Rocktober Jams Vol 1

WARMUP: took a quick slowsy to the sidewalk in front of the tipsy bottle for some IC exercises and stretches
THE THANG: Head to toes Tabata – 7 cycles, 6x sets ea. 25 secs on, 15 secs rest. 1 min recovery run/walk.
1. cdd
2. Shoulder taps
3. Merkins
4. Big boys
5. Superman’s
6. Monkey humpers
7. Side to side Squats
MARY: no time for her
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alcatraz 10 year convergence Saturday, poker tourney 10/14, bbq and bourbon 2nd F in Nov, Shanking with Stang
COT: prayers for safety and travel mercies for our in-laws on vacation, prayers for healing for long duck, prayers for marriages and 2.0s, praise to our fellow pax for accountability

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WARMUP: Welcome, disclaimer (lame today) and explanation of route.
THE THANG: Take the walking path toward town and take a left on Skipper and a right onto Tom Hall St. Follow Tom Hall and right onto Main St back to 160. Right on 160 and left onto Massey Street (up that hill) all the way to Harris. Right on Harris, right on Ardrey, left on 160 and back on the trail to COT. About 4 miles total
MARY: No Mary was done today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alcatraz 10 yr anniversary workout this Saturday at Runde Park. Dam to Dam 10K and fundraising events starting now. Support your local community
COT: Prayers for my mom with dementia and terminal cancer, and the men and women serving our country.

This was my first Q at Clydesdales and the 1st time I’ve Q’d a run in several years. It was great to be back on that familiar trail and to spend time time with my friends Twister and Change Order. The cool fall weather was the icing on the cake. What a great way to start the day!

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Cheating on Alcatraz

YHC made a temporary escape from Alcatraz to Q The Yard.

– Quick mosey to front parking lot followed by COP…windmill, produce picker, low slow squat, merkin, up dog and down dog.
– Started with a series of gauntlets. PAX formed a line arms length apart and held plank. Each PAX took turns traveling the gauntlet, stopping to do a merkin at each planking PAX. Rinsed and repeated 3 times with the following variations…swapped out Al Gore for the plank and burpees for the merkins…plank / shoulder taps and Al Gore / lunge.
– Mosey thru the parking lot to the drive behind the elementary school. Completed a round of 7s using the straight section of the drive. Hand release merkins and big boy sit-ups.
– Mosey to the “track” for a DORA…300 sumo squats, 200 Superman, 100 wide arm merkin.

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Skipper’s Tour de Corral

– Quick mosey around the lot followed by COP…windmill, produce picker, low slow squat, merkin, up dog and down dog.
– Started with a merkin gauntlet in front of Bubbles ‘N Bows. PAX formed a line arms length apart and held plank. PAX took turns traveling the gauntlet, stopping to do a merkin at each planking PAX. Rinsed and repeated, swapping out Al Gore for the plank and burpees for the merkins.
– Mosey thru the parking lot to Stockbridge Dr, right on Arbor Village to Grant Farm Dr. Completed a round of 7s on Grant Farm hill. Burpees at the bottom (entrance to apartment complex) and hand release merkins at the top (fire department parking lot).
– Mosey back to Bubbles ‘N Bows for a DORA…300 sumo squats, 200 Superman, 100 wide arm merkin. Cut the Dora a little short to save 5 minutes for Mary.

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On the fly(forgot to schedule a Q)

WARMUP: IC exercises and stretches
THE THANG: mosey to side wall at teeter for wall work that included wall sits and Moroccan nightclubs while 1 pax ran to other side and performed 5 flying squirrels and ran back. Next round included Mike Tyson’s on the wall while pax ran out and performed 5 burpees. Alternating to wall plank and then wall sits until complete. More moseying behind teeter for curb 7’s that had us bearcrawling to one curb for incline merkins and crab walk back for dips. More mosey for partner AROD hill work at the apartments. One partner ran up to the firehouse and back while other partner performed 300 lbcs, 200 squats, 100 merkins.
MARY: some IC work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming BBQ/bourbon event, upcoming poker event, q source, read your newsletter
COT: enjoy the little things in life, travel mercies

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Jams Sesh at the traz

WARMUP: Stretches and IC exercises
1)Tabata – 6 cycles, 6x sets ea. 20 secs on, 11 secs rest. 1 min recovery run. Run around lot.
1. Squats
2. Flutters  
3. Monkey humpers
4. American hammers
5. Lunges
6. Vups

2)DORA at steep road. Partner does 5 flying squirrels at the top.
1. 100 jump squats
2. 200 hillbilly Walker
3. 300 lbcs

3)Round of 11 motivator to end things

MARY: 2 remaining minutes were used for IC on your 6 exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: poker night, bbq and bourbon night, read your newsletter
COT: prayers for those that are ailing and those dealing with loss of a loved one. Prayers for our 2.0s. Always thankful for what we have.

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MP – Sep 7 – Your mom would’ve been proud

WARMUP: This is MP. That’s not really a thing.
THE THANG: Running with pushups
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Poor planning? Doubtful

WARMUP: Pledge
THE THANG: Site Q, YHC, forgot that Harry Carrey had rejected the invite to Q due to travel. SO….. Mosey to church intersection. Intersection is pain station 10 hand release merkins, 15 squats, 20 SSH. Run the hills. Pain station. Run the flats. Pain station. Rinse and repeat.
COT: Healing, marriages, children

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“Lord Make it Stop”

WARMUP: Mossie, SSH,Cherrybpickers, windmills, and more
THE THANG: “simple but hard”
4 exercises (merkins, squats,CDD,Heels to heaven)10,20,30,40,50 each and a lap in between each rep -of each exercise! Achieved almost 3 miles and 150 each exercise 💪
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Damn2 Damn Bar, D2D- relay, charity fundraiser are under way…
COT: prayers for kids and Family, and those un spoke.

The message was : “Conflict is not a sin but how you respond to it might be!”

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DORA – AROD (Dora spelled backwards for those who need an explanation)

Great start to the morning with a few Kotters arriving before kick-off. Short disclaimer and a lap around the parking lot. Circle -up for warm-ups (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, MNCs, and some burpees mixed in.
Next, we moseyed to the church parking lot.
DORA 1-2-3 merkins (100), Squats (200), and LBCs (300).
Partner 1 – ran around the parking lot
Partner 2- performed exercise

AROD 3-2-1 merkins (300), Squats (200), and LBCs (100).
Partner 1 – ran backwards around the parking lot
Partner 2- performed exercise

Back to COT

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