

Ran the track with four burpees at every corner

Did some heavier yoga

Sprinted 100 yards a few times until Yoshi looked a bit tired.
Mosey back to COT

Did pigeon lunge at COT and was called out for not having any ab-specific exercises by Straight Up. Fair point.


Kaiser asked YHC to think about a bible verse that speaks to me:
Exodus 4:2 [God talking to Moses]

Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
“A stick,” he replied.

Moses only needed what God had already provided to accomplish the divine work laid out for him. What do you already have that God can use in your life?

Band Camp dismissed.

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The Full MALTZ at The Honey Badger

DEA Maltz Challenge — CrossFit Amplify

Today, we would be honoring Master Sergeant Michael H. Maltz (19 September 1960 – 23 March 2003).

Week 2 of Hard-Charging August consisted of the Full MALTZ. In total, 22 of us made the decision to start the week at The Honey Badger with cinder blocks, rucks and kettle bells in tow.  There wasn’t a warm up which according to the disclaimer, is a risk every man takes on themselves.

I had to slightly modify the WOD to fit the AO and current social guidelines so it looked like this:

Run 400M which is from the JROTC building steps to the stop sign at AO Jones Rd & back.
50 Pull-Ups
100M Farmer’s Carry which is from the JROTC building steps to the cross walk in in front of the stadium. PAX could use 2 cinder blocks, 2 rucks or 1 of each.
50 Dips and some chose to do this with added weight on their legs
100 Push-Ups: Most did it slick (no added weight) but once a few of us saw Ruby Slippers doing his with weight, he unintentionally pressured a few us to complete the remaining push-ups with weight. The is the good kind of peer pressure.
50 Knees-to-Elbows on the bars
100 Sit-ups with your feet anchored to the ground
Run 400M

To read more about this HERO, click on the link below taking you to the MALTZ Challenge web site.


With Honey Badger being 60min, this took us to 0535 so we had time to take advantage of. That said:

Grab a coupon, hoist it overhead and walk to the bottom of the hill. Set your coupon off to the side and bear crawl around one of the islands (follow Dark Helmet).
We did some Mary, a little more Mary and then just a little bit more Mary.
Next, NUR up the hill, run down then repeat.
Next, overhead carry your coupon to the JROTC steps then on to COT.

Announcements & Prayers/Praises

It was awesome to have 22 PAX out there at 0500 on a Monday, just think about that for a second. How many other places in the world would men volunteer to do a hard workout, outside by honoring one of our Service members? Thank you F3 Nation. A reminder for all of us, it’s not about us.


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